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In this highly relevant talk, Fr. Robert Barron shares observations from his dialogue with critics of his You Tube videos. He eloquently illustrates how well equipped our Catholic intellectual tradition is to access and clarify the confusion that is so prevalent in our culture about matters of Christian faith and life.
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Customer Comments (5 of 12)
Fr. Barron's four points to engage those who want to challenge our Catholic Faith provide sound advice and guidance.
Charlie- Greensboro, NC
This CD is awesome! I wish every pastor and every catechist could listen to this. We all need to understand this dynamic so we can be better evangelists!
Sue- Doylestown, PA
Fr. Barron, I believe, is a Church spokesman for our time. His topics are not just relevant, but he strikes the right note in communicating important things to today's skeptics and lukewarm believers. I hope you will choose more of his material in your collection. Sharon - Owensboro, KY
Fr. Barron has a wonderful ability to relate old philosophers to today's concepts and issues. These would be great in any religion, CCD, or RCIA class. Brilliant, but not boring. Educational and compelling. Jeff - Vermillion, MN
An excellent discussion of current challenges to the faith that are prevalent in our culture. Father Barron tackles the arguments against Christianity that are at the forefront on the web, in popular books, and on TV, and reveals the flawed understanding of the faith behind them. This is a superb resource for teachers, catechists, and anyone who is challenged by the secularism and atheism of our times. Arthur - Northfield, MN
I loved the perspective Fr. Barron brought, helping me to understand the major blocks and misunderstandings people in our world have regarding the Catholic Church and God in general. I appreciated the clarity with which he presented the "4 you-tube heresies" of our time and how to respond. Julia - Columbus, OH
It gave great insight into what people are thinking and therefore how to reach out to the unchurched - like we are trying to do in my kids' primary school to the parents, helps to know what we r facing. The parts on the OT were very helpful for me in opening up the bible, as I was just in the middle of reading these books that seem so violence-filled, and the explanations were very timely, will definitely be looking for one of his books to get more info. Also, the extra Easter homily was so touching and profound for me, too. Jody - North Nowra, NSW
Fr. Barron brings out the startling dichotomy that exists between today's secular culture and the real truth of Catholic teaching. I will use this CD to aid my ministry. Many thanks and Godspeed. Raymond - Sebastian, FL
Engaging the secular world on You Tube in the way Father Barron is doing is a lesson for all of us to realize we are all God's children, and also to be thankful for the gift of faith that God has graced us. His explanations are clear and easy to follow.
The short Easter homily that you added on the CD was very inspiring. When Father took us to the scene of the open tomb at Easter, I felt I was there!!!!! Patricia - Kings Park, NY
Father Robert Barron is an absolutely brilliant theologian and homilist. I am inspired by his ardent pursuit of his ministry to evangelize the culture, and have committed myself to doing the same as a Catholic lay leader and minister. Michael Michael - Barrington, RI
The relevance and intelligence with which it was delivered. Fr. Barron is an amazing speaker. Beth - Maricopa, AZ
Customer Comments (5 of 12)