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Products by Archbishop Paul Coakley

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Prayer: Gateway to the Spiritual Life

Prayer: Gateway to the Spiritual Life

Archbishop Paul Coakley attended the university of Kansas where he completed his undergraduate studies in English and Classical Antiquities. After being ordained a priest in 1983, he served as a priest of the Wichita Diocese for 21 years. He was installed as bishop of Salina, Kansas by Saint John Paul II in 2004 and was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the fourth archbishop of the archdiocese of Oklahoma City, where he has served since 2011. His episcopal motto is Duc in Altum, which translated from Latin, means "Put out into the Deep."


he referred to the 400 moments of graditude in our lives when jesus touches us. and being a mother of a 16 year old boy I have a lot of god moments. I resected is emphasis on graditude a heart of gradutiude goes along way. contstant prayer gives hope and is honesty that he wavered away from the faith on his faith journey. and both times he got the phone call he was surprised. he didn't have lofty ambishens for power. he truly sounded honest pure and strong and I fell those are essensial qualities in a bishop. lesa - noblesville, IN
Evangelization, Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Lent & Easter, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions
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