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Booklets (73)
Simple, short, and highly accessible, these booklets provide the answers you've been looking for.

Is it possible to know when life begins?Shouldn’t women be able to control their own bodies? What if a pregnant woman’s life is in danger? Why don’t pro-lifers spend their energy making life better for people who are already born? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Abortion will deepen your understanding of this critical moral iss... [More]

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The New Dictatorship and What to Do About ItIn Absolute Relativism: The New Dictatorship and What to Do about It, Chris Stefanick tackles all the tough questions about relativism by showing how bankrupt and impractical it is. Using a down-to-earth, easily accessible question-and-answer format, Absolute Relativism shows that far from being the answer to world peace – or even personal peace of m... [More]

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The Catholic approach to angels begins with the belief that we live in a created universe of things visible and invisible. Things visible include the material aspect of creation, namely those things that we can perceive with our senses. Things invisible include the spiritual aspect of creation which elude sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

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Who or what are the angels?What powers do angels and demons have? How can I protect myself from demonic temptation and possession? What are the guardian angels, and how can I build a relationship with mine? In 20 Answers: Angels and Demons you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. God created the angelic orders to worship him, and to be models of his spiritual nature, mi... [More]

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Baptism and Confirmation were sacraments we received as children. What did they do for us? Do you know how important they are? Sometimes Catholics are criticized for baptizing infants – find out why the Church encourages this practice.

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Learn what it means to be a “real man” from God’s perspective. This Knights of Columbus booklet is designed to help men understand their God-given role and to become virtuous soldiers of Christ. Addressing both the challenges and strengthens of masculinity, “Becoming a Real Man of God” helps develop strong, faithful men of God.

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What does it mean to say that Scripture is “inspired”?Why don’t Catholics believe that the Bible is the sole rule of faith? Do Christians have to follow all the strange and archaic laws found in the Old Testament? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Catholics are sometimes accused of ignoring the Bible, but we believe that God gave us his insp... [More]

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Where is “Catholic social teaching” found, anyway?Are all aspects of Catholic social teaching equal important, or can we rank them? Does the Church tell me how I should vote, or what the best economic or political system is? How does the Church say that that laity should try to promote and implement Catholic social teaching in the world? When Jesus inaugurated his kingdom on earth, he taught u... [More]

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How do we know Jesus founded a visible, organized Church?Is today’s Catholic Church the same as the church of the apostles and the early Christians? What can I say to someone who claims that the medieval Church became corrupted by pagan ideas and practices? Where in the Bible does it say that the Church is infallible, that we need a pope, or that indulgences can help us get to heaven? In 20 Answ... [More]

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Who created the Universe? Is a creator even necessary? Can science explain how the Universe came into being without reference to a creator God? This booklet explores these ideas and the arguments that have been brought into sharp focus by Stephen Hawking’s claim that his cosmological model ‘left nothing for a creator to do’. Dr Carroll examines the Church’s teaching on creation from August... [More]

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This booklet gives you a brief and easy-to-understand introduction to Divine Mercy. Specifically you will learn:-- Divine Mercy history and context-- The essential elements of the devotion-- How you can live the messageIn short, it's everything you need to know about this important message and devotion! This booklet also includes two bonus appendices: Valuable Divine Mercy prayers and Divine Mercy... [More]

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Learn the amazing story behind The Divine Mercy Image in this information and accessible booklet from the Marian Father of the Immaculate Conception. These inspiring truths about the Divine Mercy Image show the hey elements of the Image with remarkable depth and beauty.

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What is the meaning of marriage? What conditions can make a marriage invalid? Is a divorced Catholic allowed to receive Holy Communion? Why is it necessary to go through the annulment process before I can be remarried? In 20 Answers: Divorce & Remarriage, you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. The sacrament of marriage is one of the holiest things instituted by C... [More]

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Ancient Christianity is a proven draw at the box office and the bookstores. Our neighbors are curious about the early Church, and more than willing to be obsessed by it. But how should we proceed to study ancient Christianity when the media accounts themselves have been shockingly misinformed? The key to understanding the early Church is a fresh familiarity with the ancient sources. In this bookl... [More]

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Why is it wrong to help someone commit suicide? Don’t people have a right to die with dignity rather than being a burden to others? Does the Church teach that the terminally-ill must be kept alive by machines for as long as possible? How can I plan now to make sure that my legal and medical wishes are respected when I’m near death? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to thes... [More]

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The source and summit of the Christian life, the sacramental center for Catholics, is the holy Eucharist. Like Christ, the holy Eucharist is controversial and divisive. When Jesus initially taught crowds of people about the holy Eucharist, many of them left (see the Gospel of John 6:60). Today, the question still comes to us: “will you also go away?” (John 6:67). Is the holy Eucharist actuall... [More]

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How do non-Catholic views of the Eucharist differ from the Catholic belief?If the Eucharist contains the physical presence of Christ’s body and blood, doesn’t that mean Catholics who eat it are cannibals?  Is the Bread of Life discourse in John 6 evidence for the Real Presence? What did the early Church Fathers believe about the Eucharist? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to... [More]

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Since the Eucharist is at the center of our faith, we should be able to explain and defend it. Discover the roots of the Eucharist in the Old Testament, the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence and the power of Holy Communion in this Knights of Columbus booklet.

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Is faith reasonable?What can we know about God through reason alone? How can we make sense of Christian beliefs that seem to defy logic and science? What can I say to people who claim that the God of the Bible is cruel and irrational? We believe that God is one, and so is his truth. The mysteries he has revealed to the world, the teachings that his Church professes and safeguards, and the conclusi... [More]

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Didn’t the Church persecute Galileo?Aren’t faith and reason two separate and distinct kinds of truth? Why do Christians believe in the biblical creation story when science has disproved it? How can the modern world take religions seriously when they oppose scientific advancements like birth control and stem-cell research? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions an... [More]

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At age 33, Fr. Damien de Veuster left his mission parish to work among the lepers of the island of Molokai Hawaii. After many years of service to those in dire need, he died there of leprosy at the young age of 49. Like Christ himself, he became rejected for the rejected, a leper for the lepers: something rare in a world that wants to eliminate suffering. The author has updated and revised the tex... [More]

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The Forgiveness of Sins discusses the importance of accepting forgiveness from God, sharing the gift of forgiveness, and how that act must always be centered on the love of Christ. This Knights of Columbus booklet also explains the meaning and implications of sin and the incredible reality of God's love for us.

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Is the Church against Science and Reason? The Galileo controversy has become a paragon of faith’s supposed hostility towards science. Galileo believed that the earth rotated around the sun but did not have sufficient evidence to prove it. The Inquisition believed that unless such evidence existed the sun should continue to be considered to rotate around the earth. This booklet explains the facts... [More]

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Scriptures talks about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but what are they exactly? This Knights of Columbus booklet presents St. Thomas Aquinas’ explanation of these incredible gifts, and will strengthen both your knowledge of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and your desire for them.

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This booklet, on the Holy Spirit, is in two parts: first the data, then the theology that explains the data. Christian theology, like science, is based on data; its principles are not up-in-the-clouds abstractions but divinely revealed explanations of human experiences, both past experience in history (especially as recorded in Scripture) and present experience in our own lives. This is true of t... [More]

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What does the Church actually teach about same-sex attraction?If God created certain people gay, how can we say that it’s sinful for them to live that way? Why should we listen to the Old Testament’s condemnation of homosexuality when Jesus never said anything about it? Howe can we build authentic bridges of understanding with friends and family members who experience same-sex attraction? In a... [More]

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This booklet will help you to think and pray about your vocation and become clearer about where God is leading you. It answers many of the practical questions you may be asking: What are the different Christian vocations? How does God guide us and speak to us? How can I be more open to my vocation, and come to a decision? It explains the Christian vocations of marriage, priesthood, consecrated lif... [More]

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In this handy little guide, best-selling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, teaches you how to pray the Rosary well and why it matters, addressing issues such as:• Why pray the Rosary?• How long should a well-prayed Rosary take?• What are the graces attached to praying the Rosary?• How can I become a champion of the Rosary?Our Lady needs Rosary champions to help bring peace in the world.... [More]

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“Human Nature as the Basis of Morality” discusses the foundations of morality. Learn about the natural law, human destiny and God’s plan for our happiness. This Knights of Columbus booklet will help you make sense of concepts such as conscience, free will, love, emotions, and legal freedom, and how they all fit together.

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A sacrament is a sacred sign instituted by Christ to give grace. Each word in this concise definition is chosen with precision and bears a great deal of meaning. This lesson explains exactly what is meant by “sign,” what is meant by “grace” how sacraments “give” grace, and how sacraments are not life magic. The requirements for a valid sacrament, the proper minister of the sacraments, ... [More]

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Statistics are reporting that over 70% of Catholics polled in America do not believe in the Real Presence of the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist — a verifiable crisis of faith. Using key sources from scripture and tradition, Bishop Michael Evans explains how Jesus is present today when we celebrate the Mass. This highly readable and accessible text is a must read for all Catholics seeking the proper... [More]

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This booklet is about knowing God, and mainly about what we can know of him by human reason. It presents, from the point of view of the Catholic Church, a reply to the question, “How can I know God exists?” Below are brief discussions of faith and reason, of proofs for the existence of God, and of practical steps that can be taken by those who desire to find God. A reading list to guide those ... [More]

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What are the basic teachings of Islam? How does the Quran compare with the Bible? Does Islam really encourage violence in God’s name, or is it a religion of peace? Can dialogue between Christians and Muslims foster a believers’ alliance against secularism and the Culture of Death? In 20 Answers: Islam you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Islam lo... [More]

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Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and what do they believe?How do you respond to their claims that God isn’t a Trinity and Jesus isn’t divine? What do the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach about Jesus’ return and the world to come? What’s the best way to evangelize Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come knocking on my door? In 20 Answers: Jehovah’s Witnesses you’ll find smart, solid answers to... [More]

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Meditations and The forty days of Lent provide Christians, and those preparing for baptism, with an intense period of preparation for the ‘Feast of all Feasts’, Easter, the ‘Passover of the Lord’. This collection of sayings and meditations dwells on the central Lenten themes of prayer, conversion, repentance, fasting, almsgiving and self-denial, as lived from apostolic times until the pres... [More]

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In order to knowing the meaning of life, we must know our end. “Life Everlasting” explains the end we have in God, and the Catholic belief in eternal life through Christ. This Knights of Columbus booklet also describes the realities of heaven, hell, and purgatory and their biblical support.

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“The Lord’s Prayer” unveils the beauty of this great prayer given to us by Jesus Himself. We pray the Our Father but how well do we recognize it as “the summary of the whole gospel,” as Tertullian said? In this Knights of Columbus booklet learn how the Lord’s prayer can help you develop a humble and trusting heart and become more like our Father in Heaven.

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The spiritual and corporal works of mercy are not a list to be learnt but actions to be lived. Mark Shea gives great examples of people who have performed the works of mercy and advice on how we can practice them in the 21st Century. Pope Francis's Year of Mercy is a call to each one of us to rediscover and to live the works of mercy every day.

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The Little Way of an unknown Carmelite nun who became a Doctor of the Church Thérèse died a painful and lingering death of tuberculosis in her French convent in the Normandy town of Lisieux in 1897, at only twenty-four years of age. Thousands of soldiers in the First World War trenches carried her picture to their own deaths. This acclaimed booklet sets out what Thérèse called her Little Way a... [More]

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What are miracles, and why does God work them?How can I believe in miracles if I have never experienced one? Aren’t miracles just something pre-scientific people made up to explain what they couldn’t understand? How can we discern whether a phenomenon is truly a miracle and not a hallucination, a hoax, or the work of a demon? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these question... [More]

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As Agnes Bojaxhiu left her home in Albania to join the missionary Loreto Sisters in Ireland, she began a journey which would make her one of the most famous women of the twentieth century. Jim Gallagher recounts her life of openness to God and of service to those whom the world considered worthless. From her care for the dying in the streets of Calcutta to her defence of the unborn in the West, he... [More]

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What is the New Age movement all about?How have New Age beliefs infiltrated our popular culture? What are the Church’s warnings about the spiritual dangers of New Age ideas? How should a Catholic approach things like “mindfulness,” yoga, crystals, Reiki, meditation, alternative medicines, and other practices associated with the New Age? With the modern hunger for spirituality created by the ... [More]

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This popular prayer book, now revised and improved, offers well-loved prayers, meditations, and encouragement for those in hospital. Prayers for expectant mothers, excerpts from Scripture, and form the saints, the Rites for Receiving Communion when sick, and Anointing the Sick are included, as is night prayer and a helpful guide to confession.

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During his studies in Germany, Pope Francis encountered a local devotion centered on an image of Our Lady in the Church of St Peter in Augsburg. Many had come to pray with seemingly irresolvable family and marriage problems and had been helped. On his return to Argentina he set about spreading this devotion and its novena.This booklet gives a brief history of the devotion and the main prayers to ... [More]

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Canonized on the 16th June 2002, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, better known as Padre Pio, had already become one of the saints whose intercession is most called upon, often with amazing effect. Padre Pio received the stigmata, worked many miracles and is said to have often bilocated. Yet as Jim Gallagher beautifully recounts, it was for his holiness as a priest and selfless ministry in the confessiona... [More]

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A young Catholic who spent his short life caring for the sick and infirm. A handsome and active young man from an influential family in Turin who dedicated his short life to the care of the poor and the sick and working for social and political reforms. Pier Giorgio Frassati’s generosity was legendary. He often gave the clothes he was wearing to poor people he met who were in need. An open anti-... [More]

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This handy pocket-sized booklet is filled from cover to cover with beautiful prayers from every corner of Catholic tradition. A perennial best-selling booklet at parishes across the nation, this little treasure is perfect for Catholics of all ages!

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These prayers and meditations offer couples a ready, thorough and reliable support to the daily challenges and joys of married life. Drawing on Scripture, Catholic teaching and spirituality and the Marriage Rite itself, this prayer book encourages the loving and spiritual dimension essential to the life of Christian spouses.

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“Prayer Time” is a collection of devotional prayers for families and individuals. It includes the foundational prayers of the Catholic faith, prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, prayers for Holy Communion, prayers to the angels and saints, and more. Pick up this Knights of Columbus booklet and strengthen your prayer life.

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Baptism is a gift for you, your child and for the whole family. This booklet explains what the sacrament is all about and what it means for you and your child. There are also practical suggestions and activities for you to follow during the time of preparation and on the day of the Sacrament itself to support your child in prayer together with all the family. Make your child's baptism a time to en... [More]

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How did Protestant Christianity begin and spread?What are the distinctive beliefs of Protestantism, and how do they differ from Catholic teaching? How do “non-denominational Bible churches” compare with the “mainline” branches of Protestantism? Why are some Protestant groups anti-Catholic, and what can I do to foster better relations with them and help them understand Catholicism? Since th... [More]

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Does purgatory exist? If so, where, and why? What does the Bible say? What does the Church teach? What sense can be made of indulgences? This engaging survey of Scripture, the Church Fathers, Christian history, distinguished writers, and the Catechism, provides answers to these and many other questions. In this examination of the calling and dignity of each person, as well as the context and purpo... [More]

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Did Jesus even exist? How can we trust what the Bible says about him? Didn’t Jesus’s followers invent a lot of myths about him based on stories of pagan gods? Did the Catholic Church suppress biblical books that depicted Jesus as a simple wise man who was married and didn’t die on a cross or rise from the dead? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and man... [More]

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“The Resurrection of the Body” explains the Catholic perspective of death. Christ transforms the experience of death by linking it to Himself through His Resurrection (His rising from the dead). This Knights of Columbus booklet explains the beauty and power of Christ's conquering of sin and death on our behalf and the incredible implications it has for all humanity.

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Where are the seven sacraments found in the Bible?Why do we need the sacraments? Can’t God just give me grace directly? How do some sacraments leave a permanent mark on the soul of the person receiving them? What can I do to prepare for and profitably receive sacraments like confession, Holy Communion, confirmation, and matrimony? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these quest... [More]

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Even though the Evangelists do not record one word spoken by Joseph of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit has inspired Christians throughout the ages to love the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of the Son of God. Because of Saint Joseph’s relationship with Jesus and Mary, he enjoys a relationship with the Church that is foundational. Pope John Paul II has noted that Saint Joseph’s ... [More]

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This booklet contains an introduction to the life of St. Therese and explains the origin of devotion to her "Little Way" as well as her importance in our everyday life and on our journey of faith. The best loved litanies, novenas, devotions, and hymns are included to encourage a prayerful visit to this well loved saint and a mind and heart lifted up to God.

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Professor Barr overturns the widespread notions that the history of science and religion is one of conflict and abuse. He looks at the historical, philosophical and scientific claims of enmity between science and religion and proves that they have very little basis in fact. Indeed in many places they are the very opposite of what history and science have to tell us. The myth that scientific discov... [More]

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This booklet tackles some of the most difficult questions and shows how Christianity offers real freedom in living, rather than placing unreasonable limits on our behaviour. Catholic belief and understanding in this area follows Christ in teaching people how to live out a generous, honest love that is free from selfishness and inherent deceit.

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“Some Fundamental Principles of Catholic Morality” explains the source of the morality of human actions. It also discusses the three universal moral rules that make an action good or evil. This Knights of Columbus booklet also examines the function of our conscience and the duty we have to both follow, and form, our conscience.

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Most Christians want to live an active faith yet feel perplexed about how to do so. The seven interconnected "spiritual works of mercy" come to our aid: counseling the doubtful; comforting the ignorant; admonishing sinners; comforting the afflicted; forgiving offenses; bearing wrongs patiently; and praying for the living and the dead. Through such acts of mercy we can respond fully to God's goodne... [More]

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Amid all the sound-bites and comment on the words and actions of Pope Francis, this booklet invites you to stop and pray with the Pope and truly understand his message of love and mercy. These meditations on the Passion of Christ offer, in the words of Pope Francis, not only a deeply prayerful journey along the Via Dolorosa, but valuable insight into the mind and heart of the Holy Father.

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These classic reflections on Christ's passion by St Alphonsus retain their timeless relevance - especially for the Year of Mercy. They are enriched by a brief biography of Alphonsus, a selection of prayers penned by him, and a word on the history and value of the Way of the Cross as a "way of divine mercy." This new edition contains new color illustrations to assist prayerful devotion.

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Written for young Catholics who want to live their faith more deeply but are not sure what steps to take, this booklet contains practical, down-to-earth advice on many aspects of daily life, whether spiritual (prayer and confession), moral (alcohol and drugs, dating and chastity), emotional (coping with worrying or suffering), or vocational (discovering my vocation, finding a good husband or wife)... [More]

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This inspiring and practical guide opens us up to the spiritual gift of forgiveness. The author considers what sin is and how it affects our lives, and then shows how the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) can heal us from the effects of sin. What is more, in seeking God’s Forgiveness, granted to all who ask for it, we can in turn obtain the grace to forgive others and heal our relationshi... [More]

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To anyone interested in learning something of the Catholic faith, this 'twenty-steps' pocket book will be a treasure. Different people have so many different questions: about marriage and family life, about faith, whether God exists, the truth of the Gospels, or about justice and peace in the world. While designed for use as part of a course of instruction, this booklet will be helpful for use on ... [More]

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Do you want to know more about the Islamic religion? “What Catholics Should Know About Islam” gives non-Muslims a basic overview of the origins and early history of Islam. It also discusses the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam. This Knights of Columbus booklet examines the modern practical implications of some of the central beliefs and practices of Muslims and more.

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Adhering faithfully to the memoirs of Sister Lucia, the longest surviving seer, this book follows the events of Fatima: from the first stirrings of the wings in the appearances of the angels before the six apparitions of the Blessed Virgin herself, the deaths of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, the subsequent apparitions to Sister Lucia in Pontevedra and Tuy, the consecration of the world and Russia t... [More]

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Many people are puzzled by the idea of the Church, and especially by the claims of the Catholic Church. This booklet shows the Catholic Church’s special place in God’s plan for humanity; how Jesus Christ founded his Church and guides it throughout history; how he is present with us, especially through the sacraments; and how he guides and teaches us through its official leaders. The Catholic C... [More]

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To the surprise of some, Pope Francis has devoted considerable energy in exhorting the faithful to take the devil seriously. In his homilies, speeches and writings he has made clear that while we need not be afraid of the devil, his activity today can be readily identified.The Christian’s task is to unmask and counter this activity, with vigilance, prayer and mercy. Our Easter renewal of Baptism... [More]

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A simple, practical guide to the practice and the benefits of ConfessionThe purpose of this booklet is to help those who make use of the sacrament to appreciate it more, and to encourage those who do not, to reconsider its many benefits. Describing the sacrament as "one of the greatest treasures of the Catholic Church," this booklet considers both the human and spiritual perspectives of Confession... [More]

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Some Catholics go to Mass simply because they have always done so, out of obligation, or because their parents, teachers or peers demand that they come. Others have either given up completely or are still searching. Relying greatly upon the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr Michael Evans provides a beautiful summary of the meaning of the Mass and the powerful reasons why it holds the centra... [More]

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Are Wicca and witchcraft different words for the same thing?What does the Church say about witchcraft? What can I do if my child or friend are experimenting with witchcraft? Can Catholics use the Ouija board? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Interest in witchcraft and occult practices is on the rise in our culture. 20 Answers: Witchcraft & th... [More]

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The Roman Catholic Church has long been the target of suspicion and hostility. But how much of this is based on ignorance and prejudice and how much is the fruit of thoughtful consideration of the facts? This book separates fact from fiction. Without excusing or justifying wrongdoing, author Christopher Kaczor clarifies official Catholic teaching and demonstrates that much popular opinion about... [More]

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In this compelling and timely book, best-selling author Vinny Flynn draws from Scripture, the teachings of the Church, and the Diary of St. Faustina to reveal the heart of Divine Mercy. He offers an invitation and a road map so that Divine Mercy, the overflow of love from the Holy Trinity, can transform your life. ------------------------- Praise for 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy “This book will... [More]

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Click here to read a sample. God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is his will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to “live in the present moment,” accepting everyday obstacles with faith, humility, and love, has guided generations of... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version—Second Catholic Edition, this volume leads readers through a penetrating study of the Acts of the Apostles. This study guide uses the biblical texts themselves and the Church’s own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany e... [More]

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In this popular work of apologetics, Mark Shea presents a lively and entertaining look at his conversion to Catholicism from Evangelicalism and his discovery of Christian Tradition. As an Evangelical, Shea accepted the principle of Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone) as the basis of faith. Now as a Catholic convert, he skillfully explains how and why Sacred Tradition occupies a central role in d... [More]

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For well over a hundred years now, many scholars have questioned the historical truth of the Gospels, claiming that they were originally anonymous. Others have even argued that Jesus of Nazareth did not think he was God and never claimed to be divine.In The Case for Jesus, Dr. Brant Pitre, the bestselling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, goes back to the sources—the bibli... [More]

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Retail: $14.95 Special web store price: $12.71 Many young adults are tired of their toxic relationships but find it difficult to clean up their love lives. Many attend retreats and conferences that inspire them to give their lives to Christ and turn away from sin, but without a concrete plan, they quickly fall back into old habits. Often, people want to be chaste, but don’t know where ... [More]

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Click here to read book sample. Movies such as Risen and books such as Bill O'Reilly's Killing Jesus raise questions about what really happened to the crucified body of Jesus of Nazareth. Using a popular question-and-answer format, Carl Olson examines the historical evidence concerning Jesus's controversial fate. • Did Jesus really die on the Cross? If so, what became of his body? Was it st... [More]

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VIEW BOOK SAMPLEThis book is a most helpful and careful guide to anyone who desires to make an Ignatian retreat but is unable to make the Spiritual Exercises in a normal retreat. It is designed for those who want sincerely to place themselves “face to face” with God so as to order their lives along his loving designs. Fr. Ravier was an expert retreat master who gave Ignatian retreats for over ... [More]

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Peter Kreeft provides a look at the nature of Heaven that offers all readers a refreshingly clear, theologically sound, and always fascinating glimpse of that "undiscovered country." Kreeft's engaging and informative account thoughtfully answers such intriguing questions as:- How can we know what Heaven is like? - Will we all be equal in Heaven? - What will we do in Heaven? - Will we know everythi... [More]

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Click here to read a sample of the book. Though the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima took place almost a hundred years ago, Our Lady’s call to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls and peace in the world is as relevant now as when first delivered to three Portuguese peasant children in 1917. At the peak of World War I, Our Lady warned us of another possible worldwide conflict, t... [More]

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Click here to read a sample. Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, espoused the ideal of becoming “contemplatives in action.” He was convinced that contemplation (the deep awareness and appropriation of the unconditional love of God) should affect our actions, and that our actions need to be brought back to contemplation. These are five dimensions of the spiritual life:  &n... [More]

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He was a serious "face" in London's East End. His jackets were tailored to hold his machete and knucklebusters. His drug deals made him wealthy. He nearly killed a man outside a nightclub, but then something extraordinary happened...His powerful story reveals God's mercy and has inspired hundreds of thousands to grow in their faith.

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of John, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights a... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Luke, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Mark, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Matthew, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insig... [More]

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You’re almost certainly not as kind as you ought to be—and your relationships with God and those you love may be suffering as a result. Probably you just can’t find the time—and can’t ever seem to develop the patience—that you need in order to be consistently kind amidst the irritations that afflict you daily. That’s why The Hidden Power of Kindness is such a godsend.There’s nothin... [More]

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Click here to read a sample. Recent popes have challenge all Catholics to participate in the New Evangelization. But most Catholics feel ill-equipped to take up the challenge. Terry Barber, founder of St. Joseph Communications, has written a practical guide that takes much of the pain and uncertainty out of sharing one's faith. Based on Barber's decades of personal experience as an effective evan... [More]

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VIEW A SAMPLE! The papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (On Human Life) made headlines worldwide. Many talked about the encyclical when it was issued in 1968, but few actually read it. Why is it perhaps the most controversial document in modern Church history? On Human Life combines Humanae Vitae with commentary by popular and respected Catholic authors Mary Eberstadt, James Hitchcock, and Jennifer Fu... [More]

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View book sample The spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ, the second most widely-read spiritual book after the Bible, has had an astonishing impact on the spiritual lives of countless saints, peasants, and popes for centuries. Even today, the soul-searching words of the fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis continue to resonate, unbounded by time or geography. Drawing on the Bible, the ... [More]

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Very few people know that Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) wrote a major work on Joan of Arc. Still fewer know that he considered it not only his most important but also his best work. He spent twelve years in research and many months in France doing archival work and then made several attempts until he felt he finally had the story he wanted to tell. He reached his conclusion about Joan’s unique pla... [More]

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Read a sample.In Joy to the World, Dr. Scott Hahn brings the first Noel to new light through his thought-provoking combination of exciting story-telling and penetrating biblical insight. Christmas, as it appears in the New Testament, is the story of a father, a mother, and a child, their relationships, their interactions, their principles, their individual lives, and their life in common. To see t... [More]

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Click here to read book sample. In this collection of retreat talks, the beloved Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., gives us a blueprint for progress in the spiritual life. He particularly focuses on:• The goal of life as supernatural life and love• The obstacles in life brought about by evil and sin• The Lord's redemptive work as the source of the spiritual life• The power of mortifi... [More]

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Click here to read book sample. Popular author and presenter Patrick Madrid draws Life Lessons from the many interesting, funny, instructive, and poignant experiences of his life. Grounded in Scripture and a firm moral foundation, Patrick shows how the smallest stories that make up your life are clear pointers to the greater story of God's work in your life. The laughter, the tears, and the bea... [More]

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View book sample Father Michael Schmitz addresses the teachings of the Catholic Church on the issue of same-sex attraction. With compassion and clarity, he shows that the Church’s teachings are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that are shared by all who are made in the image and likeness of God. With his trademark fresh and engaging style, Fr. Schmitz addresses:  • Different typ... [More]

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Considered one of Frank Sheed's best books, A Map of Life is also one of the best and most popular short summaries of the Catholic Faith ever written. Focusing on the major truths of our existence and purpose in life, Sheed draws on God's revelation to show what the Divine "master plan" is for us and how each part of the plan is related.Pages: 149Book Dimensions: 4.75" x 7.125"

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MARIAN THEOLOGY MADE EASY! Ever wonder why so many people pay so much attention to Mary, the Mother of Jesus? From the most ancient traditions of Mary in Christianity to the “Hail Mary” pass in American football, the Mother of Jesus has pervaded most world cultures for the last two thousand years. But could the Mother of Jesus also be your mother? 

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View Book Sample Flowing forth from the Heart of Jesus is a torrent of mercy that is the source of much needed hope for our world. Discover how in God’s mercy we find a reason for joy here on earth and a reasonable expectation for eternal joy in Heaven. Mike Pacer’s engaging and straightforward approach sheds light on the following:  • The merciful and loving God revealed in the Old Testa... [More]

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C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity is a work that has impacted generations of Christians. It is a brilliant explanation and defense of the Faith that has led many to follow in the way of Christ. But as profound and wise as it is, it is still incomplete. It gives direction for a sincere disciple to follow Christ, but that disciple might not be quite as willing to follow Christ through St. Peter. This ... [More]

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Mother Teresa’s life sounds like a legend: the Albanian girl who entered an Irish order to go to India as a missionary and became an “Angel of the Poor” for countless people. Fr. Leo Maasburg was there as her close companion for many years, traveling with her throughout the world and was witness to countless miracles and incredible little-known occurrences. In this personal portrait of the... [More]

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Renowned scholar Dr. Tim Gray masterfully guides you through the tumultuous and inspiring life of Peter—from his call to discipleship to his eventual martyrdom in Rome. Using Sacred Scripture and tradition, Dr. Gray highlights these important lessons from Peter’s life, including: • How to become a trusting disciple and “cast into the deep” • The pitfalls of living discipleship at a ... [More]

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Dr. Peter Kreeft offers simple but profound advice and practical steps for developing a prayer life based on the time-tested wisdom of the saints and great spiritual writers, especially the principles found in Brother Lawrence’s classic The Practice of the Presence of God.In short, straight-forward, and unsentimental chapters, Kreeft covers all the key areas for understanding and developing th... [More]

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View book sample In this classic work, Fulton Sheen explains the secret of authentic happiness: being spiritually remade. A genuinely spiritual life, Sheen contends, consists in more than obeying a set of commands, reading the Bible, or even following the example of Jesus. Before all else, it consists in being recreated and incorporated into a new, higher kind of life—the supernatural life of g... [More]

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Scott and Kimberly Hahn have spoken all over the world about their conversion to the Catholic Church. This book tells the story of the incredible spiritual journey that led them to embrace Catholicism. Their conversion and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands Catholics and has brought many lukewarm Catholics back into active participation in the Church.Pages: 188Book ... [More]

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In this vastly popular talk, Fr. Gaitley describes the "second greatest story ever told" - a story that encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of St. Pope John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian Consecration can play in your life. Fr. Michael Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the director of formation for the Marian Missionaries of Divine... [More]

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Here is the astonishing true story (abridged version) of the harrowing experiences of a young German seminarian drafted into Hitler’s dreaded SS at the onset of World War II. Without betraying his Christian ideals, against all odds, and in the face of evil, Geron Goldmann was able to complete his priestly training, be ordained and secretary minister to German Catholic soldiers and innocent civil... [More]

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Dr. Scott Hahn, beloved Catholic author, professor, and speaker celebrates the touchstones of Catholic life, guiding readers to a deeper faith through the Church’s rites, customs, and traditional prayers. This thorough and yet approachable guide to Catholic practices unveils the deep scriptural roots of our faith to help us better understand and, consequently, cherish our Catholic identity. Whe... [More]

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Jennifer Fulwiler had it all: a life of travel, a husband with a stack of Ivy League degrees, a swanky condo in the heart of Austin, and a beautiful first-born son. Then, one night, the questions she had been holding at bay by a life of fun and excitement came flooding over her. Raised in an atheist home in Bible Belt Texas, Jennifer mocked Christianity from her childhood. One fateful experience a... [More]

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"David Currie ha escrito lo que puede llegar a ser la obra más importante sobre el dificil tema de los evangélicos que son recibidos en la Iglesia Católica." –Thomas Howard, Autor de Evangelical Is Not Enough David Currie creció en una familia cristiana devota en la que su padre era predicador fundamentalista y, junto a su madre, era también profesor del Instituto Bíblico Moody (Moody Bib... [More]

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Click here to read a sample. Who are the true benefactors of the human race? Explorers? Scientists? Revolutionaries? Rebels against established authority? . . . or the saints? True Reformers explores in detail the leaders who led the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of Renaissance decadence and the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. The saints of the Catholic Re... [More]

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Retail: $16.95Special web store price: $11.53How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? When we’re bombarded with messages of “Be tolerant!” “Don’t judge!” and “Coexist!” many good people feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore. This book gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively—a Catholic moral worldvie... [More]

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Click here to read a sample of the book. Peter Kreeft uses Scripture to provide God’s profound answers to the most common and important questions young people ask about the deeper meaning of life, their own identities, overcoming failure and temptation, the mystery of God’s love, and much more. But these are questions asked not just by the young—they are the same questions adults often... [More]

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If you think you know Saint Francis, you're in for a surprise!

Winner of the 2018 Audie® Award: Best Audio Drama If you think you know Francis of Assisi, you’re in for a surprise. Discover the astonishing life of Brother Francis, the fun-loving son of wealth and privilege who gave up everything for the sake of Christ. As a young soldier, he encountered suffering. As a victim of war, he began a search for inner meaning that would redirect his life. As a hol... [More]

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Chastity (17)
Learn to live a pure life by loving purely!

Retail: $14.95 Special web store price: $12.71 Many young adults are tired of their toxic relationships but find it difficult to clean up their love lives. Many attend retreats and conferences that inspire them to give their lives to Christ and turn away from sin, but without a concrete plan, they quickly fall back into old habits. Often, people want to be chaste, but don’t know where ... [More]

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Pornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity. This tal... [More]

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Drama-free relationships...do they even exist? Today's dating scene is more complicated than ever, especially with social media, texting, and endless pressure of the world's expectations. Learn how to navigate through the confusion and discover the freedom that comes from living a virtuous life. Sarah Swafford is the founder of Emotional Virtue Ministries, and speaks to teens and young adults ab... [More]

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Father Michael Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today. With compassion, clarity, and humor, he shows that the Church's teachings on contraception and same-sex attraction are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that is shared by all, who are made in the image and likeness of God.

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First comes loves, then comes marriage ... then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books.

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Matt Fradd is a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist. In this inspiring talk, Matt explains that there is nothing shameful in seeking to live a porn free life. Listen as Matt lays out a seven-step battle plan on how to uproot the vice of pornography in your life once and for all. He is also the founder of ThePornEffect.com, a site offering help to people recover from pornography.

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Most people have only been told what they're not supposed to do while dating. In this powerful presentation, renowned chastity speaker Jason Evert shows us ten strategies for how to practice courtship without compromise. Tested through real-world experience and rooted in God's plan for the human heart, Jason's wise tips are sure to lead you to greater romantic happiness and fulfillment.

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Scare tactics, guilt trips, and the climbing teen pregnancy rates don't really inspire anyone to love. In this presentation from Jason and Crystalina Evert, you'll discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity.

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View book sample Father Michael Schmitz addresses the teachings of the Catholic Church on the issue of same-sex attraction. With compassion and clarity, he shows that the Church’s teachings are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that are shared by all who are made in the image and likeness of God. With his trademark fresh and engaging style, Fr. Schmitz addresses:  • Different typ... [More]

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Chris Stefanick discusses chastity beyond the usual fear tactics and "just say no's." Instead we are offered something to say "Yes" to: health, happiness, authentic relationships, and the love we were made for. Everything else is just an imitation.

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Matt Fradd, a best-selling Catholic author, presents new data to show how the changes in the types and accessibility of pornography being promoted today make it far more dangerous and harmful than ever before. Matt draws from a wealth of experience to guide parents in taking decisive action to protect their children, and he empowers adults with specific wording to effectively address this sensitiv... [More]

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If you can’t say “no” to sexual desires, what is your “yes” worth? Freedom exists for the sake of love. However, the modern idea of it leads to slavery. In this enlightening presentation, Christopher West shows us how authentic sexual freedom can deliver us from the empty promises of “sexual liberation”. Christopher is a popular theologian who specializes in making the dense scholars... [More]

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This booklet tackles some of the most difficult questions and shows how Christianity offers real freedom in living, rather than placing unreasonable limits on our behaviour. Catholic belief and understanding in this area follows Christ in teaching people how to live out a generous, honest love that is free from selfishness and inherent deceit.

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Carmen y Angelique participan activamente en diferentes ministerios familiares incluyendo asesorías acerca de planificación natural de la familia. Ambas son coautoras de un libro que aborda el tema de la infertilidad, y en esta plática nos comparten su experiencia personal con la infertilidad y esclarecen el concepto erróneo que se tiene de la Iglesia Católica acerca de este tema. Al describi... [More]

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El reconocido autor y conferencista católico Matt Fradd, nos ofrece información de primera mano sobre los cambios en las formas y maneras de acceso a la pornografía en el Internet, haciéndola aún más peligrosa y dañina que antes. Matt pone en nuestras manos su experiencia para ayudarnos a proteger a nuestros hijos, y nos enseña herramientas específicas para que los padres podamos hablar s... [More]

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The realities of masculinity, femininity, and gender, and the relation of these to our identity, are being questioned like never before. Jason Evert, internationally-known Catholic speaker and author, leads the discussion beyond feelings to help us embrace an integrated understanding of the truth of our identity. Speaking the truth in love, he shows how the recognition of what our biology reveals ... [More]

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In this talk delivered to a group of college-aged men at the 2011 FOCUS Conference, nationally sought-after speaker Lisa Cotter addresses an important but often overlooked topic — emotional purity. Using Taylor Swift lyrics to emphasize her point, Lisa proposes that emotional purity is essential for authentic love to flourish in any romantic relationship. This talk is perfect for every young ad... [More]

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Learn more about the Church's teaching that grant freedom to live a faithful and joy-filled Catholic life.

The Roman Catholic Church has long been the target of suspicion and hostility. But how much of this is based on ignorance and prejudice and how much is the fruit of thoughtful consideration of the facts? This book separates fact from fiction. Without excusing or justifying wrongdoing, author Christopher Kaczor clarifies official Catholic teaching and demonstrates that much popular opinion about... [More]

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In this inspiring presentation, popular speaker Vinny Flynn explores the “hidden” truths of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, presenting what to many will be a whole new way of approaching Confession, inviting you to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness. If you do not yet look forward to Confession in the same way you look forward to Communion, this will change your life.

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In this informative talk, Dr. Scott Hahn explores some of the most important beliefs that distinguish Christianity from Islam. He explains that while both religions trace themselves back to Abraham, the differences, including our understanding of God as Father, are not insignificant. With charity, balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how Islam presents the most formidable challenge to Chris... [More]

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Is it possible to know when life begins?Shouldn’t women be able to control their own bodies? What if a pregnant woman’s life is in danger? Why don’t pro-lifers spend their energy making life better for people who are already born? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Abortion will deepen your understanding of this critical moral iss... [More]

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Who or what are the angels?What powers do angels and demons have? How can I protect myself from demonic temptation and possession? What are the guardian angels, and how can I build a relationship with mine? In 20 Answers: Angels and Demons you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. God created the angelic orders to worship him, and to be models of his spiritual nature, mi... [More]

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Dr. Mark Miravalle - Professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville - teaches on the fascinating subject of Angels. Why did God create angels? How are they different from humans? Are guardian angels found in Scripture? Discover the answer to these questions and many more as Dr. Mark Miravalle explains the nine choirs of angels, their differing roles and hierarchical o... [More]

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The nativity story is one the biggest mysteries of the Catholic faith, as it has us consider even the mysteries of the Trinity. In St. Ephrem’s writings, he contemplates these mysteries through Our Lady, and finding beautifully unique understanding of the meaning of the nativity story through the very human experiences of Mary. Join Dr. Carl Vennerstrom as he explains and answers these important... [More]

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Series SummaryThe new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Previously published titles in this series include what every Catholic should know about Literature, S... [More]

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Series SummaryThe new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Previously published titles in this series include what every Catholic should know about Literature, S... [More]

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What does it mean to say that Scripture is “inspired”?Why don’t Catholics believe that the Bible is the sole rule of faith? Do Christians have to follow all the strange and archaic laws found in the Old Testament? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Catholics are sometimes accused of ignoring the Bible, but we believe that God gave us his insp... [More]

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Ralph Martin, an internationally known Catholic leader and teacher, discusses the challenges and the joys of being fully faithful to all the Church proclaims as true. Ralph provides practical advice on how to build our lives on rock and equip ourselves spiritually so that we can reach out to others with true charity. He shows how our fidelity to the Word of God will give us the strength to stand v... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.29 based on 14 ratings
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For well over a hundred years now, many scholars have questioned the historical truth of the Gospels, claiming that they were originally anonymous. Others have even argued that Jesus of Nazareth did not think he was God and never claimed to be divine.In The Case for Jesus, Dr. Brant Pitre, the bestselling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, goes back to the sources—the bibli... [More]

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Dr. Brant Pitre, scripture scholar and bestselling author, uses biblical and historical evidence to bolster the “case for Jesus” by exposing the problems with the many false theories that have been introduced over the past hundred years resulting in widespread skepticism about the reliability of Christian faith. He tackles head-on questions like: Were the four Gospels written anonymously? Did ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.74 based on 23 ratings
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Francis Cardinal Arinze energetically draws from his experience to help us see the practical value of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) today, which was given as a guide to living our daily lives in accordance with Holy Scripture and the Sacred Traditions that have been passed down to the Church through the Apostles. The CCC is intended for use by all Christian faithful, and Pope John Pau... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.35 based on 23 ratings
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Where is “Catholic social teaching” found, anyway?Are all aspects of Catholic social teaching equal important, or can we rank them? Does the Church tell me how I should vote, or what the best economic or political system is? How does the Church say that that laity should try to promote and implement Catholic social teaching in the world? When Jesus inaugurated his kingdom on earth, he taught u... [More]

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Are annulments just a Catholic version of divorce? Nothing could be further from the truth. The differences are profound, and much of the confusion springs from a misunderstanding about marriage itself. Bishop Perry explains the key principles of the Sacrament of Marriage and applies them to divorce and annulments. This presentation answers the most commonly asked questions on this topic.

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Average Rating: 4.25 based on 8 ratings
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Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading speakers to young people in the Church today. In this presentation, he explains how Christians truly become sons and daughters of God the Father for all eternity through the sacrament of Baptism.Following the presentation, Lighthouse Catholic Youth has provided a bonus segment from Fr. Mike that explains the topics of "Infant Baptism" and "No Salvation Outsid... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.81 based on 21 ratings
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How do we know Jesus founded a visible, organized Church?Is today’s Catholic Church the same as the church of the apostles and the early Christians? What can I say to someone who claims that the medieval Church became corrupted by pagan ideas and practices? Where in the Bible does it say that the Church is infallible, that we need a pope, or that indulgences can help us get to heaven? In 20 Answ... [More]

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The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an important and wonderful gift of God’s grace to the Church. But, with its many names and many parts, it can sometimes also be hard to understand. Join us as Dr. James Prothro takes us through the sacrament by walking through Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son, who is forgiven and restored through repentance and the love of his merciful father.

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In this new revised edition of Professor Janet Smith's groundbreaking exposé on the effects of the pill on modern society, she presents a God-centered view of sexuality that can bring married couples a joy that they could have never imagined. Backed by statistics and armed with decades of research, Prof. Smith shows the crippling effect of the contraceptive culture on our relationship with God, o... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.68 based on 37 ratings
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Who created the Universe? Is a creator even necessary? Can science explain how the Universe came into being without reference to a creator God? This booklet explores these ideas and the arguments that have been brought into sharp focus by Stephen Hawking’s claim that his cosmological model ‘left nothing for a creator to do’. Dr Carroll examines the Church’s teaching on creation from August... [More]

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Has Scripture ever made you uncomfortable? Do you have questions or doubts about events in the Bible that seem difficult to explain? In this important talk, author and Augustine Institute professor Dr. Mark Giszczak illuminates "the dark passages of Scripture"— those biblical events of violence and suffering that may not seem compatible with a loving and merciful God. Dr. Giszczak explains how G... [More]

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What is the meaning of marriage? What conditions can make a marriage invalid? Is a divorced Catholic allowed to receive Holy Communion? Why is it necessary to go through the annulment process before I can be remarried? In 20 Answers: Divorce & Remarriage, you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. The sacrament of marriage is one of the holiest things instituted by C... [More]

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DOCAT is "revealing the secret" to young people around the world.DOCAT helps young people to know and live Catholic Social Teaching. It's a great, practical follow up to YOUCAT, the hugely popular Youth Catechism, based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Drawing on Scripture, YOUCAT, the Catechism, and the Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching, DOCAT shows young people how to work towa... [More]

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Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With his eloquent style and polished delivery, Dr. Gray expounds upon the teachings of the Catholic Church surrounding social justice in light of sacred scripture. Discover how social justice in regards to the poor is not one small piece in the puzzle but instead really frames t... [More]

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Why is it wrong to help someone commit suicide? Don’t people have a right to die with dignity rather than being a burden to others? Does the Church teach that the terminally-ill must be kept alive by machines for as long as possible? How can I plan now to make sure that my legal and medical wishes are respected when I’m near death? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to thes... [More]

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How do non-Catholic views of the Eucharist differ from the Catholic belief?If the Eucharist contains the physical presence of Christ’s body and blood, doesn’t that mean Catholics who eat it are cannibals?  Is the Bread of Life discourse in John 6 evidence for the Real Presence? What did the early Church Fathers believe about the Eucharist? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to... [More]

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In a recent Pew survey, two-thirds of Catholics reported that they did not know or believe in the Church's teaching on the Eucharist. Diving into the writings of early doctors and fathers of the Church, and drawing upon his own experience as a scholar of history, practicing Catholic, and former Protestant, Dr. John Sehorn addresses the “mind-boggling” and difficult truth of Jesus' presence in ... [More]

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Is faith reasonable?What can we know about God through reason alone? How can we make sense of Christian beliefs that seem to defy logic and science? What can I say to people who claim that the God of the Bible is cruel and irrational? We believe that God is one, and so is his truth. The mysteries he has revealed to the world, the teachings that his Church professes and safeguards, and the conclusi... [More]

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Didn’t the Church persecute Galileo?Aren’t faith and reason two separate and distinct kinds of truth? Why do Christians believe in the biblical creation story when science has disproved it? How can the modern world take religions seriously when they oppose scientific advancements like birth control and stem-cell research? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions an... [More]

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Pope Francis, in his foreword, states that one of the major themes in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger is the relationship between faith and politics: "His firsthand experience of Nazi totalitarianism led him even as a young student to reflect on the limits of obedience to the state for the sake of the liberty of obeying God."; In support of this, he quotes from one of Ratzinger's texts presented i... [More]

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Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion to Catholicism and explains why he is convinced it is the Church founded by Christ over 2000 years ago.

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 67 ratings
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Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Church today. Fr. Mike tackles four very difficult topics in this exceptional presentation: Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. Listen to this talk and finally get the answers to the question: "What Happens When I Die?" Following the main presentation is a bonus from the talk Purgatory: Holy Fire by Dr. Scott Hahn. This bonus is par... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 39 ratings
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One of America's most prominent public intellectuals brings thirty-five years of experience in Washington and Rome to bear in analyzing the turbulence that characterizes world politics, American public life, and the Catholic Church in the early twenty-first century. In these bracing essays, George Weigel reads such events as the First World War, the collapse of Communism, and the Obama and Trump ... [More]

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Father Michael Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today. With compassion, clarity, and humor, he shows that the Church's teachings on contraception and same-sex attraction are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that is shared by all, who are made in the image and likeness of God.

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 77 ratings
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Dr. Scott Hahn uses familiarity with family life to bring us to a deeper understanding of the Holy Trinity, and thereby a better understanding of ourselves and the Church. This presentation effectively illustrates how the "Good News" of salvation is not only being saved from our sins through the Cross of Christ, but an invitation to become and live as adopted sons and daughters of the Triune God.... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.62 based on 13 ratings
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If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recog... [More]

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If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recog... [More]

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In anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, Archbishop Aquila explains how Blessed Pope Paul VI’s teaching still serves as a great light amidst a world that is deeply confused about sexual intimacy. He provides valuable insights about how God imbued our sexuality with truths that are reflective of his own divine love. He challenges Catholics to share the liberating t... [More]

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First comes loves, then comes marriage ... then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books.

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Both secular and religious observers agree that the sexual revolution has caused seismic changes for society across the globe. Mary Eberstadt, a secularly-trained writer who has written for Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and the LA Times, among other publications, uses her training as a professional researcher to objectively assess whether or not the severing of sex and procreation has de... [More]

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Dr. Tim Gray, renowned Scripture scholar and president of the Augustine Institute, provides fascinating insights about the Protestant Reformation and the ensuing Catholic Counter Reformation. He discusses how holy men and women worked from within the Church, as they do in every age, to bring forth much-needed reform. Hear how necessary changes were brought about by holy heroes such as Giles of Vit... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 16 ratings
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This enlightening talk traces the high adventure of God's Divine Love Story revealed through the seven covenants that span from Eden to Calvary, beginning with Adam and culminating with Jesus. This presentation is the fruit of Monsignor Deutsch's studies during his sabbatical at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he learned from scholars such as Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. John Bergsma.

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Average Rating: 4.58 based on 26 ratings
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In this captivating presentation Fr. Shannon Collins discusses the essential character of the Holy Spirit and the role the forgotten Person of the Blessed Trinity has played since the creation of the world. Drawing upon Scripture and tradition, Fr. Collins explains the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and how he works in the lives of believers. Listeners are sure to come to a better appreciation for... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.90 based on 10 ratings
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What does the Church actually teach about same-sex attraction?If God created certain people gay, how can we say that it’s sinful for them to live that way? Why should we listen to the Old Testament’s condemnation of homosexuality when Jesus never said anything about it? Howe can we build authentic bridges of understanding with friends and family members who experience same-sex attraction? In a... [More]

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In this handy little guide, best-selling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, teaches you how to pray the Rosary well and why it matters, addressing issues such as:• Why pray the Rosary?• How long should a well-prayed Rosary take?• What are the graces attached to praying the Rosary?• How can I become a champion of the Rosary?Our Lady needs Rosary champions to help bring peace in the world.... [More]

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Catholic Apologist Trent Horn carefully considers same-sex marriage and provides an in-depth discussion that addresses the misconceptions held by many in our society today. This examination of what marriage really is, and what it is not, provides a truly gracious and persuasive response to the debate surrounding this important topic.

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Average Rating: 4.57 based on 21 ratings
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VIEW A SAMPLE! The papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (On Human Life) made headlines worldwide. Many talked about the encyclical when it was issued in 1968, but few actually read it. Why is it perhaps the most controversial document in modern Church history? On Human Life combines Humanae Vitae with commentary by popular and respected Catholic authors Mary Eberstadt, James Hitchcock, and Jennifer Fu... [More]

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Janet Smith, Ph.D. a seminary professor and internationally-known author and speaker, provides important context for why Humanae Vitae is considered the most controversial, and one of the most important, encyclicals promulgated by the Church in modern times. She discusses how this document written by Blessed Pope Paul VI served to prophetically warn the world of the dire consequences associated wi... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.23 based on 13 ratings
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Statistics are reporting that over 70% of Catholics polled in America do not believe in the Real Presence of the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist — a verifiable crisis of faith. Using key sources from scripture and tradition, Bishop Michael Evans explains how Jesus is present today when we celebrate the Mass. This highly readable and accessible text is a must read for all Catholics seeking the proper... [More]

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Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and what do they believe?How do you respond to their claims that God isn’t a Trinity and Jesus isn’t divine? What do the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach about Jesus’ return and the world to come? What’s the best way to evangelize Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come knocking on my door? In 20 Answers: Jehovah’s Witnesses you’ll find smart, solid answers to... [More]

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THIS ITEM IS CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK. From best-selling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist Dr. Brant Pitre comes this new book examining the Blessed Virgin Mary in a whole new way. Using his in-depth knowledge of the Bible and ancient Judaism, Dr. Pitre uses his familiar voice to answer important questions about the Biblical understanding of Mary and the Church's teaching on he... [More]

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What does it mean to be a faithful steward? How is stewardship intimately linked with the Eucharist as a response of our faith in God for His many blessings? Fr. John Lanzrath shows us how to develop an attitude of gratitude to grow in grace, incorporate a spirituality of stewardship in every aspect of daily life, and overcome the selfishness that keeps us from recognizing God's gifts.

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Average Rating: 4.40 based on 5 ratings
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Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known Scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With fascinating detail and examples, Dr. Gray here discusses the profound importance for individuals, and for modern society, of properly observing Sunday as the Lord’s Day by exploring God’s gift of the Sabbath in the Old Testament. He aims to help us reclaim our Sunday fr... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.54 based on 24 ratings
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The Last Supper. Communion. The Great Feast. Bread and Wine. The Holy Eucharist.  Jesus said, “This is my Body” and, “This is my Blood.” Some say they’re merely symbols of remembrance. Others say they’re really the Body and Blood of Christ, but can’t explain how that’s possible. The Eucharist is the center-point of the Mass–but why? Watch a sample of Eucharist: Discovering t... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  This leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Mark to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all fourteen episodes of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear on four DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Mark with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here to watch a sample of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.  Is the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Lu... [More]

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The Lectio Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God Leader’s Resource Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition and History to life through: - Study Guide content including prayers, video outlines, and discussion qu... [More]

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Get the full experience of Lectio: Mary with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here to watch a sample of Lectio Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Why is Mary so important to Catholics, and why have so many people been devoted to her over the centuries? What can we learn about her from Sacred... [More]

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Towards the end of his life, under arrest and awaiting trial in Rome, Saint Paul writes a short but powerful letter to the Philippians. Paul’s affection for the Christian community at Philippi is apparent from his opening words. The Philippians were not only Paul’s sons and daughters in the Faith but also his partners in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the heart of this letter is Paul... [More]

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 This Leader Kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Philippians to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all six episodes of Philippians: Life in Christ on three DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader’s Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content). Click here for a sample of the 160-page Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the 112-page Study... [More]

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Engaging and accessible, this Philippians: Life in Christ Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition, and history to life. Click here for a sample of the Leader’s Guide. This Leader’s Guide includes... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Philippians with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Philippians: Life in Christ, Dr. Tim Gray combines insight and practical guidance using the lectio divina disciplines. The Scriptures come alive through high quality video prese... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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Purchase the Lectio: Salvation Study Guide and the Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know paperback and save! About the Lectio: Salvation Study Guide: At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven "for us men and for our salvation."  But what does "salvation" mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barbe... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  ¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’?¿Es el Evangelio de San Marcos solamente una versión reducida de la vida de Jesús? ¿Qué nos ofrece este, el más corto de todos los evangelios, que Mateo, Lucas o Juan no ofrecen? Acompaña a Luis Soto en esta serie de 10 episodios, total... [More]

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This is the August CDOM. The mp3 is available now and the CD will be available at the end of the month.For many, Leviticus is a strange and difficult book of the Old Testament. As the third book of the Torah, Leviticus lies at the heart of the Law of Moses, and to truly understand it is to unlock a key to relationship with God. Join Biblical scholar Dr. Mark Giszczak as he takes you on a fascinati... [More]

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Archbishop Fulton Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians and non-Christians alike through his immensely popular and Emmy award-winning television show Life is Worth Living. This presentation is made up of three separate talks given by archbishop Sheen on his television program Life is Worth Living, which aired ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.75 based on 20 ratings
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Dr. Ray Guarendi shares his story of how logic led him home to the Catholic Church. He found out that, contrary to his Protestant misunderstandings, the Church is coherent and never contradicts herself. Dr. Ray explains how the answers to his objections to Catholicism were both Biblical and believed by the earliest Christians. Explore the logic that led him to the fullness of truth.

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Mike Aquilina, author of over forty books and an expert on early Church history, shares how the faithful witness of Christian families amidst the trials and persecutions of the Church in the first centuries of its existence led to the rapid expansion of Christianity and the conversion of the Roman Empire. Mike relates how fidelity to prayer, faithful attendance of Sunday Mass, and love of neighbor... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.46 based on 13 ratings
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Get the book based on the acclaimed Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained series!If you were asked what immediately comes to mind when you hear the words “Catholic Church,” would you answer “an intimate relationship with the God who loves me?”If not, you would do well to read this engaging and thought-provoking book that explains why such a relationship is the reason for every... [More]

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View book sample Father Michael Schmitz addresses the teachings of the Catholic Church on the issue of same-sex attraction. With compassion and clarity, he shows that the Church’s teachings are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that are shared by all who are made in the image and likeness of God. With his trademark fresh and engaging style, Fr. Schmitz addresses:  • Different typ... [More]

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How can a human woman be God’s mother? Where in the Bible does it say that Mary was sinless and a perpetual virgin? Doesn’t praying to Mary and calling her “mediatrix” turn her into a kind of goddess? What can I do to build and deepen my relationship with Mary as my spiritual mother in heaven? In 20 Answers: Mary you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. From... [More]

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This book offers a clear, beautiful exposition of Catholic beliefs about Mary. Not a history or a compendium, it was written by a Carmelite monk who spent decades praying and pondering the mysteries of the faith concerning the Mother of Jesus. Catholic Mariology has matured through centuries of meditation upon both the Bible and the Church's faith in the Incarnation. The Marian dogmas of the Chur... [More]

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Having a good sense of humor can really help in marriage! In this talk, psychologist, speaker, and author Dr. Ray Guarendi weaves great humor and storytelling into his constructive advice and practical insights on all things men, women, and marriage—differences, communication, habits, parenting, the importance of apologies, and more. Be entertained and be encouraged to live and love a good marri... [More]

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What are miracles, and why does God work them?How can I believe in miracles if I have never experienced one? Aren’t miracles just something pre-scientific people made up to explain what they couldn’t understand? How can we discern whether a phenomenon is truly a miracle and not a hallucination, a hoax, or the work of a demon? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these question... [More]

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C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity is a work that has impacted generations of Christians. It is a brilliant explanation and defense of the Faith that has led many to follow in the way of Christ. But as profound and wise as it is, it is still incomplete. It gives direction for a sincere disciple to follow Christ, but that disciple might not be quite as willing to follow Christ through St. Peter. This ... [More]

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What is the New Age movement all about?How have New Age beliefs infiltrated our popular culture? What are the Church’s warnings about the spiritual dangers of New Age ideas? How should a Catholic approach things like “mindfulness,” yoga, crystals, Reiki, meditation, alternative medicines, and other practices associated with the New Age? With the modern hunger for spirituality created by the ... [More]

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Prepare for Advent and Christmas! Re-stock your kiosk with 20% off quantities of 5 or more on this Marian title. Offer valid until December 12, 2019 or while supplies last! This CD was featured as the November 2019 CD of the Month!Featuring the insightful biblical teaching of Dr. Brant Pitre, this audio presentation of the first episode of Lectio Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God examines wha... [More]

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Chris Stefanick discusses chastity beyond the usual fear tactics and "just say no's." Instead we are offered something to say "Yes" to: health, happiness, authentic relationships, and the love we were made for. Everything else is just an imitation.

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Average Rating: 4.74 based on 19 ratings
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Listen as a former new ager and Catholic convert Matthew Arnold shares his incredible journey from darkness into the light. Learn how this magic consultant and performer in the entertainment industry came to the truth that set him free from the powers of the occult as he talks about new age practices and their incompatibility with the timeless teachings of Christ and His Church.

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Average Rating: 4.56 based on 27 ratings
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“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” These words uttered 2,000 years ago are echoed today.  Join us as Dr. Tim Gray examines a few objections to the Church’s Eucharistic teaching and provides scriptural evidence for these objections. This apologetic helps us to give a reason for our faith and to gain a deeper insight into what it means to be Catholic and experience the true... [More]

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Matt Fradd, a best-selling Catholic author, presents new data to show how the changes in the types and accessibility of pornography being promoted today make it far more dangerous and harmful than ever before. Matt draws from a wealth of experience to guide parents in taking decisive action to protect their children, and he empowers adults with specific wording to effectively address this sensitiv... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 11 ratings
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How did Protestant Christianity begin and spread?What are the distinctive beliefs of Protestantism, and how do they differ from Catholic teaching? How do “non-denominational Bible churches” compare with the “mainline” branches of Protestantism? Why are some Protestant groups anti-Catholic, and what can I do to foster better relations with them and help them understand Catholicism? Since th... [More]

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What is Purgatory? Does it exist? Does it matter? As professor and speaker Dr. Mark Miravalle explains, not only is the doctrine of Purgatory true, and deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, but the practice of offering prayers and sacrifices for the souls of the dead is a critically important responsibility for every member of the Body of Christ—the family of the Church.

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Did Jesus even exist? How can we trust what the Bible says about him? Didn’t Jesus’s followers invent a lot of myths about him based on stories of pagan gods? Did the Catholic Church suppress biblical books that depicted Jesus as a simple wise man who was married and didn’t die on a cross or rise from the dead? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and man... [More]

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“Marriage - terrifying and beautiful, difficult and rewarding. A true vocation from God. Theologian and well-known speaker and author Dr. Edward Sri is joined by his brilliant wife Elizabeth as they insightfully and entertainingly share the wisdom and experiences they’ve gained in tackling over 20 years of marriage and family life together. Be inspired and challenged to discover God’s plan f... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.25 based on 4 ratings
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Renowned Scripture scholar and author, Dr. Tim Gray, provides a fascinating explanation of the importance of the visible Church and the centrality of God on Earth. He offers incredible insights that make clear the role of the Church as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation, which are sure to help those who have left her, or who mistakenly claim to be “spiritual, but not religious.”Th... [More]

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View book sample In this classic work, Fulton Sheen explains the secret of authentic happiness: being spiritually remade. A genuinely spiritual life, Sheen contends, consists in more than obeying a set of commands, reading the Bible, or even following the example of Jesus. Before all else, it consists in being recreated and incorporated into a new, higher kind of life—the supernatural life of g... [More]

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Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Amid crisis, scandal, and confusion in the modern world, where does the good news of the Resurrection and God's endless mercy fit in? In these three homilies—on The Easter Vigil, Divine Mercy Sunday, and Pentecost—priest and pastor Fr. Brian Larkin shares stories and insights, including from G.K. Chesterton, George Weigel, St. John Paul II, St. Faustina Kow... [More]

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Scholars often have questioned how much the New Testament can tell us about the Mother of Jesus. After all, Mary appears only in a few accounts and speaks on limited occasions. Can Scripture really support the many Marian beliefs developed in the Church over time? In Rethinking Mary in the New Testament, Dr. Edward Sri shows that the Bible reveals more about Mary than is commonly appreciated. For ... [More]

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The clergy sexual abuse scandals have rocked the Catholic Church and caused a crisis of faith (and of evangelization) for many. When facing such a daunting and terrible crisis, it can be difficult to find the right way forward. In this talk, Dr. Tim Gray explains with conviction and insight that to make any real and lasting change, we must keep faith, and look closely at the deep roots behind th... [More]

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Where are the seven sacraments found in the Bible?Why do we need the sacraments? Can’t God just give me grace directly? How do some sacraments leave a permanent mark on the soul of the person receiving them? What can I do to prepare for and profitably receive sacraments like confession, Holy Communion, confirmation, and matrimony? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these quest... [More]

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Dr. Christopher Blum, Academic Dean of the Augustine Institute, unfolds the inspiring life of St. Teresa of Ávila and her important role in the Catholic Reformation. He shares how, after having already been a nun for twenty years, she had a radical transformation in her own life and then went on to become one of the most powerful forces for bringing about conversion and positive change in the his... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvati... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvati... [More]

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Professor Barr overturns the widespread notions that the history of science and religion is one of conflict and abuse. He looks at the historical, philosophical and scientific claims of enmity between science and religion and proves that they have very little basis in fact. Indeed in many places they are the very opposite of what history and science have to tell us. The myth that scientific discov... [More]

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All too often, science is falsely pitted against Faith to disprove the tenants of Christianity. In this informative talk, Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ – expert in physics, philosophy, and theology – debunks this powerful myth as he discusses the Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe with sound reason, credible science, and faithful theology. This talk is a must-listen for anyone wrestling with the... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.82 based on 17 ratings
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For Catholics, the Mass is entirely familiar, but often not well understood. Scripture scholar and well-known author Dr. Edward Sri takes listeners on a journey through the sacred liturgy that is sure to help Catholics experience the Mass more fully as the most powerful and important prayer of the Church. Dr. Sri examines the historical and biblical roots of the words, prayers, actions, and gestur... [More]

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The Search (Spanish) is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions.This Men's Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small groups of men—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides men with prayers, points of discussion, and ... [More]

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The Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This Parish Participant Guide is a multi-purpose guide specifically designed to enhance the experience of the individual as well as help a leader facilitate a group. This guide helps a small group to get to know one another on a deeper level, recall key points from the ... [More]

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The Search (Spanish) is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This Parish Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small co-ed groups—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides participants with prayers, points of discussi... [More]

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The Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions.This Women’s Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small groups of women—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides women with prayers, points of discussion, and chall... [More]

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The Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions.This Men's Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small groups of men—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides men with prayers, points of discussion, and challenges... [More]

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The Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This Women's Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small groups of women—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides women with prayers, points of discussion, and challe... [More]

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Join noted Professor of Theology and author, Fr. Robert Barron, in this revealing presentation as he sheds light on the Seven Deadly Sins - those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our relationship with God and others - and the antidote to them, the Seven Lively Virtues! Fr. Barron uses Dante's DIVINE COMEDY to expose these sinful patterns in our lives and show how they are effectively counteract... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 88 ratings
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This booklet tackles some of the most difficult questions and shows how Christianity offers real freedom in living, rather than placing unreasonable limits on our behaviour. Catholic belief and understanding in this area follows Christ in teaching people how to live out a generous, honest love that is free from selfishness and inherent deceit.

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Dr. Scott Hahn, beloved Catholic author, professor, and speaker celebrates the touchstones of Catholic life, guiding readers to a deeper faith through the Church’s rites, customs, and traditional prayers. This thorough and yet approachable guide to Catholic practices unveils the deep scriptural roots of our faith to help us better understand and, consequently, cherish our Catholic identity. Whe... [More]

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Evan Lemoine es Fundador del Instituto Amar al Máximo y un conferencista reconocido internacionalmente en temas como la Teología del Cuerpo, noviazgo y matrimonio. Evan nos enseña cómo el matrimonio visible es imagen de la unión invisible con Dios, que es ofrenda, comunión y creador. A través del matrimonio, Dios nos revela su deseo de entregarse a nosotros, de unirse a nosotros y de compar... [More]

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Luis Soto es actualmente Director de Implementación y Ministerio Hispano del Augustine Institute, después de haber servido por más de 10 años como Director Ejecutivo del Ministerio hispano de la Arquidiócesis de Denver. Luis nos lleva a través de la Escritura para explorar las raíces mismas de la cultura de la vida y la cultura de la muerte, las cuales continúan oponiéndose una a la otra ... [More]

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View book sampleFor the first time ever, we are excited to offer a Spanish language book that is not a translation of a previously released English title. This book was written in Spanish by a native speaker specifically for the Spanish-speaking world. A wedding ring is something very special, and we normally wear it at all times because it signifies the most important things in our lives. It sym... [More]

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P. Mike Schmitz, es uno de los presentadores católicos más reconocidos en el mundo de hoy. En esta presentación aborda cuatro temas muy difíciles, de manera excepcional: muerte, juicio, cielo e infierno. Escucha esta charla y finalmente obtén las respuestas a la pregunta: “¿Qué sucede cuando muero?” English Translation: Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Ch... [More]

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En este CD, Luis Soto, Director de Ministerio Hispano del Augustine Institute, nos explica cómo todos los bautizados estamos llamados a responder al mandato de Jesucristo de evangelizar. Citando las palabras de los Papas más recientes e invitándonos a tener una fe y convicción a toda prueba, nos motiva a amar como Jesús ama si queremos ser eficientes en la Nueva Evangelización, que es nueva ... [More]

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Ruth A. Luna, nos comparte cómo encontró en María el perfecto ejemplo a seguir como esposa, madre e hija de Dios. También nos ayuda a redescubrir el papel importantísimo que tiene María en nuestra vida, invitándonos a incrementar nuestra confianza, amor y devoción hacia la Madre de Dios y madre nuestra.  English Translation: Mary, God's Mother and Ours Ruth A. Luna, shares how she f... [More]

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Abby Johnson enfrentó la realidad del aborto cuando era directora de una de las clínicas de Planned Parenthood más grandes. Ahora, como conferencista católica reconocida, nos comparte una mirada al interior de la industria abortista y sus verdaderas motivaciones, además de su valerosa travesía alejándose de ella y acercándose a la vida. Su historia nos habla de la gracia y el amor miserico... [More]

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Carmen y Angelique participan activamente en diferentes ministerios familiares incluyendo asesorías acerca de planificación natural de la familia. Ambas son coautoras de un libro que aborda el tema de la infertilidad, y en esta plática nos comparten su experiencia personal con la infertilidad y esclarecen el concepto erróneo que se tiene de la Iglesia Católica acerca de este tema. Al describi... [More]

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El reconocido autor y conferencista católico Matt Fradd, nos ofrece información de primera mano sobre los cambios en las formas y maneras de acceso a la pornografía en el Internet, haciéndola aún más peligrosa y dañina que antes. Matt pone en nuestras manos su experiencia para ayudarnos a proteger a nuestros hijos, y nos enseña herramientas específicas para que los padres podamos hablar s... [More]

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“In giving themselves to others each day women fulfill their deepest vocation.” Inspired by the insights of St. John Paul II, Sr. Maris Stella, S.V. delivers this important talk on woman's gift and vocation of spiritual motherhood. “All women are called to this,” she says, “regardless of her age or marital status... our world needs maternal love.” Sr. Maris Stella dives deeply into th... [More]

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Throughout the Church's history there has been crisis and confusion over Church teaching. Today, there is crisis and confusion surrounding the Sacrament of Marriage. As Augustine Institute President and Professor Dr. Tim Gray explains, this crisis presents an immense opportunity, as it encourages us to explore and discover the depth of this mystery, described by Pope Benedict XVI as "a Gospel in i... [More]

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The holy and hidden figure of St. Joseph comes to light in this captivating presentation by Dr. Mark Miravalle. What is the dignity of this great man, and how do we convey the wondrous power of his intercession? Listen now as Dr. Miravalle delves into the fascinating and hidden life of the man whom God chose to "substitute" for Himself when the Word became flesh to dwell among us.

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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 21 ratings
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This study guide contains a foreword by Tim Gray, Ph.D., chapter summaries and outlines by Mark Brumley and Curtis Mitch, and study questions by Mark Brumley and Laura Dittus! A user-friendly aid for readers of Pope Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, this Study Guide is excellent for individual or group study, for formal class instru... [More]

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Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow suffering and evil in the world? As Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. explains, unsatisfying answers to this important question are the #1 reason for atheism today. But by answering this question with logic and love (as well as with scientific, peer-reviewed evidence for the existence of life after death), we can not only answer this question truthfull... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.44 based on 9 ratings
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This is the April CD of the Month. The mp3 is available now, and the CD will be available on May 1, 2023.Suffering is a mystery: an unavoidable reality of human life on earth, which disorients us and tests our souls. It leads us to ask questions about God and his goodness. Though we seek pain relief and comfort, suffering cannot be solved by human effort. Instead, Jesus invites us, "If anyone woul... [More]

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VIEW A SAMPLE“I finally understand the Catholic faith!” That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as:... [More]

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In the ten episodes of Part 1 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, we journey through the core teachings of the Catholic Church with the goal of knowing the Faith. Join Dr. Edward Sri and his team of experts as they systematically walk through the story of salvation, traced out by the Catechism. Using the Creed as our guide, we move from creation and the fall, to Christ’s redemptive D... [More]

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In the ten episodes of Part 2 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, we continue our walk through the story of salvation and the teachings of the Church, this time exploring the key to fully living the Faith. As we unpack the ways that we encounter God in our lives, we discover the transforming power of God’s grace in the seven sacraments and consider some of the critical moral issues of ou... [More]

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The Tears of Christ: Meditations for Lent

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The realities of masculinity, femininity, and gender, and the relation of these to our identity, are being questioned like never before. Jason Evert, internationally-known Catholic speaker and author, leads the discussion beyond feelings to help us embrace an integrated understanding of the truth of our identity. Speaking the truth in love, he shows how the recognition of what our biology reveals ... [More]

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Patrick W. Lappert, M.D., a deacon and plastic surgeon, brilliantly and compassionately enters the important and challenging conversation about transgenderism and persons who identify as transgender. Speaking from the perspectives of biology, medicine, psychology, theology, and more, Dr. Lappert teaches how questions of human identity, sexuality, woundedness, and the desire for happiness must all ... [More]

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Dr. Scott Hahn, internationally known theologian and author, explains the inestimable value of the Creed as a sure means of communicating the life-giving faith of the Apostles and as an indispensable source of unity for the Church. Dr. Hahn also brings to light how the Creed has served as a time-tested wellspring of meditation by which a believer can deepen his or her relationship with Christ, mak... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.42 based on 12 ratings
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Femininity today can be confusing. What is it? What is it not? Are the stereotypes true? With humor, personal stories, and profound insights from the life of Mary and the writings of St. John Paul II, speaker Noelle Garcia shares how by growing in relationship with Mary, we can heal our understanding and relationships as women—daughters, mothers, friends, and wives—and discover the beauty, joy... [More]

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This six-episode series explores the lives of Saints Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas More, Francis de Sales, Philip Neri, Charles Borromeo, and Teresa of Avila. As True Reformers introduces you to these great saints, you’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity, as you discover how they spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestan... [More]

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Get the full experience of True Reformers with this Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. In True Reformers, Dr. Christopher Blum explores the lives of six saints who spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. You’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity... [More]

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This engaging and accessible Study Guide for True Reformers with Dr. Christopher Blum helps you better understand the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of the confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. This workbook, which features over 50 pages of powerful content, includes:    • introductions, prayers, and inspirational insights ... [More]

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Click here to read a sample. Who are the true benefactors of the human race? Explorers? Scientists? Revolutionaries? Rebels against established authority? . . . or the saints? True Reformers explores in detail the leaders who led the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of Renaissance decadence and the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. The saints of the Catholic Re... [More]

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What is the meaning of life? Fr. Larry Richards tackles life's biggest question with straightforward, timeless, and often jolting answers. In this one-of-a-kind, life-affirming reality check, he unlocks the mysteries of our existence and opens our hearts and souls to the meaning of life. The Truth will give you concrete answers on how to live.

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 55 ratings
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Ken Hensley, a well-known Catholic speaker, teacher, and author, provides an insightful perspective on Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation from his vantage point as a former Baptist minister. Referencing Luther’s writings and his own conversion story, Ken clearly shows the theological and practical flaws of sola Scriptura and other teachings promulgated by the sixteenth-century reformer... [More]

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In this illuminating talk, Fr. Michael Gaitley recounts how Archbishop Karol Wojtyla, later Pope St. John Paul II, used the teachings of the Second Vatican Council with great success to help Catholics in his diocese live their faith to the full. Learn how Vatican II provides a map to help us enrich our lives through faith and effectively experience the good news of God’s divine mercy.

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Drawing on his roots as a Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn responds to key misunderstandings about the Virgin Mary. This captivating presentation explains the biblical and historical basis for the Church's teachings that the Virgin Mary is the New Eve and the Queen of Heaven.

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To anyone interested in learning something of the Catholic faith, this 'twenty-steps' pocket book will be a treasure. Different people have so many different questions: about marriage and family life, about faith, whether God exists, the truth of the Gospels, or about justice and peace in the world. While designed for use as part of a course of instruction, this booklet will be helpful for use on ... [More]

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Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture... [More]

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Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture... [More]

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Many people are puzzled by the idea of the Church, and especially by the claims of the Catholic Church. This booklet shows the Catholic Church’s special place in God’s plan for humanity; how Jesus Christ founded his Church and guides it throughout history; how he is present with us, especially through the sacraments; and how he guides and teaches us through its official leaders. The Catholic C... [More]

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Advent, the season in which we prepare for Christmas, is a penitential season. One of the key acts of penance that the Church recommends is almsgiving. But why? Citing the Old and New Testaments, the Catechism, and his own engaging personal stories, professor and author Dr. Michael Barber explains the “inner logic” of almsgiving, and how this often-misunderstood aspect of our faith is a critic... [More]

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Why Believe? is a series unlike any other. It is truly a New Apologetics for the New Evangelization! Today, many Catholics confront daily the implicit claim that our secular culture provides fully for human happiness. Why Believe? responds directly to that claim by a compelling argument that faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, is the only adequate answer to the human heart’s desire... [More]

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Why Believe? is a series unlike any other. It is truly a New Apologetics for the New Evangelization! Today, many Catholics confront daily the implicit claim that our secular culture provides fully for human happiness. Why Believe? responds directly to that claim by a compelling argument that faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, is the only adequate answer to the human heart’s desire... [More]

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As a former Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn knows very well the common objections non-Catholics have to the Catholic Faith. In this informative talk, he tackles the tough issue of the Papacy and defends our belief that the Pope is part of Christ's design for His Church. Become better equipped to respond to those who attack the crucial role of the successor of St. Peter in the Church's missio... [More]

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"Paul VI's genius proved prophetic: he had the courage to stand against the majority, to defend moral discipline, to exercise a 'brake' on the culture, to oppose present and future neo-Malthusianism." — Pope Francis After half a century, how has the teaching of Pope Paul VI on marriage and birth control, presented in his encyclical Humanae vitae (On Human Life), held up? Very well, says philos... [More]

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In this moving study on hell, Dr. Scott Hahn shares what scripture teaches about why hell is necessary. What it is like? Who goes there? How can you stay out forever? He explains why Lucifer refused to serve and then responds from a scriptural perspective to the most seductive modern errors about hell. Included are two bonus excerpts from Dr. Hahn's talk, The Healing Power of Confession.

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To win any war, there are three things that you must know: that you are at war, who your enemy is, and what weapons or strategies can defeat him. Acknowledging that our culture is clearly in crisis, Dr. Peter Kreeft shows us that the only weapon strong enough to defeat the demons of this age is saints. Above all, Dr. Kreeft assures us that victory is assured for those who hope in Christ, because g... [More]

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Are Wicca and witchcraft different words for the same thing?What does the Church say about witchcraft? What can I do if my child or friend are experimenting with witchcraft? Can Catholics use the Ouija board? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Interest in witchcraft and occult practices is on the rise in our culture. 20 Answers: Witchcraft & th... [More]

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The internationally best-selling book, YOUCAT - The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, explained to young people the meaning of their faith in language, style and design that has appealed greatly to them. Now YOUCAT - The Youth Prayer Book, helps them to live their faith and deepen their spiritual lives.Pages: 176Book Dimensions: 5" x 8"

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YOUCAT is short for "Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church," which was launched on World Youth Day, 2011. Developed with the help of young Catholics and written for high-school age people and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. The appealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary, summary definitions of key ... [More]

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Click here to read a sample of the book. Peter Kreeft uses Scripture to provide God’s profound answers to the most common and important questions young people ask about the deeper meaning of life, their own identities, overcoming failure and temptation, the mystery of God’s love, and much more. But these are questions asked not just by the young—they are the same questions adults often... [More]

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