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First comes loves, then comes marriage ... then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books.
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Customer Comments (5 of 38)
This is a great talk for all to hear and take to heart, especially all married and engaged couples. Laura - Newtown, PA
This talk has the potential to save marriages of those already married and those who hope to marry in the future. Ida - Leesburg, IN
Jason Evert's grasp of this subject is truly a gift to Catholics. He beautifully lays out God's plan for sexuality. Deborah - Black Mountain, NC
This talk had me laughing out loud at various points. Informative and inspiring! You can tell Jason Evert knows this topic very well; perfect CD for pre-cana education. Joe - Round Rock, TX
This talk by Jason Evert provides a wealth of information for Catholics about Natural Family Planning and how it is tied to the bedrock of our Faith. Darrell-Barboursville, WV
This presentation is marvelous! Jason Evert spews out many facts and truths that have been kept from the public way to long. Everyone should listen to this CD! Mary - Lindstrom, MN
I really like Jason Evert's talk, especially the fact that he included a history of contraception. Julie-Mastic Beach, NY
I have never heard a better talk on Natural Family Planning to date. Jason Evert covers it better than anyone else. Excellent CD! Norm-Biloxi, MS
Jason Evert gives sexuality it's true meaning...everyone must listen to this CD! Mickey- Philly, PA
Jason Everet brings to the audience words of wisdom with a great sense of humor. Green Sex is one of my all time favorites. I want to send it to many of my friends who are Catholic and non-Catholic. Please, please keep up the good work! Brian - Detroit Lakes, MN
I love the knowledge that I gained from listening to this talk! Things that everyone women should be told about contraceptives! Lauren - Leonardtown, MD
I practice NFP but when friends who are not married ask about it it is hard to back it up, Jason does it in a clear concise entertaining way. The facts he provides are of infinite value. Jaimee - Bethel, CT
I loved the passionate and honest way it simply exposed the artificiality of contraceptive culture. Sean - Portland, OR
I had heard all of this before, but Jason gave it a depth and meaning that was all new to me. I particularly liked how he gave sources - that way I can share it with friends who doubt the Church's honesty. Lyons, NY
I think that while "Green Sex:The Case for Natural Family Planning" was intended for the Teen and college age audience, I as an adult learned a lot. Not only did I learn why the common contraceptive methods are unhealthy, both physically and spiritually. But it reinforced why my wife and I chose to follow Church teaching by using NFP.
The talk was well done and held my attention. Kurt - DeKalb, IL
Jason Evert simply, yet elegantly, explains the beauty of Catholic teaching about what our sex lives are called to be. I really liked how he explained the dangers of chemical contraceptives that are not well known and and not openly shared with those that use them. The CD is a wonderful eye opener on what a Godly relationship should be and how beautiful sex between a husband and a wife really is. Matthew - Castle Rock, CO
What I enjoyed about this talk is how rich we are with our catholic faith. It helped me to apreciate and Love the life which is he fruit of the Love between God, a woman and a man. It helped me see that my boyfriend is a gift from God and that his body and spirit is sacred to God and to me. Therefore, I should value him. Sex is a gift from God. Jessica - Danbury, CT
I loved this whole talk! Jason Evert is one of my favorite speakers! Danielle - PALM BAY, FL
It helps be able to explain to new Catholics or old Catholics what we believe and why about contraception and other ways to go about living in a better, more holy way VA Beach, VA
I think the arguments are pretty solid. Creates awareness on the right place sex should have on married couple's lives. Very educational well beyond the family planning topic. Carlos - Miami, FL
Fantastic, frank and biblical insight into the way God intended sex for us to be. Marc - Woodinville, WA
Jason Evert did his research and it was something I needed to hear with both scientific and religious evidence to back up his claim. Absolutely amazing information! Thank God I heard this at this time in my life. Dulce - Kitchener, ON
I like how it was down to a personal level. That he added stories about his kid, family that make it more personable to our family. It was very educational and a lot of facts that I didn't even realize was true.
I was back and forth on the NFP but now I'm 100 % behind it and will differently suggest everyone to listen to it! Heather - Price , UT
The knowledge of contraception the history. All of the things that modern contraception has changed for women mostly from a medical stand point. It really opens my eyes about what I am doing to my own body. I also enjoyed hearing in evidence like proof that we were meant to be green god wants us to be green and not create a barrier and that there is a beautiful more natural way to achieve when to have a child and when not to. The part that really struck a cord was when he described how a woman could be pregnant but because of contraception it was like having a miscarriage but you'd never know because possibly after a week it would not be able to stick to the inner lining, so would just come out of you and you'd never know it. The fact that I may have lost several children in a way I don't believe in (abortion) but just doing it with contraception haunts me. I'm so against abortion but here I am doing the same thing possibly with my own body by taking contraception. It was a reality check. Jessica - West Valley City, UT
It gave good information and presented the case for NFP very well. Good Job! Katherine - Edmonton, AB
I most liked the scientific information given in the talk. I think this kind of information is important because it isn't commonly known and also because science seems to be the authority that most people (even many Catholics) are most willing to listen to. This seems like an excellent route to go when trying to get people to think about NFP in its totality. Carolyn - Oswego, NY
I was looking for information about chastity and couple relationship. I totally relate to the arguments Jason Evert provides. I stopped the pill few years ago and noticed tremendous changes for the better in my mood and my health. We are not informed enough of the implications of using contraception. This talk is supported with strong, detailed, and referenced arguments. I invite everybody to listen to it. Great content! Aurelie-Anne - Mississauga, ON
i am preparing for marriage and this lesson really made clear things i believe but didnt fully understand. melissa - fort worth, TX
Jason has a wonderful way of sharing truth filled with wisdom and spiced with humor :) I received this talk in our pre canna package and enjoyed it so much that I shared it with my sisters. We loved talking about it together and found that every time we listen to it again we get something new that we missed before ! This is an awesome way to learn church teachings and share them! Thank you so much! Jacinta - Hillsboro, IL
I think this CD should be given to every couple participating in Pre Cana, Engaged Encounter and any other Marriage Preparation program.
Very educational about NFP and contraception Tom - Westfield, NJ
I didn't know that birth control could do what the speaker said it could. I didn't know that having sex with my husband could be so benefiting for both of us. I hope I could get my answer on how to do NFP so I can give myself fully to my husband and stop allowing only a couple of days during the month that I give him my body and soul because we can't afford any more children. Carrie - Somonauk, IL
This is the most well spoken and logical explanation of Natural Family Planning that I have ever heard! When pro-choice and pro-contraception friends heard it, even they were taken aback at how much NFP just makes sense. Joel
The most interesting of this talk was that I learned that how important sex was to marriage and to God . The meaning of sex in a marriage was the importance of our marriage vows Imelda - Johor Bahru
Excellent! Jason Evert spoke boldly and knowledgeably to all aspects of contraception and NFP. Very educational. The history of early contraceptives was very eye opening. All the ways he made connections to God's plan for us in marriage really helped in my understanding and connection to Christ and Marriage and the Church. I am so very grateful. I will order more copies and give them to my grown children and leave them in my OB/GYN's office.
Many thanks, Josie Bommarito Josie - Kirkwood, MO
I enjoyed that Jason Evert explained the Church's position clearly, but also understood that it would be valuable to see all sides of the position, and to anticipate and refute counter arguments. Annie - Oceanside, CA
Everything. Especially the parts where he talks about how a man should love and protect his wife and be the head of the family. And how as a man he needs to be willing and ready to sacrifce.
I would love a copy of this for my free gift;) Brenda M - Freeburg, MO
Jason Evert presents this material in a manner that is easy to understand. He presented information that applies to both men and women, and watching this with my fiancé, it was beneficial to both have something to grasp on to. Caitie
Great presentation. Very relevant. Jason is an excellent, knowledgeable speaker. I loaned it to my Mormon friend and she is passing it around her family!! Leah - Missoula, MT
Customer Comments (5 of 38)