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YOUCAT: Youth Catechism

Ignatius Press

YOUCAT is short for "Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church," which was launched on World Youth Day, 2011. Developed with the help of young Catholics and written for high-school age people and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. 

The appealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary, summary definitions of key terms, Bible citations and inspiring and thought-provoking quotes from Saints and others in the margins. What's more, YOUCAT is keyed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so people can go deeper.


The YOUCAT explains the following:

-- What Catholics believe and why (doctrine)
-- How Catholics celebrate the mysteries of the faith (sacraments)
-- How Catholics are to live (moral life)
-- How they should pray (prayer and spirituality)

The questions are direct and honest, even at times tough; the answers straightforward, relevant, and compelling. YOUCAT will likely become the "go-to" place for young people to learn the truth about the Catholic faith. Illustrated.

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Product Categories:

Church Teaching, Youth, Confirmation

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Customer Comments (5 of 6)

This is very good for late converts and young people
It really helped explain the Catholic Catechism in a way young adults would be able to understand which is so incedibly important to our generation. Allyson - Pennsauken, NJ
I love the layout and just how non-intimidating it is to read. I love the simplicity and just how approachable it looks and feels. I love the appeal it has to the youth and I think it's an excellent tool for not just young catholics, but for all :) Krystle - Farmington Hills, MI
This is perfect for people my age. I'm 23 and to have a Catechism with clear answers to the issues we face everyday is priceless. Plus, if it's good enough for Pope Benedict XVI then its good enough for me!!! James - VA
YOUCAT has helped me develop my faith and has guided me on my journey home to The Church. I've found the fact that it used clear language and had a great layout etc. really useful. Youcat had the answers to questions that popped into my head and it was really great for defending the faith when people made accusations, I simply could tae out the youcat and 'POW!' (in a charitable way of course). My friends liked the fact that if they wanted to ask me a question (or even an accusation) that I could help give them a clear and straightforward answer/response, using youcat as the hard copy in front of me and using my own knowledge to back things up. It's been such as handy tool! Mark