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Understanding The Lord's Prayer

Dr. Scott Hahn

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The Lord's Prayer is the centerpiece of the most famous sermon ever preached - the Sermon on the Mount. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that this prayer "is truly the summary of the whole Gospel." Blending scripture with the incredible insights of the early Church Fathers, Dr. Scott Hahn helps us discover the critical importance of this prayer in our daily journey of faith.

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Biblical Truths, Prayer & Devotions


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Customer Comments (5 of 26)

This is an absolutely brilliant outline giving biblical proof of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist! Mike - Bogota, NJ
This has opened a new vista for me, a convert. How beautiful the concept, and the presentation really kept me rapt. I can't wait to get to Mass now! Maurice - Ft. Myer, FL
It has given me some incredible tools with which to defend my faith! I wish to purchase several of these CDs to distribute them to friends who do not know the full truth. Randolph - St. Claire, PA
This provided a better understanding of what the Eucharist is and how it is foreshadowed in the Old Testament and is the new Passover meal. It helped me understand the Mass better! Denise - San Diego, CA
Very compelling! A beautiful encounter of the Eucharist as he recalls individual scriptures so we can follow along. Excellent! Darlene - Rohnert Park, CA