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Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians of all denominations. Presented here are his timeless reflections on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord, combined with Scripture and Gregorian Chant to create a powerful presentation that is sure to become a family favorite.
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Customer Comments (5 of 19)
A masterful job! A wonderful combination of scripture and commentary on the Passion of Christ. Sue - Dayton, OH
An invaluable learning tool! I am in the process of joining the Catholic Church through RCIA and found this CD to be very helpful Mandi - Lewiston, ME
I most enjoyed listening to Archbishop Sheen. It reminded me of being with my family when I was a little girl. Gretchen - Houston, TX
The thingI enjoued most was the talks given by Archbishop Sheen. Listening to him talk brought me back to a time with my family when I was younger and remembering how much we all enjoyed him. Gretchen - Houston, TX
Fantastic CD and throughly enjoyed it while I worked.One way to keep joy in your heart in the midst of such stress. Working taking claims from Hurricane Sandy. Listen as I work on processing claims. Janelle - Cheyenne, WY
I heard it on a radio station on Holy Thursday. That made me feel really thankful to God and to you because I better understand the BIG LOVE that HE and JESUS have for us. Maria - Plant City, FL
The was beautiful and has givin me peace of heart. I listen ti it daily and each time gain new thoughts on my lenten journey. I purchased 3 cd,sent one to my sister,one in car,one on my nitstand.I cannot thank you enough for such a beautiful cd. Many easter blessing to you and thank you again. Irene from StMark in southwest ranches,florida irene capozzoli
I liked the mixed parts of the commentator and the explanations by Bishop Sheen. Nanette - Portsmouth, VA
Archbishop Fulton Sheen remains pertinent even after half a century of his Christiocentric advice; his way of captivating audiences maintains true teachings coupled with simple examples and language, thus engaging new or misinformed Christians with the simple truths of The Catholic Church. Scott - Modesto, CA
I didn't think I'd enjoy this CD at first because I assumed it would be outdated, but I was entirely mistaken. I loved it! Its content was more relevant now than ever! This is a CD I'll listen to over and over again. It has deeply enriched my spiritual journey. Samantha - Ludlow, MA
I am a new Christian, and this was a very interesting topic for me, it really taught me a lot about the true meaning of Easter. I thank you very much for that. Cindy - Plant City, FL
i really enjoyed this cd. it made me truely realize what jesus went through for me so that my sins could be forgiven. Jane - jasper, IN
I liked how Scripture & commentary were interspersed. Bishop Sheen's voice appeared altered, but it was very effective because of the passion in the delivery. It brought to life what one might have seen if they were in Jerusalem during Holy week. Richard - West Long Branch, NJ
I enjoyed this talk very much. I think more of Fulton Sheen's talks should be made available this way. Thomas - Keizer, OR
I enjoyed the fact of listening to Archbishop Fulton Sheen. he was a very engaging speaker and makes you want to learn more about the Christian Faith. Nick - Marquette , MI
Archbishop Sheen is a pure mastermind. He speaks to people like people need to be spoken to these days. I always learn something new with him. Randy - Oak Grove, MN
Great talk from Bishop Sheen. Really moving...
Sean - Concord, NH
Bishop Sheen's wisdom and understanding of the Scriptures is truly inspiring and clearer then ever! It really opened my eyes to the beauty, power, and importance Easter has on our Faith. Randy - Oak Grove, MN
Customer Comments (5 of 19)