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Based on his best-selling book, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the early Christians' key to understanding the Mass: the Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, mystic visions of Heaven, and end-times prophecies, it mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. See the Mass with new eyes, pray the Liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully and enthusiastically!
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Customer Comments (5 of 69)
Excellent! It is hard to express the spiritual impact this CD has had on me. I don't believe I will ever celebrate the Eucharist the same way again! Floy - Manchester, KY
This is awesome! I just want to thank you! I got The Lamb's Supper and have listened to it four times! Mary - Kenneth City, FL
The Lamb's Supper introduced me to new and more profound ways of engaging and spreading my Faith tradition. Stan - Charlottesville, VA
The way he connected the parts of the Mass to the bible. My Lenten prayer was to increase my faith, and the several CDs I listened to enriched my faith. Teresita - Arlington, TX
The talk was of great interest to me My understanding of the Lamb's Supper has been greatly increased. Dr. Hahn was very inspiring and entertaining. Jerald - Hubbard, OH
I didn't need a masters in theology to understand the message! That's the best point! Frequently, when I listen to educational talks on Catholic issues/dogma, I feel very uneducated and inferior. In this CD, I was able to grasp the concepts and didn't feel totally inferior. I am grateful for this simplified version of what the Mass is all about. Maureen - Milford, DE
Dr. Scott Hahn is so enthusiastic. He inspires others to be on fire for Jesus Christ and the new evangelization with his talks. Whether a non-Catholic, returning Catholic, or long time Catholic, everyone can learn from his discourses. He is a brilliant theologian and yet, he has a way of using bible readings to reach us all, no matter our background. Julie - Mechanicsburg, PA
I absolutely LOVED the whole thing. I really learned so much about the book of Revelation from a perspective that I hadn't heard before. It has impacted how I view the Mass, and I am so grateful for hearing it. I hope to share this with everyone! I loved his way of teaching, so personal with all the stories, and so deep with all the theology. Not too lofty, very reachable and understandable. Lisa - Birmingham, AL
The relation Scott makes about revelations and the Mass. Ben - Big Timber, MT
It truly opened my eyes and heart to the real meaning of Mass. Thank you so much. Micie - Federal Way, WA
I laughed, I cried, I was in awe! I became Catholic 9 years ago. I am a Catechist and recently found my faith questioned by non-Catholics. The information from this particular speaker could not be more timely. My eyes have been opened even more. I normally enjoy going to Mass but now can't wait until Sunday. I have heard some of this information before, but never presented so well. THANK YOU! Shawna - Millsboro, DE
Dr. Hahn has such fire for Our Lord and for the Mass. He speaks with passion and knowledge and excites me to see the Mass through his eyes. The story of his wife's conversion made me cry tears of joy! They are both such an inspiration! Mishel - Corpus Christi, TX
The first time I heard Dr Hahn's testimony and this message four years ago, it was very instrumental in my return to the Catholic Church. Loved hearing it again. Amazing! Janet - Massillon, OH
Amazing! Through this CD, my eyes were opened up and I had a better understanding of the passion of Christ and of our Lord's great sacrifice for us. Mélissa - Dallas , TX
Before Christmas, I mentioned to my wife that I would like all of Scott Hahn's CDs because of previous listening experiences. I got them all! I have listened to them all at least twice already on my drive to work, and the Lamb's Supper 4 times. I have ordered extra copies of it to give to my friends. Love what you are doing. God bless.
Greg - Lakeville, MN
My wife, my sister and brother-in-law, as well as myself, attended Dr. Hahn's talk at St. Francis de Sales, Akron Ohio. We were very well informed and spiritually moved. I know our parish will always be grateful for this opprotunity. Thank You - God bless always. Thomas - Akron, OH
I enjoyed Scott Hahn's humor and how he spoke of the parallels in the Old & New Testaments regarding the Mass. This CD was so informative about the Mass. I am going to share it with family members. Suzanne - Philpot, KY
It helped me to understand why the Mass is put together the way that it is, and why certain sayings are included. I also found it very interesting that the main biblical basis for the Mass came from the Book of Revelation. Regina - Louisville, KY
It was impassioned and worked logically though the understanding of the liturgy. M - Edmonton, AB
It helps me to understand the tradition of the Passover and makes me appreciate more the Eucharist! Good job Lighthouse! I'm glad that I found you! Crispus - Sabah, Sandakan
This is an excellent talk which gives me a better appreciation of the Mass and a confidence that our faith as Catholics is bible based. It is very easy to listen to because it is not just a teaching, but a powerful testimony. As I listened, my heart soared and tears came to my eyes. I am thankful for my Catholic Faith! Quezon City
I am enlightened by the talk and everything in it. Now I have a renewed gratitude towards hearing Mass and humble pride as a Catholic. Like any other Christian, I have been feeling lost the past few years. I am glad that I spent an hour and 15 mins listening to this talk. I am more convinced that I want to glorify our God and experience the Word week after week, and grow as a Catholic day by day. The Lighthouse Catholic Media app is the best and most precious app I have downloaded.
Thank you so much. I will continue to support the app and hear more talks and read the bible more. May God richly bless you! Eloisa - Calgary, AB
I found this to be the most exciting CD that I have received so far. My husband and I loved how Scott brought the old and new testaments together that explained the Mass so beautifully. Scott's enthusiasm was contagious - so much so that I couldn't wait to get my bible out and find the passages he was referring to in Revelation. Excellent CD. Linda - Monroe, GA
It was VERY inspirational. Shed light on some things that, especially as a recent convert, I was totally unaware of about the Mass. I enjoyed the candidness of Dr. Hahn. Look forward to listening to more of his work! Ashley - Lexington, KY
So educational and moving! I never understood the book of Revelation and some other issues brought up in the lecture. And I just can't stop thinking about all my devoted Protestant family and friends that I would love to have listen to this CD! It was excellent. I listened to it 3 times in the first 3 days I had it. Newaygo, MI
Very informative, with material I'm just beginning to know. I've listened to it several times. It has left me wanting more. Scott Hahn does an excellent job. Claudia - Cincinnati, OH
I loved learning about the fullness of the Mass and the history of it all from the book of Rev. It makes me appreciate the wisdom and beauty of the church. I so thankful to God for the church and my own gift of faith in the church. Russ - Pensacola, FL
I just came out from Eucharistic Adoration and I thought I'd stop by the CD rack. This was a week ago, first Friday of June. On the way home at 10 o'clock tonight from my friend's house I decided to listen to the last of the 3 CD's from last Friday. I'm a cradle Catholic and I had an 'Ah ha!' moment at the very core of Dr Scott Hahn's talk on The Lamb's Supper. My jaw must have been hanging the rest of the way home. Got to the house, in to the garage, closed the garage door, still listening. The lights in the garage went off, I'm still listening. Car lights went off. I'm still listening. I don't like the dark. So I turned up the volume, like way up, so I can still listen while I got out of the car to turn on the garage lights on. I just had to keep on listening up to the end of the talk.
I love this CD. I got to share this, I got to share this, was all I heard myself say. I think I'll be going back to that CD rack at Church again so I can keep my copy and listen again. You can be sure I'll be turning to the Book of Revelations in the Bible.
Thank you so much, Dr Hahn. And thank you,Kimberly. Janet - Glendale Heights, IL
I just sat down and cried for is the first time that I realized I go to heaven every sunday. MARIA - san diego, CA
I have read the book and listen to the CD many times it excites and I continue to learn from it I grow in my faith more and more pieces continue to fit together and help reveal to me more of God amazing plan. Roger - South Euclid, OH
Dr Hahn has a very engaging style so you learn without realising! Brilliant! Esther
This talk was absolutely fantastic! It makes me want to read the writings and homilies of the Church Fathers and study the book of Revelation so that I can come to understand the precious sacrifice of the Mass just as Scott Hahn does and just as our Christian brothers and sisters of the first centuries did. And the second half of the CD was very touching. Best Lighthouse Catholic Media CD that I've listened to yet! Christie
This talk was absolutely beautiful! I loved how he showed how inseparable the understanding of Revelation is to the Mass. It is a lovely explanation of the Mass and Revelation as well as a beautiful story of being wooed home by intellect. Brianna - Longview, TX
This talk gave amazing evidence to the purpose of the Mass. It was very enlightening and engaging. Jen - IL
I loved hearing about Scott and his wife's conversion story and how their conversion connects into their discovery that the Book of Revelation reveals how the Mass is the earthly version of the heavenly marriage supper of the Lamb. To realize what really goes on at Mass and how we are joined with all the angels and saints in the heavenly Liturgy is the work of a life time! Sister Patricia - Wlichita Falls, TX
This talk has helped me to look at the Mass in a new way. It has given me a new understanding of what the Mass is about. Joseph - Cedar Lake, IN
I love how this talk incorporated the speaker's personal story into the educational aspect of the topic. Casey - Auburn, AL
I am in a bible study of Revelations by Jeff Cavins and this cd reinforces what we are learning from that bible study. I am a cradle Catholic and I don't remember hearing this about Revelations before. It is amazing! Nora - Grove City, OH
This talk really excited me. I felt like I was on fire already in my faith but after this talk I felt ablaze! Dusty - Spring Branch, TX
Highlighted biblical foundation, primarily in the Book of Revelation, regarding the Mass. Jeffrey - Nanticoke, PA
The relation of our faith & scripture. I know it's there, but we don't always see the dots being connected until it's spelled out clearly. Jade - Alliance
Scott is has a communicates his great passion in his talks. It's an inspiration John - Gilford, NH
I have listened to a lot of presentations from Lighthouse Catholic Media, and the Lamb's Supper is by far my favorite. I have listened to it multiple times and I seem to get something more out of it each time. This has given me an entirely new understanding and appreciation of the Mass. It's amazing how as an anti-Catholic protestant scholar, Dr. Hahn essentially "reverse engineered" the Bible, so to speak, to realize that the Book of Revelation describes the liturgical worship of all the Angels and Saints in heaven, and that we participate in that same heavenly liturgy at each and every Mass! The Book of Revelation is the most misinterpreted and misunderstood book in the Bible precisely because it is the most Catholic book in the Bible, and makes no sense without the Mass! This is the first Lighthouse presentation that I'd recommend to anyone. Mark - Las Cruces, NM
I am a very recently baptized and confirmed Catholic and I found the CD to be extremely helpful in more fully enjoying mass. Krissy - Cincinnati , OH
Being born Catholic I sometimes don t know why we do things the way we do. This helped me to understand more about my faith. Carol - Matamoras, PA
Being born Catholic I sometimes don t know why we do things the way we do. This helped me to understand more about my faith. Matamoras, PA
I used a lot of the talk with my children in RCIA as teaching the Lamb's supper to children can be difficult as well as helping them understand the Mass and why it is done the way it is and why we should attend regularly. Tricia - OH
This was an inspiration! A wonderful and moving talk! Eileen - Torrington, CT
The Lamb's Supper really broadened my view of the mass significantly. Despite attending masses for as long as I can remember, I never realized the connection with scripture, especially with the book of Revelation. I thought it was about the end of the world and nothing else. Thank you and God bless you for producing such wonderful and eye-opening talks. Ashwith - Bangalore
Easy to understand yet full of substance Kim - Cape Town
Hearing how the mass relates to the book of Revelations. I have been contemplating becoming catholic and this pretty much has made up my mind to proceed. Cherise - Lenoir, NC
I teach a sacrament course to older children who are delayed in receiving their sacraments and to now be able to really show them where the mass comes from in scripture is a real blessing. Marilyn - Tyler, TX
I never really understood the biblical basis of the Mass until I read this. This literally changed everything for me! Renee - Savannah, GA
Wow! Truly this brings new meaning and appreciation to the whole Mass, and the Communion of Saints. Christopher - Lancaster, OH
Dr. Scott Hahn's passion and joy in his discovery and sharing what he learned has furthered my passion as well and the knowledge and discernment that he catalogues is simply a true treasure that he has blessed the rest of us. It would be great if all of the Christians and Catholics as well could embrace the knowledge that is available to them.
Thank you Scott for sharing your journey with us! Ray - Westfield, MA
Excellent witness to the truth of the Faith. It was very engaging and thought provoking. Gary - Madisonville, LA
This was the first time I heard Scott give a talk. He is an entertaining speaker and did an amazing job bringing forth the foundation of the Mass from the Bible. Thank you Scott. Ben - Lake Charles, LA
Attending holy Mass almost everyday became a habit so to not known what Mass was really was,little appreciation and participation was shown.
Holy Mass is truly beautiful! Vashti - Surrey, BC
I've always loved the Mass but have never been able to refer to where it is given basis "in the bible" outside of stating the obvious celebrations of the readings, consecration etc.
This gives me a source to share that puts into words & reference the beautiful gift what I've always held in my heart but could never "defend".
I look forward to starting my bible studies with you.
Thank you so much!! May God bless you in all your endeavors! Kathleen - Palmer, AK
The way mass is explained with reference to the book of Revelation. Mass becomes so much more meaningful and so does the toughest book of the Bible. Also, helping me see the correlation between Moses and Jesus and how both came to save the children of God. Blesy - Bangalore
Having never read Revelation in its entirety, I found this very educational. After the talk, I went directly to masstimes.org. I want to go to Mass again as soon as possible! Maren - Gilbert, AZ
I don't understand being a catholic for 64 yes and taking Revelation bible study, why I have never heard this before. It brings a much deeper meaning to mass. If more catholics understood this, maybe reverance would be restored to the mass like it was in the 50's. I know many catholics do not believe that the bread and wine are the actual body and blood of Christ, what a shame. I wish I could make copies of it and give it to friend and relatives who have fallen away from the catholic faith. David - Liberty Twp, OH
I really enjoyed the knowledge, passion and enthusiasm that Dr. Hahn has for the Lord and the Catholic Church. The loving way he shares and expresses the story of his faith journey is definitely contagious and I just want more of it and not the cure! Antonio - LENOX, MI
I would highly recommend this talk!!
I enjoyed learning how the Book of Revelation (which I never understood) and the Mass are connected. The most exciting thing about this talk for me was the realization that we are in heaven with God, Jesus, the saints and the martyrs each time we go to mass.
Thank you! Stephanie - Richmond, BC
It will change the way you view the Mass. john - london, ON
I already knew about typology, but Dr. HAHN pointed out many more that I have never been shown before. I am enthralled with Mass but this was a new perspective that just increased my love of the Mass even more. Lori - Lawton, OK
My mind has just been blown! I'm in shock as a cradle Catholic that I have never heard these things about our Holy Mass being illustrated in the Book of Revelation, and it being the same Mass that's being said in Heaven! Oh man I can't wait to give this CD away! 10 out of 10 on all accounts! Absolutely breath-taking. Thank you thank you thank you. James - Sacramento , CA
I am currently a Protestant who feels God drawing me to the Catholic church. This talk brought the Lamb's Supper alive in a way that I had never experienced before. I found myself craving that intimacy with God. Dean - St.Paul, MN
I liked learning about he parallels between the stories of the Old and the New Testaments and
How the Mass is based off John's vision of heaven in Revelation.
I also liked hearing it from the perspective of a very educated Prostestant minister who converted to Catholicism. Marilyn - Middletown, MD
Customer Comments (5 of 69)