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Join Matthew Leonard as he walks through the three stages of the spiritual life, helping you progress toward union with God and enter the interior castle written about by St. Teresa of Avila. With humor and concrete examples, this presentation is sure to aid you in your journey to becoming a saint.

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Average Rating: 4.44 based on 27 ratings
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In this presentation, Matthew Leonard focuses on the new idea of love proclaimed by Christ and how it gives meaning to human suffering, penance, and ultimately death. Sounds a bit dark, doesn't it? But it's not! By looking at these issues we'll discover the secret to how we can "Rejoice in the Lord always" just like St. Paul, no matter what happens.

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Average Rating: 4.36 based on 22 ratings
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In this talk, internationally known speaker and author Matthew Leonard defines and discusses the three traditional stages of prayer. According to scripture, every one of us is called to "be perfect" and to "pray without ceasing." Prayer is the path to God and we've been saying prayers all our lives. But are we really praying? Matthew lays out the practical steps to achieve union with God through d... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.49 based on 45 ratings
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Siete Presentaciones de la Fe Católica: Este presentación incluye siete segmentos, aproximadamente 10 minutos cada una, que cubren algunos de los temas y las preguntas más importantes de la Iglesia de hoy.

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 3 ratings
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Marcela García López, nos presenta la tradición del Quinceaños, su origen, significado e importancia que tiene en nuestros días. Una bella tradición que ha estado en nuestra cultura por más de 500 años y se sigue manteniendo, pero que necesitamos transmitir a las generaciones futuras el verdadero significado de la celebración. Esta plática además nos brinda una oportunidad para reno... [More]

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En esta plática, Marcela López presenta el tema del Genio Femenino como lo describe el Santo Papa San Juan Pablo II y al mismo tiempo lo hace de una manera muy ligera y amena. Es una plática para todas las mujeres de cualquier edad invitándonos a reflexionar en nuestro invaluable valor como hijas de Dios. Marcela, actualmente lleva un ministerio con mujeres jóvenes difundiendo este mens... [More]

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Mary Carmen López Mota, nos comparte el testimonio de la transformación de su fe y de su vida espiritual mediante la intervención en su vida de la tercera persona de la Santísima Trinidad, el Espíritu Santo. En esta plática nos presenta quién es el Espíritu Santo y cómo una relación personal con él puede transformar nuestras vidas. También nos invita a dejarnos guiar por Él, para viv... [More]

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El Augustine Institute presenta esta hermosa meditación de las Estaciones de la Cruz de San Alfonso María de Ligorio, narrada por Luis Soto. Esta reflexión en oración está acompañada por la Schola Cantorum de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo, Littleton, CO, cantando el himno católico tradicional Stabat Mater, en latín, que representa la amorosa presencia de Nuestra Madre, co... [More]

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Ruth Luna (2)

Ruth Luna nos comparte su camino de vivir una vida centrada en sí misma, a una de entrega al Señor para convertirse en la Mujer que está llamada a ser. Nuestra madre, la Santísima Virgen María, nos muestra el camino a una verdadera dignidad como Mujer, nos acerca a su corazón de amor, sacrificio y belleza, y nos llama a consagrarnos a ella para recibir las gracias de su Hijo. Así podemos id... [More]

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Ruth A. Luna, nos comparte cómo encontró en María el perfecto ejemplo a seguir como esposa, madre e hija de Dios. También nos ayuda a redescubrir el papel importantísimo que tiene María en nuestra vida, invitándonos a incrementar nuestra confianza, amor y devoción hacia la Madre de Dios y madre nuestra.  English Translation: Mary, God's Mother and Ours Ruth A. Luna, shares how she f... [More]

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Dr. Thomas Madden is a professor of History at St. Louis University and has appeared in such venues as the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and The History Channel. In this eye-opening presentation, Dr. Madden debunks popular myths surrounding the crusades and shows us how the different misconceptions regarding the crusades have fed in the tension between the East and the Wes... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.42 based on 31 ratings
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Sister Bethany Madonna, vocations director for the Sisters of Life, shares how God not only wants us to know him, but also to give us the desires of our heart and gifts that bring purpose, meaning, and hope. She makes it clear that “receiving is the gift that we give” to the Lord and that he wants to be invited into every aspect of our lives. Speaking from her own life experience, Sister Betha... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.57 based on 7 ratings
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Our weaknesses and our wounds can often make us feel inadequate. But as Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V. illustrates with her insightful humor and profoundly memorable stories, bringing these weaknesses and wounds to God the Father can allow us to become strong with the Father's strength, and to be healed by the Healer. “The Father Himself loves you... He wants to be with you, at every moment; in every... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.86 based on 7 ratings
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Patrick Madrid explores the history of the persecution of the Catholic Church in 1920s Mexico. He recounts the sufferings and martyrdom that thousands of Catholics endured to defend their religious freedom during the Cristero War.

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Average Rating: 4.50 based on 26 ratings
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Para los no-Catolicos, talves no es obvio el por que ellos deberian abrazar a la Fe Catolica. En esta inspirada presentacion, Patrick Madrid, autor exitoso y anfitron del programa de radio Right Here, Right Now, da razones biblicas e historicas convincentes de por que el es un Catolico de por vida. El comparte percepciones valiosas sobre la belleza de la Iglesia Catolica y su declaracion que conti... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.33 based on 3 ratings
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For those who aren't Catholic, it may not be apparent why one should embrace the Catholic Faith. In this inspiring presentation, bestselling author Patrick Madrid gives compelling biblical and historical reasons for why he embraces the faith as a lifelong Catholic. He shares valuable insights into the beauty of the Catholic Church and its claim to contain the fullness of the deposit of faith given... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 74 ratings
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Matt Maher, an internationally acclaimed Christian singer, song-writer, and eight-time Grammy Award nominee, shares the amazing story of his spiritual journey. He emphasizes the importance of forming relationships with others in order to be effective witnesses of the Gospel and help bring about the unity desired by Christ. To find out more about Matt Maher or to purchase his music, visit www.mat... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.43 based on 14 ratings
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Eric Mahl (1)

Eric Mahl grew up in the small town of Monroeville, Ohio where he was a standout athlete. He earned a scholarship to play division one football at Kent State University and, in 2005, was signed by the Cleveland Browns. After leaving the NFL, he spent three years working in the world, where he continued his intensive focus on discerning his vocation. After this period of discernment, he sold or gav... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.35 based on 20 ratings
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Recorded live at two of Life Teen's XLT events, Mark Hart and Matt Smith reveal the depth of God's infinite love for each of us, and challenge us to find out what happens when we abandon everything to Him.

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Average Rating: 4.19 based on 16 ratings
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This is the June CD of the Month. The mp3 is available now, and the CD will be available on July 1, 2023.One of the best parts about being Catholic and practicing the faith is the ability to attend mass every day. Daniel Markham, author of the book 52 Masses, ventured across America to celebrate mass in every state. In this talk, he shares his experiences with different parishes around the country... [More]

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Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUS and world renowned authority on evangelization, shares how a personal encounter with Jesus is the key to following him with fidelity, gratitude, and joy. With humor and relatable examples, he also shows how experiencing Christ before evangelizing others is the biblical model witnessed to by the Apostles, and one that is certain to bear fruit in the life of any belie... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.63 based on 8 ratings
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Ralph Martin, an internationally known Catholic leader and teacher, discusses the challenges and the joys of being fully faithful to all the Church proclaims as true. Ralph provides practical advice on how to build our lives on rock and equip ourselves spiritually so that we can reach out to others with true charity. He shows how our fidelity to the Word of God will give us the strength to stand v... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.29 based on 14 ratings
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More gripping than the pull of professional sports, the call to the priesthood reveals the great plans God has for those he has called. In this homily, Fr. Burke Masters tells the story of his journey through baseball, to Catholicism and eventually to the priesthood. In a bonus segment, Major League Baseball all-star Mike Sweeney discuss being the perfect teammate with examples from his time in t... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.20 based on 10 ratings
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Dan McCoy (1)

Dan McCoy was born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, but that didn’t discourage him from setting and accomplishing his goals. At just 16 years old, he was selected as a teammate on the U.S. National Sled Hockey Team, and shortly after, he participated in the 2014 Sochi, Russia Paralympic Games where he won the gold medal with Team USA. Even after this success, McCoy praised God for this accom... [More]

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Catholic psychotherapist Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald provides a spiritual and psychological prescription for overcoming the sinful anger that poisons the mind of Christ within, causing alienation and division. His practical wisdom shows that only by learning how to forgive can we hope to promote healing and understanding in our relationships and enjoy the blessings of a forgiving heart.

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Average Rating: 4.50 based on 76 ratings
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As a medical doctor and licensed psychotherapist, Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald knows very well the deep hunger and inner needs of the human heart. He explains how the Holy Eucharist becomes the core and center of our lives since only Jesus can fill what is lacking within the human spirit that is bruised and broken. Discover the immensity of God's love revealed by His Real Presence.

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Average Rating: 4.48 based on 21 ratings
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Psychoterapeuta katolicki i diakon Dr. Bob McDonald dzieli sie nadzieja i sposobem przezwyciezenia grzesznego gniewu i jego druzgocacych konsekwencji. Dr. Bob McDonald mowi z perspektywy wieloletniego doswiadczenia, oferuje sprawdzona pomoc psychologiczna i duchowa w przezwyciezeniu dolegliwosci gniewu, ktory wiaze i trzyma w bolu tak wielu ludzi. Sposob, o ktorym mowa, toruje droge do uzdrowienia... [More]

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El psicoterapeuta y diácono Dr. Bob McDonald, da esperanza a cualquier persona que esté tratando de superar o prevenir la ira pecaminosa y sus terribles consecuencias. En esta plática nos ofrece una receta psicológica y espiritual comprobada para superar este mal que nos ata y nos causa dolor. Sus recomendaciones preparan el camino para la sanación, el perdón y la libertad.

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Dr. Mark Miravalle - Professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville - teaches on the fascinating subject of Angels. Why did God create angels? How are they different from humans? Are guardian angels found in Scripture? Discover the answer to these questions and many more as Dr. Mark Miravalle explains the nine choirs of angels, their differing roles and hierarchical o... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.63 based on 87 ratings
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Ever wonder why so many people pay so much attention to Mary, the Mother of Jesus? In this talk, Dr. Mark Miravalle covers all the major Church teachings about the Blessed Mother. This talk is not only great for the person who has little or no background knowledge about Our Lady but also meant for someone looking to renew their their existing knowledge and love for the woman who Jesus gave persona... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.57 based on 28 ratings
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What is Purgatory? Does it exist? Does it matter? As professor and speaker Dr. Mark Miravalle explains, not only is the doctrine of Purgatory true, and deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, but the practice of offering prayers and sacrifices for the souls of the dead is a critically important responsibility for every member of the Body of Christ—the family of the Church.

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 5 ratings
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Español:Aunque Santa Filomena vivió hace aproximadamente 1,700 años y apenas fue descubierta en las catacumbas de Roma a principios del siglo XIX, su fiel testimonio como joven virgen que fue martirizada por su pureza y su fidelidad a Cristo habla poderosamente a nuestra cultura, y especialmente a los jóvenes. Conocida comúnmente como una "trabajadora de maravillas", ella tiene la distinció... [More]

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The holy and hidden figure of St. Joseph comes to light in this captivating presentation by Dr. Mark Miravalle. What is the dignity of this great man, and how do we convey the wondrous power of his intercession? Listen now as Dr. Miravalle delves into the fascinating and hidden life of the man whom God chose to "substitute" for Himself when the Word became flesh to dwell among us.

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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 21 ratings
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In this informative presentation, Dr. Mark Miravalle, professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, uncovers the roots of Freemasonry and explains why the Catholic Church has condemned it since its inception in the 18th century. He describes the mission of St. Maximilian Kolbe and how this great saint, through the intercession of Mary, battled this movement against ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.37 based on 19 ratings
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Though St. Philomena lived approximately 1700 years ago and was only discovered in the catacombs of Rome in the early 1800's, her faithful witness as a young virgin who was martyred for her purity and for her fidelity to Christ speaks powerfully to our culture, and especially to young people. Commonly referred to as a "wonder worker", she has the distinction of being the only saint canonized sole... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 41 ratings
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Join Mother Miriam as she provides some fun and unique ways for families to have an active prayer life during Lent. Whether it’s saying the rosary, creating a prayer space, or just asking God for your heart's true desires, take a moment to listen to Mother Miriam as she guides us through Lent.

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Here is the incredible faith journey of a singularly inspiring woman. Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God (formerly Rosalind Moss) tells the unexpected tale of her life – from conservative Jewish woman in New York to evangelical missionary to prioress of a new religious community in Oklahoma. Her amazing testimony will strengthen you and help you believe that Jesus Christ is in fact the long awaite... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 29 ratings
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