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Abraham: Revealing the Historical Roots of our FaithAbraham: Revealing the Historical Roots of our Faith![]() Stephen Ray emphasizes that unless we understand the innate “Jewishness” of Christianity and our Old Testament heritage, we will never fully understand our Faith, the Church, or even salvation itself. These are rooted not only in the early Church, but 2000 years before that, in Abraham. With his infectious enthusiasm, Stephen helps us to learn the deep truths of scripture that God taught through Abraham. |
Biblical Truths |
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Finding the Fullness of FaithFinding the Fullness of Faith![]() Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion to Catholicism and explains why he is convinced it is the Church founded by Christ over 2000 years ago. This talk by Stephen Ray in absolutely fantastic. I must have listened to it over a dozen times. It was an eye opener (or ear opener!) to hear how other Christian denominations wrongly view our precious Catholic faith. As a person who defends the Catholic faith- this talk is like a much needed weapon of defense. Stephen Ray brings up many issues that we hear over and over again by those who have no idea what being a Catholic is all about! I highly recommend this CD to all Catholics and non-Catholics alike as a very valuable insight as to what our Church is REALLY about. Natalie - 18447, PA |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Conversion Stories, The Reformation |
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Spanish — Un Encuentro con la Plenitud de la FeSpanish — Un Encuentro con la Plenitud de la Fe![]() Stephen Ray fue criado
en una amorosa y
devota familia bautista.
En esta presentación
nos comparte su
sorprendente conversión al
catolicismo y nos explica por qué
está totalmente convencido que
la Iglesia católica es la que Cristo
fundó hace 2000 años.
“Esta presentación puso en palabras lo que yo quiero decir a mis amigos sobre mi fe católica, pero que no puedo recordar en el momento adecuado. ¡Gracias!” Julie - Bluffton, SC |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Spanish, Conversion Stories |
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The Stations of the Cross: Journey to the Holy LandThe Stations of the Cross: Journey to the Holy Land![]() Have you ever wanted to travel to the Holy Land? Can you imagine walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and following Him throughout His crucifixion and death? In this talk, speaker and pilgrim guide to Jerusalem Steve Ray vividly details the places and events of Christ's crucifixion. Steve connects the dots between Scripture, the sacred sites, and the traditional Stations of the Cross, helping us more closely experience and appreciate the most profound act of God's love for humanity. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Apologetics, Jesus Christ, Lent & Easter |
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Swimming Upstream: Going Against the Current CultureSwimming Upstream: Going Against the Current Culture![]() In this empowering talk, Steve Ray shares what it means to be a Christian in today's world. By examining the lives and martyrdoms of the early Christians and understanding how they transformed the pagan Greco-Roman culture, Steve gives us a blueprint for the New Evangelization. Learn from early Christians how to swim upstream against the current culture and become a witness for Christ. I'm sending this CD to my Evangelical friends. I think we're in for real trouble with a culture clash. This CD says it well. We must know and be excited about our faith and be ready to suffer. It's coming and we gotta know what we stand for. I have been a long time subscriber and this is the best one yet to use for the New Evangelizatio! Lisa - Lewistown, MT |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Inspirational |
![]() Add CD | $4.50
![]() Add MP3 | $3.49