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Who Do You Say That I Am

Bishop Robert Barron

Fr. Barron illuminates with conviction that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah and revelation of God become man. He shows how Jesus fulfills the four tasks of the Messiah according to the Old and New Testaments and how the living legacy of Christ is proclaimed by the Church.

Average Rating: 4.79 based on 29 ratings
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Evangelization, Jesus Christ


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Customer Comments (5 of 28)

Fr. Barron gives such a deep, rich presentation on Christ, and brings it home to us in our modern-day thinking! Rennie - Spokane, WA
Fr. Barron’s gentle and yet biblically forceful and intelligent apologetics are a breath of fresh air to all Catholics. Charlie - Fairfax, VA
Fr. Barron’s eloquence and wisdom convicted me that this is the one true Church of the one true God. Mike - Hamilton, NZ
A beautiful CD for anyone who may struggle with doubt. Monica - Wichita, KS
Some of Father’s comments were so eye-opening and foundational that I wish I would have considered them long ago. James - Mentor, OH