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Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - Guidebook

Fr. Michael Gaitley

The Guidebook for Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told is key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into the story of Divine Mercy.

Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, filled with stimulating graphics and imagery, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the history, the faith, and passion surrounding Divine Mercy with over 90 pages of incredible content.

Click here for a sample of the Divine Mercy Guidebook.

Features of the Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told Guidebook:

- 10 sessions that make the mystery of Divine Mercy clearer than ever before.
- Insights and information for deeper understanding.
- Guided reflections for each session to make the study your own throughout the week.
- Space for personal journaling with each session.

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    To get set up to place parish orders with Parish Access, contact your Parish Consultant or call Customer Service at 866-767-3155.

Other Recommended Titles

Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - DVDs

Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - DVDs

Now Is the Time of Mercy! 

Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told is a dramatic 10-session journey featuring best-selling author and popular speaker Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC.

Fr. Gaitley weaves a tapestry of wonder and beauty from the threads of the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina Kowalska, the prophetic apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, the powerful witness of St. Maximillian Kolbe, and the world-changing papacy of Pope Saint John Paul II.

But this is more than just a masterful telling of the “Second Greatest Story.” Thanks to the brilliant artistry of the Augustine Institute’s world-class film team, this amazing story comes to life like never before. In fact, you’ll not just learn about the consoling message of Divine Mercy, you’ll experience it.

Episode Listing:

Episode 1 - God’s School of Trust (17 minutes)
Episode 2 - Behold This Heart (23 minutes)
Episode 3 - The Suffering Servant (16 minutes)
Episode 4 - Faustina and the Spread of Divine Mercy (30 minutes)
Episode 5 - Proclaim This Message (33 minutes)
Episode 6 - Fatima (20 minutes)
Episode 7 - The Secret of Divine Mercy (26 minutes)
Episode 8 - God’s Master Plan (23 minutes)
Episode 9 - Mary’s Knight (25 minutes)
Episode 10 - The Final Question (25 minutes)


Bible in a Year - Leather-bound

Bible in a Year - Leather-bound

One Year. 20 Minutes a Day. Encounter the Power and Wonder of God’s Word.

It’s a mountaintop experience if you can open up the Word of God. It’s majestic, it’s beautiful, it’s breathtaking. It gets us out of our day-to-day and into God.

The simple format of this premium, flexible, leather-bound version of Bible in a Year will keep you engaged as you make your way through all 73 books of the Bible.

Commentaries are written by renowned Catholic biblical scholars and theologians, including Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Mark Giszczak, Dr. John Sehorn, Dr. Scott Powell, Dr. Michael Morris, Dr. Elizabeth Klein, and Deborah Holiday.

• Each day features three readings, one each from the Old Testament, Wisdom Literature, and the New Testament

• Insightful daily reflections are written by leading theologians to facilitate deeper meditation and encounter with God through his Word

Revised Standard Version of the Bible – Second Catholic Edition

Bible in a Year is the entire Bible (including the deuterocanonical books), divided into 365 days, with a reflection of approximately 200 words for each day.

This beautiful, flexible, leather-bound book is a perfect gift for any occasion!

Preview a sample now

Product Details

– Dimensions: 6.25” x 9.25” and is 1.125” thick
– 1392 pages
– Font: Minion Pro and is 10 pt


"I've been waiting for a resource like this. I look forward to praying with this daily and seeing how the Lord speaks through it. Thank you!" Ross - Sacramento, CA

LECTIO: Prayer - Study Guide

LECTIO: Prayer - Study Guide

The Study Guide for Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God is key to getting the full Lectio experience. The powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you further into the study of prayer and provides you with over 100 pages of incredible content.

Features of the Lectio Prayer Study Guide:

•  six sessions that make the mystery of prayer clearer than ever before
•  an outline summary of each video presentation
•  practical tips for including lectio divina in your prayer life
•  insights and information for deeper understanding
•  guided reflections for each session to make the study your own throughout the week
•  space for personal journaling in each session

Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.


Beloved Home Edition - DVD Set

Beloved Home Edition - DVD Set

This is the English only Beloved DVD set. 

Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio.

What if Marriage is more than you think it is?

What if, woven into the very fabric of your humanity, is a purposeful desire placed there by God that will play a vital part in his work in the world? No matter how long you’ve been married, it’s always a good time to discover the deepest spiritual, emotional and practical realities of what your marriage can and should be.

This special edition of Beloved will show you through Scripture, Tradition and Church teaching that God’s desire for your marriage will bring your truest desires alive. The wonder, mystery and joy behind that first “I do”—whether you said it last year, or years ago—is beautifully depicted visually and practically taught by trusted presenters.

In six sessions, Beloved explores:

- Does Marriage Matter?
- Entering the Story of Marriage
- Love Revealed
- Total Gift of Self
- A Sacramental Bond
- Real Challenges, Real Love

Please note: The Beloved Home Edition is comprised of the first six episodes of the full Beloved Parish Edition, plus two Couple's Guides for marriage enrichment [packaged in the box set].

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.


"I am a volunteer at a parish in the Detroit Diocese and have been married now for 12 years. I NEVER understood marriage in the way it's been presented on the Beloved DVD's. I want to share this from the rooftops! We have 200 people at our parish who will be going through this program and we're so very excited to grow in our Catholic Faith and strengthen our marriages.” Marie - Sterling Heights, MI

LECTIO: Prayer - DVD Set

LECTIO: Prayer - DVD Set

Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves. Or, worse, we feel like we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the faith be so elusive?

Now, the mystery of prayer is made clear through the engaging teaching and cinematic artistry of the Augustine Institute in Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. In six sessions on three DVDs, renowned speaker Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church's tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an effort of love and intimacy with God. Essential and accessible, this new Lectio series is ideal for personal faith formation and small group study.

Episode Listing:

1. Prayer: An Intimate Dialogue
2. Guigo’s Ladder: A Way of Ascent
3. Lectio and Meditatio: Climbing the First Rungs
4. Oratio: Conversation with God
5. Contemplatio: The Gaze of Love
6. Resolutio: Putting Love into Action

Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.


Made for Love

Made for Love

View book sample

Father Michael Schmitz addresses the teachings of the Catholic Church on the issue of same-sex attraction. With compassion and clarity, he shows that the Church’s teachings are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that are shared by all who are made in the image and likeness of God. With his trademark fresh and engaging style, Fr. Schmitz addresses:

 • Different types of love
 • The nature of the human being and human sexuality
 • Disordered attractions
 • Identity and sexuality
 • Jesus’s teachings on marriage
 • Popular misconceptions about the teachings of the Church and same-sex attraction
 • God’s all-encompassing love

Above all, Made for Love is about genuine love: how we can truly love each other, how the Bible teaches us to love, and how God is not simply loving, but love itself.

About the Author

Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading speakers in the Catholic church today. He preaches to youth and young adults across the country about the love of God and the call of Jesus Christ for saints to be raised up in the Church. He serves as both the director of youth and young adult ministry for the Diocese of Duluth and as the chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. His ministry focuses on being fed by the Sacraments and a solid theological formation as the foundation for true discipleship and evangelization. Fr. Michael is known nationally for his inspiring homilies, his presentations and talks to university students, and his tremendous sense of humor.

Product Details

192 Pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Publication year: 2017

Praise for Made for Love

“Fr. Michael Schmitz strikes all the right notes, explaining what the Church teaches (the true), why it’s the right path (the good), and how it leads to happiness (the beautiful). He explains the Church’s full teachings on homosexuality but with remarkable ‘gentleness and reverence’ (1 Pt 3:15).”

– Brandon Vogt, founder of ClaritasU and author of RETURN: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church

“When others would muddy the waters of Our Lord’s love for all, Fr. Schmitz’s book filters the pure and renewing love of God for those who experience same-sex attraction and helps their loved ones understand this particular struggle.”

– Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUS

“In a culture that confuses love with moral relativism, many people have difficulties with the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. Fr. Schmitz helps us approach this topic with compassion and clarity, showing how the Church’s teaching on this topic is all about love—that we are made from love, by love, and for love.”

– Edward Sri, author of Who Am I to Judge?


Waiting for Christ

Waiting for Christ


Blessed John Henry Newman was one of the most beloved and well-known preachers of his time. Originally an Anglican priest, Newman converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest and cardinal. Known for his beautiful prose and exultant preaching, Newman has long been a source of inspiration for those in the Church. In this new and compact compilation of his sermons, you’re invited to journey with Bl. John Henry Newman through Advent into Christmas and Epiphany, meditating on the coming of Christ and the Christian life. Newman’s masterful knowledge of the lives of the saints, Catholic doctrine, and, above all, Sacred Scripture, will help you immerse yourself in these liturgical seasons of waiting, wondering, and joy.

These beautiful meditations guide you through reflections on:
• Preparing for the Lord’s coming at Christmas and the end of time
• Our dependence upon the Lord’s goodness
• What happens when we do not seek truth
• Mary’s role in salvation history
• God’s call for each and every one of us to holiness
• Glorifying God in the world
• True joy
• Martyrdom, affliction, and consolation
• Love as the one thing needful

Waiting for Christ provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes with Bl. John Henry Newman and Christ every day of the Advent and Christmas seasons, preparing for the coming of the Lord.

Praise for Waiting for Christ

“Daily meditation and prayer, much as one spends time with a friend, is an essential practice for any person who desires to have Jesus as an intimate companion. This wonderful selection of Newman’s meditations enables us to draw close to Christ as we await his Nativity each year, that he may recognize us when he returns in glory.”

– Sebastian White, OP, Editor-in-Chief, Magnificat (USA)

“Newman was a prolific and accomplished writer in many and varied genres, but I have always believed that his voice can best be heard through his sermons. Christopher Blum has captured that sweet voice by giving us a rich selection of Newman’s very best sermons for Advent and Christmas to accompany us through these graced seasons.”

– The Most Reverend James D. Conley, STL, Bishop of Lincoln

“These passages are superbly selected, showing that Newman’s is not simply a voice from the past, but one that speaks to the needs of faith in our day. And the peculiar quality of Newman’s voice is how easily he slips into the background to leave us thinking only of Christ, so that the heart of Christ speaks to our hearts through Newman’s words. This book invites us to spend a few minutes each day with a man of eloquence and holiness—and to be left, not with an impression of Newman, but with a longing for Christ that makes us more ready to welcome him, both in the great feast of Christmas and in the ordinary details of each day.”

– Edward Hogan, Ph.D., Academic Dean, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

About the Author

Blessed John Henry Newman was born in England in 1801. He spent his early adult life as an Anglican priest and academic. Involved in what was known as the Oxford Movement, a movement within Anglicanism that supported the return to some Catholic beliefs and liturgical reform, he later left the Church of England. He converted to Catholicism, was ordained a Catholic priest, and years later was made a cardinal. Newman was widely known as a powerful preacher before and after his conversion to Catholicism, and was an extremely prolific author, writing sermons, essays, poetry, hymns, and an autobiography. He died in 1890 and was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010.

Product Details

• Pages: 160
• Format: Paperback
• Size: 5.25" x 8"
• Release Date: October 2018


Who Am I to Judge? - DVD Set

Who Am I to Judge? - DVD Set

How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? When we’re bombarded with messages of “Be tolerant!” “Don’t judge!” and “Coexist!” many good people feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore.

This 8-part study program gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.”

Ideal for men’s and women’s groups, adult faith formation, and young adult ministry, this study program gives Catholics greater confidence in God’s moral law, greater clarity in how to explain it effectively to our secular friends, and greater compassion for those with whom we disagree.

Episode Listing:

Episode 1: Don’t Impose Your Morality on Me!
Episode 2: Recovering the Basics: Virtue and Friendship
Episode 3: Real Freedom, Real Love
Episode 4: The Lost “Art of Living”
Episode 5: Engaging Moral Relativism
Episode 6: “I Disagree” Doesn’t Mean “I Hate You”
Episode 7: Exposing the Mask: What Relativism Is Often Covering Up
Episode 8: What Is Truth? Common Questions about Moral Relativism

Have more questions about Who Am I to Judge? Check out the FAQ, call us at 866-767-3155, or email customer service.


Included In:

Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - Kit

Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - Kit

Be sure to get the full experience of Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told with this special kit that includes the DVD box set (10 episodes on 5 DVDs) and the corresponding Guidebook.

With his characteristic skill and lucid style, Fr. Michael Gaitley interweaves the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina, the miraculous appearance of Mary at Fatima, the witness of St. Maximilian Kolbe, and the world-changing papacy of Pope Saint John Paul II into a tapestry of wonder and beauty.

The Study Guide for Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told is key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into the story of Divine Mercy.

Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, filled with stimulating graphics and imagery, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the history, the faith, and passion surrounding Divine Mercy with over 90 pages of incredible content.

Click here for a sample of the Divine Mercy Guidebook.

Features of the Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told Guidebook:

- 10 sessions that make the mystery of Divine Mercy clearer than ever before.
- Insights and information for deeper understanding.
- Guided reflections for each session to make the study your own throughout the week.
- Space for personal journaling with each session.

Have more questions about Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email our support staff.


Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - Guidebook (5-Pack)

Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - Guidebook (5-Pack)

Special FORMED Pricing 

Retail Price Per Guide: $19.95 
Special Price Per Guide: $8.95

This special price is only available to FORMED parishes and must be ordered in increments of 5 study guides. Shipping and handling is not included for orders of 5, 10, or 15 study guides. Free shipping on orders of 20 or more!

Free shipping is available to US parishes only. Orders that qualify for free shipping cannot be placed through this website. Please place your order of 20+ study guides with your local Parish Consultant, or call 866-767-3155.


The Guidebook for Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told is key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into the story of Divine Mercy.

Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, filled with stimulating graphics and imagery, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the history, the faith, and passion surrounding Divine Mercy with over 90 pages of incredible content.

Click here for a sample of the Divine Mercy Guidebook.