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Living the Gospel with the Heart of Pope FrancisLiving the Gospel with the Heart of Pope Francis![]() Dr. Edward Sri is a renowned theologian, author, and professor at the Augustine Institute. In this presentation, Dr. Sri invites all Christians to embrace the call of Pope Francis to be missionary disciples in today's world. With contagious enthusiasm and insightfulness, Dr. Sri makes the Holy Father's message both accessible and actionable for people living in this day and age. |
Evangelization, Personal Growth, Corporal Works of Mercy |
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Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained (Paperback)Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained (Paperback)![]() Get the book based on the acclaimed
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained
series! |
Church Teaching, Symbolon |
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Men, Women, and the Mystery of LoveMen, Women, and the Mystery of Love![]() In today's culture we're constantly bombarded with a secular notion of love and intimacy, instead of the kind of love that God intended for his children. In this presentation, Dr. Edward Sri explains how Saint John Paul II teachings of the Theology of the Body can help us prepare for our future marriage, by showing us how to live as selfless, authentic men and women. This talk opened my mind to what true relationships and what love should be like. It has inspired me to live a holy life and to seek true love which is self-giving. I loved this talk and would recommend this to my friends. Nicholas - Park city, UT |
Marriage, Personal Growth, Youth |
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Praying the Rosary Like Never BeforePraying the Rosary Like Never Before![]() Dr. Edward Sri is a nationally sought Catholic speaker who appears regularly on EWTN, and is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). In this discussion of his book The New Rosary in Scripture: Biblical Insights on Praying the Twenty Mysteries (Servant Books), Dr. Sri shares Pope Saint John Paul II's practical strategies for praying the Rosary better, so that you can encounter Jesus more deeply in prayer. Sri's honest reflection on how difficult it can be to pray he rosary with full attention to all the details Stony Plain, AB |
Prayer & Devotions, Mary |
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Rethinking Mary in the New TestamentRethinking Mary in the New Testament![]() Scholars often have questioned how much the New Testament can tell us about the Mother of Jesus. After all, Mary appears only in a few accounts and speaks on limited occasions. Can Scripture really support the many Marian beliefs developed in the Church over time? In Rethinking Mary in the New Testament, Dr. Edward Sri shows that the Bible reveals more about Mary than is commonly appreciated. For when the Mother of Jesus does appear in Scripture, it’s often in passages of great importance, steeped in the Jewish Scriptures, and packed with theological significance. This comprehensive work examines every key New Testament reference to Mary, addressing common questions along the way, such as: – What was Mary’s life like before the Annunciation? – Is there biblical support for Mary’s Immaculate Conception and Perpetual Virginity? – Does Scripture reveal Mary as our spiritual mother? – What does it mean for Mary to be “full of grace”? – How is Mary the “New Eve,” “Ark of the Covenant,” and “Queen Mother”? – Can Mary be identified with the “woman” in Revelation 12? – Rethinking Mary in the New Testament offers a fresh, in-depth look at the Mother of Jesus in Scripture—one that helps us know Mary better and her role in God’s plan. JUST ONE WORD CAN TELL US A LOT ABOUT MARY How can just the words “hail,” “full of grace,” or “woman” reveal so much about the Mother of Jesus? This in-depth, fresh look at Mary in the Bible explores every key New Testament reference to Mary. Drawing on recent insights in biblical scholarship and traditional wisdom sometimes overlooked, Dr. Edward Sri devotes entire chapters to analyzing the small scriptural details to help us know better who Mary really is and the role she plays in God’s plan of salvation. About the AuthorEdward Sri, Ph.D., is a well-known author and speaker. He is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), currently serves as FOCUS vice president of formation, and holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Each year he speaks to clergy, parish leaders, catechists, and laity from around the world.Product Details320 pagesBook size: 5.25" x 8" Paperback Published year: 2018 Praise for Rethinking MaryThis is Sri's best book so far—and that means it is an extraordinary book indeed. A book like this
could only be authored by someone with a mastery of contemporary biblical scholarship who also
happens to be a lifelong scholar of Mariology. This rare conjunction describes Edward Sri. Easy to
read, serious, and scholarly, this book delivers on its promises. Here we meet the Mary whom the
evangelists aimed to reveal to us. In this work, Sri brings his remarkable knowledge of Mary in Scripture to bear on one of the most
pressing needs in the Church today: an up-to-date and thoroughly exegetical analysis of every key
New Testament passage regarding Mary. This book is a major achievement, and a must-read for
anyone interested in what the Bible really teaches about the Mother of Jesus. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Mary, Saints |
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A Scriptural Walk Through the MassA Scriptural Walk Through the Mass![]() For Catholics, the Mass is entirely familiar, but often not well understood. Scripture scholar and well-known author Dr. Edward Sri takes listeners on a journey through the sacred liturgy that is sure to help Catholics experience the Mass more fully as the most powerful and important prayer of the Church. Dr. Sri examines the historical and biblical roots of the words, prayers, actions, and gestures contained within the Mass in order to arrive at a deeper understanding of their significance. Edward Sri was very informative as usual. This talk deepened my u derstandi g of the mass. Aleksandra - Mississauga, ON |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Eucharist |
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SPANISH - Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe Católica (The Catholic Faith Explained)SPANISH - Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe Católica (The Catholic Faith Explained)![]() “¡Por fin comprendo la fe católica!”Eso es lo que dicen muchos alrededor del mundo después de ver la aclamada serie Symbolon: La explicación de la fe católica. Ahora, el conductor de la serie y reconocido autor Edward Sri nos lleva por los aspectos claves de la fe católica con la misma claridad y belleza que lo hizo en el documental en video, respondiendo a preguntas comunes, tales como: Elogios Para Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe CatólicaEste libro será un descubrimiento para muchas personas. El Dr. Sri nos presenta el amor divino como el hilo conductor de la lógica de la fe católica, lo que la da sentido a todo lo que creemos y hacemos como católicos. Su presentación es clara y simple y va directo al corazón del tema (y de los lectores). La Iglesia es la novia cuya belleza hablará por si misma cuando se le quite el velo. Eso es lo que hace el Dr. Sri en este libro que se caracteriza por su caridad y claridad, mientras revela la riqueza y armonía de la fe católica. Un maravilloso recurso catequético que se puede usar para RCIA, grupos de formación en la fe o catequéticos. – Abridged version of Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained Sobre El AutorEl Dr. Edward Sri es teólogo, conferencista internacional y autor de varios libros que son éxistos de ventas, tales como Un recorrido bíblico por la misa y ¿Quién soy yo para juzgar? Es el anfitrión de varias series de formaciónen video, incluyendo Symbolon: La explicación de la fe católica. Es uno de los fundadores, junto a Curtis Martin, de FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), professor adjunto del Augustine Institute y Vicepresidente de formación para FOCUS. Para más información visite www.edwardsri.com. English Translation“I finally understand the Catholic faith!”That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as: Praise for Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic FaithThis book will be a discovery for many people. Dr. Sri presents divine love as the guiding thread of the logic of the Catholic faith, which gives meaning to everything we believe as Catholics. Its presentation is clear and simple and goes straight to the heart of the subject (and the readers). The Church is the bride whose beauty will speak for itself when the veil is removed. That is what Dr. Sri does in this book that is characterized by his charity and clarity, while revealing the richness and harmony of the Catholic faith. A wonderful catechetical resource that can be used for RCIA, faith formation or catechetical groups. Product Details– Paperback About the AuthorDr. Edward Sri is a theologian, international lecturer and author of several bestselling books, such as A Biblical Walk Through the Mass and Who Am I to Judge? He is the host of several video formation series, including Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. He is one of the founders, together with Curtis Martin, of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), associate professor at the Augustine Institute and Vice President of Formation for FOCUS. For more information visit www.edwardsri.com. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Apologetics, Spanish, Symbolon |
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Spanish - ¿Quien Soy Yo Para Juzgar?Spanish - ¿Quien Soy Yo Para Juzgar?![]() For a limited time, order a case of 25 ¿Quien Soy Yo Para Juzgar? CDs for only $25! Learn more. Conversar con familia y amigos sobre temas morales puede ser complicado, sobre todo en nuestra cultura que promueve la idea de que no hay verdad objetiva. Echando mano de su experiencia personal, el conocido escritor y teólogo Dr. Edward Sri, nos ofrece 5 claves para que los cristianos resistamos, con amor y lógica, lo que Benedicto XVI llamó “la dictadura del relativismo.” Nos aclara también lo que debemos entender al decir que no queremos juzgar y la importancia de hacer juicios morales correctos. English Translation: Who Am I to Judge? Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love El Dr. Sri desenmascara al relativismo con amor. ¡Sin duda la mejor charla que he escuchado sobre este tema! John - Denver, CO |
Apologetics, Personal Growth, Spanish |
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Symbolon: The Catholic Faith ExplainedSymbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained![]() “I finally understand the Catholic faith!”That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as: Praise for Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic FaithThis book will be a discovery for many people. Dr. Sri presents divine love as the guiding thread of the logic of the Catholic faith, which gives meaning to everything we believe as Catholics. Its presentation is clear and simple and goes straight to the heart of the subject (and the readers). The Church is the bride whose beauty will speak for itself when the veil is removed. That is what Dr. Sri does in this book that is characterized by his charity and clarity, while revealing the richness and harmony of the Catholic faith. A wonderful catechetical resource that can be used for RCIA, faith formation or catechetical groups. Product Details– Paperback About the AuthorDr. Edward Sri is a theologian, international lecturer and author of several bestselling books, such as A Biblical Walk Through of the Mass and Who am I to judge? He is the host of several video formation series, including Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. He is one of the founders, together with Curtis Martin, of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), associate professor at the Augustine Institute and Vice President of Formation for FOCUS. For more information visit www.edwardsri.com. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Apologetics, Symbolon |
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Who Am I to Judge? - BookWho Am I to Judge? - Book![]()
How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? When we’re bombarded with messages of “Be tolerant!” “Don’t judge!” and “Coexist!” many good people feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore. This book gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.” Ideal for men’s and women’s groups, adult faith formation, and young adult ministry, this book gives Catholics greater confidence in God’s moral law, greater clarity in how to explain it effectively to our secular friends, and greater compassion for those with whom we disagree. Cover: Softcover Have more questions about Who Am I to Judge? Check out the FAQ, call us at 866-767-3155, or email customer service. |
Best Sellers, Books for Kiosk |
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Who Am I to Judge? - DVD SetWho Am I to Judge? - DVD Set![]() How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? When we’re bombarded with messages of “Be tolerant!” “Don’t judge!” and “Coexist!” many good people feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore.This 8-part study program gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.” Ideal for men’s and women’s groups, adult faith formation, and young adult ministry, this study program gives Catholics greater confidence in God’s moral law, greater clarity in how to explain it effectively to our secular friends, and greater compassion for those with whom we disagree. Episode Listing: Episode 1: Don’t Impose Your Morality on Me! Have more questions about Who Am I to Judge? Check out the FAQ, call us at 866-767-3155, or email customer service. |
Apologetics, Evangelization, DVD Box Sets, Video Based Study Programs |
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Who Am I to Judge? - Leader GuideWho Am I to Judge? - Leader Guide![]() How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? This 8-part study program gives us an important key to respond effectively to relativism—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.”Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Leader Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
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Who Am I to Judge? - Study GuideWho Am I to Judge? - Study Guide![]() How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? This 8-part study program gives us an important key to respond effectively to relativism—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.”Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
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Who Am I to Judge? Leader's KitWho Am I to Judge? Leader's Kit![]() How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? This 8-part study program gives us an important key to respond effectively to relativism—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.”Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Video Based Study Programs |
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Who Am I to Judge? Participant KitWho Am I to Judge? Participant Kit![]() How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? This 8-part study program gives us an important key to respond effectively to relativism—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.”Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Video Based Study Programs |
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Who Am I to Judge? Responding to Relativism with Logic and LoveWho Am I to Judge? Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love![]() Discussing moral issues with family and friends can be a challenge in a culture that strongly promotes the idea that there is no objective truth. Speaking from a wealth of personal experience, renowned author and theologian Dr. Edward Sri provides 5 “keys” to enable Christians to oppose with logic and love what Pope Benedict XVI called the “dictatorship of relativism.” He also clarifies the proper understanding of what it means to judge, and the importance of making good judgments. For the first time I now understand why I have struggled in my life. Why I am different in my family and have a discord with my twin. This topic has opened the door of understanding and has brought me peace. I received this gift on Easter Sunday at St. Thomas More, CO and it was the best gift I could have ever received. Thank you Dr. Sri. Donna - Castle Pines, CO |
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