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Joan of ArcJoan of ArcVery few people know that Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) wrote a major work on Joan of Arc. Still fewer know that he considered it not only his most important but also his best work. He spent twelve years in research and many months in France doing archival work and then made several attempts until he felt he finally had the story he wanted to tell. He reached his conclusion about Joan’s unique place in history only after studying in detail accounts written on both sides, the French and the English. A remarkably accurate biography of the life and mission of Joan of Arc told by one of this country’s greatest storytellers. |
Mark Twain |
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The Gospel of John Study BibleThe Gospel of John Study BibleClick here to see a sample page. |
Ignatius Press |
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Saint John Paul the GreatSaint John Paul the Great
An amazing talk for an amazing saint. Saint John Paul the Great is such an inspiration. Bradley - Salina, KS |
Jason Evert |
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Spanish – El Grande: Conoce a San Juan Pablo IISpanish – El Grande: Conoce a San Juan Pablo IIJason Evert, conferencista y autor católico, nos presenta los cinco grandes amores del Papa San Juan Pablo II. Nos comparte historias sobre la vida de este santo, contadas por los que conocieron. Prepárate para conocer cosas que no sabías sobre este santo hombre de Dios que, entre otras cosas, promovió la devoción a la Divina Misericordia y la Consagración Mariana, ayudó a derrocar el comunismo en Europa, articuló lo que hoy se conoce como la Teología del Cuerpo y se hizo amigo de los jóvenes como ningún otro Papa lo había hecho. “Una charla estupenda sobre un santo increíble. San Juan Pablo el Grande es una gran inspiración.” Bradley - Salina, KS |
Jason Evert |
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LECTIO: San Marcos DVD SetLECTIO: San Marcos DVD Set¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’?¿Es el Evangelio de San Marcos solamente una versión reducida de la vida de Jesús? ¿Qué nos ofrece este, el más corto de todos los evangelios, que Mateo, Lucas o Juan no ofrecen? Acompaña a Luis Soto en esta serie de 10 episodios, totalmente en español, para profundizar en el conocimiento del Evangelio de San Marcos, como nunca antes lo habías hecho. Sumérgete en un recorrido por este Evangelio lleno de acción, que nos ofrece la perspectiva de San Pedro sobre la vida y enseñanzas de Jesús. Profundiza sobre el significado del seguimiento de Jesús, “el camino” y el verdadero discipulado, y descubre cómo Jesús revela su identidad con palabras y acciones llenas de autoridad. Considera las enseñanzas de Jesús en el Templo y acompáñalo a Getsemaní y al Camino de la Cruz (Via Crucis), tal y como lo describe San Marcos en su Evangelio. Prepárate para una reflexión profunda del más corto de los cuatro evangelios. Combinando las enseñanzas de Luis Soto y la belleza fílmica a la que el Augustine Institute nos tiene acostumbrados, esta serie LECTIO, la primera que se realiza totalmente en español, nos guía paso a paso por la profunda tradición eclesial para poder comprender y orar con el Evangelio de San Marcos. Ejemplo de una sesión en videoSesiones: Sesión 1 - San Marcos Evangelista - 31 minutos Sesión 2 - Preparen el camino del Señor - 30 minutos Sesión 3 - ¡Ven y Sígueme! - 31 minutos Sesión 4 - La mano paralizada y el reino dividido - 31 minutos Sesión 5 - La fe vence el miedo - 32 minutos Sesión 6 - El misterio del pan - 31 minutos Sesión 7 - El camino del discipulado - 31 minutos Sesión 8 - Jesús y el Templo - 31 minutos Sesión 9 - Los signos del final y la Nueva Alianza - 31 minutos Sesión 10 - Pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús - 32 minutos Sobre el PresentadorLuis Soto es Director de Implementación Parroquial y Ministerio Hispano del Augustine Institute en Denver. Antes de unirse al equipo del AI, Luis fue Director de Desarrollo del Ministerio para el Catholic Leadership Institute. Sin embargo, fue como miembro del equipo fundador y Director Ejecutivo del Ministerio Hispano y Centro San Juan Diego de la Arquidiócesis de Denver, que Luis se convirtió en uno de los líderes católicos hispanos más influyentes en la Iglesia norteamericana. Luis tiene una Licenciatura en Filosofía y una maestría en Teología. Originario de Sonora, México, Luis identifica como una de sus grandes pasiones el apoyar el crecimiento de la fe de los hispanos al tiempo que se integran a la sociedad norteamericana manteniendo su riquísima herencia cultural hispana. En reconocimiento a sus contribuciones a la Iglesia y la Sociedad, Su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI entregó a Luis la medalla Benemerenti, uno de los reconocimientos más destacados que se ofrecen a laicos católicos en el mundo. English DescriptionIs the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John do not? Join Dr. Tim Gray in this powerful fourteen-part series to discover the Gospel of Mark like never before. Immerse yourself in this action-packed Gospel that offers Saint Peter’s account of Christ’s life and teaching.
Para mayor información o para conocer más sobre los programas parroquiales y para grupos que ofrece el Augustine Institute, contacte nuestro especialista de programas parroquiales y para grupos, el Diácono Richard Harden al 877-458-1477 o bien, a richard.harden@augustineinstitute.org Para más información sobre Lectio: San Marcos, vaya a lectiosanmarcos.org.
Augustine Institute |
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LECTIO: San Marcos Guía de Estudio para el Participante (Study Guide)LECTIO: San Marcos Guía de Estudio para el Participante (Study Guide)
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LECTIO: San Marcos Guía de Recursos para el Líder (Leader Guide)LECTIO: San Marcos Guía de Recursos para el Líder (Leader Guide)
Add Book | $34.95
LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de Recursos para el Líder (Leader Kit)LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de Recursos para el Líder (Leader Kit)Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! |
Augustine Institute |
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LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de recursos para el Participante (Participant Kit)LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de recursos para el Participante (Participant Kit)
Add Bundle | $124.95
Letter to the Youth by Pope John Paul IILetter to the Youth by Pope John Paul IIClick Here for a PDF of Selections from Letter to the Youth, by Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II's papacy is marked by the ways he engaged with and was loved by the youth. Scores of young people were drawn to him from around the world by a magnetism that continues even today, in his sainthood. In his letter to the youth of the world, John Paul offers young people his encouragement to respond to Jesus' call to follow Him during this unique and critically important time of life. To them he writes: “In you there is hope, for you belong to the future, just as the future belongs to you.” “As a young adult, it is beautiful to hear St. John Paul II's thoughts and words to young people in this same stage of life. His wisdom and inspiration to the youth continue in this letter, and in his intercession.” |
Dr. Christopher Blum |
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The Ventures of Faith: St. John Henry NewmanThe Ventures of Faith: St. John Henry NewmanFollowing Christ can entail fear, risk, and uncertainty. But as St. John Henry Newman boldly preaches, this reality reveals how crucially important and worthwhile it is to undertake such a venture. “No one among us knows for certain that he himself will persevere; yet every one among us, to give himself even a chance of success at all, must make a venture... and in this consists the excellence and nobleness of faith.” Click here for a PDF of "The Ventures of Faith", written by St. John Henry Newman. “What a gift to hear these insightful words, written by this important new saint! St. John Henry Newman, pray for us.” |
Dr. Christopher Blum |
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St. John Henry Newman BundleSt. John Henry Newman BundlePurchase this bundle of St. John Henry Newman and save!
This offer includes the #1 Amazon best-selling book Waiting for Christ: Meditations for Advent and Christmas by St. John Henry Newman, the new release Tears of Christ: Meditations for Lent, and The Ventures of Faith CD.
About Waiting For Christ:
Saint John Henry Newman was one of the most beloved and well-known preachers of his time. Originally an Anglican priest, Newman converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest and cardinal. Known for his beautiful prose and exultant preaching, Newman has long been a source of inspiration for those in the Church. In this new and compact compilation of his sermons, you’re invited to journey with St. John Henry Newman through Advent into Christmas and Epiphany, meditating on the coming of Christ and the Christian life. Newman’s masterful knowledge of the lives of the saints, Catholic doctrine, and, above all, Sacred Scripture, will help you immerse yourself in these liturgical seasons of waiting, wondering, and joy.
Waiting for Christ provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes with St. John Henry Newman and Christ every day of the Advent and Christmas seasons, preparing for the coming of the Lord.
About Tears of Christ Jesus wept, not merely from the deep thoughts of his understanding but from spontaneous tenderness, from the goodness and mercy, the encompassing loving-kindness and exuberant affection of the Son of God for his own work, the race of man. This precious insight takes us to the heart of the interior life of St. John Henry Newman (1801–1890), from the treasures of which these meditations are offered as a devotional aid for the season of Lent. Drawn chiefly from his sermons and gently modernized, these meditations offer a share in the fruit of his contemplation, that we might the better enjoy with him the “one thing which is all in all to us,” which is “to live in Christ’s presence, to hear his voice, to see his countenance.” |
St. John Henry Newman | |
The Search - Book (Paperback)The Search - Book (Paperback)This paperback book is the perfect accompaniment to The Search video series. The Search is a powerful new Catholic evangelization experience. It will help those who are curious about the Faith but not ready to commit. The Search recasts the vision for what life’s all about to those who’ve walked away—those who are asking big questions. We need to answer them well so they see the Catholic Faith as it truly is. |
Chris Stefanick |
Add Book | $16.95
The Search DVD SetThe Search DVD SetThe Search is a video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This DVD set includes seven episodes that will help viewers reignite their love for the journey of life and open their hearts to the transcendent. "About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching. The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart.
Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search. |
Augustine Institute |
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The Search Blu-ray DVD SetThe Search Blu-ray DVD SetThe Search is a video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This Blu-Ray set includes seven episodes that will help viewers reignite their love for the journey of life and open their hearts to the transcendent. "About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching. The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart.
Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search. |
Augustine Institute |
Add DVD | $149.95
The Search – Men’s Participant GuideThe Search – Men’s Participant GuideThe Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This Men's Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small groups of men—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides men with prayers, points of discussion, and challenges to help them grow deeper in their relationships with each other, with creation, and with the author of all things. "About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching. The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart. Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search. |
Augustine Institute |
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The Search Men's Guide – SpanishThe Search Men's Guide – SpanishThe Search (Spanish) is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This Men's Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small groups of men—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides men with prayers, points of discussion, and challenges to help them grow deeper in their relationships with each other, with creation, and with the author of all things. "About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching. The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart. Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search. |
Augustine Institute |
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The Search – Women's Guide – EnglishThe Search – Women's Guide – EnglishThe Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This Women's Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small groups of women—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides women with prayers, points of discussion, and challenges to help them grow deeper in their relationships with each other, with creation, and with the author of all things. "About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching. The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart. Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search. |
Augustine Institute |
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The Search Women’s Guide – SpanishThe Search Women’s Guide – SpanishThe Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching. The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart. Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search. |
Augustine Institute |
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The Search Parish Participant GuideThe Search Parish Participant GuideThe Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions.
This Parish Participant Guide is a multi-purpose guide specifically designed to enhance the experience of the individual as well as help a leader facilitate a group. This guide helps a small group to get to know one another on a deeper level, recall key points from the videos, jot down thoughts, and discuss within the group. Its aim is evangelization. Sample here. "About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching. The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart.
Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search. |
Augustine Institute |
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The Search Participant Guide – SpanishThe Search Participant Guide – SpanishThe Search (Spanish) is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching. The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart. Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search. |
Augustine Institute |
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Michael Patrick Barber, Joseph Pearce, and Elizabeth Klein | ||||
What Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - PaperbackWhat Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - PaperbackGet Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should KnowAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption. About Literature: What Every Catholic Should KnowIn Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, Joseph Pearce provides a survey of literary works of which all Catholics should be aware. Beginning with Homer and Virgil, the book progresses chronologically through the greatest works of all time, including Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Dickens, Chesterton, Eliot, Tolkien, and Lewis. Every Catholic should read this book! About God: What Every Catholic Should KnowWho is God? If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recognition that God is central to the Faith, but we encounter misconceptions about God all the time. In an effort to clear up these misconceptions, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarnation—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to communicate it to other people. About the SeriesThe new “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. About the AuthorsMichael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular-level presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.
Michael Patrick Barber, Joseph Pearce, and Elizabeth Klein |
Add Bundle | $49.95
What Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - HardcoverWhat Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - HardcoverGet Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should KnowAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption. About Literature: What Every Catholic Should KnowIn Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, Joseph Pearce provides a survey of literary works of which all Catholics should be aware. Beginning with Homer and Virgil, the book progresses chronologically through the greatest works of all time, including Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Dickens, Chesterton, Eliot, Tolkien, and Lewis. Every Catholic should read this book! About God: What Every Catholic Should KnowWho is God? If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recognition that God is central to the Faith, but we encounter misconceptions about God all the time. In an effort to clear up these misconceptions, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarnation—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to communicate it to other people. About the SeriesThe new “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. About the AuthorsMichael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular-level presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.
Michael Patrick Barber, Joseph Pearce, and Elizabeth Klein |
Add Bundle | $89.95
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila | ||||
God’s Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic FreedomGod’s Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic FreedomIn anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, Archbishop Aquila explains how Blessed Pope Paul VI’s teaching still serves as a great light amidst a world that is deeply confused about sexual intimacy. He provides valuable insights about how God imbued our sexuality with truths that are reflective of his own divine love. He challenges Catholics to share the liberating truth of God’s plan for sex within marriage and witness this reality as the way of lasting happiness. I was always told that we never use contraception because the Pope said so. After listening to this talk, I see that it’s not just a rule, but a way to love deeper. Brittany - New York, NY |
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila |
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Dr. John Bergsma | ||||
The Dead Sea ScrollsThe Dead Sea ScrollsDr. John Bergsma is an Associate Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and was a Protestant pastor for four years before converting to the Catholic Church. In this enlightening talk, Dr. Bergsma shows how our respect for the traditional canon of Scripture, as well as our understanding of the Catholic Faith, can be greatly enhanced by the Dead Sea Scrolls- the greatest archaeological discovery of all time.
Absolutely fascinating! Nancy - Warroad, MN |
Dr. John Bergsma |
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A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old TestamentA Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old TestamentAlthough many Catholics are familiar with the four Gospels and other writings of the New Testament, for most, reading the Old Testament is like walking into a foreign land. Who wrote these forty-six books? When were they written? Why were they written? What are we to make of their laws, stories, histories, and prophecies? Should the Old Testament be read by itself or in light of the New Testament? John Bergsma and Brant Pitre offer readable in-depth answers to these questions as they introduce each book of the Old Testament. They not only examine the literature from a historical and cultural perspective but also interpret it theologically, drawing on the New Testament and the faith of the Catholic Church. Unique among introductions, this volume places the Old Testament in its liturgical context, showing how its passages are employed in the current Lectionary used at Mass. Accessible to non-experts, this thorough and up-to-date introduction to the Old Testament can serve as an idea textbook for biblical studies. Its unique approach, along with its maps, illustrations, and other reference materials, makes it a valuable resource for seminarians, priests, Scripture scholars, theologians, and catechists, as well as anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible. About the AuthorsBrant Pitre, (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame), is Professor of Sacred Scripture at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. He is the author of Jesus and the Last Supper, The Case for Jesus, and Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. John Bergsma, (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame), is Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and a Senior Fellow at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. He is the author of The Jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran Product Details1060 Pages Praise for A Catholic Introduction to the Bible“A remarkable achievement. Substantive and systematic, it integrates history, theology, faith, reason, Scripture, and tradition—all in light of the living authority of the Church.” |
Dr. John Bergsma |
Add Book | $49.95
Jane Brennan | ||||
Feminism Misunderstood: One Woman's Journey to PeaceFeminism Misunderstood: One Woman's Journey to PeaceJane Brennan, a former member of NOW and former Planned Parenthood volunteer, shares her heart-wrenching story of abortion and subsequent years of depression to her final conversion to the Catholic Church. Jane's story is a powerful and compelling testament to how Christ can take anyone out of despair and move them to a place of dignity and hope. Carol - Lemmon, SD |
Jane Brennan |
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Fr. Jason Brooks | ||||
The Saving Power of Divine MercyThe Saving Power of Divine MercyPope John Paul II said that Divine Mercy is THE message for the third millennium and God's gift to our time. There is nothing that mankind needs more than Christ's Divine Mercy. To help us avail ourselves of that loving mercy, Fr. Brooks focuses on what we know of God's Mercy, our response to His Love, how we can become merciful to others, and how to become apostles of mercy.
Wow! A much needed message full of hope and encouragement for all souls cut off from God through sin. A promise of mercy from our Savior. Jesus, I Trust in You!! Consuelo - Wichita, KS |
Fr. Jason Brooks |
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Fatima: Living the MessageFatima: Living the MessageAt a time of lost innocence, the faith of three children inspired thousands and made the world believe in miracles. Mary's messages at Fatima have been promoted by Popes, approved by the Church, and validated by over 70,000 witnesses. Fr. Jason Brooks brings to light why Fatima is regarded by many as the most important spiritual event of the past 100 years. BONUS: Fr. Shanon Collins, retreat master and well known speaker on EWTN, explains the intended impact and opportunity of the messages of Fatima on the spiritual lives of believers today. Drawing me much closer to Jesus through Mary. I learned the value of praying the rosary for peace. Marcia, KS |
Fr. Jason Brooks |
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Spanish - Fatima: Viviendo El MensajeSpanish - Fatima: Viviendo El MensajeEn un tiempo de inocencia perdida, la fe de tres niños inspiró a miles e hizo que el mundo creyera en milagros. Los mensajes de María en Fátima han sido promovidos por los Papas, aprobados por la Iglesia y validados por más de 70,000 testigos. El Padre Jason Brooks trae a la luz por qué Fátima es considerado por muchos como el evento espiritual más importante de los últimos 100 años. Pensé que conocía la historia de Fátima, pero esta presentación me enseñó mucho más sobre el mensaje y el significado de Nuestra Señora de Fátima. Carl - Maineville, OH |
Fr. Jason Brooks |
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Archbishop Paul Coakley | ||||
Prayer: Gateway to the Spiritual LifePrayer: Gateway to the Spiritual LifeArchbishop Paul Coakley attended the university of Kansas where he completed his undergraduate studies in English and Classical Antiquities. After being ordained a priest in 1983, he served as a priest of the Wichita Diocese for 21 years. He was installed as bishop of Salina, Kansas by Saint John Paul II in 2004 and was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the fourth archbishop of the archdiocese of Oklahoma City, where he has served since 2011. His episcopal motto is Duc in Altum, which translated from Latin, means "Put out into the Deep." This talk made me realize that we always need to listen to the Holy Spirit when we are discerning our vocation. Anna - Sycamore, IL |
Archbishop Paul Coakley |
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Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade | ||||
Abandonment to Divine ProvidenceAbandonment to Divine ProvidenceClick here to read a sample. God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is his will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to “live in the present moment,” accepting everyday obstacles with faith, humility, and love, has guided generations of believers to holiness and spiritual peace. De Caussade shows that this practice of self-abandonment to God’s will is the key to attaining true peace and virtue, and that it is readily available to all people—from beginners to those well advanced in the spiritual life. He also shows how to determine what God’s will is for us. He reveals that it is not extraordinary feats that God expects for our growth in holiness, but rather heroic attention to every detail in our lives and humble acceptance of our daily lot in life as coming from his hand. The rich spiritual lessons in this book have stood the test of time, offering real and practical assistance to all people because its message is simple and clear, one that the reader will find to be a rare treasure of inspiration and direction to be referred to again and again. About the AuthorFr. Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J. (1675–1751) was a French Jesuit priest and author, most well-known for this famous treatise, Abandonment to Divine Providence, and also his letters to the Visitation nuns, where he served as confessor and spiritual director. He also served as the rector of two colleges, and as spiritual director for a Jesuit house. He was deeply influenced by the writings of both Saint Francis de Sales and Saint John of the Cross. DetailsCover: Paperback Praise for Abandonment to Divine Providence“In his famous classic, Father de Caussade makes one point, and he illustrates it in many different ways. That point is: do the will of God to the best of your ability and you will attain peace of soul here and life everlasting hereafter.” – Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., Author, Inside the Bible “Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s Abandonment to Divine Providence illuminates the great truth that sanctity is accessible to anyone who seeks concord between his own will and God’s. By following this spiritual way, one learns that the Providence of God need not be experienced as a threat to human nourishing, but rather as a lure by which we are drawn into deeper communion with the Divine Life.” – Bishop Robert Barron, S.T.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, Founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries |
Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade |
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Jason Evert | ||||
DetoxDetoxOut of stock
This talk is very good and points to the way for men to avoid Pornography. This talk provides insights and conviction to everyone who hears it. Andrew-TX |
Jason Evert |
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How to Date Your SoulmateHow to Date Your SoulmateMost people have only been told what they're not supposed to do while dating. In this powerful presentation, renowned chastity speaker Jason Evert shows us ten strategies for how to practice courtship without compromise. Tested through real-world experience and rooted in God's plan for the human heart, Jason's wise tips are sure to lead you to greater romantic happiness and fulfillment. "This presentation is priceless ... Jason never disappoints!" Norm - Biloxi, MS |
Jason Evert |
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Green Sex: The Case for Natural Family PlanningGreen Sex: The Case for Natural Family PlanningFirst comes loves, then comes marriage ... then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books. This is a great talk for all to hear and take to heart, especially all married and engaged couples. Laura - Newtown, PA |
Jason Evert |
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What's So Great About Being Catholic?What's So Great About Being Catholic?There’s ultimately only one reason to be Catholic: because it’s true. In this outstanding presentation, Jason Evert shows us the beauty and the treasures of the Faith, as revealed through the Saints and Sacraments.
This is a powerful presentation that not only reminds us why we are catholic, but it also provides ways we can explain it to others who may ask us why! Mary - Lindstrom, MN |
Jason Evert |
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Saint John Paul the GreatSaint John Paul the Great
An amazing talk for an amazing saint. Saint John Paul the Great is such an inspiration. Bradley - Salina, KS |
Jason Evert |
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Spanish – El Grande: Conoce a San Juan Pablo IISpanish – El Grande: Conoce a San Juan Pablo IIJason Evert, conferencista y autor católico, nos presenta los cinco grandes amores del Papa San Juan Pablo II. Nos comparte historias sobre la vida de este santo, contadas por los que conocieron. Prepárate para conocer cosas que no sabías sobre este santo hombre de Dios que, entre otras cosas, promovió la devoción a la Divina Misericordia y la Consagración Mariana, ayudó a derrocar el comunismo en Europa, articuló lo que hoy se conoce como la Teología del Cuerpo y se hizo amigo de los jóvenes como ningún otro Papa lo había hecho. “Una charla estupenda sobre un santo increíble. San Juan Pablo el Grande es una gran inspiración.” Bradley - Salina, KS |
Jason Evert |
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Theology of Your Body: Identity, Sexuality, Gender, and the BodyTheology of Your Body: Identity, Sexuality, Gender, and the BodyThe realities of masculinity, femininity, and gender, and the relation of these to our identity, are being questioned like never before. Jason Evert, internationally-known Catholic speaker and author, leads the discussion beyond feelings to help us embrace an integrated understanding of the truth of our identity. Speaking the truth in love, he shows how the recognition of what our biology reveals helps us to understand who God created us to be and accompany others on their life's journey. Such an informative talk! Eileen - Phoenix, Az |
Jason Evert |
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Jason and Crystalina Evert | ||||
Love or Lust?Love or Lust?Scare tactics, guilt trips, and the climbing teen pregnancy rates don't really inspire anyone to love. In this presentation from Jason and Crystalina Evert, you'll discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity. All the reasons to say, "Yes!" to the Divine banquet of our human sexuality--instead of settling for the "fast food" lies offered by the culture. Nancy - TN |
Jason and Crystalina Evert |
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Fr. John Flader | ||||
Why Go to Confession? - BookletWhy Go to Confession? - BookletA simple, practical guide to the practice and the benefits of Confession |
Fr. John Flader |
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Noelle Garcia | ||||
Getting Others to HeavenGetting Others to HeavenBelieve it or not, we are all called to be leaders. In her typical vibrant and energetic style, Noelle Garcia here shows us how leadership is an important component for propagating the New Evangelization. Noelle shares her early experiences of dealing with insecurity, and how she came to better understand what it means to be a Christian leader. She shows that although we are all sinners, God has given us all unique gifts. This talk was not only inspiring but also one that I will have to buy extra copies for believers and non believers. I think that this talk hits on many points that are prevalent in today's society. Phil - Becker, MN |
Noelle Garcia |
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13 Reasons Why You Matter13 Reasons Why You MatterSuicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth and young adults. Yet despite the many TV shows, movies, and articles on this topic, suicide, depression, self-harm, and loneliness remain difficult subjects for adults of any age to discuss. Speaking with honesty, humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on, encouraging those who are struggling (or know someone who is) that God's mercy and love are waiting for them; that you, and your life, truly matter. Purchase includes a free MP3 download! Noelle's talk is both highly entertaining and deeply moving. She reminded me that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope. Everyone I know needs to hear this. |
Noelle Garcia |
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Spanish - 13 Razones por las que importasSpanish - 13 Razones por las que importasEl suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en adolescentes y jóvenes adultos. A pesar de que hay muchos programas de televisión y reportajes sobre este tema; el suicidio, la depresión, el automutilarse y la soledad siguen siendo temas que difícilmente los adultos hablan con sus hijos. Noelle Garcia, aborda este tema de manera
muy honesta, exponiendo su experiencia
personal y con el buen humor que la
caracteriza. Brindando un aliento de
esperanza a aquellos que luchan por creer (o
que conocen a alguien) en la misericordia y el
amor de Dios que los está esperando.
Recordándoles que tú y tu vida realmente
importan. Speaking with honesty,
humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on,
encouraging those who are struggling (or
know someone who is) that God's mercy and
love are waiting for them; that you, and your
life, truly matter. “La plática es muy entretenida, pero también muy conmovedora. Me hizo reflexionar que no importa lo malo que parezcan las cosas, “siempre hay esperanza”. Todos los que conozco deberían escucharla." |
Noelle Garcia |
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True Femininity: Getting to Know MaryTrue Femininity: Getting to Know MaryFemininity today can be confusing. What is it? What is it not? Are the stereotypes true? With humor, personal stories, and profound insights from the life of Mary and the writings of St. John Paul II, speaker Noelle Garcia shares how by growing in relationship with Mary, we can heal our understanding and relationships as women—daughters, mothers, friends, and wives—and discover the beauty, joy, and gift of true, God-given femininity. |
Noelle Garcia |
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Truth: God's Word Has PowerTruth: God's Word Has PowerTruth in our time has become relativized, dependent on one's own subjective feelings. But throughout all of history, God’s truth has remained constant and unchanged. In this talk, Noelle Garcia urges us to follow our faith and to live our lives according to the truth. God’s word has power and because of this, we can live just, truthful, and holy lives. |
Noelle Garcia |
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Fr. John Lanzrath | ||||
The Joy of StewardshipThe Joy of StewardshipWhat does it mean to be a faithful steward? How is stewardship intimately linked with the Eucharist as a response of our faith in God for His many blessings? Fr. John Lanzrath shows us how to develop an attitude of gratitude to grow in grace, incorporate a spirituality of stewardship in every aspect of daily life, and overcome the selfishness that keeps us from recognizing God's gifts. I really liked this CD! It gave me new insight into stewardship and a lot more meaning. Pat - Tampa, FL |
Fr. John Lanzrath |
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Marcela López | ||||
Spanish - Tu regalo divino: Genio femeninoSpanish - Tu regalo divino: Genio femeninoEn esta plática, Marcela López presenta el tema del Genio Femenino como lo describe el Santo Papa San Juan Pablo II y al mismo tiempo lo hace de una manera muy ligera y amena. Es una plática para todas las mujeres de cualquier edad invitándonos a reflexionar en nuestro invaluable valor como hijas de Dios. Marcela, actualmente lleva un ministerio con mujeres jóvenes difundiendo este mensaje y ayudándoles a vivir en mayor plenitud el amor de Dios. English Translation: Your Divine Gift: Feminine Genius In this talk, Marcela presents the theme of Feminine Genius as described by our Holy Pope, St. John Paul II and at the same time she does so in a very endearing and delightful way. It is a talk for all women of every age inviting us to reflect on our immeasurable value as daughters of God. Marcela currently leads a ministry with young women spreading this message and helping them to live more fully the love of God. Esta plática me ayudo a reflexionar y valorar mi verdadera identidad como mujer, algo que hoy en día nuestra sociedad busca devaluar y confundir lamentablemente. |
Marcela López |
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Spanish - Quinceañera: Su origen y verdadero significadoSpanish - Quinceañera: Su origen y verdadero significadoMarcela García López, nos presenta la tradición del Quinceaños, su origen, significado e importancia que tiene en nuestros días. Una bella tradición que ha estado en nuestra cultura por más de 500 años y se sigue manteniendo, pero que necesitamos transmitir a las generaciones futuras el verdadero significado de la celebración. "Me encantó escucharla”, no cabe duda que desconocemos tanto de nuestras tradiciones. En esta fiesta, celebramos la vida y el crecimiento en virtud de nuestras hijas." I loved listening to this, there is no doubt that we are very unfamiliar with our traditions. In this celebration, we commemorate our daughters’ lives and their growth in virtue.” - Juana Sánchez, CO |
Marcela López |
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Jimmy Mitchell | ||||
Beauty has Saved the WorldBeauty has Saved the WorldTHIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3.
Jimmy Mitchell |
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St. John Henry Newman | ||||
The Tears of ChristThe Tears of Christ“Jesus wept, not merely from the deep thoughts of his understanding but from spontaneous tenderness, from the goodness and mercy, the encompassing loving-kindness and exuberant affection of the Son of God for his own work, the race of man.”
St. John Henry Newman |
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St. John Henry Newman BundleSt. John Henry Newman BundlePurchase this bundle of St. John Henry Newman and save!
This offer includes the #1 Amazon best-selling book Waiting for Christ: Meditations for Advent and Christmas by St. John Henry Newman, the new release Tears of Christ: Meditations for Lent, and The Ventures of Faith CD.
About Waiting For Christ:
Saint John Henry Newman was one of the most beloved and well-known preachers of his time. Originally an Anglican priest, Newman converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest and cardinal. Known for his beautiful prose and exultant preaching, Newman has long been a source of inspiration for those in the Church. In this new and compact compilation of his sermons, you’re invited to journey with St. John Henry Newman through Advent into Christmas and Epiphany, meditating on the coming of Christ and the Christian life. Newman’s masterful knowledge of the lives of the saints, Catholic doctrine, and, above all, Sacred Scripture, will help you immerse yourself in these liturgical seasons of waiting, wondering, and joy.
Waiting for Christ provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes with St. John Henry Newman and Christ every day of the Advent and Christmas seasons, preparing for the coming of the Lord.
About Tears of Christ Jesus wept, not merely from the deep thoughts of his understanding but from spontaneous tenderness, from the goodness and mercy, the encompassing loving-kindness and exuberant affection of the Son of God for his own work, the race of man. This precious insight takes us to the heart of the interior life of St. John Henry Newman (1801–1890), from the treasures of which these meditations are offered as a devotional aid for the season of Lent. Drawn chiefly from his sermons and gently modernized, these meditations offer a share in the fruit of his contemplation, that we might the better enjoy with him the “one thing which is all in all to us,” which is “to live in Christ’s presence, to hear his voice, to see his countenance.” |
St. John Henry Newman | |||
John O'Leary | ||||
Rising Above: From Tragedy to TriumphRising Above: From Tragedy to TriumphAt nine years old, John O'Leary was involved in a horrific incident and was given only a one percent change to survive. Today, nearly three decades later, he travels the world teaching others how to truly live. In this presentation, John draws on his life's experience to intimately illustrate how God often uses our greatest challenges to positively transform our lives. John's triumph is beyond inspirational, and the witness of those who helped him along the way will change you forever! It is impossible to listen to this story without coming to a deeper understanding of what it means to fulfill the law of Christ as your heart cries out, "What more can I do?" Mary - Poplar Grove, IL |
John O'Leary |
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Jim Owens MA, LPC | ||||
The Crisis of Happiness: Hurting, Addicting, & HealingThe Crisis of Happiness: Hurting, Addicting, & HealingWhen you hear the word “addiction”, what typically comes to mind? Needles? Alcohol? Pills? As Jim Owens, MA, LPC explains, addiction is much simpler, including everything from substances to technology, screen time, work, shopping, and even sugar. Addictions and distractions are used to manage pain—but in the process, end up damaging our brains, our relationships, and our ability to find lasting happiness. Jim gives scientific evidence and practical advice for overcoming wounds, to help hurt people become healed people. At the conclusion of this talk, you will also be able to hear a bonus sample of the CD: Know Your Story: The Love God in the Narrative of Your Life by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT. Purchase includes a free MP3 download! “An excellent talk... engaging, and made me examine my life on a meaningful level. I think this will really help those who are struggling to understand themselves better and seek the healing they need, for them and their loved ones." |
Jim Owens MA, LPC |
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Pope John Paul II | ||||
Letter to the ElderlyLetter to the ElderlyNarrated by Christopher O. Blum The full text of Pope John Paul II's Letter to the Elderly can be found on the Vatican website here. Purchase includes a free MP3 download! Hearing this letter read aloud, I was moved; Pope John Paul II’s wisdom, insights, and heart come to life again, in this letter for all. St. JPII, pray for us. |
Pope John Paul II |
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Joseph Pearce | ||||
From White Supremacist to Catholic WriterFrom White Supremacist to Catholic WriterJoseph Pearce, an accomplished writer best known for his literary biographies, tells of his own conversion from disillusioned, hate-filled young man to committed follower of Christ. Here he presents his early life, which included a stint in a skinhead band, white supremacist activity, violent demonstrations, and time spent in prison, and how he eventually embraced God’s grace and mercy. Joseph is one of the most prolific Catholic authors of our time and now serves as senior editor for the Augustine Institute.
The role of the Rosary in the transformation of Joseph Pearce brought me to tears. Elizabeth - Pasco, WA |
Joseph Pearce |
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Understanding The Lord of the Rings as a Catholic BookUnderstanding The Lord of the Rings as a Catholic BookJoseph Pearce, a prolific writer best known for his outstanding literary biographies, reveals in detail how J.R.R. Tolkien’s famous work, The Lord of the Rings, is at its core a Catholic work. Through linguistic clues and analysis of its characters, he explains the spiritual and theological depth of this masterpiece of English literature. With humor and clarity, Joseph shows the brilliance of Tolkien and offers all Christians a topic with which to engage others in conversation about our great Faith. The Catholic parallels within The Lord of the Rings are really fascinating! Lisa Marie - Rawlins, WY |
Joseph Pearce |
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Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know- PaperbackLiterature: What Every Catholic Should Know- PaperbackLearn about everything from the Greek epics to Shakespeare’s plays to Tolkien’s famous trilogy. Visit Dante’s Italy, Cervantes’s Spain, Dostoevsky’s Russia, and Jane Austen’s England along the way. About the AuthorJoseph Pearce is Director of Book Publishing at the Augustine Institute, editor of the St. Austin Review, and the author of books on Shakespeare, Tolkien, Chesterton, and other Christian literary figures. About the SeriesThe new “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. Product Details– 210 pages Praise for Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know“Joseph Pearce’s introduction to literature will be immediately valuable to homeschoolers and college freshmen, but also to the general reader who knows it is as important to know how to read as it is to know what to read.” –Dutton Kearney, PhD, “Learned and accessible, witty and wise, this volume should be a required textbook for every Catholic high school and college student and a must read for all who wish to mine the depths of truly Catholic literature.” –Fr. Dwight Longenecker, “This is an eloquent, keenly reasoned, aptly documented, and indisputably cogent book that belongs in every undergraduate library.” –Philip C. Kolin, PhD, |
Joseph Pearce |
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Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know - HardcoverLiterature: What Every Catholic Should Know - HardcoverLearn about everything from the Greek epics to Shakespeare’s plays to Tolkien’s famous trilogy. Visit Dante’s Italy, Cervantes’s Spain, Dostoevsky’s Russia, and Jane Austen’s England along the way. About the AuthorJoseph Pearce is Director of Book Publishing at the Augustine Institute, editor of the St. Austin Review, and the author of books on Shakespeare, Tolkien, Chesterton, and other Christian literary figures. About the SeriesThe new “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. Product Details– 210 pages Praise for Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know“Joseph Pearce’s introduction to literature will be immediately valuable to homeschoolers and college freshmen, but also to the general reader who knows it is as important to know how to read as it is to know what to read.” –Dutton Kearney, PhD, “Learned and accessible, witty and wise, this volume should be a required textbook for every Catholic high school and college student and a must read for all who wish to mine the depths of truly Catholic literature.” –Fr. Dwight Longenecker, “This is an eloquent, keenly reasoned, aptly documented, and indisputably cogent book that belongs in every undergraduate library.” –Philip C. Kolin, PhD, |
Joseph Pearce |
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Shakespeare the Catholic - BookShakespeare the Catholic - BookBest-selling literary writer Joseph Pearce presents a stimulating and vivid biography of the world's most revered playwright and poet. Unabashedly provocative and sure to be controversial, this work strives to separate historical fact from fiction about the beloved Bard, arguing the case with scholarship, insight, and keen observation. Famous, yet almost unknown, Shakespeare is not only one of the greatest figures in human history, he is also one of the most elusive. Who was he? What were his beliefs? Can we really understand his plays if we don’t know the man who wrote them? These are some of the questions that are asked and answered in this gripping and engaging study. Shakespeare the Catholic claims that books about the Bard have got him totally wrong. They misread the man and misread his work. The true Shakespeare has eluded the grasp of the critics. Dealing with the facts of Shakespeare's life and times, Pearce's quest leads to the inescapable conclusion that Shakespeare was a believing Catholic living in very anti-Catholic times. Product Details– 212 Pages About the AuthorJoseph Pearce is Director of Book Publishing at the Augustine Institute, editor of the St. Austin Review, and the author of books on Shakespeare, Tolkien, Chesterton, and other Christian literary figures. Praise for Shakespeare the Catholic“Pearce has gone back in Shakespeare the Catholic” to this greatest of English Catholics, showing precisely how Shakespeare's greatness consists in his hidden Catholicism. This is a book that bodes well to proving a literary masterpiece.
Joseph Pearce |
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Shakespeare the CatholicShakespeare the CatholicPlaywright. Poet. Actor. Catholic? Much has been studied and written about William Shakespeare, perhaps the greatest and most famous author in the English language. With compelling detail and wit, Joseph Pearce outlines the objective, documented, and historical evidence that both Shakespeare and his family were practicing Roman Catholics, who persevered in professing and promoting the faith even in the midst of great persecution. The evidence is staggering, and illumines a remarkable cultural opportunity for evangelization in a "post-Christian" world. |
Joseph Pearce |
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John Pridmore | ||||
Gangland to Promised Land BookGangland to Promised Land BookHe was a serious "face" in London's East End. His jackets were tailored to hold his machete and knucklebusters. His drug deals made him wealthy. He nearly killed a man outside a nightclub, but then something extraordinary happened... Inspirational story. Uplifting message of hope. Terri - Carrollton, TX |
John Pridmore |
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Spanish - De Pandillero A DiscípuloSpanish - De Pandillero A DiscípuloÉl era un rostro reconocido en el Este de Londres. Su ropa era confeccionada a la medida para que pudiera llevar su machete y sus armas. Sus negocios con las drogas lo hicieron millonario. Sin embargo, algo extraordinario sucedió . . . John Pridmore ha compartido su testimonio de conversión en las Jornadas Mundiales de la Juventud y en EWTN. Su historia sobre el poder transformador de Cristo, ha inspirado a cientos de miles a crecer en su vida de fe.
¡Excepcional!!! Había leído el libro de John, pero aun así no estaba preparado para el poder transformador de esta plática. ¡Prepárate para ser sorprendido y tocado por Dios! Cameron - Western Australia |
John Pridmore |
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Archbishop Alexander Sample | ||||
Why Go To Mass: The Blood of the New CovenantWhy Go To Mass: The Blood of the New CovenantIf you ever feel bored at Mass or think that you don't get much out of it, this talk is for you. Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample, Archbishop of Portland, provides theological and practical reasons why we need to come to a deeper understanding of the nature of the Mass. By understanding the Mass as a sacrifice and a sacred banquet, we can tap into the transforming power offered whenever we worship. This is a powerful talk which draws from scripture and the Second Vatican Council to explain the true meaning of the Mass. Pete - Pewaukee, WI |
Archbishop Alexander Sample |
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Dr. John Sehorn | ||||
Eucharistic Vision: A Challenge of FaithEucharistic Vision: A Challenge of FaithIn a recent Pew survey, two-thirds of Catholics reported that they did not know or believe in the Church's teaching on the Eucharist. Diving into the writings of early doctors and fathers of the Church, and drawing upon his own experience as a scholar of history, practicing Catholic, and former Protestant, Dr. John Sehorn addresses the “mind-boggling” and difficult truth of Jesus' presence in the Blessed Sacrament. It is a truth that confronts us, challenges us, and is one of the greatest gifts that we will ever receive. |
Dr. John Sehorn |
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Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen | ||||
Three to Get MarriedThree to Get MarriedIn this classic on love and marriage, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen places sex in the context of human love, and human love in the context of Divine Love. One of the greatest and best-loved spokesmen for the Catholic Faith, he beautifully presents the Catholic concept of marriage, emphasizing that our Blessed Lord must be at the center of every successful and loving marriage. It is fantastic and so enlightening! Every couple contemplating marriage should listen to this. Thank you! Louise - Apache Junction, AZ |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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What Every Couple Should Know About Marriage and PrayerWhat Every Couple Should Know About Marriage and PrayerWhat is the secret of a successful marriage? How can couples deepen their commitment to one another in Christ? Beloved Catholic orator, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen illuminates the path by focusing on the essential role that prayer must play in every marriage. His anecdotes and stories illustrate his points and make his teachings more memorable and more easily applied to everyday life. This CD was so beneficial! Learning how to live out my Faith within a relationship is very important to me. Nichole - Federal Way, WA |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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The True Meaning of ChristmasThe True Meaning of ChristmasArchbishop Fulton J. Sheen's books, tapes, homilies, retreats, and television series have inspired countless souls all over the world. This digitally-mastered presentation combines classic recordings of his timeless reflections on the meaning of the Incarnation of Jesus, mixed with Gregorian Chant and seasonal music. It is sure to become a family favorite! This is an absolute MUST for Advent every year! Archbishop Sheen has a beautiful way of explaining the miracle of Christmas! Phyllis - Bangor, ME |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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The True Meaning of EasterThe True Meaning of EasterArchbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians of all denominations. Presented here are his timeless reflections on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord, combined with Scripture and Gregorian Chant to create a powerful presentation that is sure to become a family favorite. A masterful job! A wonderful combination of scripture and commentary on the Passion of Christ. Sue - Dayton, OH |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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There is Life in the WombThere is Life in the WombArchbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the best-loved and most influential preachers of the 20th century and author of over 90 books. He reached nearly 30 million people through his weekly program, Life is Worth Living, and his Cause for Canonization was officially opened in 2002. He explains the Church's teaching on life from a philosophical and historical perspective. You have written and spoken well of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are a loyal son of the Church. Pope John Paul II - |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Spanish - Filosofia De La VidaSpanish - Filosofia De La VidaEl Padre Rivas nos comunica el propósito de la vida, con las palabras del Arzobispo Fulton Sheen. Aprendemos cómo es imposible ser felices en esta vida si no seguimos el Mandamiento Nuevo: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. Después, entramos en el tema de la conciencia y cómo nos ayuda a permanecer en el recto camino hacia el último fin para lo que fuimos creados, Dios. Esta presentación me ilumino acerca de lo que verdaderamente es nuestra conciencia y la importancia de ella. Ana - Covina, CA |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Spanish - La Humanidad & DivinidadSpanish - La Humanidad & DivinidadUtilizando la enseñanza del Arzobispo Sheen, el Padre Rivas da una explicación admirable de la Encarnación. No podemos redimirnos a nosotros mismos. Por eso, solamente un ser que es Dios y Hombre a la vez puede pagar nuestra deuda. Si nos llenamos del misterio de la Encarnación, sentiríamos el amor de Dios derramarse en nuestras almas, y toda nuestra vida sería más llevadera. Padre Juan Rivas traduciendo Arzobispo Sheen. !Este CD da una enseñanza hermosa de la encarnación, que me motiva a amar mas a mi Señor! José - Pomona, CA |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Spanish - El Infierno Que Existe / El Verdadero MisterioSpanish - El Infierno Que Existe / El Verdadero MisterioEn la primera parte, el Arzobispo Sheen expone la existencia del infierno y del diablo. Esta presentación contiene toda la información que necesitas para comprobar que el infierno existe. En la segunda parte, vemos el origen femenino en la religión. Si deseas explicar tu devoción a María a tus conocidos, aquí tienes la información que buscabas. Padre Juan Rivas traduciendo Arzobispo Sheen. Me gusto mucho como el Padre Rivas habla acerca de la mujer y de la importancia de Maria en nuestras vidas. Ann - Covina, CA |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Spanish - Hiriendo al que Amas / El Momento de la VerdadSpanish - Hiriendo al que Amas / El Momento de la VerdadEl Arzobispo Sheen explica detalladamente lo que es el pecado, la tentación y el examen de la conciencia. Esta plática es un tesoro para todos los que quieren recibir el Sacramento de la Confesión de una manera más beneficiosa para el alma. Los que tienen mucho tiempo sin confesarse encontrarán consejos útiles para prepararse bien para acercarse al Sanidad Divino. Padre Juan Rivas traduciendo Arzobispo Sheen. Esta platica es algo muy útil para mi fe. He aprendido como prepararme mejor para recibir el Sacramento de la Confesión. José - Covina, CA |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Spanish - La Oracion es un Dialogo / Dios te AmaSpanish - La Oracion es un Dialogo / Dios te AmaDe nuevo el Padre Rivas nos hace el gran privilegio de traducir y presentar dos pláticas del Arzobispo Fulton Sheen. Estudiando la Oración de Jesucristo, cómo y cuándo se dedicó a orar, y por quien oró, podemos encontrar guías para nuestra vida de oración. Si ponemos en práctica los consejos de esta charla, podemos alentar nuestra vida de oración y en el proceso cambiar nuestra vida entera. Padre Juan Rivas traduciendo Arzobispo Sheen. ¡Esta presentación fue muy educativa! Félix - Palm Beach, FL |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Life is Worth LivingLife is Worth LivingArchbishop Fulton Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians and non-Christians alike through his immensely popular and Emmy award-winning television show Life is Worth Living. Venerable Fulton Sheen's talks are priceless and timeless. One will listen to this CD over and over again! Idell - Grand Rapids, MI |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Remade for HappinessRemade for HappinessView book sampleIn this classic work, Fulton Sheen explains the secret of authentic happiness: being spiritually remade. A genuinely spiritual life, Sheen contends, consists in more than obeying a set of commands, reading the Bible, or even following the example of Jesus. Before all else, it consists in being recreated and incorporated into a new, higher kind of life—the supernatural life of grace—and in being brought into a new kind of spiritual relationship, as a child of God through Jesus Christ. What does it mean to be a Christian? Christianity is not a system of ethics; it is a life. It is not good advice; it is divine adoption. Being a Christian does not consist in just being kind to the poor, going to church, singing hymns, or serving on parish committees, though it includes all of these. It is first and foremost a love relationship with Jesus Christ. Product Details179 Pages Praise for Remade for Happiness“Remade for Happiness is a book that succeeds in universally drawing in all readers. There's nobody better than the Venerable Archbishop Sheen in communicating the most important element of life. If you want to have the light of happiness in this life and in the next, then you need to read this book!” –Terry Barber, Author of How to Share Your Faith with Anyone “‘Look at your heart! It tells the story of why you were made.’ These words by the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, which sum up our experience of life, also capture the heart of this beautiful book. A must read.” –Chris Stefanick, Author, and President of Real Life Catholic |
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen |
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Mary Carmen López Mota y Marcela García López | ||||
Spanish - Mi hija y yo: construyendo una relación idealSpanish - Mi hija y yo: construyendo una relación idealMary Carmen y Marcela participan activamente en diferentes ministerios y, en esta charla, nos comparten el testimonio de amor y admiración de su relación personal como madre e hija. Ambas desde su punto de vista, buscan resaltar por qué es importante lograr tener una buena relación entre los padres de familia y sus hijos, y el impacto que esto puede tener en su futuro.
English Translation: My daughter and me: building an ideal relationship Mary Carmen and Marcela actively participate in different ministries and, in this talk, they share their testimony of love and admiration from their own personal relationship as mother and daughter. Each from their unique point of view, seek to highlight why it is important to have a good relationship between parents and their children, and the impact this can have on their future. “La charla me invitó a reflexionar sobre mi relación actual con mis hijos y hacia dónde la quiero dirigir. También me recordó que, como padres, somos su modelo a seguir y responsables de guiarlos correctamente en el camino de la fe.” |
Mary Carmen López Mota y Marcela García López |
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Lectio: San Marcos | ||
LECTIO: San Marcos DVD SetLECTIO: San Marcos DVD Set¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’?¿Es el Evangelio de San Marcos solamente una versión reducida de la vida de Jesús? ¿Qué nos ofrece este, el más corto de todos los evangelios, que Mateo, Lucas o Juan no ofrecen? Acompaña a Luis Soto en esta serie de 10 episodios, totalmente en español, para profundizar en el conocimiento del Evangelio de San Marcos, como nunca antes lo habías hecho. Sumérgete en un recorrido por este Evangelio lleno de acción, que nos ofrece la perspectiva de San Pedro sobre la vida y enseñanzas de Jesús. Profundiza sobre el significado del seguimiento de Jesús, “el camino” y el verdadero discipulado, y descubre cómo Jesús revela su identidad con palabras y acciones llenas de autoridad. Considera las enseñanzas de Jesús en el Templo y acompáñalo a Getsemaní y al Camino de la Cruz (Via Crucis), tal y como lo describe San Marcos en su Evangelio. Prepárate para una reflexión profunda del más corto de los cuatro evangelios. Combinando las enseñanzas de Luis Soto y la belleza fílmica a la que el Augustine Institute nos tiene acostumbrados, esta serie LECTIO, la primera que se realiza totalmente en español, nos guía paso a paso por la profunda tradición eclesial para poder comprender y orar con el Evangelio de San Marcos. Ejemplo de una sesión en videoSesiones: Sesión 1 - San Marcos Evangelista - 31 minutos Sesión 2 - Preparen el camino del Señor - 30 minutos Sesión 3 - ¡Ven y Sígueme! - 31 minutos Sesión 4 - La mano paralizada y el reino dividido - 31 minutos Sesión 5 - La fe vence el miedo - 32 minutos Sesión 6 - El misterio del pan - 31 minutos Sesión 7 - El camino del discipulado - 31 minutos Sesión 8 - Jesús y el Templo - 31 minutos Sesión 9 - Los signos del final y la Nueva Alianza - 31 minutos Sesión 10 - Pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús - 32 minutos Sobre el PresentadorLuis Soto es Director de Implementación Parroquial y Ministerio Hispano del Augustine Institute en Denver. Antes de unirse al equipo del AI, Luis fue Director de Desarrollo del Ministerio para el Catholic Leadership Institute. Sin embargo, fue como miembro del equipo fundador y Director Ejecutivo del Ministerio Hispano y Centro San Juan Diego de la Arquidiócesis de Denver, que Luis se convirtió en uno de los líderes católicos hispanos más influyentes en la Iglesia norteamericana. Luis tiene una Licenciatura en Filosofía y una maestría en Teología. Originario de Sonora, México, Luis identifica como una de sus grandes pasiones el apoyar el crecimiento de la fe de los hispanos al tiempo que se integran a la sociedad norteamericana manteniendo su riquísima herencia cultural hispana. En reconocimiento a sus contribuciones a la Iglesia y la Sociedad, Su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI entregó a Luis la medalla Benemerenti, uno de los reconocimientos más destacados que se ofrecen a laicos católicos en el mundo. English DescriptionIs the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John do not? Join Dr. Tim Gray in this powerful fourteen-part series to discover the Gospel of Mark like never before. Immerse yourself in this action-packed Gospel that offers Saint Peter’s account of Christ’s life and teaching.
Para mayor información o para conocer más sobre los programas parroquiales y para grupos que ofrece el Augustine Institute, contacte nuestro especialista de programas parroquiales y para grupos, el Diácono Richard Harden al 877-458-1477 o bien, a richard.harden@augustineinstitute.org Para más información sobre Lectio: San Marcos, vaya a lectiosanmarcos.org.
Augustine Institute |
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LECTIO: San Marcos Guía de Estudio para el Participante (Study Guide)LECTIO: San Marcos Guía de Estudio para el Participante (Study Guide)
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LECTIO: San Marcos Guía de Recursos para el Líder (Leader Guide)LECTIO: San Marcos Guía de Recursos para el Líder (Leader Guide)
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LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de Recursos para el Líder (Leader Kit)LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de Recursos para el Líder (Leader Kit)Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! |
Augustine Institute |
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LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de recursos para el Participante (Participant Kit)LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de recursos para el Participante (Participant Kit)
Add Bundle | $124.95