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Love Hurts: The Truth Behind Redemptive Suffering

Matthew Leonard

In this presentation, Matthew Leonard focuses on the new idea of love proclaimed by Christ and how it gives meaning to human suffering, penance, and ultimately death. Sounds a bit dark, doesn't it? But it's not! By looking at these issues we'll discover the secret to how we can "Rejoice in the Lord always" just like St. Paul, no matter what happens.

Average Rating: 4.36 based on 22 ratings
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Product Categories:

Lent & Easter, Personal Growth, Suffering, Youth


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Customer Comments (5 of 7)

Finally! Someone has explained Redemptive Suffering in a way that is easily understandable. YES! Norm-Biloxi, MS
This talk explains the connection between suffering and love in a clear way, using both Scripture and personal stories. Julie-Mastic Beach, NY
Why does God allow suffering? This talk will bring meaning to that very difficult question. Julie- VA
This talk on both love and suffering was excellent. It provided spiritual food for thought and was very inspiring. Andrew-MO
This CD teaches this most difficult mystery with a perfect balance, and bold conviction. Dominic- Dearborn Heights, MI