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Dr. Scott Hahn explains through his legendary testimony how he was militantly anti-Catholic but self-driven to seek the truth. This ultimately led him into the Catholic Church. He soon became an ardent defender of the Faith and one of its most passionate promoters.
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Customer Comments (5 of 40)
This CD was AMAZING!!! I was having doubts as to what I believed. Thanks to this talk, I finally found hope I thought did not exist. Jeff - New Lenox, IL
I am returning to the Church after being away for 35 years. I am motivated to learn more about my Faith. This talk whet my appetite! Stan - Columbus, GA
Dr. Scott Hahn has the ability to make everything he says so interesting and easy to understand exactly what he means. Dale - Rapid City, SD
I enjoyed everything, but most of all when he talked about all the things a non-active Catholic has to overcome before becoming an active participant of the Catholic Faith. In his talk, Dr. Hahn helped me to understand how lightly I was taking my sins. He also helped me to believe that confession is one of the most precious God-given gifts through his son Jesus. In addition, he started this fire in me to learn more about my religion so I can overcome other objections. I really loved it! Ivelisse - Queens, NY
I enjoyed the moment when Scott Hahn visited his friend, not knowing that his friend was about to commit suicide, and the good he did to him. I learned a lot about the richness of the Catholic Faith (the sacrament of the Eucharist, no proof of sola scriptura in the bible). Donatienne
I first learned about Dr. Hahn when going through RCIA. We played excerpts from it throughout the entire process. It helped me a great deal as I hailed from an old school Black Baptist tradition. I am also a history lover, and Dr. Hahn outlined the the Catholic Church's doctrine in a way that even I could not argue against. While I had never been "anti-Catholic", I was not a staunch supporter. But I thank God that I grew up in Louisiana where there are plenty of Catholics, and I also knew priests and nuns in my daily life. Thank God for them!! NeKwan - San Antonio, TX
I enjoyed the Pentacostal zeal this pastor still had, only now applying it to the Catholic teaching, and his joy and humor. He was candid and honest. When he spoke of his nightly wakefulness, and painfully lost friendships as he acknowledged the Truth, I was touched and marveled at the trust and love this former Pentacostal Pastor had for God. As a cradle Catholic myself, I learned much from this man about humility and the courage to speak the Truth, even when it seems we lose all to gain all. JoAnn - Lodi, OH
I am a non-practicing Catholic and my mother gave me this CD to listen to. Not going to lie but I really didn't want to listen to it because I knew what it was. However, after several days I finally put it in the CD player on the way home from work. Needless to say, I didn't want to get out of the car. Listening to this CD makes me want to go back to Church. Tracy - Saint Elizabeth, MO
What I enjoyed most about his talk were the following:
-How he clearly defined the series of events
into a timeline
-How he uses Catholic teaching to counter-opposing views
-The liveliness of the delivery of his talk
-It has inspired me to learn more about the Catholic Church Pablo - PLAINFIELD, IL
Dr. Hahn's passion and humor. Peter - Columbus, GA
It was such a wonderful talk! I learned so much Logan - Corpus Christi, TX
Interesting and inspirational. Edwin - Houston, TX
This was just wonderful. It is Scott Hahn at his best. We are ordering one for our baptist-Methodist friends and sending our copy to a protestant minister. Raymond - Saint Louis, MO
Scott Hahn is a great speaker. Very easy to listen to and to understand. It was interesting to hear! Loved it. Carli - North Aurora, IL
Hahn came to Catholicism through study of Scripture, with a sincerely open heart and mind to discern God's true calling in his life, and would settle for nothing less. Louise - London, ON
I loved the honesty and humor of Dr. Hahn - it must have been very hard to admit being bigoted and wrong about the Catholic faith. It was very interesting to hear how and what 'the other side' believes what they do, and how the Holy Spirit led him to the truth. Jim - Hamilton, ON
i learned alot from listening to the cd. tHe most precious gift to myself and my salvation. it nailed down my confused heart to the beauty and mystery of my faith. mary - toronto
It's informative and very inspirational. It was humorous at times and held my attention from beginning to end. Alison - Savannah , GA
Scott is an amazing speaker he has put into words what I know in my heart. Every Catholic should listen to this. Thank you for sharing, I will definitely share with everyone I know. ON
Well , I became Catholic 3 years ago.
I was into the New Age, meditation, and those things.
I was never a Christian, I did not even Believed in Jesus.
So I love when I hear people that become Catholic Christians.
I love this Church with all my heart.
And I became Catholic not because I studied Theology,.I am very uneducated on that matter actually, but I became Catholic because of God himself.
He brought me to his Church.
Hearing Dr Scott Hahn, Well, I felt more proud of my Church, of my faith , and it encourages me to learn more, and to study more about Catholic Teachings.
God gave me the heart to believe without knowing anything at all, but now I have the responsibility to learn, and defend my Church.
God Bless you all for this beautiful work.
Julie - Kissimmee, FL
It was an extremely fascinating and eye opening talk Jessica - Dallas, PA
Dr. Hahn was serious yet amusing, you could tell he spoke from the heart and that he was knowledgeable. He captures interest from the first point of listening. Makes me proud to be a catholic and leaves me wanting to find out more about my faith. Magda
It's very clear about the journey. One of the reasons I had fallen away from the church were the questions that are answered in this talk. "Sola Scriptura" "Faith and not works" are questions answered. I had come back to the church before this (after 27 years) because I felt called back but I have been determined to obtain the answers to the questions and doubts I had before. The biggest reason I left the church was when a Priest told me that I needed to put the church first, before God and Jesus. I asked him to repeat that and he did. I left. I didn't have the excellent resources like this talk. I look forward to more teaching from you. Robert J - Santa Fe, NM
I found this talk very interesting. Dr. Hahn spoke to me on several levels. I am an Ordained, retired, United Methodist Minister who is considering becoming a Catholic. Dr. Hahn's brilliant exegesis of scripture and in-depth scholarship has drawn me into a searching of scripture regarding major Catholic teachings. I believe this talk has not only motivated me, but has the power to motivate other seekers as well. He is a trail-blazer opening the path wide for Protestant clergy who have been interested in the Catholic faith in order for the process to be seeker-friendly and sacramentally sound. Michael - Columbia, MO
I got to hear a very interesting story and learned more about how to defend the catholic faith. Alanson - Jamestown, ND
The part where he discusses God giving back to him his wife. Darryl - Lakewood , OH
I enjoyed listening to Dr. Hahn. He is an excellent speaker and he kept me interested for the entire hour. I will definitely recommend this CD to a friend who has left the Catholic Church. Diana - Sicklerville, NJ
It was very interesting to hear his conversion story. It encourged me to learn more about my faith and how to defend it. Sandra - Felicity, OH
It reinforced my conviction that I have been blessed to be born a Catholic. Nestor - Mississauga, ON
I love this talk so much! I am moved to deepen my faith and share the truth about Catholic faith to my friends. Christine - Auckland
I was particularly intrigued with Dr. Hahn's story about being enlightened to the reality of Jesus' body and blood. Kateri - Albuquerque , NM
The logical process by which the story of Dr. Hahn's journey was told.
The addition of humor and seriousness was captivating and kept you listening.
I got goose pimples and cried listening to the CD and it left me wanting to hear more and learn more, which is the greatest gift and value of this message. Mary - Venice, FL
Loved every minute! I am Catholic - born, baptized and raised. So, I inherited my Catholic Faith. As a young adult I had lots of questions and uncertainty, but I CHOSE to stay put. I didn't attend mass regularly, but I didn't explore other denominations either. I remember when I was in my 20's mentioning a statement to my Dad about doing so and he told me something to the fact that I would never find a group more rooted to Jesus Christ than the Catholics. But I was free to try. Well, instead of trying to understand another group I have an even stronger desire to understand the faith that I have so graciously been given. Dr. Hahn uses the word "privilege" and that was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for the insight and your wisdom of our Catholic Faith. Renee - Murfreesboro, TN
I have read the book Rome Sweet Home, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but actually hearing Dr Hahn's delivery with the added humor and enthusiasm truly brought the story to life. Christopher - Lancaster, OH
I am a non-Catholic who is looking for a way to God. The CD answered some questions about faith I had and came from a place I am at. I have prayed and want to learn more about the Catholic Church. Tammy - Clarksdale, MS
I am baptized Catholic, raised as Catholic, and attended four years in Catholic high school, but I am never vocal about my faith. I love being Catholic. However, I am too shy or don't know how to defend my faith when it is attack during gatherings.
This CD by Dr. Scott Hahn helps me to be courageous when talking to non Catholics about my faith. I am very thankful to God for Lighthouse Catholic Media with all their CDs as a wonderful companion on my day to day living. Elma - Katy, TX
I listened to the free mp3 from the Catholic Study Bible App. The sound was clear and well recorded. Dr. Hahn is a fantastic communicator, and the content of his talk is top notch - he was able to clear out the issues of sola fide and sola scriptura very well. I hope I can remember his speaking points if/when I get called to profess our faith. I also loved it that he ended the talk with prayer because prayer to God is so important in anything we do. Meus - Foxboro, MA
I really love it. Jason - Joplin, MO
Dr. Hahn is a good speaker and I found his conversion story very interesting as I'm a recent convert. Mike - Vancouver, WA
Scott is an inspired speaker, amazingly engaging, and very well versed in the subject matter. jason - cranberry twp, PA
Customer Comments (5 of 40)