The daughter of a Protestant minister and wife of Dr. Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn candidly shares her difficult journey into the Catholic Faith. She explains how close examination of the Church's teachings on family life and artificial contraception led her to embrace the fullness of the Faith, and why she came to believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ.
Ojciec Michael Gaitley, M.I.C., jest kaplanem Zgromadzenia Ksiezy Marianow Niepokalanego Poczecia Najswietszej Maryi Panny oraz dyrektorem Stowarzyszenia Pomocnikow Marianskich, ktore liczy ponad milion czionkow. W swoim przemowieniu pod tytulem "Druga Najwspanialsza Historia", ojciec Gaitley opowiada o Milosierdziu Bozym, zyciu Swietego Papieza Jan Pawel II, oraz o kluczowej roli, jaka moze odegr... [More]
Psychoterapeuta katolicki i diakon Dr. Bob McDonald dzieli sie nadzieja i sposobem przezwyciezenia grzesznego gniewu i jego druzgocacych konsekwencji. Dr. Bob McDonald mowi z perspektywy wieloletniego doswiadczenia, oferuje sprawdzona pomoc psychologiczna i duchowa w przezwyciezeniu dolegliwosci gniewu, ktory wiaze i trzyma w bolu tak wielu ludzi. Sposob, o ktorym mowa, toruje droge do uzdrowienia... [More]
Dlaczego dzieci nie przychodza z instrukcja obslugi? Wlasciwie to przychodza! W tym nagraniu, przepelnionym latwymi do zastosowania i praktycznymi pomyslami, dr Gregory i Lisa Popcak dzieli sie Katolickimi technikami wychowawczymi, ktore zmieniaja zycie. Dowiedz sie, jak rozwijac charakter moralny i cnoty, oraz milosc do Chrystusa i Kosciola w latach, gdy dzieci rosna.
Father Michael Gaitley, M.I.C., e um sacerdote na congregacao dos Padres Marianos de Imaculada Concepcao e o Diretor da Associacao do Ajudantes Marianos, uma sociedade de beneficio espiritual com mais de um milhao de socios. Em esta palestra, o Padres Gaitley descreve, "A Segunda Historia Maior de Todos os Tempos", uma historia que fala da Misericordia Divina, a vida do Santo Papa Joao Paulo II e ... [More]
In this talk, internationally known speaker and author Matthew Leonard defines and discusses the three traditional stages of prayer. According to scripture, every one of us is called to "be perfect" and to "pray without ceasing." Prayer is the path to God and we've been saying prayers all our lives. But are we really praying? Matthew lays out the practical steps to achieve union with God through d... [More]
Archbishop Paul Coakley attended the university of Kansas where he completed his undergraduate studies in English and Classical Antiquities. After being ordained a priest in 1983, he served as a priest of the Wichita Diocese for 21 years. He was installed as bishop of Salina, Kansas by Saint John Paul II in 2004 and was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the fourth archbishop of the archdiocese of ... [More]
Dr. Edward Sri is a nationally sought Catholic speaker who appears regularly on EWTN, and is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). In this discussion of his book The New Rosary in Scripture: Biblical Insights on Praying the Twenty Mysteries (Servant Books), Dr. Sri shares Pope Saint John Paul II's practical strategies for praying the Rosary better, so that y... [More]
Dr. Scott Hahn - one of the most eminent Catholic theologians in our country today- reveals what scholars now know about the shepherds, the mysterious Magi, and King Herod. Your Advent journey will take on new meaning as you prepare your heart for the birth of our Lord. This illuminating presentation is sure to help you grow in appreciation of the greatest gift ever given to mankind - Jesus Christ... [More]
“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” These words uttered 2,000 years ago are echoed today. Join us as Dr. Tim Gray examines a few objections to the Church’s Eucharistic teaching and provides scriptural evidence for these objections. This apologetic helps us to give a reason for our faith and to gain a deeper insight into what it means to be Catholic and experience the true... [More]
Matt Fradd, a best-selling Catholic author, presents new data to show how the changes in the types and accessibility of pornography being promoted today make it far more dangerous and harmful than ever before. Matt draws from a wealth of experience to guide parents in taking decisive action to protect their children, and he empowers adults with specific wording to effectively address this sensitiv... [More]
Fathers are the link between heaven and earth, and are intended to be an image of our Heavenly Father. Drawing on the examples of St. Joseph, Devin Schadt shows us how to become a father on earth like the Father in heaven. Devin is a husband, a father of five, and the co-founder of the Fathers of St. Joseph, an apostolate dedicated to the renewal of authentic fatherhood.
What is Purgatory? Does it exist? Does it matter? As professor and speaker Dr. Mark Miravalle explains, not only is the doctrine of Purgatory true, and deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, but the practice of offering prayers and sacrifices for the souls of the dead is a critically important responsibility for every member of the Body of Christ—the family of the Church.
In this highly relevant talk, Fr. Robert Barron shares observations from his dialogue with critics of his You Tube videos. He eloquently illustrates how well equipped our Catholic intellectual tradition is to access and clarify the confusion that is so prevalent in our culture about matters of Christian faith and life.
In a talk that was given to a group of women at the FOCUS national conference, Lisa Cotter debunks the myths of modern day stereotypical womanhood. Using insights from the late Pope John Paul the second and the heroic example of modern-day saints, Lisa gets to the truth about what it means to be an authentic woman.
“Marriage - terrifying and beautiful, difficult and rewarding. A true vocation from God. Theologian and well-known speaker and author Dr. Edward Sri is joined by his brilliant wife Elizabeth as they insightfully and entertainingly share the wisdom and experiences they’ve gained in tackling over 20 years of marriage and family life together. Be inspired and challenged to discover God’s plan f... [More]
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI considered Moral Relativism to be the most dangerous dictatorship existing in the world today. in this presentation, Chris Stefanick debunks the powerful and epidemic myth of relativism with honesty, relevance, humor, and logical validity, offering a much-needed perspective on the current status quo of morality. "If you only listen to one CD this year, listen to 'Relat... [More]
Renowned Scripture scholar and author, Dr. Tim Gray, provides a fascinating explanation of the importance of the visible Church and the centrality of God on Earth. He offers incredible insights that make clear the role of the Church as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation, which are sure to help those who have left her, or who mistakenly claim to be “spiritual, but not religious.”Th... [More]
When people decide to follow Christ, they often experience conversion. In fact many of the saints refer to continuous conversion throughout their lives. In this talk, Mark Hart tells the story of his conversion and encourages us to be made new in Christ.
Catholicism in the United States has a challenging but rich history that is rarely told. Emily Stimpson Chapman, an experienced journalist and the author of numerous books, tells of the triumphs and obstacles that Catholics faced in the 1800s when evangelizing. Emily’s telling of the immense struggles that bishops, religious, and lay people endured to spread the Gospel in the nineteenth century ... [More]