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Seven Reasons to be Catholic

Dr. Peter Kreeft

Dr. Peter Kreeft is a world-renowned philosopher and best-selling author of over 35 books. Drawing from the treasured wisdom of such great spiritual thinkers as St. John of the Cross, Thomas Aquinas, C. S. Lewis, and Cardinal Newman, he helps us to understand why truth trumps everything! Listen as he clearly presents seven undisputable reasons why every person should indeed be Catholic.

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This CD has changed my life! It has given me a clearer understanding of anger and how we can overcome it. Dan - Oakdale, CA

Customer Comments

This CD has re-started the spark I had lost! I am looking forward to listening to the other CDs I purchased! Bob - Fremont, OH
This was amazing! Anyone who has questions about converting to Catholicism should listen to it ... so encouraging and enlightening! Mandi - Lewiston, ME
It gave us a better understanding of our faith and has removed the doubts of being one. Delia - Elmont, NY
This is the best talk in your collection. A well-reasoned, entertaining, and historical look about three aspects of God - beauty, truth, and goodness. Rich - Egg Harbor Twp., NJ
Reaffirmation of my faith as a convert. Nancy - Frisco, TX
I love that the argument for Catholicism came from several different approaches. A lot of the things brought up in this talk are things all Catholics should know and many do not... Catholics should be listening to these and taking advantage of the many ways to learn and grow in the faith! Chelsey - Muncie, IN
Being a convert, it is helping me develop a greater understanding of my Catholic Faith. Diane - Sherwood Park, AB
Sure logic, humor, and craft make Kreeft a genius! Steven - Yardley, PA
After 30+ years of being away from the Church, my sister-in-law listed to this CD and decided to come back!! Praise God! Thank you!! She asked if there were more! CA
As a person who had questions about converting to Catholicism, this really answered a lot of them. I was a Protestant for many years but in the past year, I have felt the Holy Spirit urging me to convert to Catholicism. I am now going to attend adult confirmation classes this summer to come into the Catholic Church. I was given this CD as a free gift at the parish I attend this past Easter Sunday and I really enjoyed it. Sioux Falls, SD
I liked the fact that he used specific points to describe his "Seven Reasons". The talk was clear to the point, but still had enough depth to make the points fully understood. Larry - Gilbert, AZ
Very specific and academic; I liked it because I learned a lot. Elizabeth - Sterling, VA
Very clear and logical presentation. The speaker presents his viewpoint like a scientist, attempting not to leave any stone unturned. Kurt - Lincoln, NE
Nancy - Frisco, TX
I love how Dr. Kreeft provides compelling reasons to be Catholic from a variety of great sources. I love the notion that God will ALWAYS reveal himself to those who seek. But, it is us who must make the first move. "Knock and the door will be opened." Robert - Brookeville, MD
I liked how Dr. Kreeft presented intellectual and Scriptural arguments for the Faith in a way that is easy to understand. Monica - Fredericksburg, VA
A wonderfully organized and presented talk on the theological truths of the Catholic Church and a great primer to Catholic apologetics. I loved this CD and listen to it often. Anthony - Ashburn, VA
Organized presentation, easy to listen style of Dr. Kreeft As a recent convert, I eagerly explore the multitude of resources available to understanding my Catholic faith. This is a superb presentation of philosophy and Christian theology. Sally - Gettysburg, PA
It strenghtened my faith, helped to understand why I'm catholic. It empowered me with knowledge to defend my faith better. Ivan - Chico, CA
Dr. Kreeft is amazing! Mark - Hartsville, SC
A brilliant introduction to Catholic beliefs and an illuminating, entertaining defense to Protestant and atheist attacks.