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“How do I know what God wants?” Knowing the will of God can be an intimidating topic for people of all ages. In this talk, Fr. Larry Richards, the founder of The Reason for Our Hope foundation, delves into the process of discernment. With personal stories, practical steps, and sound advice, Fr. Larry encourages all of us to dedicate ourselves to living the life that God has planned for us. It is in living this life that we will be truly happy.
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Customer Comments (5 of 28)
Fr Larry is an expert at keeping our attention—and what better topic than one that plagues us all? He makes it simple by providing the steps; but you’ll wish the talk didn’t end! Monica-Wichita, KS
What an inspiring talk! Fr. Larry gives us specific ways to discern God's will for our life, we just have to take the time to do it! Cheryl-Vernon, NJ
Crash course in Spirituality 101! Hear it step by step from straight-talking Fr. Larry, the priest with grit! Julie
This talk simplified my understanding of God's will for my life and was explained in a way that can be understood by many. Imee-Cypress, CA
Great inspiration when one is in stages of desperation. Much needed jump start! Carleen-North Dakota
This talk gave a down to earth explanation and great tips on how to do God's will in whatever stage of your life you find yourself! Christina- El Paso, TX
We all have lots of questions and Fr Larry points the way to "The Answer." Julie-FL
Astounding! Real, usable and practical advice about getting closer to God which reached a need in me I didn't know I had! Donna-College Station, TX
Straightforward and honest talk meant for young adults and also for those who have forgotten how to ask God what He wants for us. Julie-Mastic Beach, NY
God's will and our will must become one! What a wonderful formula for us all to pursue Holiness. If you have been praying but still doubting please listen to this powerful CD. Moses-Malawi, Africa
Fr. Larry's message is so clear & practical for anyone wanting to know God's will for their life. What a gifted preached -- with a grace to capture hearts for Christ! Dan-St. Cloud, MN
A road map to bringing God’s will into your daily life. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Randy – Gretna, NE
Fr. Richards is really a dynamic spiritual speaker whose talk penetrates deep in the heart of his listeners. I have listened to all his CD's and felt that he is touched by God. His theology and great knowledge of the Scripture, together with the power of the Holy Spirit that undoubtedly guides his talk inspired me as a Chaldean Catholic and gave me an incentive to research and learn more about Catholicism so as to be better equipped with my faith and defend it. His explanation of the Mass, Discerning God's Will,The Truth, and Confession added so much to my knowledge as I listen to them over and over while driving to work or having a fried with me...May God bless Fr. Larry Richards and strengthen him to serve always with the same power and zeal to spread God's word and his beloved Son, our Redeemer Jesus Christ for ever!
Munther Bahri
Holy Martyrs Chaldean Catholic Church
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Munther - MI
Dynamic and entertaining speaker! If you had questions about discerning God's Will before you won't after you hear this cd! He is very specific! Excellent lesson on know God's will. It is a "How To..."
cd! Jan - Pittsburgh, PA
Profound! Excellent CD! Super! Fabulous! And best of all, it brought me closer to Jesus! - - Mastic Beach, NY
Fr. Larry Richards is an insightful and energetic speaker. Great talk. Arthur - Toronto, ON
The speakers humor and straight talk. Bernice - rochester, MN
This CD was the first (of four titles) I purchased from Lighthouse Media. My husband and I listen in the car, and it's an excellent way to learn more about our faith. I think we listened to "Discerning God's Will" at least ten times through. Father Larry is a great speaker with an ability to captivate an audience. His talks are faithful, educational, and entertaining, downright funny at times. I gave the CD to a friend to listen to. Her six-year old grandson loved it so much, she asked if she could buy it from me! I told her to keep it with my blessing. Father Larry is the priest you wish were assigned to your parish so all young people, and their parents, could hear his message. I'm back to purchase another of this CD and others. Eventually I'll pass them on. A little way to evangelize. Patricia - VA
Fr. Larry always speaks what I need to hear, no matter what the topic! This was a view of behind the scenes things that we need to be mindful of and incorporate into our lives to truly Discern God's Will for our lives. Julie - Cincinnati, OH
We all have a deep desire to know God's will for us. Fr Larry makes it clear with 4 steps. I will use extra cd's to pass on to others . Helen - McCook, NE
Father Larry Richards continues to bring insight into our relationship with God, and bring practical, prayerful ways to come closer to God. I can listen to this time and again, and still plumb wisdom and greater understanding to what he preaches, which helps me with the small steps in my journey towards God. Stephen - Calgary, AB
There should not be any difference of your will and will of God our heavenly Father! John
I absolutely loved Fr.Larry Richard on this cd. It helped me figure out some things in my life that God wants me to do. It also made me realize that every time I say the our father I say LET THY WILL BE DONE and so I have no right to complain in my life Sebastian - Sterling Heights, MI
Fr. Larry provides a very simple talk that is truly inspiring, I really enjoy his sense of humor. Andrew - Volo, IL
Father Larry Richards himself ! ! . . . "in-your-face", step-by-step, simple, clear, complete, funny teaching and exhortation . . but no fooling' around!
In my opinion, this is precisely the kind of speaker young people NEED! . . especially those battered (with the incessant stream of Godless values from all sides . . high school, college . . but ALSO parents need him ! !
We're the parents of two boys; they are living the Faith, married to faithful spouses. We're sure consecration to the Immaculate and accessing and living the Sacramental Life of the Church prepared these kids for the life they're now leading.
Bob - London, ON
simplicity is always the best path!!!! P - OH
I have always been a Catholic but I get lost couple of times and keep getting back. I have felt the need to start all over. When I saw a friend from Facebook who happens to be a member of the same choir that I belong to, I just read the FB page and became interested. It was not boring and I have felt that God was really giving me a message. As I go along, I felt the need to know more about God and how I can serve him and understand what He wants me to do. Franceleen - Singapore
I always enjoy Father Larry Richard's talks and recorded Homilies on CD. I'm currently protestant, brought up Baptist, and have been attending Mass for almost a year now in my local Parish, as I try to discern what our Lord's Will is for me to do regarding RCIA and the Church. This talk helped me put into perspective that there is more than one aspect of God's Will for our lives. Fr. Larry explained first, that God wants us all to become Holy and go to Heaven -- To know God, love God, and serve Him in this world so we can love and serve Him in Heaven for eternity! The specific Will of God for each one of us requires repentance, prayer, and more prayer, especially LISTENING to God in prayer. I found this CD especially beneficial, and helped me to not be so stressed about my specific situation as it relates to God's Will for me. I highly recommend this CD to both Catholics and Protestants exploring the Catholic Church. Fred (Woodstock, GA) Fred - Woodstock, GA
Customer Comments (5 of 28)