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Discerning God's Will

Fr. Larry Richards

“How do I know what God wants?” Knowing the will of God can be an intimidating topic for people of all ages. In this talk, Fr. Larry Richards, the founder of The Reason for Our Hope foundation, delves into the process of discernment. With personal stories, practical steps, and sound advice, Fr. Larry encourages all of us to dedicate ourselves to living the life that God has planned for us. It is in living this life that we will be truly happy.

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Customer Comments (5 of 28)

Fr Larry is an expert at keeping our attention—and what better topic than one that plagues us all? He makes it simple by providing the steps; but you’ll wish the talk didn’t end! Monica-Wichita, KS
What an inspiring talk! Fr. Larry gives us specific ways to discern God's will for our life, we just have to take the time to do it! Cheryl-Vernon, NJ
Crash course in Spirituality 101! Hear it step by step from straight-talking Fr. Larry, the priest with grit! Julie
This talk simplified my understanding of God's will for my life and was explained in a way that can be understood by many. Imee-Cypress, CA
Great inspiration when one is in stages of desperation. Much needed jump start! Carleen-North Dakota