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The Body and Blood of Christ

Dr. Scott Hahn

In this informative presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn, a former Presbyterian minister, provides the biblical basis for the Church's teaching on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the significance of the Feast of Corpus Christi, and gives us a greater understanding of our vocation to be the living presence of Christ in the world.

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Sacraments, Eucharist


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Customer Comments (5 of 13)

This is an excellent tool for catechesis! I am using it in the 'Why Catholic?' program. Joe - Huntley, IL
Dr. Hahn explains the foundation and significance of the Feast of Corpus Christi and how we are all a part of the Body of Christ. Megan - Norwalk, CT
I really enjoy Dr. Hahn. It was refreshing to hear how he used the Gospels to remind us that Jesus truly is our bread for life in the Eucharist. Belinda - Colorado Springs, CO
Dr. Scott Hahn has a way of bringing faith to life. His discussion on how the OT is required to fully understand the NT was helpful. Vincent - Syracuse, NY
It helped me truly appreciate more the body and blood of Christ and the Church and who God really is and what I owe him - everything - love with all my heart, my soul, my strength and my mind. Clair - Corpus Christi, TX