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Renowned Scripture scholar and author, Dr. Tim Gray, provides a fascinating explanation of the importance of the visible Church and the centrality of God on Earth. He offers incredible insights that make clear the role of the Church as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation, which are sure to help those who have left her, or who mistakenly claim to be “spiritual, but not religious.”
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Customer Comments (5 of 29)
This teaching is like no other! Julie - Bluffton, SC
Simply awesome! A truly informative talk on the importance of the Church. Phil - Fort Washington, PA
Dr. Gray’s presentation made it completely clear just how essential it is to know the ‘story’ of the Church. Candace - Orlando, FL
I am always amazed each time I learn more about my Catholic tradition, history, and story. It greatly enriches my Faith. Glory be to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit! John - Fort Collins, CO
We have listened to DOZENS (over 50?) Lighthouse Talks over the years... we're junkies. :) This definitely ranks in the top 5. Dr. Gray's delivery was engaging, and his information valuable. It was information we had never heard before. His whole "Why Did Jesus Live?" angle was so enlightening. We have 3 teens, and they were riveted. My husband and I listened to it twice. The teens listen to Lighthouse talks in the evening before bed while they play chess and ping pong. I know this is one our teen boys will add to their ping pong play list. ;-) Kerry - Kansas City, MO
Great talk by a renowned Scripture scholar. The true point of Jesus' mission was to preach the true meaning of the Kingdom of God (Heaven) and to establish this Kingdom on Earth (the Church). Dr. Gray walks us through Scripture in order to point out the absurdity of the view of some of our brothers and sisters who believe that you can have a personal relationship with Christ but not embrace His Church. Yes, the Church as an institution is sinful as she is comprised of fallen men and women. But, she was founded by Christ, who promised to be with her until the end of time. He wants us to love Him as part of a Body. This is the Church. Ryan - Annandale, VA
I loved learning the historical narrative. Justin - St. Joseph, MO
It's very educational. It brought to light things that I hadn't even thought about. John - North Canton, OH
It gave me actual clear concise information to use in explaining the reason why we DO need the church. Laurene - 60510, IL
As usual Dr. Gray presents his material in an interesting and very understandable manner. I just increased my CD of the Month Club allotment to 5 so I can pass them on to family and friends...thanx so much for this ministry. Alan - Kenosha, WI
My children always ask what gift I would like for holidays. So for my birthday,Mother's Day Christmas and Easter I give my daughters a Lighthouse CD with the understanding that their gift to ME is that they listen to the CD. I purchased this CD with my youngest daughter in mind. It is just perfect! But interestingly, yesterday a man I haven't seen in a very long time stopped me to chat. He has left the church. As I listened to this CD this morning, i knew this CD was meant for him as well. I teach RCIA. I often purchase Lighthouse CD's to hand out to the class. This CD with be on that list. As to how this CD benefited me personally, Dr. Gray's presentation calls me to be more courageous in evangelizing. He was able to plant so many seeds just by beginning a conversation. It also made me realize that I need work on speaking skills so that I can plant some of my own seeds. Gina - Sykesville , PA
Tim Grey is so knowledgeable.The foreshadowing in the Old Testament being fulfilled in the New is amazing. His historical knowledge blows me away. since converting to the Catholic faith 2 years ago I find these Cd's to be a great study aid. they keep the fire lit within my soul, keeping me focused to continue learning the truth about Jesus Christ and Holy Mother Church. James - Camp Hill, PA
I loved hearing about the history and the defense of our Catholic doctrines. I am starting to feel more comfortable in voice what the Church actually teaches and why she teaches it. Thank you! CT
Listening to this talk five times I found that it became more interesting. Troas, submerging church, Seventh Adventist persecuting the church, the Pudens church in Rome - all were interesting. Thank you! God Bless you! Antonio (Tony) - Omaha, NE
Very entertaining and informative. Listened to it twice and am passing it along to others. Would now like to read his book about Peter. Thank you and God Bless. Virginia - Bozeman, MT
The scriptural basis for the Church, historical context of the Church, and the clear explanation of Jesus' mission on earth. Dionne - Renton, WA
The history of the Church was quite fantastic. There were also apologetic ideas that sounded very concrete. I’m so happy that we have a man like Dr. Tim Gray revealing these truths to everyone! Darrin - Prince George, BC
I liked many things in the talk, but one of the first that comes to mind is how Dr. Gray answered the anti-Catholics in Denver (regarding bad popes). I also liked how he related the meaning of "the living God" to the story of Caesar. Greg - Grand Rapids, MI
I learned that Jesus did not only come to die for our sins, but also establish the Church. Also, I learned that you can't love the King (Jesus), and not love His Kingdom (The Church). Richard - Rockaway Beach, NY
He was very knowledgeable about his topic. He put the information into general terms that many types of listeners can understand. I loved his personal stories, as well. Destiny - Diamondhead, MS
It helped me to understand the biblical foundations of the church as a physical entity in the world and not just as a spirit. Nick - Barrie, ON
Tim Gray brings the bible to life. I have been reading the book of Isaiah and I think it's amazing that he talks about him in this recording. God has a way of bringing people together to strengthen our faith. Brenda - Central, SC
I liked how Father was speaking to a group of people but it was like he was talking to me. His talk about the early Christians and the pagans was so informative. I hardly knew any of what he spoke about. I liked how he spoke about having a relationship with Jesus and you must love Jesus but not just like Jesus but love Him. Kimerle - Pittsburgh, PA
Don - Charlotte, NC
Engaging, inspirational and educational. Detroit , MI
These days you hear so many say they are spiritual, and not religious. Many seem to go nondenominational, or go it alone their own way. Dr. Gray shows why this is not only nonscriptural, it is dangerous. Without the religion, without the church, there is no guidance and no kingdom. You need the full package, the King and the Kingdom - Jesus and the church / religion. Excellent presentation on why we must be spiritual and religious with the true church, the Catholic Church. Norman - Easthampton, MA
Importance of knowing Israel’s History so as to inderstand the reason why Jesus told Peter, ‘on this rock I will build my church’ in essence appointing Peter to be in charge until Christ’s second coming
Also the linkage between Rome and Jerusalem when The disciples escaped to the East due to the intense persecution of the church by Jewish authorities. Fred - Dubai
I already share this cd with a coworker. It’s an amazing way to share our faith with others and spread the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ and his Church. Thank you for your ministry. Pilar - Olathe , KS
This is a fantastic audio and I've been recommending it to a lot of my friends...
Val Valentino - Los Angeles, CA
Customer Comments (5 of 29)