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Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the best-loved and most influential preachers of the 20th century and author of over 90 books. He reached nearly 30 million people through his weekly program, Life is Worth Living, and his Cause for Canonization was officially opened in 2002. He explains the Church's teaching on life from a philosophical and historical perspective.
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Customer Comments (5 of 8)
You have written and spoken well of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are a loyal son of the Church. Pope John Paul II -
Archbishop Sheen is the greatest communicator of the 20th century. Reverend Billy Graham -
It was refreshing to hear someone from the church, Arch Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, speak about the issue of abortion some 30 years ago. The talk was and is applicable even today. To address this issue in a clear and meaningful way and done with an example of leadership often times lacking in churches and schools of this generation, gives all a path to follow that is clearly marked. Joe - Rockport, TX
This was agreat talk and I am sure that if a woman contemplating abortion listened to this she would change her mind brian - norco, CA
Archbishop Fulton Sheen is an absolutely brilliant speaker, and the topic of our culture of death is extremely important for our society to hear. Before my conversion I was "pro-choice", I completely bought into the idea that this was about a woman's control over her body, and did not understand how many areas of our lives and being destroyed by this belief. I wish I had heard this talk years ago.
Thank you so much for making it available. Karen - Sarasota, FL
words mean something. fetis verse child, a woman is with child. Robert - Berthoud, CO
That Fulton Sheen presented it in a way that made it easy for me to understand. He was a very humorous and dynamic speaker. That made you really want to listen and learn. Tony - Bucyrus, KS
I used to believe that abortion should be a choice for a woman if she can not or does not want to raise her child. After listening to the CD, I have realized that I was very selfish person. I believe that young women do not understand that it is not about them only but there is a new person inside the womb who has a right to live, dream, have friends, go to school and grow up.
We are truly very selfish nation where having sex before getting married is a social norm especially in high school. Ellie - Mount Juliet, TN
Customer Comments (5 of 8)