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Life is Worth Living

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Archbishop Fulton Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians and non-Christians alike through his immensely popular and Emmy award-winning television show Life is Worth Living

This presentation is made up of three separate talks given by archbishop Sheen on his television program Life is Worth Living, which aired throughout the 1950's. These presentations have been re-mastered to provide the highest sound quality possible.

These are the three talks included: 

1. The Anxiety of Life 
2. Is Christianity Easy? 
3. The Problem of Love.

Click here order the full CD set of Life is Worth Living.

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Customer Comments (5 of 30)

Venerable Fulton Sheen's talks are priceless and timeless. One will listen to this CD over and over again! Idell - Grand Rapids, MI
Insightful! Venerable Fulton Sheen was given the gift of amazing wisdom and what he said has spoken to my heart. Laura - Newtown, PA
Archbishop Fulton Sheen was a man of great intellect, wisdom, humor and love. Julie - Sterling, VA
Venerable Fulton Sheen's talks are timeless, always inspiring and often challenging! The 3rd talk is especially timely for any couple whose marriage has become dull or challenging. Ida - Leesburg, IN
This CD leaves me with the desire to find your neighbor, who is someone in need. Your neighbor is part of your self. Bobbi - Makoti, ND