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Well-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ's Paschal Sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of the Jewish Passover meal. He draws a symbolic parallel to the Last Supper and Christ's death on Calvary. Through his scholarly insights and important biblical connections, Mass will come alive for you as never before!
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Customer Comments (5 of 60)
Thank you! This put all the pieces of the puzzle together concerning the Holy Eucharist. The Mass has come alive for me and my family! Joe - Kettering, OH
We now have a deeper understanding of the institution of the Eucharist and its deeply-rooted nature in the Passover. Kent - Mena, AZ
This was the first Lighthouse CD I ever heard a few years ago ... and I've been hooked ever since! Elliot - OH
As a cradle Catholic, I have always taken our faith (especially the Eucharist) for granted. I loved how this talk explained the history of the Eucharist and connected the biblical verses, as well as providing a Jewish custom background. I will never think of the Eucharist the same way again. Thank you, Dr. Hahn! Paula - Ada, OH
This talk rocked my world the first time I listened to it. It was like Scott Hahn uncovered a world that I was totally unaware of before I listened to this talk. To date, I don't think I've heard a more engaging and informative talk. Keep it up, Lighthouse! Chantilly, VA
I do an RCIA session on liturgy and a colleague does one on the Eucharist. Another colleague mentioned in brief the significance of the fourth cup. Now I understand, and it deepens my understanding of the Mass and Christ's sacrifice for us. I am already thinking of how many ways I can use this. THANKS. I have two other CDs I just picked up and can't wait to listen to them as well. Tom - Chesapeake, VA
I was mesmerized by Dr. Hahn's talk. I have never heard the Mass explained like he did. I will listen to it again and again. I just loved it! Geneva - Kinder, LA
As a life-long Catholic, I am always amazed by how much I don't know. His perspectives on the Eucharist are profound. I will recommend this CD to every Catholic I know. Steve - Goochland , VA
After listening to The Fourth Cup, my first of Dr. Scott Hahn's talks, I fell on my knees thanking The Lord for this gift he has, to help us Catholics understand the great love
of our Faith in Jesus in the Holy Mass. Margarida
I enjoy learning anything about my faith - I have been a Catholic for only twelve years. I have been searching for the truth, and I have found it in the Catholic Church. This CD was awesome! Thomas - Sistersville, WV
I really enjoyed the relationship of the sacrament to the Hebrew text. Stacy - houston, TX
The talk illuminated more of Christ's suffering. Scott Hahn always does a phenomenal job of digging deeper into scripture and history and the early teachings of the Church Fathers. He is an engaging and knowledgeable speaker. Chelsey - Muncie, IN
This talk and the unique perspective on the first Passover and Crucifixion have changed my view of the Passion and its historical context forever. Dr. Hahn's original work of study has shed new light on Jesus' purpose and the meaning of his words. Thank you for this enlightenment. Charles - Saint James, NY
I learned a lot about Passover and symbolism, and the connections to the Eucharist and Christ. I will be listening again. Scott Hahn is a great speaker. Reading or hearing his talks - the lay person can easily follow. Betty - Poway, CA
We are studying the book of Revelation, and some are reading The Lamb's Supper so this CD fits in perfectly!!! Lakewood, CO
It made me cry with joy to see the great meaning of the Mass and how Scott Hahn describes his experience of the first time he attended Mass. This has enhanced my love for the Church and the desire to do more for the Church. Victor - Carolina, PR
My daughter has a friend who is not Catholic but is very interested in the Catholic faith. She is especially confused about what we as Catholics believe about the Eucharist. I picked up the CD at my parish to accompany me on a long, solo car trip and after listening to the CD, I gave it to her to help answer some of her questions. I believe that the CD will spark many fruitful conversations between both my daughter and her friend and my daughter's friend and myself. Carl - Fort Collins, CO
I enjoyed Dr. Hahn's use of Judism and the Passover to put the Gospel account in context. The talk helped me see the Bibical basis for believing in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. Matthew - McKinney, TX
Learning about the Lord's Supper from the Jewish perspective is a way that I had never learned before. Peter - London
The step by step unfolding of both Sacred Scripture and the Historical Tradition of the Jews at the time which brings greater understanding of the deep meaning of the Eucharist. Dr. Hahn's clear explaination made it easier for me to explain it to others. Della - Edmonton, AB
The best of presentation I've heard on the subject of Eucharist.
Hank - Houston, TX
Totally Changed My Desire, I Crave To Know More About My Catholic Faith! melinda - lacombe, LA
This was unbelievably amazing! I've been a Catholic all my life, but this was the explanation that I've been needing since I made my First Holy Communion. This has brought the mass to life for me in a way that I never thought I would experience. Since listening to this CD, I have come to appreciate more fully what we celebrate every day. I was looking for something to jump start my growth in faith, and this was it. Frank - Mechanicsburg, PA
For the first time it became clear to me the biblical basis of the Eucharist. Marcelo - Cold spring, KY
I am already a subscriber for a monthly CD, but a friend gave me this one to listen to-which I hadn't received before. It was outstanding! I would like to receive a copy of it to send to a friend I grew up with from the time we were children, who has now left the Church and become what I believe is a pagan. She told me at Christmas she believed in Saturnalis(?) which I think is the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. I want to send this to her! Patti
I learned how the Old covenant really teaches us about the new covenant. The Mass is heaven on earth. Max - Bandera, TX
Inspired me to learn more Johnnie - Lecompte, LA
This was really great!
I learned so much about the Passover and Last Super and how it is so important to Communion. I look forward to recommending this to my protestant friends. PA
To me, the fourth cup seems to be a continuation of the talk on the Lamb's Supper. It's enlightening to know details of how the Jews celebrated the Passover in the Old Testament and how it related to the last supper and Christ's crucifixion. It gave me a new insight when Christ said 'it's finished'.... Something That I have been wondering about before listening to the fourth cup! The new fulfills the old as
Matt 5:17...."I have come not to abolish them ( the laws and the prophets) but to fulfill them." Anthony - Singapore
As a new Catholic I am soaking up all of the education that I get my hands on. this presentation was fantastic. I listen to it at least once a week and always learn
something new. I want to give my family members a copy. Houston, TX
Dr. Hahn once again pulls the rabbit out of the hat. Terrific talk. He explains how he came to new insight. Fascinating stuff. Mena - Edmonton, AB
Loved the biblical breakground and knowledge Dr. Hahn brings to life in this presentation!! Holly - Newport, MI
Wow what an insight Paul - Leicestershire
Really opened my eyes to the last supper and the real sacrifice of Jesus. Gave me a deep look at the heart of my faith. Have listened 4 times already and still carry it in my car to listen again. Dr. Hahn can capture your mind like no one else. He is truly a gift from God. I cannot get enough of his talks! Stephen - Galvieston, TX
I gained much appreciation for what happens during Mass because of the talk. I have recommended this to my friends already, very enriching! Francis - Sydney, NSW
This talk is incredible! This understanding of the Last Supper and the Passion in context of the Old Testament Passover Seder liturgy has intrigued some of my Bible-only protestant friends and made them more receptive to Church's teaching on the Eucharist and the Mass! Mark - Las Cruces, NM
This CD was positively riveting! I listen to it over and over. Through all my Catholic education which was from kindergarten through college graduate and many Bible classes I had never heard this before. I was stunned, to say the least! This really brought home the message of the Eucharist truly being the body and blood of Christ; and, the necessity of our receiving it! I almost cried over the depth of this explanation as Scott Hahn related it to the first Jewish Passover as the Israelites needed to not only find and kill the unblemished lamb, sprinkle the blood over the lintel with hyssop but HAD TO EAT of the sacrificial lamb in order to save their first born sons.
This should be required learning (listening) at some level in catholic education! Quite possibly second graders could understand this as well as again at an older age more in depth. I am truly impressed with this powerful message that Scott Hahn brings home to us!
Thank you!
Margaret - Solon, OH
I gained knowledge of the Old Testament and the events of Holy Week. Mary Beth - Johnstown, PA
Give a better more fulling insight into Holy Week.
I Teach Religious Ed. we are looking to use this as tool and Have a Seder Meal with the High School Students.
Mary Beth - Johnstown, PA
Never have I experienced or understood the Mass and the Lord's Last Supper to be a crossover with the Passover feast. I learned many new things that I'venever known before! I'll definitely look at the Mass in a new and profound way. Randy - Oak Grove, MN
I found this cd very enlightening and quite informative. Fairfield, OH
The enthusiasm and the new information I received David - Shorter, AL
I have learnt so much from this CD. Dr Scott Hahn does all the hard research and then shares all his amazing knowledge with us. I have learnt more about the Bible and our Catholic Faith through these Catholic Lighthouse CD's than from any other source. They are truly AMAZING and I'm fully addicted, I have heard so many now and want to hear many more. Thank you to all the speakers, I hope one day I will be privileged to meet you all :) Loesje - Kundibakh, NSW
I was blown away by how our Mass is so rooted in ancient Passover rites and traditions. Many scripture readings I had heard for years, all of a sudden, became so much clearer. This inspired me to look even deeper into my Catholic faith. Michael - Wichita Falls, TX
Easy explanation of the relationship between the Old Testament Passover and Jesus celebrating Passover. I loved the history and context that he explains. Karly - Ocean springs, MS
I've come back now to the Catholic Faith about 25 yrs now and am growing more fervant by God's precious Grace & have come to realize just how sacred, awesome, and precious the Mass is and how much I love it & to receive the Holy Eucharist.
We are so blessed to have convert & scripture Scott Hahn. Theresa - Bellflower, CA
I enjoyed learning about all the symbolism and parallels. I enjoy mass now with a deeper love and knowledge of what is really going on in the mass. I have really been missing out on so much. This CD has set me on fire for more knowledge about my faith and love of The Lord and the mass. Dr. Scott Hahn is a blessing to all of us. Kim - Gulfport, MS
This brought a whole new appreciation for the Eucharist to me. Donald - Platte City, MO
I liked how well he explained things, very thoroughly and without skipping steps Sarah - morton, IL
Finally a clear explanation that revealed & tied together the meaning of the Last Supper in relationship to the Jewish Passover & Jesus' fulfillment of salvation for the Jews & the Gentiles. Orlando, FL
I love LCM Cd's but this is among my favorites. It was rich with information and by listening, I have such a deeper understanding of Jesus' Passion and Death. Debbie - 01247, MA
I loved how Mr. Hahn expressed the non-Catholic views how he had once believed and directly gave biblical and scriptural truths for defending the Holy Eucharist. An EXCELLENT audio CD! I plan to pass it on to friends so they may also benefit from his presentation. Valerie - Manteca, CA
New insights, so informative with a ne perspective that as a poorly educated Catholic I was inspired! Patrick - Alexandria, LA
I learned so much about the knew covenant when Jesus suffering started and ended, never knew that before. Fred - Countryside , IL
Absolutely love this CD and felt inspired to pass it onto friends and family. Unpacks and bring together the old and new testament to explain the Eucharist. Holly - Newport, MI
I never understood how Jesus fulfilled the Jewish Passover until Dr. Hahn explained it to me. I was so excited about it, I shared what I learned with some family and friends who are Protestants and they immediately became interested in the subject. Christopher - Crestview, FL
Father had touched on this subject on Holy Thursday. A friend from my parish loaned this CD to me. It made clear was father was saying. Homilies are too short to explain everything. Thanks! I am hoping to share this with a Christian brother of a different faith. Theresa - Chipley, FL
I had read some Scott Hahn before and this talk was recommended. I picked it up and it has given me a new appreciation for what the Church teaches. It has truly been a blessing this Lenten season and gave me a greater understanding of the Passion of our Lord. Jennifer - Addison, TX
It brought realistic comparisons to light. Kevin - Duncannon, PA
The whole thing was great. Having to consume the passover lamb for it to be complete and for death to not enter your home. In the new covenant we have to eat the passover lamb. Christ! Amazing! I have been Catholic my whole life and never heard it put this way Linda - Hastings, MN
Customer Comments (5 of 60)