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Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known Scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With fascinating detail and examples, Dr. Gray here discusses the profound importance for individuals, and for modern society, of properly observing Sunday as the Lord’s Day by exploring God’s gift of the Sabbath in the Old Testament. He aims to help us reclaim our Sunday from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives.
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Customer Comments (5 of 22)
Wow! Learning all the history and facts behind our Sunday Sabbath certainly makes for an easier decision to keep it holy! Thank you! Mary - Lindstrom, MN
Dr. Gray challenges us to look at how busy we are. Listening to this made me reconsider how busy my life is, how to slow down and focus on the Lord. Idell - Grand Rapids, MI
This talk helped me to understand why and how to live my Sabbath away from emails, texting, and other technology. Louise - Cincinatti, OH
A practical, back to basics, realization of how to align one's self with God and His Will. Jeff - Conowingo, MD
I used to think that Keeping Holy the Sabbath only applied to the Jews but now I understand how it applies to my life as a Catholic. Norm - Biloxi, MS
Excellent! Dr. Gray explores the historical significance of the Sabbath and the establishment of the Lord's Day, and gives a very compelling argument for our culture to renew our appreciation for the Lord, our family, and friends, by making the Lord's day a day of rest and reflection. Darlene - Essex Junction, VT
This talk provided me with details I did not have regarding the move of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. An excellent and awesome talk! Andrew - Sikeston, MO
Very clear, enlightening and so very understandable.. I have purchased over seventy of your cd's through the cd of the month club. I listen to them over and over. I have learned so much. Thank you and keep up the good work. Anna
I actually enjoyed the bonus track more than the main topic. Janice - Rice Lake , WI
I was reminded by the quote from Pope Benedict about constant busyness being a "certain hardness of the heart". That surely has relevance for today's always connected popular society. anita - CA
It helped me think about putting things in perspective and putting aside email and facebook on Sundays and spending more time with the Bible or other religious books. Judith - Euless, TX
It clearly related to the current challenges to living as Christians in our current society Perth, WA
Of all of the numerous CD's I have gotten from Lighthouse Catholic, this is one of my favorites. It was all new and so relevant. Especially the part about the Exodus and how God punished the Egyptians each Saturday for not allowing his people to keep the Sabbath. I was never completely sure before what exactly keep holy the Sabbath meant besides mass. Obviously it was important given it's place in the 10 commandments, but why? Catherine - Madison, WI
I enjoyed the correlation of our daily lives(with the internet and busy schedules) and the connection to the scripture about what God truly intended for us. The importance of observing the Sabbath and God's plan for us. Sherry - Waynesville, NC
I liked how he drew upon the Old Testament, Catholic philosophers, and related it to the business world. He emphasized the benefits using real life examples as to why we should keep holy the Sabbath day. Renee - 10990, NY
I love the level of exegesis and application of this lecture. Peter - Fort Collins, CO
It convicted me of the necesssity of not working on Sunday Colleen - Cottonwood, ID
I enjoyed the valuable information, especially the scripture references, given by Dr. Gray. The Sabbath has always been mysterious to me but this answered all my questions RONALD - CLINTON, UT
Honoring the Sabbath is something I have felt convicted about a lot in the last few months, but I have felt at a loss as to how to start and whether I would have the strength to make it happen. This talk helped me understand more deeply how and why it is God's design for us to do so, and now I have the clarity to act on it in my own life. Aimee - SC
It was a good reminder that Sunday is suppose to be a separated day for believer's, of day or worship and rest. Too often we can find ourselves getting busy with unnecessary stuff on the Lord's day. Matthew - Canyon Country, CA
Customer Comments (5 of 22)