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St. Teresa of Avila

Quiet Waters

The Truth to Inspire Series offers children captivating dramatizations of the lives of saints and well-known Marian apparitions to teach them about the Catholic Faith. St. Teresa of Ávila had a fiery personality as a young girl and was often distracted by the world. Despite many temptations, she grew up to be a powerful influence on the Catholic Church. Her determination to follow God’s will is an inspiring example for both the young and the old.

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Kids, Saints


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Fr. Mike gives a powerful and motivating message that will bless young and old alike! John - Silver City, NM

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This talk is extremely relevant to the problems we see in our culture today. The science behind everything was very interesting. Pete – Greenwood Village, CO

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An amazing talk for an amazing saint. Saint John Paul the Great is such an inspiration. Bradley - Salina, KS

Customer Comments

This is like old-time radio, bringing a story to life, and that of a beautiful saint. Patty - Acton, CA
I loved it! I liked that she could give up her life to go to the monastery. And I liked that she wanted to be a saint when she was a kid, because I want to be one too! Mary (age 8) - Aurora, CO