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Families: Become Intimate Communities of Life and LoveFamilies: Become Intimate Communities of Life and Love![]() Family is one of the most important things in the world alongside faith. But how can families live out their faith and prayer lives together? How can we educate our children to be good Catholics for the future? Join Bonnie Landry as she explores who we are as families, what a family’s purpose is, and how parents can keep their children’s hearts close to family and to Jesus. |
Bonnie Landry |
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The Realities of MarriageThe Realities of Marriage![]() “Marriage - terrifying and beautiful, difficult and rewarding. A true vocation from God. Theologian and well-known speaker and author Dr. Edward Sri is joined by his brilliant wife Elizabeth as they insightfully and entertainingly share the wisdom and experiences they’ve gained in tackling over 20 years of marriage and family life together. Be inspired and challenged to discover God’s plan for this vocation in your life. |
Dr. Edward & Elizabeth Sri |
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Spiritual MotherhoodSpiritual Motherhood![]() “In giving themselves to others each day women fulfill their deepest vocation.” Inspired by the insights of |
Sr. Maris Stella |
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Men, Women, & MarriageMen, Women, & Marriage![]() Having a good sense of humor can really help in marriage! In this talk, psychologist, speaker, and author Dr. Ray Guarendi weaves great humor and storytelling into his constructive advice and practical insights on all things men, women, and marriage—differences, communication, habits, parenting, the importance of apologies, and more. Be entertained and be encouraged to live and love a good marriage. "My wife thought I was afraid of commitment... two years into the relationship, she said to me, 'You either tell me your name, or it's over!'" |
Dr. Ray Guarendi |
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The Spirituality of MarriageThe Spirituality of Marriage![]() Throughout the Church's history there has been crisis and confusion over Church teaching. Today, there is crisis and confusion surrounding the Sacrament of Marriage. As Augustine Institute President and Professor Dr. Tim Gray explains, this crisis presents an immense opportunity, as it encourages us to explore and discover the depth of this mystery, described by Pope Benedict XVI as "a Gospel in itself". When lived faithfully and well, marriage serves as a bold witness to the love and saving power of God. |
Dr. Tim Gray |
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Spanish - El Anillo Es Para SiempreSpanish - El Anillo Es Para Siempre![]() View book sampleFor the first time ever, we are excited to offer a Spanish language book that is not a translation of a previously released English title. This book was written in Spanish by a native speaker specifically for the Spanish-speaking world. A wedding ring is something very special, and we normally wear it at all times because it signifies the most important things in our lives. It symbolizes our marriage relationship, our family, our children, our home, and the blessings of God, as well as many other things. Fr. Ángel asks: “How can such a small object— a ring—signify something so great: love and fidelity?” In these pages, he offers us the answer. With a simple approach to the marital commitment, and using the visible appearance of the wedding ring, Fr. Ángel teaches us about the profound plan that God has for marriage. In his unique style, he brings us from tears to laughter, oftentimes on the same page, to remind us that, like the ring, marriage is forever. *In order to qualify for FREE shipping, ensure you are logged in to Parish Access and choose UPS ground shipping at checkout. Free shipping only applies to these promotional products shipped within the Continental United States. If you would like to purchase any other products they must be ordered separately. About the AuthorFr. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro is a Catholic priest who was born in Puebla, México. He has a degree in the Classical Humanities from the Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos de Salamanca in Spain. He studied philosophy in the Pontifical Gregorian University and theology in the Ateneo Regina Apostolorum in Rome from which he received a degree in Moral Theology and another in Bioethics. Since he was ordained as a priest in November 1994, he has worked as a youth counselor and later as a family counselor in Mexico, Colombia, Italy, and France. Fr. Angel has given more than 2000 conferences around the world on the topics of the family, family values, and spirituality. His internet talks have received millions of visits, and he is one of the most popular Catholic speakers in the Spanish-speaking world. |
Padre Angel Espinosa de los Monteros |
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Humanae Vitae 50 Years Later: History of Dissent and DefenseHumanae Vitae 50 Years Later: History of Dissent and Defense![]() Janet Smith, Ph.D. a seminary professor and internationally-known author and speaker, provides important context for why Humanae Vitae is considered the most controversial, and one of the most important, encyclicals promulgated by the Church in modern times. She discusses how this document written by Blessed Pope Paul VI served to prophetically warn the world of the dire consequences associated with artificial contraception and faithfully witness to the beauty of God’s plan for sex within marriage. |
Prof. Janet Smith |
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Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good For Women?Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good For Women?![]() Both secular and religious observers agree that the sexual revolution has caused seismic changes for society across the globe. Mary Eberstadt, a secularly-trained writer who has written for Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and the LA Times, among other publications, uses her training as a professional researcher to objectively assess whether or not the severing of sex and procreation has delivered on its promise to liberate women and make them happier. This is a very important talk for men and women about the statistical evidence of the effects of the Sexual Revolution on society around the world, and how it has changed and impacted women and the attitudes towards them. Penny - Lake Arrowhead, CA |
Mary Eberstadt |
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God’s Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic FreedomGod’s Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic Freedom![]() In anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, Archbishop Aquila explains how Blessed Pope Paul VI’s teaching still serves as a great light amidst a world that is deeply confused about sexual intimacy. He provides valuable insights about how God imbued our sexuality with truths that are reflective of his own divine love. He challenges Catholics to share the liberating truth of God’s plan for sex within marriage and witness this reality as the way of lasting happiness. So whose voice will you listen to? Hear this talk and decide for yourself! Julie - Bluffton, SC |
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila |
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Beloved - Leader's Guide (Spanish)Beloved - Leader's Guide (Spanish)![]() ¿Qué sucedería si supieras que el matrimonio es más que un simple contrato entre dos personas, que un romance, que una satisfacción mutua y que una simple atracción? ¿Qué tal si Dios ha entrelazado, en el mismo diseño de la humanidad, un deseo, con el propósito de unir a un hombre y a una mujer en un vinculo que encierra un misterio y que es sagrado?En 12 sesiones, Amado explora las realidades esenciales del matrimonio, descubriendo los aspectos espirituales, emocionales y prácticas de lo que significa el sacramento para todos aquellos que se preparan para casarse, así como para aquellos que desean alcanzar una vida esponsal más plena. El plan de Dios para el matrimonio se entenderá con más profundidad, a través de la exploración de las Sagradas Escrituras, la Sagrada Tradición y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Esta guía del líder te ayudará a orientar a otros en esta exploración del sacramento, proporcionado herramientas probadas y consejos para hacer de este tiempo, una experiencia informativa, inspiradora y transformadora, a través de: - El uso efectivo de los videos y guías - Las preguntas de discusión impactantes - Una enseñanza detallada - Una ayuda para preparación al matrimonio - Una ayuda para clases de enriquecimiento matrimonial y retiros Muestra del libro. --- What would happen if you found out that marriage was more than a simple contract between two persons, a romance, mutual satisfaction or simple attraction? What if God has woven into the very design of humanity a desire with the purpose of uniting a man and woman in a bond that entails a mystery and that is holy? In twelve sessions, Beloved explores the essential realities of marriage, dealing with the deepest spiritual, emotional, and practical aspects of what the sacrament means for those preparing to get married as well as those who yearn for a richer married life. God’s plan for Marriage will come alive through an exploration of Scripture, Tradition, and Church teaching. This leader guide will help you guide others in this exploration of the sacrament, providing proven tools and advice to make this time an informative, inspirational, and transformative experience through: - The effective use of videos and guides - Impactful discussion questions - Detailed teaching - Helps for marriage preparation - Helps for marriage enrichment classes Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. |
Augustine Institute |
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Spanish - Defender El AmorSpanish - Defender El Amor![]() El P. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro, es un sacerdote nacido en Puebla, México. El P. Ángel ha impartido más de 2000 conferencias sobre matrimonio, valores familiares y espiritualidad por todo el mundo. Sus charlas en internet tienen millones de visitas y se ha convertido en uno de los conferencistas católicos de habla hispana más popular. Con sentido del humor y aplicando su vasta experiencia, nos ilumina sobre las raíces de los problemas matrimoniales y ofrece soluciones prácticas. ¡El Padre Ángel sabe cautivar a la audiencia con sus ejemplos para hacernos contemplar y valorar nuestros matrimonios! ¡Una charla que toda pareja necesita escuchar! Fidel - Guerrero, MX |
Padre Angel Espinosa de los Monteros |
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How to Talk about Same Sex MarriageHow to Talk about Same Sex Marriage![]() Catholic Apologist Trent Horn carefully considers same-sex marriage and provides an in-depth discussion that addresses the misconceptions held by many in our society today. This examination of what marriage really is, and what it is not, provides a truly gracious and persuasive response to the debate surrounding this important topic.
It gave me the tools to disputed the moral rectitude of same sex marriage Claire - Marietta |
Trent Horn |
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Beloved: Finding Happiness in MarriageBeloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage![]() Dr. Timothy Gray presents an honest look at the blessings and struggles of marriage. He connects the Fall to daily marital struggles and explains how, like Adam and Eve, spouses can end up blaming instead of supporting each other. Dr. Gray also explains how words can heal and build up married life. Discover how to find or renew happiness in your marriage with Beloved. It was easy to understand and follow. Enough scripture to prove the point. Claudia - tulsa, OK |
Dr. Tim Gray |
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Calming the Emotional Storms: 4 Keys to Finding Emotional PeaceCalming the Emotional Storms: 4 Keys to Finding Emotional Peace![]() In this practical but spiritual presentation, Dr. Gregory Popcak discusses four keys to develop self-awareness and self mastery. He reveals that emotions are a gift from God and that they can help you grow in virtue. Learn how to master your feelings and calm your emotional storms so that you can experience the peace of Christ. matthew - Brentwood, NH |
Dr Gregory Popcak |
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Making P.E.A.C.E. With Difficult PeopleMaking P.E.A.C.E. With Difficult People![]() Dr. Gregory and Lisa Popcak, through a five-part P.E.A.C.E. process, offer powerful insights to help you work through difficult situations with the people in your life. This system will assist you in resolving problems and work towards more fully reconcile with them. Full of practical guidance, this presentation will show you how to better love and relate to the difficult people in your life. Very practical advice while not putting all of the sucees or failure on the one listening. Balanced and challenging. Rachel - Norwalk, OH |
Gregory and Lisa Popcak |
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Beloved Parish Edition - DVD Set (Spanish & English)Beloved Parish Edition - DVD Set (Spanish & English)![]() Beloved is now available with Spanish audio!This special Spanish/English Parish Edition DVD set contains all the sessions of the standard Parish Edition set but also offers Spanish as a language option in the DVD menu. Now you can watch Beloved in English or with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual fulfillment, and basic attraction? What if woven into the very design of your humanity is a purposeful desire for you to be united with
your beloved, creating something new, mysterious, and holy? What if your marriage is designed to be a vital part of God’s work in the world?
*language: English or Spanish Have more questions about Beloved? Check out the FAQ , call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service . |
Augustine Institute |
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Beloved Parish Edition - DVD SetBeloved Parish Edition - DVD Set![]() This is the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio.What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual fulfillment, and basic attraction? What if woven into the very design of your humanity is a purposeful desire for you to be united with your beloved, creating something new, mysterious, and holy? What if your marriage is designed to be a vital part of God’s work in the world? Watch the trailer for Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage In twelve sessions, Beloved explores the essential realities of Marriage, dealing with the deepest spiritual, emotional, and practical aspects of what the sacrament means for those preparing to get married as well as those who yearn for a richer married life. Through Scripture, Tradition, and Church teaching, God’s plan for Marriage will come alive. You’ll see firsthand how to experience the mystery, happiness, and joy of this sacrament—from that first “I do” through the rest of your lives. Informative and inspirational, Beloved will help you live out the Sacrament of Marriage more profoundly, so that your love story is drawn ever more into the greatest love story of all. . . God’s own love for us. We also offer a special Home Edition of this incredible series! Click here to view! Episode Listing: The Mystery and Meaning of Marriage 1. Does Marriage Matter? (34 minutes) 2. Entering the Story of Marriage (33 minutes) 3. Love Revealed (37 minutes) 4. Total Gift of Self (49 minutes) 5. A Sacramental Bond (35 minutes) 6. Real Challenges, Real Love (48 minutes) Living Marriage 1. Christ at the Center (18 minutes) 2. A Deeper Unity (18 minutes) 3. Conflict and Communication (19 minutes) 4. Building a Thriving Marriage (19 minutes) 5. Protecting the Bond (21 minutes) 6. Sexuality and Authentic Love (20 minutes) Have more questions about Beloved? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. "I am a volunteer at a parish in the Detroit Diocese and have been married now for 12 years. I NEVER understood marriage in the way it's been presented on the Beloved DVD's. I want to share this from the rooftops! We have 200 people at our parish who will be going through this program and we're so very excited to grow in our Catholic Faith and strengthen our marriages.” Marie - Sterline Heights, MI |
Augustine Institute |
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Men, Women, and the Mystery of LoveMen, Women, and the Mystery of Love![]() In today's culture we're constantly bombarded with a secular notion of love and intimacy, instead of the kind of love that God intended for his children. In this presentation, Dr. Edward Sri explains how Saint John Paul II teachings of the Theology of the Body can help us prepare for our future marriage, by showing us how to live as selfless, authentic men and women. This talk opened my mind to what true relationships and what love should be like. It has inspired me to live a holy life and to seek true love which is self-giving. I loved this talk and would recommend this to my friends. Nicholas - Park city, UT |
Dr. Edward Sri |
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The Hidden BattleThe Hidden Battle![]() Matt Fradd is a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist. In this inspiring talk, Matt explains that there is nothing shameful in seeking to live a porn free life. Listen as Matt lays out a seven-step battle plan on how to uproot the vice of pornography in your life once and for all. He is also the founder of ThePornEffect.com, a site offering help to people recover from pornography. While others just tell you "It is wrong", Matt Fradd gives you pointers and resources to stop it...before you fall to it again. Every Parish priest should have a stack of these in the confessionals (that is how I got it) ready to give to those who have fallen and feel badly about their actions. Bob - Sterling Heights, MI |
Matt Fradd |
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Pure FatherhoodPure Fatherhood![]() Fathers are the link between heaven and earth, and are intended to be an image of our Heavenly Father. Drawing on the examples of St. Joseph, Devin Schadt shows us how to become a father on earth like the Father in heaven. Devin is a husband, a father of five, and the co-founder of the Fathers of St. Joseph, an apostolate dedicated to the renewal of authentic fatherhood. Direct and concise. Jennifer - Greenville, SC |
Devin Schadt |
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Sexual FreedomSexual Freedom![]() If you can’t say “no” to sexual desires, what is your “yes” worth? Freedom exists for the sake of love. However, the modern idea of it leads to slavery. In this enlightening presentation, Christopher West shows us how authentic sexual freedom can deliver us from the empty promises of “sexual liberation”. Christopher is a popular theologian who specializes in making the dense scholarship of Pope John Paul II’s "Theology of the Body" accessible to a wide audience. This talk is drawn from real life experiences of Christopher West, so it gives some kind of encouragement that no matter how far you fall sexually there is still hope for redemption. It makes it all the more believable coming from someone who once engaged in pre-marital intimacies but overcame the vice. Truly inspirational. Diana - Nairobi |
Christopher West |
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Green Sex: The Case for Natural Family PlanningGreen Sex: The Case for Natural Family Planning![]() First comes loves, then comes marriage ... then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books. Great presentation. Very relevant. Jason is an excellent, knowledgeable speaker. I loaned it to my Mormon friend and she is passing it around her family!! Leah - Missoula, MT |
Jason Evert |
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Love or Lust?Love or Lust?![]() Scare tactics, guilt trips, and the climbing teen pregnancy rates don't really inspire anyone to love. In this presentation from Jason and Crystalina Evert, you'll discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity. This CD is awesome! I am going to need a lot more of these to share with children, young adults and parents! There is so much they need to hear and know! Society lies! Jason and Crystalina share the truth with personal stories that really touch your heart! We have got to get away from the complacency about "casual" sex and create new standards! This story reinforce this task! Lisa - Bayville, NJ |
Jason and Crystalina Evert |
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Sexuality & Love - BookletSexuality & Love - Booklet![]() This booklet tackles some of the most difficult questions and shows how Christianity offers real freedom in living, rather than placing unreasonable limits on our behaviour. Catholic belief and understanding in this area follows Christ in teaching people how to live out a generous, honest love that is free from selfishness and inherent deceit. |
Catholic Truth Society |
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Prayer Book for Spouses - BookletPrayer Book for Spouses - Booklet![]() These prayers and meditations offer couples a ready, thorough and reliable support to the daily challenges and joys of married life. Drawing on Scripture, Catholic teaching and spirituality and the Marriage Rite itself, this prayer book encourages the loving and spiritual dimension essential to the life of Christian spouses. |
Catholic Truth Society |
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DetoxDetox![]() Out of stock
more please p - OH |
Jason Evert |
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Contraception: Cracking the MythsContraception: Cracking the Myths![]() In this new revised edition of Professor Janet Smith's groundbreaking exposé on the effects of the pill on modern society, she presents a God-centered view of sexuality that can bring married couples a joy that they could have never imagined. Backed by statistics and armed with decades of research, Prof. Smith shows the crippling effect of the contraceptive culture on our relationship with God, our romantic relationships and marriages, the culture at large and our physical and mental health.
I liked the facts and figures presented. My wife and I work with engaged couples for marriage prep and they will come in handy. ROB - Oklahoma City, OK |
Prof. Janet Smith |
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From Love, By Love, For LoveFrom Love, By Love, For Love![]() Father Michael Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today. With compassion, clarity, and humor, he shows that the Church's teachings on contraception and same-sex attraction are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that is shared by all, who are made in the image and likeness of God. Father Michael has the ability to communicate the Truths of Christ and His Church in a bold, comprehensible and super engaging way. This is the best talk I have heard on the reality of human sexuality as God intended. This is a must listen if you want to better understand the nature and purpose of sex (noun & verb). TOB 101. Phillip - Wadsworth, OH |
Fr. Michael Schmitz |
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Marriage and Family - Love UnveiledMarriage and Family - Love Unveiled![]() Good relationships and marriages are of vital importance to individuals, the Church and society overall, but real effort and wisdom are indispensible to making them strong and lasting. In this focused presentation Dr. Scott Hahn shares key principles that he has lived out in his own life. His advice is practical and challenging and sometimes requires sacrifice, but it is sure to bear good fruit and bring forth many blessings. I am engaged and received "Marriage and Family" as part of a gift when I was received into the Church last Sunday. It not only gave me invaluable information and insight about marriage and family, but a deep sense of calm and peace. One that I know originates and comes from a close relationship with Christ and growing closer and stronger with Him. Carrie - Union, OH |
Dr. Scott Hahn |
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For Love and MarriageFor Love and Marriage![]() Johnnette Benkovic shares her conversion back to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and the struggles that came when her husband didn't share her faith. She explains how the Lord blessed her in unexpected ways and, through the promptings of His Holy Spirit, showed her how she could better love her spouse through it all. I absolutely loved hearing Johnette's conversion story and how her husband came to know Jesus through her, after a lot of time of persecuting her faith. Hearing how she dealt with her husband's talking about divorce and persevered in her faith was so powerful. It was so moving at the end to hear about her husband's death and asking her, "Johnette, did you ever think we could love each other so much?" Jackie - Fargo, ND |
Johnnette Benkovic |
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For Better Forever: A Catholic Guide To Lifelong MarriageFor Better Forever: A Catholic Guide To Lifelong Marriage![]() Dr. Gregory Popcak is a nationally-recognized Catholic psychotherapist and author of eight books. He and his wife, Lisa, host a daily program on Ave Maria Radio. Drawing from years of clinical practice, he integrates proven psychology with orthodox Christianity in a way that will surprise and challenge you, whether you are newlyweds or celebrating your Golden Anniversary. I really enjoyed how they made the talk conversational and light-hearted. It was very inspiring and faith-filled ,too. Malani - Ewa Beach, HI |
Gregory and Lisa Popcak |
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A Guide to Raising (almost) Perfect KidsA Guide to Raising (almost) Perfect Kids![]() Why don't kids come with an instruction manual? Actually, they do! In this packed presentation filled with humor and easy-to-apply practical examples, Dr. Gregory & Lisa Popcak and Dr. Ray Guarendi help you discover your own God-given instruction manual for creating an effective and life-changing parenting plan for your children. The parenting aspect. Aaron - thief river falls, MN |
Gregory and Lisa Popcak |
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How to Apply our Faith to our FamiliesHow to Apply our Faith to our Families![]() Well-known speaker and author Kimberly Hahn is the wife of Dr. Scott Hahn and mother of six children. With simplicity, grace, and wit, she shares her personal experiences and practical insights on how to apply the truths of our Faith to everyday life. In this stimulating talk, she offers rich food for thought and concrete ways to let the Lord be the top priority in our family's daily life. It was good advice for families, to be more faithful in guiding their children in the faith. Marie - Sugar Land, TX |
Kimberly Hahn |
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Three to Get MarriedThree to Get Married![]() In this classic on love and marriage, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen places sex in the context of human love, and human love in the context of Divine Love. One of the greatest and best-loved spokesmen for the Catholic Faith, he beautifully presents the Catholic concept of marriage, emphasizing that our Blessed Lord must be at the center of every successful and loving marriage. That God is Love. And that any love we seek on earth will never satisfy us. that Marriage is a pathway of sanctity to heaven. I will work prayerfully to making my marriage a success. Patricia - Lagos |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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What Every Couple Should Know About Marriage and PrayerWhat Every Couple Should Know About Marriage and Prayer![]() What is the secret of a successful marriage? How can couples deepen their commitment to one another in Christ? Beloved Catholic orator, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen illuminates the path by focusing on the essential role that prayer must play in every marriage. His anecdotes and stories illustrate his points and make his teachings more memorable and more easily applied to everyday life. I just happened on the CD after praying at church; I walked into the hallway and decided to pick it up. I'm in a time in my marriage where this talk hit spot on. It was encouragement to let me know I'm on the right track and how to keep going. I felt as if I had spiritual direction right from Bl. Fulton Sheen. I've since passed on the CD to a family member. Thank you! Heather - Dallas, PA |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Defeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against MenDefeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against Men![]() Pornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity.
Personal testimony Ana |
Jeff Cavins |
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Catholic Teaching on Marriage and AnnulmentsCatholic Teaching on Marriage and Annulments![]() Are annulments just a Catholic version of divorce? Nothing could be further from the truth. The differences are profound, and much of the confusion springs from a misunderstanding about marriage itself. Bishop Perry explains the key principles of the Sacrament of Marriage and applies them to divorce and annulments. This presentation answers the most commonly asked questions on this topic. I chose this because I was going to R.C.I.A. classes and my husband needed to get an annulment for his previous marriage. This cd helped us both to fully understand what it is so important and I now understand why it is needed. I am very glad that I got this and I was happy to see my husband get all his questions answered. shandy - Hays, KS |
Bishop Joseph Perry |
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The Lay Moment: Vatican II and the Universal Call to HolinessThe Lay Moment: Vatican II and the Universal Call to Holiness![]() Clergy scandals, marriage and family life under attack, growing secularism, a world angry and confused. Augustine Institute President Dr. Tim Gray explains why he believes that “we are entering an age that is similar to the age of the early Church.” He outlines the goals of Vatican II and the critical vocation of the laity in the renewal of the Church and the salvation of the world. “To be a real, faithful Christian in this culture, you are going to have to swim upstream... the Church will be renewed because we will have to stand in the face of the cross—the test of love.” |
Dr. Tim Gray |
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