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Join the world-wide Emissary network!


Emissaries are the volunteers who fuel the New Evangelization at their parish by introducing and supporting Augustine Institute resources.



Emissaries collaborate with their Augustine Institute Parish Consultant to serve their parish. They use their passion and strengths to introduce and implement any of the following:

  • FORMED® subscription for online Catholic programs, movies, eBooks and audio
  • Kiosk program for sharing Lighthouse Talks and books
  • Augustine Institute and Hearts Afire small group retreats and studies


Emissaries support this apostolate by offering Masses and prayers for the work of evangelization.


Emissaries have access to the following resources for the benefit of furthering evangelization efforts at their parish and for their personal spiritual growth:

  • Free personal subscription to FORMED®
  • Free Lighthouse Talk Download of the Month Club subscription
  • Free monthly webinar featuring top Catholic leaders and speakers
  • Annual conference featuring top Catholic leaders and speakers
  • Masses and prayers of over 75 religious cloisters are offered for you and your intentions
  • Enrollment in the Spiritual Benefactor Society of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception


Emissaries join a team of over 600 on-fire Catholics in an international effort to evangelize at their local parishes. Parishes can also have Emissary groups who enjoy friendship as they serve.

Marybeth, an Emissary, shares:
“We now have 8 Emissaries who assist the pastor in letting all the parishioners know how to login and use our FORMED subscription. We pray as a team, offer small groups for those who use FORMED, and grow in our faith together.”

"An evangelically mature person is motivated by intense missionary enthusiasm which spurs him to bear witness to Christ. The Church needs you and is counting on you!"
Pope Saint John Paul II

Join Now and Help Win the World for Christ