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Products by Dr. Tim Gray

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Advent is an odd season. Unlike most other seasons, it’s a season that isn’t about itself, but is instead about preparing for Christmas. But that reality often gets lost in the shuffle and stress of trying to find all the right gifts, decorations, and dinner ingredients. In this talk, Dr. Tim Gray uses storytelling and the readings of the Old Testament to explain that we need to live the ‘pr... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.27 based on 11 ratings
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Dr. Timothy Gray presents an honest look at the blessings and struggles of marriage. He connects the Fall to daily marital struggles and explains how, like Adam and Eve, spouses can end up blaming instead of supporting each other. Dr. Gray also explains how words can heal and build up married life. Discover how to find or renew happiness in your marriage with Beloved.

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Average Rating: 4.19 based on 21 ratings
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Since the fall of our first parents, humanity has been tempted to mistrust the love that God the Father has for us. Scripture scholar Dr. Tim Gray takes us on a journey that addresses the pervasive misconceptions that God is quick to anger, that the God of the Old and New Testaments are different, and that God doesn’t have a merciful heart for us. You will see that you can trust our heavenly Fat... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 19 ratings
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Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With his eloquent style and polished delivery, Dr. Gray expounds upon the teachings of the Catholic Church surrounding social justice in light of sacred scripture. Discover how social justice in regards to the poor is not one small piece in the puzzle but instead really frames t... [More]

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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 14 ratings
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Dr. Tim Gray, renowned Scripture scholar and president of the Augustine Institute, provides fascinating insights about the Protestant Reformation and the ensuing Catholic Counter Reformation. He discusses how holy men and women worked from within the Church, as they do in every age, to bring forth much-needed reform. Hear how necessary changes were brought about by holy heroes such as Giles of Vit... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 16 ratings
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Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known Scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With fascinating detail and examples, Dr. Gray here discusses the profound importance for individuals, and for modern society, of properly observing Sunday as the Lord’s Day by exploring God’s gift of the Sabbath in the Old Testament. He aims to help us reclaim our Sunday fr... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.54 based on 24 ratings
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Clergy scandals, marriage and family life under attack, growing secularism, a world angry and confused. Augustine Institute President Dr. Tim Gray explains why he believes that “we are entering an age that is similar to the age of the early Church.” He outlines the goals of Vatican II and the critical vocation of the laity in the renewal of the Church and the salvation of the world. “To be a... [More]

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Average Rating: 1.50 based on 2 ratings
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In this informative presentation, Dr. Tim Gray, Augustine Institute President, shares how Lectio Prayer enables you to enter into a dialogue with God. This prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture is a proven means to encounter God in daily life and will benefit those new to prayer and the more experienced alike.This talk was formerly titled Lectio Divina

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 10 ratings
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Is the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John do not? Join Dr. Tim Gray in this powerful fourteen-part series to discover the Gospel of Mark like never before. Immerse yourself in this action-packed Gospel that offers Saint Peter’s account of Christ’s life and teaching. Delve deep into t... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  This leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Mark to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all fourteen episodes of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear on four DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study... [More]

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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Engaging and accessible, this Lectio: Mark Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richne... [More]

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Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear with Dr. Tim Gray and provides you with over 200 pages of impactful content.  Engaging and accessible, this 232 page study guide includes:  – the lectio divina approach for each session  – penetrating questions and insights for the fourte... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Mark with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here to watch a sample of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.  Is the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Lu... [More]

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Simon Peter: a poor fisherman, an impetuous follower, a bungling disciple, and the cornerstone of Catholicism.Join Dr. Tim Gray—gifted Scripture scholar, internationally acclaimed author, and President of the Augustine Institute—on a biblical voyage unlike any other. In this first installment of Lectio Unveiling Scripture and Tradition, Dr. Gray takes us on an intensive journey into the life o... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.25 based on 4 ratings
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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  This leader kit includes everything a leader would need to present Lectio Peter to a group, whether in a parish or at home. It includes all ten episodes of Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism on five DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes the Study Guide content... [More]

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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism. Created to help you lead others deeper into Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions, your g... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Peter with this special kit that includes the DVD set (ten episodes on five DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism offers a fascinating, in-depth study series on the life and meaning of St. Peter. Bringing together biblical stories, historical knowledge, solid Chu... [More]

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The Study Guide for Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism is the key to getting the full Lectio experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you deeper into the study of St. Peter and provides you with over 200 pag... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.80 based on 5 ratings
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Towards the end of his life, under arrest and awaiting trial in Rome, Saint Paul writes a short but powerful letter to the Philippians. Paul’s affection for the Christian community at Philippi is apparent from his opening words. The Philippians were not only Paul’s sons and daughters in the Faith but also his partners in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the heart of this letter is Paul�... [More]

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 This Leader Kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Philippians to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all six episodes of Philippians: Life in Christ on three DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader’s Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content). Click here for a sample of the 160-page Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the 112-page Study... [More]

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Engaging and accessible, this Philippians: Life in Christ Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition, and history to life. Click here for a sample of the Leader’s Guide. This Leader’s Guide includes... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Philippians with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Philippians: Life in Christ, Dr. Tim Gray combines insight and practical guidance using the lectio divina disciplines. The Scriptures come alive through high quality video prese... [More]

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Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the study of Philippians: Life in Christ with Dr. Tim Gray and provides you with over 100 pages of impactful content. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Engaging and accessible, this workbook includes: • the lectio divina approach for each session • penetrating questions and insights for the six ... [More]

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Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves. Or, worse, we feel like we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the faith be so elusive? Now, the mystery of prayer is made clear through the engaging teaching and cinematic artistry of the Augustine Institute in Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. In six sessions... [More]

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This leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio Prayer to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all six episodes of Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God on three DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content). Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Though ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.75 based on 4 ratings
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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. Created to help you lead others deeper into Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group. Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions, your grou... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Prayer with this special kit, which includes the DVD set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God renowned speaker Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church's tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an... [More]

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The Study Guide for Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God is key to getting the full Lectio experience. The powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you further into the study of prayer and provides you with over 100 pages o... [More]

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Family is one of the most important things in the world alongside faith. But how can families live out their faith and prayer lives together? How can we educate our children to be good Catholics for the future? Join Bonnie Landry as she explores who we are as families, what a family’s purpose is, and how parents can keep their children’s hearts close to family and to Jesus.

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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 2 ratings
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Renowned scholar Dr. Tim Gray masterfully guides you through the tumultuous and inspiring life of Peter—from his call to discipleship to his eventual martyrdom in Rome. Using Sacred Scripture and tradition, Dr. Gray highlights these important lessons from Peter’s life, including: • How to become a trusting disciple and “cast into the deep” • The pitfalls of living discipleship at a ... [More]

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“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” These words uttered 2,000 years ago are echoed today.  Join us as Dr. Tim Gray examines a few objections to the Church’s Eucharistic teaching and provides scriptural evidence for these objections. This apologetic helps us to give a reason for our faith and to gain a deeper insight into what it means to be Catholic and experience the true... [More]

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Renowned Scripture scholar and author, Dr. Tim Gray, provides a fascinating explanation of the importance of the visible Church and the centrality of God on Earth. He offers incredible insights that make clear the role of the Church as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation, which are sure to help those who have left her, or who mistakenly claim to be “spiritual, but not religious.”Th... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.91 based on 23 ratings
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The clergy sexual abuse scandals have rocked the Catholic Church and caused a crisis of faith (and of evangelization) for many. When facing such a daunting and terrible crisis, it can be difficult to find the right way forward. In this talk, Dr. Tim Gray explains with conviction and insight that to make any real and lasting change, we must keep faith, and look closely at the deep roots behind th... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.67 based on 3 ratings
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El reconocido erudito de las Escrituras y autor, Doctor Tim Gray, ofrece una fascinante explicación de la importancia de la Iglesia visible y la centralidad de Dios en la Tierra. Ofrece ideas increíbles que aclaran el papel de la Iglesia como una parte esencial del plan de Dios para la salvacíon, que seguramente ayudarán a aquellos que la han abandonado, o que erróneamente afirman ser “esp... [More]

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Throughout the Church's history there has been crisis and confusion over Church teaching. Today, there is crisis and confusion surrounding the Sacrament of Marriage. As Augustine Institute President and Professor Dr. Tim Gray explains, this crisis presents an immense opportunity, as it encourages us to explore and discover the depth of this mystery, described by Pope Benedict XVI as "a Gospel in i... [More]

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This is the June CDOM. The MP3 is available now, the CD will be available in one month.“We live in a time of fear; it's palpable in our culture.” In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Augustine Institute President Dr. Tim Gray reflects on and illuminates our ever-present need for theological hope. Turning to the Word of God in Scripture and the wisdom of Pope Benedict XVI, Dr. Gray exhorts tha... [More]

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Masculinity. In recent years, the use of this word has become controversial, and discussion about it unwelcome or silenced. Is all masculinity “toxic”? Dr. Tim Gray strongly asserts that while fallen masculinity does exist, authentic, God-given masculinity is a great virtue that is desperately needed in our world. Drawing on personal and cultural examples, Tim challenges men to face their fear... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.13 based on 8 ratings
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Being a disciple of Jesus has always been synonymous with being a Christian. From the Scriptures and from his own experience, biblical scholar Dr. Timothy Gray explains how Christian discipleship calls us to follow in the footsteps of Christ as engaged participants in God's plan, ordering our lives to bear witness to the Lord in our families, workplaces, communities, and to the world.

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Average Rating: 4.22 based on 27 ratings
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