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The Making of a Jewish Nun

Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God

Here is the incredible faith journey of a singularly inspiring woman. Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God (formerly Rosalind Moss) tells the unexpected tale of her life – from conservative Jewish woman in New York to evangelical missionary to prioress of a new religious community in Oklahoma. Her amazing testimony will strengthen you and help you believe that Jesus Christ is in fact the long awaited Messiah.

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Customer Comments

I liked how sincere and real she was about everything it just touched my heart especialy because my father is a mesianic jew Jonathan - Monroe, GA
"A beautiful story that will have you learning, laughing and crying!" Olivia, Dunedin, FL
"Mother Miriam's presentation is delightful with humor, powerful with the love of God, succinct with history, and deep with truth!" Monica - Wichita, KS
"Mother Miriam ties together the Old and New covenants in such a beautiful way!" Norm - Biloxi, MS
Provided a connection between my "rabbi" Jesus and our Catholic traditions. Loved it and would love to read/hear more. Alice - Orchard Park, NY
Mother Miriam's passion, humor and humility made it very easy to identify with her journey and her revelations were incredibly powerful and inspiring. Erin - San Antonio, TX
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Mother Miriam, and I gained a greater understanding of the need to evangelize. Sherry - Neenah, WI
It provided greater insight of the Jewish traditions. The more we can understand their traditions we can have a deeper understanding of Catholicism. Arleen - St. Petersburg, FL
I did not know that Jewish people knew so little about the Catholic Faith. Mother Miriam is a very good speaker, easy to listen to. It was amazing at the journey she took to Catholicism. Julie - Morristown, TN
I really enjoyed the way the talk was delivered by Mother Miriam, but most of all I'm really pleased that I had so many of the questions that I had about the Jewish religion AND its relationship to Christianity answered. David - Charlottetown, PE
To hear the faith and love of God from other people who have converted to the Catholic faith. Our three children ages 45,40,39 all were raised catholic and neither one of them practices their faith. My wife and I have such a beautiful prayer life together and strong faith in God we both always wonder where we went wrong to make them like this. When we listen to these CD's we both cry because they be us closer to our faith and God. Thank you so much. Dan - Wheatfield, IN
All your CD's are wonderful, this one tops it all for me. Thanks so much for this talk, an eye opening and quite educative. already recommended for few friends. Sabina - Brampton, ON
I loved how dynamic, honest, funny, and real the speaker was. She took me through her journey from a Jewish, successful business woman, to an evangelical Jesus lover, to a Catholic nun, and the whole time she captivated me by her honesty in it all. She made me laugh, cry, think, learn, and there were moments when goose-bumps rose on my body from the sheer beauty of God's work in her life and our lives! It really made me want to learn more about my faith, about the Jewish roots to my faith, and share her talk with everyone I meet. Lauren - 59601, MT
I totally enjoyed this talk that I listened to it tree times within an eight hour period, and I also have other people listen to it. Mother Myriam's candor and love for Jesus truly touched my heart. It really helped strengthen my belief that God loves each one of us personally and unconditionally, and that HE has a plan of love for each one of us. We just have to open our heart to HIM, HE'll do the rest. Joe NY
I loved hearing her transition. It was interesting that the things she was never taught as a child she was head over heals about when she discovered. As a cradle Catholic we take much of this for granted. She opened my eyes to the beauty of my own religion and at certain points brought me to tears. Truly amazing testimony. Chantel - odessa, FL
This cd gave me so much insight into the life of a Jewish family. It makes me much more sensitive to their view of the world and explains how they address- or ignore- the reality of Christ the Messiah. I hope this talk has made me less judgmental and more understanding. Rebecca - Columbus, TX
Rosalind Moss's conversion story played a big part in my becoming Catholic. I always enjoy listening to her speak - her sincerity and emotion come through very clearly, as does her love of God and His Church. Joanna - Saint Louis, MO
I liked her sincerity and how real and down to earth she was Jonathan - Monroe, GA
The Jewish root to the Mass and the Eucharist Jan - Shelbyville, KY
WOW! Mother Miriam is a fantastic speaker - she's so full of heart and humor. Her conversion story is the best I've been blessed to hear. The way she recounts her realization of just Who the Lamb is and what he has done for us made my hairs stand and brought tears to my eyes. Her talk was just awesome! Meus - Foxboro, MA
Powerful presentation. Mother Miriam gave me so many ideas for discussion topics for my non-Catholic friends. Rosemary - Glen Ellyn, IL
I learned so much about the Jewish faith, and Mother Miriam was so inspiring! Alyssa - Nashport, OH
I really enjoyed Rosalind Moss' conversion story. It brought me to tears. As a revert to the faith, I find that conversion stories always help me to see the Church anew. Christine - Chicopee, MA
I don't know any Jewish people, but after listening to her conversion story, I got a deeper understanding of the Eucharist, the death and resurrection of our Lord, and the sacrificial rite. It inspired me to serve God and made me feel more thankful to God for giving us his only son. Great talk!! I have listened to it so many times , and i still get excited every time I listen to it Adelina - lake elsinore, CA
I don't know any Jewish people, but after listening to her conversion story, I got a deeper understanding of the Eucharist, the death and resurrection of our Lord, and the sacrificial rite. It inspired me to serve God and made me feel more thankful to God for giving us his only son. Great talk!! I have listened to it so many times , and i still get excited every time I listen to it Adelina - lake elsinore, CA
Awesome, she rally gets what the Roman Catholic faith is all about; I will pray for you to have many many more years helping Holy Mother the Church. Bought 5 to start. CAtherine - lk. Ronkonkoma, NY
It helped me to understand much more about the significance of some of the jewish rituals and roots of the Catholic religion. Mother Miriam transmitted her strong convictions and passion for her religious life so clearly and the listener can feel her faith - it was inspirational. I have passed on a copy of the CD to a local pastor who was also very interested in her story and her work. It is a moving story of great love and passion for God and it is contagious! Lucie H. G. - Bethesda, MD
I am an 85 year old cradle Catholic and this helps to explain why we act out certain rituals. I believe all these truths but I didn't know how to explain them to my non-Catholic friends. I want to share these truths with them, especially my new grandson-in-law who is very strong in his religion. I knew that Jesus was a Jew but I didn't know why they crucified Jesus. They did not know the truth. I believe many of our cradle Catholics do not really know their religion. They only believe because they were taught it by their parents. So when someone tells them that, "all religions are the same", they believe it and join some other religion. Many non-Catholics have been taught very bad things about the Catholic Faith. I have heard some very weird stories about the Catholic Religion just as Mother Miriam had heard in her family. But unlike Mother Miriam, they do not continue to search for the truth, but accept what they hear. Martha Jane - Pilot Grove, MO
Mother Miriams cd was very enlightning, & helped me with both Jewish & Catholic perspectives. william - ottawa ontario CANADA, ON
I enjoyed listening to Mother Miriam's conversion story. janette
It was informative and inspiring. It was also very encouraging. I really did enjoy meeting this wonderful sister in Christ, Suzanne - Richmond, VA
Great story and extremely interesting hearing the roots of Judaism that are tied into Catholicism. Aaron - Swansboro, NC
The inner fire of Sr. Miriam when she speaks of her conversion and vocation brought me to tears a few times. The history lesson included is so valuable as well. I will purchase more cd’s so that I can pass them along. I think listening to her message could be life changing for many people. Thank you for making this cd and others available to us. Andrea Maiorana Andrea - Malone, NY
I like to learn how the Jewish faith and Catholic faith relate more deeply. Melanie - so, MI
What a great story and life. It absolutely amazes me when I hear stories of people in the US that have never hear of Jesus Christ! Just heard of teenagers in MA saying they have never heard of Jesus. What a bubble some can live in, yes? Thanks for offering this one. Thoroughly appreciated Rosalind's story and work. Have mailed if off to share. Nancy - Mt. Dora, FL
This provided interesting insights into how Jews today might think and live. Winston-Salem, NC