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Jesus Is...

Fr. Michael Schmitz

Fr. Michael Schmitz, a renown and beloved speaker and spiritual guide to the Young Church, discusses the all-important topic of God's existence. Armed with his usual repertoire of lively humor and sound philosophy, Fr. Mike reveals the incredible implications of the question which Christ asks all of us: "Who do YOU say that I Am?"

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Customer Comments

This talk is as insightful as it is entertaining! Joseph- Williamsburg, VA
Fr. Mike does a great job of taking what could be difficult concepts and making them easy to understand. Angie- South Bend, IN
I was really moved by this talk. Fr. Mike basically said you have three options when it comes to understanding Jesus. He's either a liar, a lunatic, or He's your savior. Great talk; totally recommend it! Duran - IL
It is great! Ernesto - Elgin, IL
Defining and expanding on subjective truth versus objective truth Sheldon
Very engaging speaker, really ran the whole gamut of the existence of God to the need for the Catholic Church in a really condensed format. Great intro. Stephen - Jefferson, GA
I just love how Father Schmitz, he can bring any subject to life. His view on the Jesus speaks so timely to the view today by many relativist. Jennifer - Okarche, OK
Fr. Mike's sense of humor is refreshing and his way of explaining the reality of God and divinity of Jesus is just awesome. Everyone should listen to it! Gail - Colorado Springs, CO
Fr Mike Schmitz is an outstanding spokesman. He breaks down the talk through philosphy and not just a religous base. This is a must listen to for everyone, from anyone questioning God's exsistance to a better understanding of who Jesus is. Brandon - 66441, KS
I have shared this cd with others and plan to keep on sharing it; I personaalu think everyone in the world should have a chance to hear it! Fr. Mike is an awesome speaker and his message is delivered brilliantly.
I liked how Fr made it easy for young people to understand the complexities of who Jesus really is Helen - Easton, PA
Fr. Mike is so good at explaining things in a way that makes sense and is not anger provoking. I hope to keep this on hand to give to people who have questions about God. Ellen - Comfrey, MN
the way that is been said, it help me to hear what I already know, in a better way!!! Love it Maria - 0chula Vista, CA