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Products by G.K. Chesterton

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“This is the thrilling romance of Orthodoxy. People have fallen into a foolish habit of speaking of orthodoxy as something heavy, humdrum, and safe. There never was anything so perilous or so exciting as orthodoxy.”
–G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

In a time when relativism prevails in our culture, the choice to be an “orthodox” Christian can seem “heavy, humdrum, and safe.” G.K. Chesterton recognized this over a hundred years ago, and it is still true today: people have become deaf and blind to the high adventure of the Christian Faith.

Of the numerous works that Chesterton wrote, the most brilliant synthesis of his philosophy and deeply religious faith is manifested in his masterpiece, Orthodoxy. Written when he was only thirty-four, it tells, in his inimitable, soaring prose, of his earthshaking discovery that orthodoxy is the only satisfactory answer to the riddle of the universe. Orthodoxy is perhaps the most outstanding example of the originality of his style and the brilliance of his thought. C.S. Lewis and many other emerging Christian thinkers have found this book a pivotal step in their adoption of a credible Christian Faith.

In Orthodoxy, Chesterton sets out on a quest to defend Christianity–contemplating its strange yet true paradoxes, examining today's unhinged modern philosophies, and ultimately concluding with the deliriously joyful truth of the Good News. Never has a defense of Christianity been so compellingly unorthodox as in Orthodoxy. An intellectual and spiritual autobiography of sorts, Orthodoxy describes Chesterton's journey, a rip-roaring adventure, of discovering the ONe who is Goodness, Truth, and Beauty itself.

About the Author

G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936) was one of the most beloved and prolific writers of the twentieth century. He established his fame as a playwright, novelist, poet, literary commentator, pamphleteer, essayist, lecturer, apologist, and editor. THe depth and range of his work are astonishing.

A convert to Catholicism in 1922, he defended the Church long before he was Catholic himself. Known in his time for his distinctive appearance and astonishing presence, he is known today as the “prince of paradox” and the “apostle of common sense.”

Product Details

– Copyright 1908, this edition re-printed in 2018
– Paperback
– 205 Pages

Apologetics, Evangelization, Inspirational, Conversion Stories
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