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For those who aren't Catholic, it may not be apparent why one should embrace the Catholic Faith. In this inspiring presentation, bestselling author Patrick Madrid gives compelling biblical and historical reasons for why he embraces the faith as a lifelong Catholic. He shares valuable insights into the beauty of the Catholic Church and its claim to contain the fullness of the deposit of faith given by Christ.
This talk was previously titled Why I Am Catholic When I Could Be Anything Else. This is the same talk with a new title.
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Customer Comments (5 of 49)
This CD was awesome - I'll be listening again and again! It gave logical, biblical reasons to be and stay Catholic.
Peggy - Finksburg, MD
Very inspiring! Patrick's solid understanding of our Faith makes me want to learn more and follow his example. Hugh - Rapid City, SD
I’m impressed! A relevant message for our times. A must for all who seek to defend our Church. Cindy - Norfolk, VA
This talk is not only inspiring, it is compelling. I am moved to share the truth of our Catholic Faith. Julie - Tampa Bay, FL
I am a deacon in the Catholic Church and I am very interested in Catholic apologetics as a means to pass on the One True Faith. I am always looking for inspiration in this area. Although I'll probably never have the intellectual knowledge of Patrick, I love the Church and the Lord Jesus. Patrick is very plain-spoken, sure of himself, and convincing. Tom - Evansville, IN
I enjoyed the personal approach; looking at the ideas of the Catholic Faith through Mr. Madrid's life. As a cradle Catholic as well, I related to how he grew in knowledge of the Faith. VA
I really would like to see this CD in the hands of every Catholic. I will be listening to this CD for 52 weeks this year. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful - this CD has it all! Judy - Hague, SK
I am trying to learn how to defend my faith to others and maybe evangelize them eventually. Kevin - Jesup, IA
Patrick Madrid's voice and delivery of data. The evidence supporting the authenticity of the Catholic Church was convincingly presented. Certainly, a discourse every Catholic can appreciate. Patrick - NH
I really enjoyed Mr. Madrid's anecdotes concerning his defense of the Roman Catholic Church throughout his lifetime. In college, I majored in history and in classes on the Renaissance, Reformation, and British history. I found myself in a similar position of constantly being compelled to defend the Church. Like Mr. Madrid, I found that when forced to defend the Church, I became more knowledgeable about the Faith and more devoted to its inherent truth in the process. Thomas - Rochester, NY
I liked his style of enumerating his reasons and explaining why he is a Catholic. The events that happened in his life that he spoke of are relevant and made his point clearer. The tone of his voice and manner of speaking is very agreeable and easy to listen to.
Elaine - Rowlett, TX
Very informative and entertaining - very good. I listened to it several times. Bill - Newnan, GA
Lots of relevant insights and helpful answers to questions asked by many people here in the "Bible belt". Pat - Mills River, NC
I liked it - it was beneficial to me, everything that is said on the CD. Caroline Guerin
I appreciated Patrick Madrid's Sense of Humor and anecdotes while expressing hard teachings through love. I feel that I can share this with non-catholics without attacking them. Joe - Mesa, AZ
I appreciated Patrick's personal anecdotes. And I also really liked his suggestions for ways of sharing why I'm Catholic with others- especially non-believers and skeptics. Tim - Natick, MA
This is the first CD that I have listened to. I have put your bible app on my phone because I drive 45 minutes to get to work. I have got several audios that I listen to on the way to and from work. I am going to continue getting more. Marvin - OTWELL, IN
The integration of Catholic Beliefs with Scripture. Lucinda - Jersey Shore, PA
I just gave me a few tools to use when being attached by or separated brothers, alot of intresting information Alondra - stockton, CA
I loved the humor and tips given to defend our faith. As a cradle Catholic I never realized how strange we seem to others at times, but this talk gave me great insight into how to explain to my Protestant friends what it is that I believe and how really it's not strange but beautiful! Melissa - Plainview, TX
I am a cradle catholic, and when I made my confirmation many years ago I chose to remain catholic for many of the same things presented in this CD. It helped me feel a little warmth in my heart a refresher in my faith.
Thank you!
Cheryl - Louisville, KY
The part when Madrid read a simple sentence and showed how its meaning could change depending on which word in the sentence we emphasize. This was a simple way to explain why we need church magisterium and tradition. Mary - Oro Valley, AR
This is the first audio that I have ever listened to. It has changed my life. I have joined the CD of the month club and and put the bible app on my phone. I listen to audios during my1 hour commute to and from work. Marvin - IN
As a convert, Patrick's talk was very inspiring and encouraging to me, to know that I made the right choice to become Catholic.
I originally became Catholic because my wife was a cradle Catholic and our children were and are being raised Catholic, and I made that promise to them.
I was raised protestant, but never attended Church, until I met my wife, and began going to Mass with her.
Thanks to Lighthouse Media and Dynamic Catholic.com, I have learned more about Catholicism than I did thru all of RCIA.
My Faith is deeper, thanks to this "New Evangelization' that I have found with your materials. And each time I listen to a new CD or read a new book, I can't wait to read or listen to another one of your titles. Keep up the Good Work! Barry - Onaway, MI
It was a total surprise for me. It was very personal and at the same time educational. Clear. Jorge - rockledge, FL
Mission statement of Patrick is the most perfect,realistic and non controversial statement I ever come across. I wish I can implement it.
Alex Alex - Brisbane, QLD
I really appreciated the concise overview (the selected peaks of the mountain range of Catholicism) of Patrick's faith. As a cradle Catholic myself, I believe he did a great job of touching on all the key points of the Church in his characteristic way of keeping an even-keeled temperament yet backing all his claims with the strengths of scripture and tradition. Bravo! Clint - Ellis, KS
I found it very insightful, and have shared with young adults as they start to question their faith and beliefs. Janis - Alexandria, KY
The talk was humorous and entertaining, but lacks relevance to the core teachings of Jesus. Christine - Seattle, WA
This talk was compelling and inspiring. It is one I can share with family members who are not attending mass. Thank you! Kathy - Algonquin, IL
this talk help me understand,defend and teach my faith! So exciting! Mario - Grimsby
I am lutheran and my boyfriend is Catholic. And it's very interesting to finally listen to perspectives from the catholic on why Catholicism has different traditions, and foundation in a whole See Joy - Manitowoc, WI
"How can you turn your back on the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist?"
I enjoyed the gentleness that accompanies the truth in the talk. No need for shouting or putting down others religion but faith in the Catholic Church. Zhenxi
I am attending RCIA now and will be telling my parents soon that I am converting. This CD was very informative and helped put a lot into perspective for me. Sherrie - Amherst, MA
The logic and clarity of presentation. Pleasant speaking voice. Knowledgeable and sincere presenter. Joe - Manalapan, NJ
Listening to this has increased by knowledge of my faith and inspired me to continue to learn more about my gift of being a Catholic. It has definitely helped me with topics to defending my faith and spreading Christ's teachings! Lisa - Fairfield, CA
Confirms the main reasons why I am proud to be Catholic. Mark - Penrith, NSW
I really liked how Madrid encouraged listeners to put themselves in the shoes of the non-believer, and I found the points he made explaining why he is Catholic educational and helpful. Alycia - Brampton, ON
every Catholic should know the information that is in this CD. It gave so much information about knowing the Catholic religion is the one true Church started by Christ. Alan - Middleboro, MA
I've never heard this particular speaker before and I was blown away! He's very energetic and keeps you engaged throughout the entire hour long talk. My favorite part was the story about Mother Theresa visiting a Muslim orphanage in a war-torn area despite the dangers all around her. If you've ever struggled to explain why you are Catholic or if you are discerning entry into the Catholic Church, you will find this talk very helpful. God Bless! Dana - 52722, IA
Evangelize, but do it with love. Carlos - Colorado Springs , CO
It deepen my faith and strength Betsy - Brewster, NY
I enjoyed the scriptural support for Catholicism which I have always needed. I learnt a lot from his warm, sharing way of speaking and discussing the grothe of his own faith, through different experiences in his life. It opened up my eyes to see the ways in which I can enrich my faith by searching and understanding truths and sharing them with my non-Catholic and even Catholic friends, so they can better understand what I believe and also understand the truth.
I believe I can share this message with people in my life and it is inspiring me to continually learn more about my faith. Ijeoma - Edinburgh
Patrick is easy going and offers information, rather than demanding a response. He shares incidents from his own experiences to highlight what he is telling us.
Easy to listen to and challenging. Kelly - Aurora, IL
This was the first talk I had the privilege of listening to. I was going through RCIA to be confirmed and this talk just reaffirmed why I made the decision to join RCIA at the age of 28. Lindsay - Livermore, CA
Loved this! It was funny and witty yet very deeply seeded in faith. Melissa - Madison, AL
I enjoyed how Patrick Madrid delivered the talk. His good humour kept my interest. I could also relate to him as I am a cradle Catholic and just starting to discover the riches that the Catholic faith has. He gave me clear good points on why be catholic and why stay one until the end. Christine - Auckland
It strengthened my faith. It encouraged me to be more apostolic! CHIEDUM - lagos
Customer Comments (5 of 49)