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Catholic Teaching on Marriage and Annulments

Catholic Teaching on Marriage and Annulments

Are annulments just a Catholic version of divorce? Nothing could be further from the truth. The differences are profound, and much of the confusion springs from a misunderstanding about marriage itself. Bishop Perry explains the key principles of the Sacrament of Marriage and applies them to divorce and annulments. This presentation answers the most commonly asked questions on this topic.


I chose this because I was going to R.C.I.A. classes and my husband needed to get an annulment for his previous marriage. This cd helped us both to fully understand what it is so important and I now understand why it is needed. I am very glad that I got this and I was happy to see my husband get all his questions answered. shandy - Hays, KS
Church Teaching, Family & Parenting, Marriage
Add CD | $4.50
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