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Products by Sr. Raffaella Cavallin A.V.I.

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The Ultimate Goal: Why I Left Pro Soccer to Answer God’s Call

The Ultimate Goal: Why I Left Pro Soccer to Answer God’s Call

Sister Raffaella Cavallin, a consecrated lay-person with the Apostles of the Interior Life, shares her inspiring spiritual journey. At the height of her professional soccer career, while attending a parish mission, she discovered that the ultimate goal in life is to become a saint. Sister Raffaella’s story illustrates how holiness and happiness go hand in hand, and that through prayer, the Sacraments, and spiritual direction, we can live a Christ centered life and become the person God wants us to be.


Sister clarified for me what it meant to be holy and I liked her thoughts with regards to motherhood. I was able to see the role of a mother from a different perspective. Clare - Crystal Lake, IL
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Youth
Add CD | $4.50
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Average Rating: 3.95 based on 19 ratings

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