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DIGIPAK-Joan of Arc 5 CD Audio Drama

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You Are Forgiven - Student Guide

You Are Forgiven - Student Guide

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Each session of this full-color Student Guide includes a story from Scripture as well as a story of a saint relevant to the lesson, key word definitions, a fun activity, a story featuring fictional characters children can relate to, and a session recap.

About You Are Forgiven

Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time by revealing that God is indeed “rich in mercy.” It is most effective when used with The Augustine Institute’s Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession to catechise the parent’s and help meet the crucial need for ongoing formation and catechesis for the entire family.

You Are Forgiven includes seven sessions, each presenting the good news of salvation offered to us in Jesus Christ, with a focus on helping children understand that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a real encounter with him, and that he desires to forgive and heal us at the deepest levels of our humanity.

And while the curriculum is focused on the child, it also recognizes that it is in the Christian family that the Faith is first learned and is most effectively understood and lived out. A Family Take Home Page is provided with each session in English and Spanish to engage parents and the entire family in this journey of Faith.


Waiting for Christ

Waiting for Christ


Blessed John Henry Newman was one of the most beloved and well-known preachers of his time. Originally an Anglican priest, Newman converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest and cardinal. Known for his beautiful prose and exultant preaching, Newman has long been a source of inspiration for those in the Church. In this new and compact compilation of his sermons, you’re invited to journey with Bl. John Henry Newman through Advent into Christmas and Epiphany, meditating on the coming of Christ and the Christian life. Newman’s masterful knowledge of the lives of the saints, Catholic doctrine, and, above all, Sacred Scripture, will help you immerse yourself in these liturgical seasons of waiting, wondering, and joy.

These beautiful meditations guide you through reflections on:
• Preparing for the Lord’s coming at Christmas and the end of time
• Our dependence upon the Lord’s goodness
• What happens when we do not seek truth
• Mary’s role in salvation history
• God’s call for each and every one of us to holiness
• Glorifying God in the world
• True joy
• Martyrdom, affliction, and consolation
• Love as the one thing needful

Waiting for Christ provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes with Bl. John Henry Newman and Christ every day of the Advent and Christmas seasons, preparing for the coming of the Lord.

Praise for Waiting for Christ

“Daily meditation and prayer, much as one spends time with a friend, is an essential practice for any person who desires to have Jesus as an intimate companion. This wonderful selection of Newman’s meditations enables us to draw close to Christ as we await his Nativity each year, that he may recognize us when he returns in glory.”

– Sebastian White, OP, Editor-in-Chief, Magnificat (USA)

“Newman was a prolific and accomplished writer in many and varied genres, but I have always believed that his voice can best be heard through his sermons. Christopher Blum has captured that sweet voice by giving us a rich selection of Newman’s very best sermons for Advent and Christmas to accompany us through these graced seasons.”

– The Most Reverend James D. Conley, STL, Bishop of Lincoln

“These passages are superbly selected, showing that Newman’s is not simply a voice from the past, but one that speaks to the needs of faith in our day. And the peculiar quality of Newman’s voice is how easily he slips into the background to leave us thinking only of Christ, so that the heart of Christ speaks to our hearts through Newman’s words. This book invites us to spend a few minutes each day with a man of eloquence and holiness—and to be left, not with an impression of Newman, but with a longing for Christ that makes us more ready to welcome him, both in the great feast of Christmas and in the ordinary details of each day.”

– Edward Hogan, Ph.D., Academic Dean, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

About the Author

Blessed John Henry Newman was born in England in 1801. He spent his early adult life as an Anglican priest and academic. Involved in what was known as the Oxford Movement, a movement within Anglicanism that supported the return to some Catholic beliefs and liturgical reform, he later left the Church of England. He converted to Catholicism, was ordained a Catholic priest, and years later was made a cardinal. Newman was widely known as a powerful preacher before and after his conversion to Catholicism, and was an extremely prolific author, writing sermons, essays, poetry, hymns, and an autobiography. He died in 1890 and was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010.

Product Details

• Pages: 160
• Format: Paperback
• Size: 5.25" x 8"
• Release Date: October 2018


The Best Advent Ever: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

The Best Advent Ever: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

More than Candles and Calendars?

Introducing Book #3 in The Adventures of Nick & Sam!

The Perry family's first Advent in Hope Springs is a mix of drama and comedy as Sam competes with her best friend to be in the Christmas pageant, Nick hopes to play an angel that actually flies, the search for a Christmas tree leads to danger, and family traditions take on a whole new meaning of joy.

It's a time of fun, learning, and wonder that might become the Perry family's best Advent ever.

About the Series

Nicolas (Nick) and Samantha (Sam) Perry are twins in the Perry family. They moved with their parents, their brother Andrew, and their sister Lizzy, to Hope Springs in the summer. Hope Springs is a fictional town in the mountains of Colorado, the setting of the Hope Springs series. Hope Springs is a multi-faceted series of stories that explores living the Catholic faith in the modern world. This series presents the adventures of the twins, their family, their friends, and the people they encounter at school, church, and in town. This series presents Catholic culture easily and normally, and provides opportunities for readers to think about the consequences of words and actions. Centered around the Perry family, Hope Springs was introduced as short stories in the Signs Of Grace catechetical workbooks and now includes novels for First Readers (ages 7+) under the banner The Adventures Of Nick & Sam. The world of Hope Springs also appears in the grown-up novel Blue Christmas. The likeable and engaging characters reflect the sensibilities and struggles of being Catholic in the quirky small town of Hope Springs, playing out their faith at the St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church and School, with their neighborhood friends and adversaries, and in the many adventures that makes the teachings of the Church come alive. This series is written similarly to the Adventures in Odyssey series and the Magic Tree House Series, and is recommended for readers ages seven and up, but can also be read by parents to younger children.

About the Author

Paul McCusker is an American writer most widely known for Adventures in Odyssey, but he has worked on many other types of writing projects: novels, plays, musicals, radio dramas, and movie scripts. Paul now writes for the Augustine Institute Radio Theatre productions and the Publishing Department. He is a convert to Catholicism, and lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his wife and children.

Product Details

– 221 Pages
– Released 2018
– Paperback


Perfect Gifts: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

Perfect Gifts: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

Double the Fun, Double the Trouble

Introducing Book #1 in The Adventures of Nick & Sam!

The end of summer means two things for the twins Nicholas and Samantha. First, pack in a lot of fun before school starts. Second, get presents for their birthday.

But this year has its share of trouble when Nick and Sam get caught sneaking peeks at their hidden presents. And that's just the start! Later, Nick turns a family hike into a stinky event. Sam discovers just how dangerous disobedience can be. And an unwise buying spree leads to more problems than Nick could imagine.

Will the twins be able to celebrate their birthday this year?


About the Series

Nicolas (Nick) and Samantha (Sam) Perry are twins in the Perry family. They moved with their parents, their brother Andrew, and their sister Lizzy, to Hope Springs in the summer. Hope Springs is a fictional town in the mountains of Colorado, the setting of the Hope Springs series. Hope Springs is a multi-faceted series of stories that explores living the Catholic faith in the modern world. This series presents the adventures of the twins, their family, their friends, and the people they encounter at school, church, and in town. This series presents Catholic culture easily and normally, and provides opportunities for readers to think about the consequences of words and actions. Centered around the Perry family, Hope Springs was introduced as short stories in the Signs Of Grace catechetical workbooks and now includes novels for First Readers (ages 7+) under the banner The Adventures Of Nick & Sam. The world of Hope Springs also appears in the grown-up novel Blue Christmas. The likeable and engaging characters reflect the sensibilities and struggles of being Catholic in the quirky small town of Hope Springs, playing out their faith at the St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church and School, with their neighborhood friends and adversaries, and in the many adventures that makes the teachings of the Church come alive. This series is written similarly to the Adventures in Odyssey series and the Magic Tree House Series, and is recommended for readers ages seven and up, but can also be read by parents to younger children.

About the Author

Paul McCusker is an American writer most widely known for Adventures in Odyssey, but he has worked on many other types of writing projects: novels, plays, musicals, radio dramas, and movie scripts. Paul now writes for the Augustine Institute Radio Theatre productions and the Publishing Department. He is a convert to Catholicism, and lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his wife and children.

Product Details

– 153 Pages
– Released 2018
– Paperback


Included In:

Audio Drama Bundle

Audio Drama Bundle

For a limited time, save over 40% on these three Augustine Institute Audio Dramas when you purchase this Audio Drama Discount bundle!

Included in this bundle are:

– Brother Francis
– Ode to St. Cecilia
– The Trials of St. Patrick

About Brother Francis

Discover the astonishing life of Brother Francis, the fun-loving son of wealth and privilege who gave up everything for the sake of Christ. As a young soldier, he encountered suffering. As a victim of war, he began a search for inner meaning that would redirect his life. As a holy beggar, he embraced lepers, shook hands with the Pope, debated a Sultan, and touched the lives of millions.

This 5-CD set includes a 24-page discussion guide that will help you discuss major concepts and themes from this unforgettable audio drama!

About Ode to Saint Cecilia

What is it about a modest young woman from second century Rome that transcends the centuries to move the hearts of the greatest artists to create in her name? Find the answer in Ode to Saint Cecilia, the dramatic story of a holy muse willing to follow the path of beauty and truth—no matter the cost. Her passionate love and inspiring story come to life in six powerful audio episodes with over 40 actors.

This 4-CD set includes a discussion guide that will help you discuss major concepts and themes from this unforgettable audio drama. Perfect for in the car, at home, and on the go, this audio drama makes the drive to school, practice, the store, vacation, or anywhere an entertaining time of family faith-building.

About The Trials of Saint Patrick

The Trials of Saint Patrick is the epic story of one man’s spiritual odyssey through hardship, loss, mercy, and forgiveness. Dramatized with a fresh boldness by the Augustine Institute Radio Theatre, the characters will come alive through the talents of dozens of accomplished, award-winning actors, combined with cinematic sound effects and music. Your imagination will be quickened. Your heart will be inspired.

This 4-CD set includes a twenty-four page discussion guide that will help you discuss major concepts and themes from this unforgettable audio drama. Perfect for in the car, at home, and on the go, this audio drama makes the drive to school, practice, the store, vacation, or anywhere an entertaining time of family faith-building.