Ojciec Michael Gaitley, M.I.C., jest kaplanem Zgromadzenia Ksiezy Marianow Niepokalanego Poczecia Najswietszej Maryi Panny oraz dyrektorem Stowarzyszenia Pomocnikow Marianskich, ktore liczy ponad milion czionkow. W swoim przemowieniu pod tytulem "Druga Najwspanialsza Historia", ojciec Gaitley opowiada o Milosierdziu Bozym, zyciu Swietego Papieza Jan Pawel II, oraz o kluczowej roli, jaka moze odegr... [More]
Father Michael Gaitley, M.I.C., e um sacerdote na congregacao dos Padres Marianos de Imaculada Concepcao e o Diretor da Associacao do Ajudantes Marianos, uma sociedade de beneficio espiritual com mais de um milhao de socios. Em esta palestra, o Padres Gaitley descreve, "A Segunda Historia Maior de Todos os Tempos", uma historia que fala da Misericordia Divina, a vida do Santo Papa Joao Paulo II e ... [More]
In this vastly popular talk, Fr. Gaitley describes the "second greatest story ever told" - a story that encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of St. Pope John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian Consecration can play in your life. Fr. Michael Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the director of formation for the Marian Missionaries of Divine... [More]
Padre Michael Gaitley, MIC, es un sacerdote de la Congregación de los Padres Marianos de la Inmaculada Concepción. En esta charla, padre Gaitley describe "La Segunda Historia Más Grande Jamás Contada", una historia que abarca la Divina Misericordia, la vida del Beato Papa Juan Pablo II y el papel fundamental que puede desempeñar la Consagración Mariana en su vida.
In this illuminating talk, Fr. Michael Gaitley recounts how Archbishop Karol Wojtyla, later Pope St. John Paul II, used the teachings of the Second Vatican Council with great success to help Catholics in his diocese live their faith to the full. Learn how Vatican II provides a map to help us enrich our lives through faith and effectively experience the good news of God’s divine mercy.