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Products by Fr. Andrew Fisher

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The Shot Heard 'Round the World

The Shot Heard 'Round the World

In this gripping presentation, Fr. Andrew Fisher narrates the assassination attempt of Saint John Paul the Great. The Shot Heard 'Round the World is the story of the suffering of Pope John Paul II, as well as Our Lady's intercession during this attempt on the Holy Father's life. Fr. Andrew Fisher is a native of Northern Virginia and a pastor in the Diocese of Arlington. 


I thought it was very interesting on how the assassination attempt on JPII had so many unique things about it- it fulfilled a prophecy from Our Lady of Fatima and there were many unlikely events that happened that allowed JPII to live afterwards. Jessica - Cedar Rapids, IA
Inspirational, Suffering, Saints
Add CD | $4.50
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Average Rating: 4.44 based on 9 ratings

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