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This enlightening talk traces the high adventure of God's Divine Love Story revealed through the seven covenants that span from Eden to Calvary, beginning with Adam and culminating with Jesus. This presentation is the fruit of Monsignor Deutsch's studies during his sabbatical at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he learned from scholars such as Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. John Bergsma.
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Customer Comments (5 of 33)
FANTASTIC!!! This is something we all need to better understand. Don - Cornwall, ON
Fascinating! Msgr. Deutsch has a very energetic way of bringing the scriptures to life! Nancy - Warroad, MN
Incredible presentation... very inspiring priest! Julie - St. Petersburg, FL
Msgr. Deutsch brings the journey of salvation history to life in a delightful way!
Mary - Troy, MI
A real-life, practical explanation of salvation history. Tessie - Chino Hills, CA
This is the most powerful CD I have ever heard! Msgr. Deutsch does a wonderful job of bringing together the Old and New Testaments for a complete picture on salvation history. I will listen to this many times! Carleen - Hannah, ND
This is a CD that I will listen to many times! It is a study that has layers upon layers of truth! Monsignor Deutsch gives us insight into the battle we continue to face today in our own history of salvation.
Mary Jo - Mobile, AL
Wonderful, wonderful - very well done! Anonymous
Energetic, easy-to-follow overview of the Covenants and Salvation! David - Elkhart, IN
What I enjoyed most is how the talk tied the Old Testament covenants with the new covenant of the New Testament, especially with regard to the marriage of Jesus and the Church. I was also fascinated with the magnificent plan of God for the healing of the "divorce" brought about by original sin; healing brought about by the blood that Jesus shed for the forgiveness of sin, and the new covenant of life everlasting through Jesus Christ. Melody - Leesville, LA
I was amazed at the wealth of information. I have a greater understanding of God's plan, the history of man, and the current state. Now I know how to respond better, how to live more fully for God. Helen - St. Clair, MI
It was very interesting and educational on the plan God had for humanity since the beginning of time. I learned a lot and stayed interested throughout the talk. Brent - Decatur, IL
It is amazing how God loves us so much, His forgiveness is endless. This talk made me realize all of this, and I am very grateful for all that you do. Jennifer - Oxford, MI
My wife and I listened to this CD twice and together discovered how we, in our marriage, can honor God's covenant with creation. As a convert, 'covenant theology' was a bad word to me as it is often misused and cheapened into the gospel of false hope by many non-Catholic theologians and evangelists. Msgr's message of trust and hope in God through the eyes of God's promises to creation is refreshing and brings new hope to the family of Jesus. Thank you for such an amazing gift in this CD. Robert - Cordova, TN
This talk is incredibly deep and profound. I will have to listen to it multiple times to truly digest its information. What an inspiring talk. Wilson - Staten Island, NY
I found this talk fascinating. I really liked how Monsignor Deutsch connected the history of Salvation to God's covenant love for his people. I especially liked the way that this connected to marriage and the family. I would like to see this used for Pre-Cana seminars. Megann - Leesburg, VA
This CD is an amazing condensation of Salvation History and its covenants. I've shared this CD with friends, and I'm ordering the complete set by Msgr. Deutsch. Betsy - Gulf Breeze, FL
A new awareness of the progression of the stories of salvation in such a way that I never realized. I am a very avid scholar of the scriptures am very curious as to what God wants to tell us and especially delving deeper into the meanings and messages of all the passages. The History of Salvation is certainly helping me in persuing that goal. I am now going to buy the 4-CD set. Ronald - Greensburg, PA
Tied together key events in scripture so that one can really understand their significance in salvation history. Definitely helps one appreciate the Old Testament and the value in studying such. Monsignor Deutsch is an enthusiastic speaker! Carol - Battle Creek, MI
Excellent tying together covenants and beauty of God's love for us.
Shirley - St. Petersburg, FL
I felt so enlightened by this talk
I want to go and read the whole of the old testament straight away.
Lots of connections I had never realised before, amazing! xanthe - Salisbury
I have listened to a number of Scott Hahn's recordings, but Fr. Deutsch's presentation really had an enjoyable way of pulling everything together. A good single-presentation summary of Catholic covenant theology. Donald - Little Rock, AR
It introduced me to covenant theology. It emphasizes the importance of being faithful to God and how when we go astray we end up hurting ourselves Matt - Brighton, MA
What a beautiful tying together the fall and the journey through the Bible to salvation. God's plan is so beautiful and so loving. Thank you, God. Marlene - MI
I heard the last 1/2 hour or so of this talk on the Radio and it was awesome. I listened to the end so I would know who the speaker was. Glenn - Kansas City, KS
Monsignor Daniel Deutsch explains complex biblical topics in a way that is interesting and easy to understand. His voice has a pleasant timbre and his overall speaking manner is informative and serious, yet with an appropriate measure of humor. This CD has benefited me in that I have pondered the very topics covered, yet, have previously been unable to grasp the answers to the questions that I have had. The talk helped me to make connections that were lacking in my understanding of God's plan for His people, His kingdom, and personally, for my life and my role as His servant. I am grateful that He made it possible for me to acquire this CD and that His Holy Spirit has given me wisdom that I did not previously have. Thank you for your obedience to His leading in making and distributing this CD. Kara - Cadillac, MI
listenting to someone speak to put the bible in perspective and be able to understand what they are saying and put it into perspective in todays world Irene - comstock Park, MI
There is so much about the Old Testament I don't know!! I loved learning about all the incredible complex connections between the covenants of the old testament and how Jesus fulfilled them in the new. Bryn - Seattle, WA
The amazing parallels that can be drawn between the Old and New Testaments and the Covenants is fascinating and makes you wonder how anyone can ignore the information that proves what we believe and why we believe it! Fran - Hamilton ON., ON
It was great information which was articulated clearly and easy to understand. The message was so foundational and a great reminder of God's extravagant and unconditional love for His people-us! I gave it as Christmas gifts to non-Catholics and Catholics of all ages. Mary Martha - Winston-Salem, NC
Just so easy and interesting to listen to. The speaker was full of passion and really explained the concepts of covenants so clearly.
In addition to this, because it was explained so clearly, it helped me with a university assignment that I had. Sydney, NSW
This was an absolutely amazing talk! I have always looked at the Old Testament as a history book. Never again! This talk has shown me the true way to look at the bible and has made me want to know more! Christopher - Pierre Part, LA
This was the best summary of this topic I have heard. It was clear and concise without getting lost in the many beautiful but tangential details that are usually included by other presenters. Elizabeth - 12121, NY
Customer Comments (5 of 33)