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Archbishop Fulton Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians and non-Christians alike through his immensely popular and Emmy award-winning television show Life is Worth Living.
This presentation is made up of three separate talks given by archbishop Sheen on his television program Life is Worth Living, which aired throughout the 1950's. These presentations have been re-mastered to provide the highest sound quality possible.
These are the three talks included:
1. The Anxiety of Life 2. Is Christianity Easy? 3. The Problem of Love.
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Customer Comments (5 of 30)
Venerable Fulton Sheen's talks are priceless and timeless. One will listen to this CD over and over again! Idell - Grand Rapids, MI
Insightful! Venerable Fulton Sheen was given the gift of amazing wisdom and what he said has spoken to my heart. Laura - Newtown, PA
Archbishop Fulton Sheen was a man of great intellect, wisdom, humor and love. Julie - Sterling, VA
Venerable Fulton Sheen's talks are timeless, always inspiring and often challenging! The 3rd talk is especially timely for any couple whose marriage has become dull or challenging. Ida - Leesburg, IN
This CD leaves me with the desire to find your neighbor, who is someone in need. Your neighbor is part of your self. Bobbi - Makoti, ND
Exemplary and timeless commentary from a 20th Century Stalwart Catholic! Jonathan - Phoenix, AZ
Liked the whole CD. Let's you know what marriage is really supposed to be. Amanda - Washington ILLINOIS, IL
This was one of my first introductions to Fulton Sheen. I loved hearing how he describes things with such vivid imagery. I felt like I was finally connecting with someone that so many people respect. While I don't feel like I was educated on anything new, I did feel like I was given a new way to consider things. Amy - North Royalton, OH
The way venerable Fulton Sheen relates Jesus' teaching to the lives of ordinary people, and their transformation in the Light of the Gospel. Lisa - Santa Rosa, CA
I enjoyed seeing Bishop Sheen when he was on TV, and this recording was a wonderful insight to what I missed out on when I was younger. I enjoyed it so much that I intend to purchase the full set of Life is Worth Living Fr. Carl William - Medfoird, OK
Fulton Sheen was a part of our household as a very young child on tv. Hearing him speak instills a sense of calm in our very troubled world. Thomas - Farmingdale, NY
It was not only very enlightening, but it also brought special meaning to my life. There were particular facts that he brought up that really hit home for me personally especially the first one, The Anxiety Of Life. I personally suffer from anxiety and depression for at least ten yrs. I see a counselor on a regular basis and take medication for it, and needless to say It has brought me much closer to God in that I pray to Him, the Blessed Mother and to special Saints to give me the strength and the courage to carry this cross that I consider God has given me for a reason and I believe that reason to be to draw me closer to Him. I also offer up all my suffering for the poor souls in Purgatory for I know that one day I will need their help even while still on earth I believe they will help you to get through difficult day to day issues that you come up against every day in your life. I highly recommend this particular cd for everyone. Catholic or not. I loved it. Theresa - Macy, IN
I enjoyed the depth that the talks go into, yet their simplicity, too. Nathan - Rehoboth, MA
Bishop Fulton Sheen is very inspirational and detailed and easy to understand. kathy - Pasco, WA
Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen has been one of my favorite persons to ever see on tv.
I always liked the JMJ at the top of his blackboard on every show.I could listen to him everyday :) Ray - Huntsville, OH
I am on the road for my job and I try to listen to Catholic media as much as possible. I purchased this at my church at mass yesterday, listened to it all today. I forgot how much it felt like he was sitting with you In your home and speaking right to you. I felt so much better after and I feel motivated to be a better Christian. Cathy - Troy, NY
Yes, with reservations. I love Bishop Sheen's oratory and his ability to rekindle one's devotion. The content does seem dated, to me. Emmy - Everett, WA
Timeless wisdom, a little humor, and strengthening of my faith in the Catholic Church. I think I selected the right title, it was three talks by Bishop Fulton Sheen. I love watching the reruns of him on EWTN as well! He has such a powerful, joyful spirit and you can feel God working through him! Daniel - Bradley, CA
so cooool p - OH
Bishop Sheen's words are transformative! Terri - Lake Elsinore, CA
I love hearing this some day to be saint speaking to the world. It's great that the technology existed to preserve his words and image. His words are down to earth and inspiring. John - Long Beach, CA
I've never heard Fulton sheen speak before so it was a good introduction. The message was also very down to earth,contemporary,and applicable to life, particularly mine. John - Turtleford, SK
I loved listening to it that I want to share it with everyone I know woodbridge, VA
I think that Bishop Fulton has absolutely perfectly summarized the whole point of today's biggest struggle of Catholics. As a matter of fact, he just did it a good 40+ years ago and yet, everything that he said is still so applicable to today's catholic church. I find this presentation simply fundamental. Rokas - Kretinga
Very nice and inspirational talks by Venerable Fulton Sheen. Makes you want to hear more from his Life is Worth Living Tv series. Theresa - Kulim
Venerable has been a great inspiration and influence and this and other recordings have assisted in my formal Vocation discernment. Robert - Edmonton, AB
I love how how even after all these decades, Fulton J. Sheen's talks have not lost their relevance. His words are profound and literally cut to the heart. Eric - Middle Sackville, NS
I love to listen to Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Anxiety is overwhelming and he put it in perspective for me. I have many friends who need to listen to this CD. I ordered five more from the religious gift shop.
Now that I have the website I am interested in the complete set of "Life is Worth Living".
I also enjoyed his talk on marriage and he gave so many valuable points to really think about the commitment.
He gets his point across because he was a wonderful teacher and orator.
Thank you,
Mary Jo Abraham Mary Joanne - Warren, OH
First time I ever heard Archbishop Fulton Sheen. He opened my heart. What a beautiful speaker. God willing he will become a Saint.
Learning more about church teachings James - Charlotte, NC
Customer Comments (5 of 30)