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Find out how your parish can best use Symbolon, or how to save 5% on physical products.

On-Demand Faith Formation For the Entire Parish

Symbolon: the Catholic Faith Explained features 20 video and discussion sessions to guide your parishioners through the breadth and richness of their Catholic faith. It’s relevant, compelling and innovative—and available just about anywhere on any computer, phone or tablet. 

Contact a representative to learn more or get started today >

Perfect For Your Parish Programs
Men's and Womens Groups
Bible Studies
Catechist Training
Parent Sessions
Before and After Masses
Small Christian Communities

Bringing them home.
Keeping them home.

Designed with RCIA in mind, Symbolon uses prayer, video teaching, discussion questions, a catechist summary, a call to conversion, and a recommended Celebration of the Word of God. It's the ideal RCIA resource to keep them beyond the Easter Vigil.

Watch this video to learn how Symbolon
is being used at parishes today >

Also available on demand to stream for every parishioner through a remarkably affordable subscription to FORMED®. To find out more, visit Formed.org.
Find out how your parish can best use Symbolon, or how to save 5% on physical products.
This program is a production of the Augustine Institute,
distributed in partnership with Lighthouse Catholic Media and Ignatius Press