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Products by Leah Darrow

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"Leah Darrow's testimony is a powerful example of God's mercy at work." -Jason Evert, founder of Chastity Project"Leah Darrow has a true gift for sharing a Christ-Centered vision that is relevant, compelling, and engaging." - Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUSLeah Darrow was a fashion model in New York City and a reality TV contestant on America's Next Top Model. She now trav... [More]

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“El testimonio de Leah Darrow es un poderoso ejemplo de la misericordia de Dios.” -Jason Evert, fundador de Chastity Project “Leah Darrow tiene un verdadero don para compartir una visión del mundo centrada en Cristo que es relevante, convincente y atractiva” -Curtis Martin, fundador de FOCUS Leah Darrow era modelo en Nueva York y concursó en el programa America’s Next Top Model. ... [More]

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