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Making Sense Out of Suffering

Dr. Scott Hahn

We all experience suffering at some time in our lives. Our tribulations range from small disappointments to serious tragedies. Listen as scripture scholar and lay theologian, Dr. Scott Hahn, makes sense out of suffering by drawing from the wisdom and insight of God's Word. He helps us find the meaning of our suffering by showing us how to unite it to the suffering of Christ on the Cross.

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Customer Comments (5 of 17)

One day we are all going to face suffering in one form or another. To have this spiritual knowledge will make that journey endurable. Jay - Cincinnati, OH
This was very inspirational! Dr. Hahn does a masterful job of highlighting how suffering is a part of our redemptive plan. Joan - Lima, OH
I passed this CD on to 2 other people going through tough times and both felt understanding and inspiration after listening to the talk. Joe - Wales, WI
It was a very deep talk, but was put on a level I could understand. Dr. Hahn is an extremely gifted theologian. Johnathan - St. Clair Shores, MI
It gave me a way to talk to others who are going through tough times. Trudi - Porcupine Plain, SK