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Mary: Handmaid of the Lord

Blessed Mother Teresa

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta is known throughout the world as a woman who was totally committed to the Gospel. In this inspiring talk, she shares her insights on the Blessed Virgin Mary as a model of womanhood and perfect discipleship. She shows us that we, too, can do the will of God by saying "Yes" to the Lord in the big and little things in our lives; nothing is too insignificant.

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Mary, Saints


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Customer Comments (5 of 16)

I rate this CD a 10! It gave me more understanding of why Mother Mary must be honored. Luke - Calgary, AB
To hear Mother Teresa's own words about compassion for human life was inspiring. I have shared it with family and friends. Barbara - Lansing, MI
It encourage me more to put all my trust in the Divine Mercy of God though the Sacred Heart of Jesus and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. All my life, Mama Mary's intercession is proven true and very real to my whole life. I would be very willing to share our Blessed Mother's intercession in my life from childhood until this very moment. God bless us all and God's power to the Lighthouse Catholic Media community. Malouh - Pinellas Park, FL
It was very inspiring to hear directly from Mother Teresa! And what I can do as a woman! Alexandria - Lancaster, PA
The talks penetrated my heart. Hearing the voice of a saint made me grieve about my inability to serve as much as she did. The passionate presentation of Dr. Hahn made me want to endeavor to learn more. Agnes - Las Flores, CA