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Products by Bernard Nathanson

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Aborting America: The Story of an Ex-Abortionist and Ex-Atheist

Aborting America: The Story of an Ex-Abortionist and Ex-Atheist

Bernard Nathanson was an American medical doctor from New York who helped to found the National Abortion Rights Action League, but then later became an acclaimed pro-life activist. He gained national attention by becoming one of the founding members of the National Abortion Rights Action League, now known as NARAL Pro-Choice America. He worked with Betty Friedan and others for the legalization of abortion in the United States. He was also for a time the director of the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health New York's largest abortion clinic. Nathanson has written that he was responsible for more than 75,000 abortions throughout his pro-choice career.


the inside view of what a pro choice advocate is thinking while performing such atrocities Brady - Vernon River, PE
Pro-Life, Conversion Stories, Humanae Vitae
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