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To win any war, there are three things that you must know: that you are at war, who your enemy is, and what weapons or strategies can defeat him. Acknowledging that our culture is clearly in crisis, Dr. Peter Kreeft shows us that the only weapon strong enough to defeat the demons of this age is saints. Above all, Dr. Kreeft assures us that victory is assured for those who hope in Christ, because good always triumphs over evil.
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Customer Comments (5 of 41)
"Dr. Kreeft's modern-day spin on the Screwtape Letters was outstanding! He directly addresses the issues facing modern-day Catholicism in a manner that is both humorous and frightening in its accuracy!" Andrew, TX
Excellent presentation, Inspiring and informative. Sajan
I enjoyed the part about marriage. Art - Austin, TX
Dr. Kreeft's talk is very engaging and interesting to listen to. He is very articulate and direct in his approach to provide the correct assessement of a moral bankrupt society we live in today. It has benefited me significantly in looking at new ways to combat this culture war and become a better servant and soldier for Christ and His Church. Wayne - San Diego, CA
C.S. Lewis's book, The Screwtape Letters, that Dr. Kreeft references in his talk is a must-read for all Christians. His talk renewed my courage to know better how to fight the Enemy and strive to become one more Saint to win the War! Andrew - FL
Call to virtue, call to sanctity. Identified the problems in the institutional Church and in the world. Called all to attach themselves to the body of Christ, the Catholic Church. Very clear message, spoken with obvious love. I have been to Dr. Kreeft's talks and listened to his tapes for decades now and never tire of receiving his wisdom. Peter - Milford, NH
Dr. Kreeft never talks over his audience. He is extremely easy to follow and I find myself wanting to hear more when the talk ends. This CD is very thought provoking and I will be listening again and again so I can pick up things I missed from a previous listen. Effie-FL
The way Dr. Kreeft approaches the topic is entertaining and extremely enlightening. It is academic but accessible. I have listened to it at least 3 times so far! Carrie-MA
I have the Screwtape letters book but I never got aroud to reading it. After this talk I could not read the book fast enough. I also find myself praying a lot more, I don't need the devils sneaky ways entering my idle mind. I will also listen to Dr. Kreeft's talk again. "In the end God will win." I love it!! Carolyn
Dr. Kreeft is engaging and energizing to listen to - not to mention that his approach really brings home the importance of winning the war. Thank you for including it in your CD of the Month Club!! I will be certain to pass it on to my friends. Viki- Columbus, OH
By using the aspect of God being the enemy the talk hits home by how we are attacked in our daily lives. The use of humor kept it interesting and lively as well. This cd sparked conversation between my wife and I that also included my 17 year old son too. I love the cd's that you distribute and have given them to my adult children also. I meet once every two weeks for a breakfast with 5-6 other Catholic dads and share your cd (when I have one) with them. Always appreciated by this informal Men's prayer and support group. I sometimes buy a few extras from church to hand out. Keep up the good work! Chris-Tuscon, AZ
Dr. Kreeft details in a very understanble way the fundamental truths of Catholicism using reason and common sense. Don-LA
I love Dr. Peter Kreeft's engaging manner in his talks. His style keeps you interested; I loved the Screwtape presentation. Dr. Kreeft had a lot of information to get across, and this presentation made it easy to remember. And best of all, it was enjoyable. You didn't feel lectured.
I joined the CD of the month club and I get five each month; one for me and four to put out at church. I wish more people would take advantage of the free CD's I provide. Better yet, I wish everyone subscribed to your CD of the month. Edward - Bushton, KS
Dr. Kreeft is insightful and gave a talk that could otherwise be difficult and even boring in a lively, interesting manner that made sense. TX
It gave you a lot to think about to see how much we have fallen from our Catholic Faith and how much we have let the secular culture creep into our church. This CD should be given and listened to by every Catholic Priest! I hope everyone will consider giving one to their parish priest. We can fight and this war! But we all need to understand what we are fighting for and need to do to capture a truly Christian culture. God Bless Dr. Peter Kreeft. C.D. - Encino, CA
As a new Catholic since Easter of 2012, I am learning more and more and hope never to stop learning. I loved Dr. Peter Kreeft's explanation of Spirituality, Spiritual, and Religious. I am still trying to take all of that in. I did love the CD. Sandra - Kansas City, MO
Dr. Peter Kreeft is always amazing and this one is no exception, it was great to get both his wisdom through the genius of C. S. Lewis' Screwtape. Morgan - Fargo, ND
The assessment of our culture today (and how it came to be that way) was clearly and accurately explained. The speaker is very knowledgeable. The Catholic view was clearly explained and defended. Effective tools to live out our lives as Christians of Truth were presented. Everything made sense. Well done! Jane - Ham Lake, MN
It was so thought provoking and I want to share it with others. Cathy - Bancroft, TX
I appreciated his respect for Islam and explaining that the culture war is a spiritual battle and depends on our own sanctification and saintliness. Michael - Arvada, CO
Dr. Kreeft is educational and interesting at the same time. I hope to pick up a few pointers from him to use in my RE classes. WI
This talk was entertaining and enlightening Michele - Tacoma, WA
It was simple but not simplistic. I love following the simple logic that Peter Kreeft uses.
I also liked that the questions at the end were paraphrased and I didn't have to try to hear and understand people out in a crowd. Jennifer - Spokane, WA
Love Peter Kreeft. His philosophy and common sense approach to the faith is refreshing and invigorating. Atheists beware, his approach has the potential to changed hearts and minds! Cincinnati, OH
Dr. Kreeft's clever mode of presenting the lecture from the perspective of Screwtape was an excellent means of driving home the message about the decline of society and the threats to the Catholic Church. His presentation was painfully honest and very much needed in light of the times. This was an absolutely WONDERFUL presentation. Thank you for making it available. Barbara - Montoursville, PA
There was a lot of "meat" in this one. So I listened to it a second time! I really enjoyed the Mary and Martha part. And that the bible doesn't tell us to love humanity but our neighbour!! Really eye opening. I worry so much about the environment, the children suffering a world away and avoiding pesticides. It is time for me to focus more on helping and loving the ones around me.
I also had no idea that catholics abort just as much as non-catholics. So very sad. Jan - Regina, SK
I enjoyed the whole CD and highly recommend it to everyone. I have four teen daughters and I am a catechist for 9th grade confirmation candidates. This CD helped me to be more prepared for the odd questions our youth are asking today. Eva - St. Cloud, FL
Peter Kreeft is such a dynamic speaker that brings such easy answers to tough questions. He words things with such uplifting clarity. He speaks such truth. There are too many awesome things that were said it's hard to point out just one thing!! :D 10/10! Evelyn - Lakeville, MN
He clearly understands the problems, and offers definitive actions to win th war.
God bless him for the courage to tell the awful truth. Should be required listening for all religious!!!
Frank J. Gianattasio Frank - Carmichael, CA
This is probably one of the most important talks ever given by someone. It doesn't sugarcoat, nor hide from the hard truths. Everyone should listen and understand the war, spiritual war, that we live in. Dr. Kreeft is a genius. A fantastic no-nonsense philosopher, with a deep understanding of the human soul and of philosophical questions. Can't recommend enough! Mateus - Rio de Janeiro
I loved Peter Kreeft's using screwtape language a la CS Lewis. He really deepened my belief that the sexual revolution is the root of the culture war, which is rooted in evil. He was very direct and strengthened my resolve to continue to fight the culture war and be not afraid to speak the truth!! Mr. Kreeft is awesome! Lisa - Chatham, NJ
Compelling, featuring instruction from Screwtape on how to screw our lives up by being selfish, arrogant disrespectful to TRUTH/LOVE:Jesus Christ and unforgiving/unloving toward our neighbor. CA
His integration of Scripture, doctrine, theology, philosophy and his own humble wisdom. I especially enjoyed his use of "The Screwtape Letters" to make his points as wise and truthful as C.S. Lewis did when he wrote the original. A wonderful presentation. Lawrence - Hackettstown, NJ
The quality of the speaker James - Cavan
The talk was straight forward and to the point. Very easy to follow, comprehend, and unfortunately to also see how accurate the points are in relation to how our society is today most importantly with regard to moral decay. As a divorced woman the reminder about divorce being a kind of murder and the damage it causes my children whom I love beyond description breaks my heart (again!)...but I have never related that to a death in my larger community (why do we think we act in a vacuum?). I have 2 daughters, 2 sons, a daughter-in-law and a perhaps soon to be daughter-in-law, and a beautiful teenage granddaughter. It will be my greatest hope that they will listen to this CD and can hear the truths that are contained in it.
Karen - Cincinnati, OH
Dr. Kreeft's frankness and brilliance really shows the reality that we're living in, but gives us hope for the future. Lucio - Brandon, FL
I like the humour and there are many nuggets of truth and it takes time to 'digest'. Ana
peter kreeft answered the most important questions of our time simply and perfectly. i want to send a copy to my son. I can be confident that he is a reliable source.
helene - beachwood, NJ
It has caused me to rethink my path. Deborah - Syosset, NY
Dr. Kreeft's talk gave me information to discuss with my family and friends. I like the comment where he says that the Catholic Church stands between us and total collapse of our culture. Thomas - South Bend, IN
Customer Comments (5 of 41)