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Fr. Mike Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today with humor, clarity, and theological truth. In this talk, he challenges us to not settle for mediocrity and to allow Christ to change our lives. Fr. Mike goes on to explain that once we are changed by the love of Jesus, then together we can change the world.
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Customer Comments (5 of 25)
If I could only share one talk, this would be it! Jesse - Elgin, IL
Fr. Mike challenges us to look back at how we spend our time and our money and ask if our history proves our love for Jesus. Monica - Wichita, KS
This talk will challenge you to live with courageous faith as a committed disciple of Christ. Christopher - Bethelehem, PA
Through Fr. Mike's enthusiasm and relating his life stories to living the faith, it was an inspiring presentation and taught me to look for ways to properly serve through ordinary life events. Rebecca - Dewitt, MI
Fr. Mike inspires and teaches us how to share our love of God. Nancy - Hawley, MN
This was such a wonderful and inspiring talk. Fr. Mike is easy to listen to and puts theology in understandable terms. Jessica - Carbondale, IL
It is eye opening in putting into perspective how our actions show whether we truly belong to Jesus. Our actions are what show whether we have been changed by our faith. I plan to share these insights with my Confirmation and Bible study classes. Father Mike always knows how to speak the truth of our faith in a fun and engaging way. Barbara - El Paso, TX
Fr Mike touched my heart when he quoted Jesus as saying Follow Me as opposed to just saying Believe in Me. That believing is not enough but we have to work the faith. To live the faith. To follow Jesus' ways even if it means not being part of the mainstream in the way we live our lives. Evangeline - Fornebu
I have already sent out an email to my ministry leaders telling them they have to listen to this talk. So powerful and enlightening. I am looking at my relationship with God differently now and trying to see how I can make more time for God during the week not just on Sunday. Thank you Fr. Mike Schmitz for this Daniel - La Puente, CA
This talk really inspired me, in a lot of ways and in different areas of my life. I've listened to many many talks and sermons, and this was one of the very most meaningful I've ever heard. I loved the way the presenter combined solid theology with very apt personal stories in a way that was very motivational. Gretchen - Anniston, AL
I like Fr. Mike's challenging and engaging style. He is relatable and funny but also challenges you to make the changes you need to make to grow closer to Christ. This talk challenged me to make sure I live my life in such a way that my life as a Christian looks different than the rest of society. Does my schedule and the way I spend my money show that I am a Christian? Do I simply believe or am I a disciple? More important than fitting in is following Christ and his teachings. I also loved the story about the communion of saints and the race where all the runners helped the guy finish. Amazing analogy. Melissa - Omaha, NE
It challenged the way I approach my faith, and used scripture to supplement the content. It spoke extremely close to my heart because I wrestle with these same things in my own life. The speaker was engaging and very believable. Dennis - Maineville , OH
The talk has excellent information that's well presented. The topic has real need in today's world. Peter - Toronto, ON
Father Mike Schmitz is captivating. His energetic speaking is enticing! It has inspired me to go deeper. Benjamin - Saint Henry, OH
Father Mike does such an amazing job of making you laugh, cry, and think all in one session. When he discussed the crowd helping the Ironman runner cross the finish line after running the race themselves, i couldn't help but think of all the people I could be encouraging but don't because I say I'm too tired. Erin - Atlanta, GA
Engaging speaker, with interesting personal stories that demonstrate his points Brandon - Crestview, FL
Fr. Schmitz's talk was down to earth. It touched on current social relationships within world events. The examples used were current situations, how people of all ages relate to one another, the power of positive influence, being different for the right reasons, building a Christian social support group in order to promote local change and then promote world change. All of the above raised my hope for social change. Sister Corinne - Bakerstown, PA
Fr Mike is always engaging and challenging me to draw ever closer in my relationship to Christ. I attend a weekly scripture study called Walking With Purpose and this is a dynamic talk that I need to share with my table and all my Sisters in Christ. We are challenged weekly to make a resolution that will draw us closer to Christ. We all want more than just know Jesus but long to belong to him. As a beloved daughter of God, Fr Mike is encouraging my desire to be transformed. Tricia - Hilliard, OH
I really appreciated Father Mike's point of how our use (stewardship!) of time and money lets us know if we are truly disciples or only fans of Jesus. Kathleen - Muskego, WI
Father Schmitz is very energetic and engaging, forces us to face the truth and know what our mission is as Catholic Christians. katie - Fairmont, MN
I really enjoyed the questions Fr. Mike asked in the last 15 minutes or so of the CD. It really made me think about what I have done in the last week and if I have changed my schedule in anyway to get closer to Jesus. I also really liked when he asked if our "followers" would be powerful saints changing the world or just nice people and so-so Catholics if they lived the way I lived and prayed the way I prayed. That gave me a lot to think about. I hope and pray that I am able to pray more, draw closer to Christ, and inspire others to live a more Christ-centered life. Marie - Wilmington, DE
Really amazing talk! So insightful and inspiring, it brought me to tears. What a wonderful and engaging message to share! Thank you! Noelle - Stephenville, TX
Lighthouse Catholic Media has changed my life and my faith, its resources have ignited my faith and my love for God! I cant wait to get a new release in a book form or CD, I love stopping at the Lighthouse Catholic Media display in the Narthex of my parish church and get more resource to grow my faith. I cant thank LCM enough for what you do for the New Evangelization and for helping us Catholics grow in our faith to help change the word for Christ! I am a husband and father on fire for God and would love to connect with someone at LCM to see how I can become more involved with LCM and promote the resources and help manage the displays at the parishes I attend. I would love to get involved with LCM somehow to be a part of the company to help ignite the faith in more Catholics and help drive the New Evangelization. I love this company and would love to help promote the resources. Please keep the LCM resources coming! Praise God for this ministry! Weston - Faribault, MN
Fr. Mike made me analysis how I'm spending my time, money, and the impact of my relationships. Karen - Chicago , IL
The down to earth approach that father Mike uses
Marcela - Houston, TX
Customer Comments (5 of 25)