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Join noted Professor of Theology and author, Fr. Robert Barron, in this revealing presentation as he sheds light on the Seven Deadly Sins - those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our relationship with God and others - and the antidote to them, the Seven Lively Virtues! Fr. Barron uses Dante's DIVINE COMEDY to expose these sinful patterns in our lives and show how they are effectively counteracted by the cultivation of virtue through the development of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This fascinating journey shows the path that God has designed to lead us to health, happiness and holiness.
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Customer Comments (5 of 48)
Absolutely wonderful! I love how Fr. Barron gives practical ways to use the information he’s presenting. Nancy - Warroad, MN
This CD is going to stay in my CD player in my car for a long time! Great advice on how to defeat the deadly sins in our lives. Ann Marie - Rock Hill, SC
The way it was presented - well done. Easy to understand, want more on same subject. I am buying a couple for friends! Marie - Bradenton, FL
This talk was amazing in depth. It appealed to me initially as my undergraduate work is partly in literature, and it pulled from the Divine Comedy. Fr. Barron did a masterful job formulating his theses, and expounding them in a clear and concise manner so all could understand them and be inspired. This CD is a must for Lighthouse Catholic Media to keep producing! Ira - Veneta, OR
Such practical advice - I listened to it many times! Sharon - St.Cloud, MN
I am a fan of Fr. Barron. His talk on the seven deadly sins, as well as practical advice against them, was extremely informative. Marco - Tallahassee, FL
I really enjoyed the way that Fr. Barron presented the information. It called me to consider how I am living and to examine myself. Tina - Sodus, MI
It helped me review information I already knew. It was affordable. Roseann - Utica, NY
I enjoyed the style, the information, and the way it was presented. I enjoyed the intellectual aspects and the reference material taken from Thomas Aquinas and the others. Paula - Fitchburg, MA
I enjoyed playing the CD as I drove. Paul - Clifton, CO
The great explanations and practical advice Fr. Barron gave were wonderful. He really showed the love and care of our God in helping us remain far from sin and close to Him. I really enjoyed how Fr. Barron tied in humor and wit into a topic that is naturally serious, and I especially enjoy the anecdotes from Dante's Divine Comedy. Tyler - Manhattan, KS
This talk was extremely helpful in making me recognize the seven deadly sins and what to do to fight them. My standard question is "Does this help me get to heaven?" This one gets a resounding, solid yes! Allen - Downingtown, PA
Fr. Robert Barron is an excellent and dynamic speaker. We used this CD in our men's fellowship group as a guide, and we researched and studied each deadly sin separately. You provide a great service, and we are always looking as a fellowship group for new and exciting programs to grow and serve in our Faith. John - St. Clair Shores, MI
Father Barron is a dynamic speaker. I liked how he presented a lively virtue to help us fight against the deadly sins. Chris - Wellington, FL
Very lively and concrete talk, with practical actions to take, great references to Dante's Divine Comedy, and to what BVM did in those instances. Isabelle - Libertyville, IL
What I appreciated most about this talk was the practical advice Fr. Barron gave for dealing with the reality of the Seven Deadly Sins in our everyday lives. Fr. Barron illuminates listeners as to how cultivating the Seven Lively Virtues greatly assists our spiritual pilgrimage. Serafina - Encino, CA
I love Fr. Barron's use of Dante's Purgatorio in framing this talk. I found this talk both educational in explaining Church teaching regarding the seven capital sins and edifying in encouraging me to live out our common vocation to sainthood. Carissa - Manchester, NH
The practical advice was particularly interesting and helpful. Dylan - Peterborough, ON
It was just all in all really inspirational. I like that he used the divine comedy in his speech. I feel like that made it more interesting. I think my favorite part was when he was talking about anger and he said that the punishment for anger was the people were just filled and surrounded by smoke and they couldnt see or speak. It makes you understand that when yo uare angry you don't see things straight and things don't come out the way you want them to. I will probably listen to this over and over. Lauren - alexandria, VA
Convincing and concrete remedies for change.
very clear; things you thought as venial siins... only to find out it is not. EYE OPENING!!! MariaRory - Silver Spring, MD
Clear, Concise, easily applicable! Jona - Greenfield, WI
It is a wonderfully invigorating talk which encourages a deeper spiritual life. I loved the images Fr. Barron used. He is such a gifted speaker. Much food for thought, prayer, and discussion! Alexa - Zionsville, IN
his deep yet very understanding explaination for the Seven Deadly Sins and how they relate to life. Also the Seven Lively Virtues are explained well. Addra - southfield, MI
I listen to it at work. It helps me keep Jesus in and on my mind while I am doing "work". Rita - Lenexa, KS
I am a cradle Catholic whom fell away spiritually (although still followed some but not all Catholic Church teaching, i.e. avoided Confession) and have in the past 2 years been going through what I feel is drastic transformation. This talk spoke directly to me in helping me understand and evaluate my own sin as well as propose ways to help develop my conscience to do God's will. Thank You! Shawn - Stafford, VA
Love the concept of Lighthouse Catholic Media. The CD's have helped me grow in faith tremendously! Since we live in the country, every car ride is at least 20 minutes long. Lighthouse Catholic Media CD's have helped me multitask during the commute. What a way to evangelize! Thank you!! Monica - Geneseo, IL
This CD helped me to see how we can do small things that will lead us to a more christian way of life. I really liked Father Barron's presentation. It didn't just focus on the negative, but gave positive things to look for and do. Mary - Albia, IA
Father Barron has a way of bringing the listener along with him in terms that everyone can understand and see in themselves because he lets you know that, "We're all in the same boat and we're all seasick." This talk covers not only the sins, but his formula, following Dante, of name the sin, see how it applies in our day to day life and a practical antidote in the corresponding Lively Virtue makes it possible to see how God wishes to free us from the ropes and chains of sin. Jack - Navarre, FL
Wonderful walk through every day application of the seven deadly sins and their counter-virtues. Makes me want to read more Dante! Sara - Ashtabula, OH
It help me to clarify my sins and how to keep from sinning. Renea - Davenport, IA
We are NEVER alone...God is with us always. In order for us to seek him with help, we MUST first help ourselves.
So very true on how God does not NEED us...we NEED him. I agreed 100% on the seven deadly sins and must admit anger sometimes gets the best of me. I'm working very hard to change that. LINDA - St. Charles, IL
The presenter gave me much to meditate on and contemplate to show me how work at becoming closer to God. Anne - Sydney, NSW
It was terrific Marvin - Marrero, LA
I loved the speakers enthusiasm, it made much more of an impact than if it were someone who wasn't as interested in speaking Gods message to people. Heather - NY
it was a personal talk allowing me to relate to each topic as it pertains to my own life and my desire to become a better, holier person. Patti - St. Louis, MO
Fr Barron was straight forward and did not beat around the bush. I understand more now about the seven deadly sins and what I need to do to avoid them. Thank you very much, keep up the good work. Thomas - Coleman, MI
I've been wanting to know the seven deadly sins, and the opposite of them the virtues. It was great because, I could pause the cd, and pray Lord, is this me? Open my eyes, Lord, speak to me God. And in other times I would pray Lord, help me with this grow, in me this virus! I love it.
As you know, at conferences, or live talks, it's really difficult to pause the cd! Sean - Brentwood, CA
This talk spoke to me at one of the worst points in my life and opened my eyes to how committing these same sins over and over were making me miserable. Father Barron is the most dynamic, charismatic, and intelligent speaker I've ever heard, after describing each sin he provides a virtue to develop to counter the sin. Shawn - Holiday, FL
Fr. Barron opened my spiritual eyes to recognize the varying degrees into which I have fallen into these sins and the hope filled virtues to counter them. Inspired also to read Dante, Aquinas, Newman and Chesterson.
Would it be possible to purchase this CD in quantity for evangelization? Cathy - Downey, CA
I can enjou on my long drive to and from home jackie - 37830, TN
i can listen anywhere on my comute to and from work whick is a long drive. 7, TN
This gave me a new look on the way I was living my catholic life. It hhe led me alot. Thank you. mireya - Santa Ana, CA
By far one of my favorites. Every time. I listen I am enriched again and again. Joann - Rochester, MN
The speakers bridge to The Inferno and how sin afflicts all of us with the root being pride George - MS
I loved that he put humor into it, easy to understand, with the explanation. I like that he tells us where he got his resources from as well. Margaret - Wilson, TX
Customer Comments (5 of 48)