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Anne Marie Schmidt grew up in a very devout Catholic family in Czechoslovakia. In this presentation, she shares her incredible experiences of Divine Providence during the infamous Nazi persecution at Auschwitz and on the Russian battlefront. Anne Marie explains how her love for Christ grew through her astounding trials, and how she was led to see the hand of God working in them all.
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Customer Comments (5 of 22)
Riveting!! A story of faith's triumph over the dark forces. The rosary, study of Scripture, compassion... I'll keep those in my spiritual toolbox! Melanie - Allentown, PA
An inspiring story of great hope and courage in the face of tremendous evil, reminding us of the power of God's love when we cooperate with His grace. Mark - Pittsburgh, PA
This story of faith and hope in the most heart wrenching circumstances gave me a true sense of hope, rooted in Christ, so strong I know I can face any life challenge with joy. It also gave me a sense of thanksgiving for all I have - all the Lord has blessed me with. I recommend this to everyone! Lynn - Houston, TX
FAITH RAISING! - This heartfelt presentation affirms the awesome and most perfect timing of the Loving Providence of God. Mary - Prairie du Chien, WI
Anne Marie Schmidt's witness of knowing God is so inspiring because it is strong, deep, and reflective of the love of Mary and of Christ. Her story is the amazing account of someone who truly loved her enemies and blessed those who persecuted her. May all who listen to it learn more how they can do likewise. Benjamin - Chicago, IL
A good personal account of trials and triumphs of a Catholic. With skill, she speaks for two voices: the voice of skepticism on the one hand, and the voice of faith on the other, constantly propelling us to the latter. For example, she confessed the urge to kill her enemy and tormentors, but found restraint and forgiveness within.
This is highly relevant to the modern era where wars continue, soldiers kill, many facilitate the killing, and governments authorize it. Time for the faithful to find ways to break this long chain of evil.
What a truly amazing woman and the stories she lived to tell. And the conviction - so glad I could hear it in her own voice. What an inspiration to love everyone, even if you do not want to. Angie - Berne, IN
Studied about the Holocaust in college at great lengths. Anne Marie Schmidt gave a wonderful testimony of her love of Christ. Her honesty with her human struggles to love those who persecuted so many has inspired me to do that also in my own life. This talk touched me to the very core of my heart, my faith, my love of Catholicism. To love like Christ loves, to forgive like Christ forgives, what greater gift is there? Linda - Piscataway, NJ
This woman truly a child of God! Joanne - Deptford, NJ
Forgiving my enemies is hard for me to do,after this CD and lisiting to Anne Marie she would tell her enemies it is wrong, GOD IS GOOD.What great joy it was too hear this tape.
I loved how Anne Maire Schmidt talked about how God showed himself to her throughout her struggles. It showed that God reaches out to all, no matter the differences.
Anne Marie's story was so inspirational! Elizabeth - Davenport, IA
It was a great story of faith, hope and courage. It showed the full power of prayer and devotion. Patricia - APO, AE
I've had a lot of trials in life, especially the last few years, where it seems there is so much evil in the world, and there are so many bad people, and so much sin. I know we are supposed to forgive, but it is hard to do, especially when the evil people do not repent and continue their evil ways. This cd showed how Anne Marie was able to forgive and love despite everything she went through, and the good that came from doing so. Kelli - WI
I've listened to this CD three times now! Anne Marie has so much to teach us about forgiveness. She shows by example what God can do when we do not give in to anger and hate but instead love our enemies. Listening to Anne Marie has made me think, "Who are my enemies and how can I love them?" Susie - Lincoln, NE
Anne Marie Schmidt's determination to love those who she was tempted to hate is incredibly inspirational! Her courage to persevere though prayer during hardship is a great example for us all. Katie - Fultondale, AA
This talk is a very powerful witness of how God works in our life. The beauty of forgiveness, how it brings souls to God. In this witness I saw the faithfulness of God Darwin
Oh my goodness.I think of this story every day. How? HOW? can we stand to complain about anything after this? And HOW? do we not do more for Him? it was a total eye opener.God bless Anne Marie. I hope I can meet her or connect with her to know and learn more. Anna-Marie - Monroe, NY
How the speaker clearly related their story of faith and their struggle against horrific events. It is inspiring to hear someone who kept their faith against all odds. Robert - Thornhill, ON
It was hard to pick just one talk, BUT, Ms. Anne Marie Schmidt's account of her experiences during the Holocaust and how her faith enabled her to more than just survive, was positively riveting. This CD was lent to me initially and I have since ordered and received another five copies for distribution to others who need to hear this. I want to thank you, Lighthouse Media and Ms. Schmidt for giving us this wonderful opportunity to share in the heartache and triumph of one of God's children. Irene - Parkland, FL
Warning: I broke down and cried about 3 times during this talk. Never have I heard such a moving account of suffering, forgiveness and redemption. Rosemary - Glen Ellyn, IL
I came to know the talk on this CD through a neighbouring parish priest. It is so moving how Jesus's commandment to love one another such as he loves us, cited in the very beginning, is turned into true life throughout the whole series of these unimaginable and atrocious situations.
Being a parish priest myself in the South East part of Germany near the Czech Republic, I am wondering if anybody knew the name of the village or town where the first massacre reported in the talk took place. Johann - Neustadt/Donau
Customer Comments (5 of 22)