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Pray Like a Saint

Matthew Leonard

In this talk, internationally known speaker and author Matthew Leonard defines and discusses the three traditional stages of prayer. According to scripture, every one of us is called to "be perfect" and to "pray without ceasing." Prayer is the path to God and we've been saying prayers all our lives. But are we really praying? Matthew lays out the practical steps to achieve union with God through deep prayer, even in the midst of this busy world.

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Customer Comments (5 of 28)

Really good stuff - definitely going to have to listen more than once. The guy was inspirational, fluid. Good tips... Great stuff! Dominic, IL
Such a great tool!!! This one is at the top of my list of favorites! Deb - Coopersville, MI
I love how Matthew Leonard was able to clearly articulate the challenges and the joys of growth in one's prayer life, using the language of the saints in a way that speaks to modern listeners. If every member of my parish were to listen to this talk and implement its lessons, surely we would have a "prayer revolution"! Daniel - Batavia, NY
Just totally loved it! One of my favorites. Gave me some new ideas with praying. Amsterdam, NY
I've long looked for information on praying and styles of prayer. This gave me good information and leads to books which may help me develop a prayer life. I would recommend it to others. Pat - Girard, PA