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In this popular work of apologetics, Mark Shea presents a lively and entertaining look at his conversion to Catholicism from Evangelicalism and his discovery of Christian Tradition. As an Evangelical, Shea accepted the principle of Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone) as the basis of faith. Now as a Catholic convert, he skillfully explains how and why Sacred Tradition occupies a central role in d... [More]

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Based on his powerful book, Allen Hunt shares the insights and details of his 15-year journey into the Catholic Church.  In 2007, Allen stepped aside as pastor of a Methodist congregation that served more than 15,000 persons each week.  He entered the Catholic Church in 2008.  His daily talk radio show is heard by over half a million listeners and is syndicated on 140 stations nationwide.

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Average Rating: 4.32 based on 31 ratings
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Ancient Christianity is a proven draw at the box office and the bookstores. Our neighbors are curious about the early Church, and more than willing to be obsessed by it. But how should we proceed to study ancient Christianity when the media accounts themselves have been shockingly misinformed? The key to understanding the early Church is a fresh familiarity with the ancient sources. In this bookl... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.50 based on 2 ratings
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Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion to Catholicism and explains why he is convinced it is the Church founded by Christ over 2000 years ago.

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 67 ratings
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Well-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ's Paschal Sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of the Jewish Passover meal. He draws a symbolic parallel to the Last Supper and Christ's death on Calvary. Through his scholarly insights and important biblical connections, Mass will come alive for you as never before!

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 98 ratings
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Dr. Tim Gray, renowned Scripture scholar and president of the Augustine Institute, provides fascinating insights about the Protestant Reformation and the ensuing Catholic Counter Reformation. He discusses how holy men and women worked from within the Church, as they do in every age, to bring forth much-needed reform. Hear how necessary changes were brought about by holy heroes such as Giles of Vit... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 16 ratings
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Dr. Brant Pitre uses the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish tradition to frame the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper, and to provide a fresh look at the heart of Catholic practice — the Eucharist. By taking us back to the Jewish roots of our faith, Dr. Pitre gives us a powerful lens through which to see anew the bread of the presence, the manna, the Last Supper, and ultimately the meaning of the Euc... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 59 ratings
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Based on his best-selling book, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the early Christians' key to understanding the Mass: the Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, mystic visions of Heaven, and end-times prophecies, it mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. See the Mass with new eyes, pray the Liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully and enthusiastically!

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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 104 ratings
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Click here to see a sample. This Revised Standard Version Second Catholic Edition Bible brings together all of the books of the New Testament and the penetrating study tools developed by renowned Bible teachers Dr. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, presenting the written Word of God in a highly readable, accurate translation.

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Average Rating: 3.31 based on 13 ratings
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Renowned Scripture scholar and author, Dr. Tim Gray, provides a fascinating explanation of the importance of the visible Church and the centrality of God on Earth. He offers incredible insights that make clear the role of the Church as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation, which are sure to help those who have left her, or who mistakenly claim to be “spiritual, but not religious.”Th... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.91 based on 23 ratings
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Scott and Kimberly Hahn have spoken all over the world about their conversion to the Catholic Church. This book tells the story of the incredible spiritual journey that led them to embrace Catholicism. Their conversion and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands Catholics and has brought many lukewarm Catholics back into active participation in the Church.Pages: 188Book ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.87 based on 15 ratings
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Dr. Christopher Blum, Academic Dean of the Augustine Institute, unfolds the inspiring life of St. Teresa of Ávila and her important role in the Catholic Reformation. He shares how, after having already been a nun for twenty years, she had a radical transformation in her own life and then went on to become one of the most powerful forces for bringing about conversion and positive change in the his... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.80 based on 5 ratings
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Dr. Peter Kreeft is a world-renowned philosopher and best-selling author of over 35 books. Drawing from the treasured wisdom of such great spiritual thinkers as St. John of the Cross, Thomas Aquinas, C. S. Lewis, and Cardinal Newman, he helps us to understand why truth trumps everything! Listen as he clearly presents seven undisputable reasons why every person should indeed be Catholic.

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 41 ratings
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El Dr. Brant Pitre utiliza las escrituras hebreas y la tradicion Judia Para explicar las acciones de Jesus en la Ultima Cena y tambien para proporcionarnos una vista nueva del corazon de la pratica Catolica - la Eucaristia. Al llevarnos de regreso a las raices Judias de neustra fe, el Dr. Pitre nos da un lente poderoso por el cual podemos ver nuevamente el pan de la presencia, el mana, la Ultima C... [More]

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El reconocido erudito de las Escrituras y autor, Doctor Tim Gray, ofrece una fascinante explicación de la importancia de la Iglesia visible y la centralidad de Dios en la Tierra. Ofrece ideas increíbles que aclaran el papel de la Iglesia como una parte esencial del plan de Dios para la salvacíon, que seguramente ayudarán a aquellos que la han abandonado, o que erróneamente afirman ser “esp... [More]

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Con elocuencia y claridad, Jesse Romero describe los errores de las sectas Protestantes, y también motiva al público Católico a practicar su fe abiertamente. También nos motiva a hacer obras de caridad y a frecuentar los Sacramentos. En esta charla, Jesse nos hace valorar el regalo que Dios nos quiso dar en la Iglesia Católica, y nos sitúa en la realidad de Su Presencia.

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Jesse Romero da respuestas concretas y bíblicas a las 50 preguntas más comunes que hacen los Protestantes. Por ejemplo: ¿Tiene la Iglesia la autoridad de Cristo? ¿Porque necesitamos un Papa? ¿Porque los Católicos bautizan a los niños? ¿Es verdad que los católicos adoran a la Virgen? Este tipo de preguntas son contestada, y otras cuarenta y cinco mas las cuales nos preguntan los hermanos s... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.86 based on 7 ratings
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This six-episode series explores the lives of Saints Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas More, Francis de Sales, Philip Neri, Charles Borromeo, and Teresa of Avila. As True Reformers introduces you to these great saints, you’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity, as you discover how they spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestan... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 5 ratings
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Get the full experience of True Reformers with this Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. In True Reformers, Dr. Christopher Blum explores the lives of six saints who spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. You’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity... [More]

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This engaging and accessible Study Guide for True Reformers with Dr. Christopher Blum helps you better understand the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of the confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. This workbook, which features over 50 pages of powerful content, includes:    • introductions, prayers, and inspirational insights ... [More]

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Click here to read a sample. Who are the true benefactors of the human race? Explorers? Scientists? Revolutionaries? Rebels against established authority? . . . or the saints? True Reformers explores in detail the leaders who led the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of Renaissance decadence and the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. The saints of the Catholic Re... [More]

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Ken Hensley, a well-known Catholic speaker, teacher, and author, provides an insightful perspective on Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation from his vantage point as a former Baptist minister. Referencing Luther’s writings and his own conversion story, Ken clearly shows the theological and practical flaws of sola Scriptura and other teachings promulgated by the sixteenth-century reformer... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 10 ratings
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Drawing on his roots as a Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn responds to key misunderstandings about the Virgin Mary. This captivating presentation explains the biblical and historical basis for the Church's teachings that the Virgin Mary is the New Eve and the Queen of Heaven.

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 52 ratings
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Have you ever been asked where Catholic beliefs can be found in the bible? Here is a crash course in history proving that the bible is a Catholic book. Matthew Arnold offers convincing evidence showing that the Church has faithfully proclaimed and preserved the fullness of God's Word down through the centuries. This will provide all the facts you need.

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Average Rating: 4.58 based on 31 ratings
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Dr. Scott Hahn explains through his legendary testimony how he was militantly anti-Catholic but self-driven to seek the truth. This ultimately led him into the Catholic Church. He soon became an ardent defender of the Faith and one of its most passionate promoters.This talk is also available in Spanish.

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Average Rating: 4.85 based on 85 ratings
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For those who aren't Catholic, it may not be apparent why one should embrace the Catholic Faith. In this inspiring presentation, bestselling author Patrick Madrid gives compelling biblical and historical reasons for why he embraces the faith as a lifelong Catholic. He shares valuable insights into the beauty of the Catholic Church and its claim to contain the fullness of the deposit of faith given... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 74 ratings
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As a former Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn knows very well the common objections non-Catholics have to the Catholic Faith. In this informative talk, he tackles the tough issue of the Papacy and defends our belief that the Pope is part of Christ's design for His Church. Become better equipped to respond to those who attack the crucial role of the successor of St. Peter in the Church's missio... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.60 based on 35 ratings
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Meet six heroes of the Catholic Reformation

This six-episode series explores the lives of Saints Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas More, Francis de Sales, Philip Neri, Charles Borromeo, and Teresa of Avila. As True Reformers introduces you to these great saints, you’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity, as you discover how they spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestan... [More]

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Get the full experience of True Reformers with this Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. In True Reformers, Dr. Christopher Blum explores the lives of six saints who spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. You’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity... [More]

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This engaging and accessible Study Guide for True Reformers with Dr. Christopher Blum helps you better understand the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of the confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. This workbook, which features over 50 pages of powerful content, includes:    • introductions, prayers, and inspirational insights ... [More]

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Click here to read a sample. Who are the true benefactors of the human race? Explorers? Scientists? Revolutionaries? Rebels against established authority? . . . or the saints? True Reformers explores in detail the leaders who led the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of Renaissance decadence and the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. The saints of the Catholic Re... [More]

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Discover the richness and beauty of the Catholic Faith through these study programs!

This Coordinator Kit comes with everything you need to lead a 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the Coordinator Kit includes the DVD set of six talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator’s Guide. The actual retreat book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, comes included in this kit. Includes: - 33 Days to Me... [More]

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This Coordinator Kit comes with everything you need to lead a 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the Coordinator Kit includes the DVD set of six talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator’s Guide. Please note: The actual retreat book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, is not included in this kit. Click here to ord... [More]

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This Participant Packet is designed for those who would like to join a 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat. Each item in this packet helps participants better prepare for and live out their consecration to Divine Mercy and includes new material from Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC. The actual retreat book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, comes included in this kit. Includes: - 33 Days to Merciful Lov... [More]

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This Participant Packet is designed for those who would like to join a 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat. Each item in this packet helps participants better prepare for and live out their consecration to Divine Mercy and includes new material from Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC. The actual retreat book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, is not included in this kit. Includes: - Retreat Companion (w... [More]

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This Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the participant kit, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 6 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. The actual retreat book, 33 Days to Morning Glory, is i... [More]

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This Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 6 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. Please note: The actual retreat book,&nb... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.33 based on 6 ratings
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Watch this series weekly as an integral part of your 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. This two-disc set includes six sessions. Each session consists of an introductory talk and a main talk, and accompanies the lessons from the 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Companion workbook. - Total run time: 230 min - Each retreat group needs one DVD set - Workbook not included Learn m... [More]

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This Participant Packet is designed for those who would like to join a 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into understanding, preparing for, and living out their consecration to Jesus through Mary. The actual retreat book, 33 Days to Morning Glory, is included in this kit. Click here t... [More]

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This Participant Packet is the designed for those who would like to join a 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat, yet already have the retreat book 33 Days to Morning Glory. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into understanding, preparing for, and living out their consecration to Jesus through Mary. Please note: The actual retreat book,... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.50 based on 2 ratings
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 ¿Qué sucedería si supieras que el matrimonio es más que un simple contrato entre dos personas, que un romance, que una satisfacción mutua y que una simple atracción? ¿Qué tal si Dios ha entrelazado, en el mismo diseño de la humanidad, un deseo, con el propósito de unir a un hombre y a una mujer en un vinculo que encierra un misterio y que es sagrado? En 12 sesiones, Amado explora las ... [More]

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So you’ve shared an anniversary or two . . . or twenty . . . and you’ve learned a lot about yourselves and each other through your marriage so far. But what if marriage is more than you think it is?   Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Watch the trailer for Beloved: Finding Happiness in MarriageWhat if God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and des... [More]

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You’re in love. You’re reasonably compatible. There’s a thrill and romance you enjoy. You want to spend the rest of your lives together. Getting married seems straightforward enough. But . . .What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than that? What if God has woven into the very design of your humanity a purposeful need and desire to unite you with another, creating something mysterious and... [More]

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This kit includes the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase the Beloved DVD set with Spanish dubbed audio. This Couple’s Kit for Marriage Enrichment includes everything a couple needs to experience the full power of Beloved— the six-DVD set plus two Couple’s Guides for Marriage Enrichment. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Watch the trailer for Beloved: Findin... [More]

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This kit includes the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase the Beloved DVD set with Spanish dubbed audio. This Couple’s Kit for Marriage Preparation includes everything a couple needs to experience the full power of Beloved—the six-DVD set plus two Couple’s Guides for Marriage Preparation. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Watch the trailer for Beloved: Find... [More]

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This is the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio. What if Marriage is more than you think it is? What if, woven into the very fabric of your humanity, is a purposeful desire placed there by God that will play a vital part in his work in the world? No matter how long you’ve been married, it’s always a good time to discover the deepest s... [More]

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This is the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual fulfillment, and basic attraction? What if woven into the very design of your humanity is a purposeful desire for you to be united with your beloved, creating something new, myster... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.41 based on 17 ratings
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Beloved is now available with Spanish audio!This special Spanish/English Parish Edition DVD set contains all the sessions of the standard Parish Edition set but also offers Spanish as a language option in the DVD menu. Now you can watch Beloved in English or with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual ful... [More]

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Watch this series weekly as an integral part of your Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. This two-disc set includes ten sessions which accompany the lessons from the Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Companion workbook. - Total run time: Approximately 350 minutes- Each retreat group needs one DVD set - Workbook not included

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This comprehensive Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the participant kit, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. The actual retreat ... [More]

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This comprehensive Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. Please note: The actual retreat b... [More]

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This Participant Packet is the designed for those who would like to join a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into "consoling spirituality" and devotion to the Divine Mercy.Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents.The actual retreat book, Consoling the Heart of Jesus, is in... [More]

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This Participant Packet is designed for those who would like to join a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat, yet already have the retreat book Consoling the Heart of Jesus. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into "consoling spirituality" and devotion to the Divine Mercy.Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents.... [More]

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Now Is the Time of Mercy! Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told is a dramatic 10-session journey featuring best-selling author and popular speaker Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC.Fr. Gaitley weaves a tapestry of wonder and beauty from the threads of the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina Kowalska, the prophetic apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, the powe... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.32 based on 25 ratings
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The Guidebook for Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told is key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into the story of Divine Mercy.Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, filled with stimulating graphics and imagery, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the history, the faith, and passion surrounding Divine Mercy with over 90... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.58 based on 26 ratings
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Be sure to get the full experience of Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told with this special kit that includes the DVD box set (10 episodes on 5 DVDs) and the corresponding Guidebook.With his characteristic skill and lucid style, Fr. Michael Gaitley interweaves the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina, the miraculous appearance of Mary at Fatima, th... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.73 based on 22 ratings
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Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and how every moment connects to Scripture, Catholic Tradition, and God’s passionate desire to be with you. This 70-page Leader Guide helps you become an ambassador of God’s mercy to others, present... [More]

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Pecado, remordimiento, fracaso, decepción . . . todas estas palabras son incómodas, pero al mismo tiempo, son una realidad universal de la experiencia humana. Todos tenemos que enfrentarnos a ellas, pero no podemos hacerlo solos. El remedio se encuentra disponible de manera inmediata y es milagrosamente efectivo—el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. El sacramento no es una regla, una formal... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 129.95 Sale Price: 103.96 Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and how every moment connects to Scripture, Catholic Tradition, and God’s passionate desire t... [More]

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Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the sacrament of Confession, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and how every moment connects to Scripture, Catholic Tradition, and God’s passionate desire to be with you. The 6-disc Parish Edition DVD Set includes helpful catechetical methods, strategies to promote Co... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.67 based on 3 ratings
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Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and how every moment connects to Scripture, Catholic Tradition, and God’s passionate desire to be with you. This 50-page Study Guide teaches you to participate more fully in the sacrament of Confessio... [More]

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Pecado, remordimiento, fracaso, decepción . . . todas estas palabras son incómodas, pero al mismo tiempo, son una realidad universal de la experiencia humana. Todos tenemos que enfrentarnos a ellas, pero no podemos hacerlo solos. El remedio se encuentra disponible de manera inmediata y es milagrosamente efectivo—el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. El sacramento no es una regla, una formal... [More]

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The Last Supper. Communion. The Great Feast. Bread and Wine. The Holy Eucharist.  Jesus said, “This is my Body” and, “This is my Blood.” Some say they’re merely symbols of remembrance. Others say they’re really the Body and Blood of Christ, but can’t explain how that’s possible. The Eucharist is the center-point of the Mass–but why? Watch a sample of Eucharist: Discovering t... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  This leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio Eucharist to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all ten episodes of Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible on five DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study ... [More]

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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible. Created to help you lead others deeper in Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions, y... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Eucharist with this special kit including the DVD set (ten episodes on five DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.   Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible renowned teacher Dr. Brant Pitre guides us through Scripture, history, and Church teaching to illuminate the wonder and miracle of the Eu... [More]

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The study guide for Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible is the key to getting the full Lectio experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide that leads you deeper into the mystery of the Eucharist and provid... [More]

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Find Help and Inspiration from the Men and Women Who Transformed the World There is no better place to look for guidance in the New Evangelization than the Acts of the Apostles. This chronicle of the Church in action gives us the blueprint for the life and mission of the Church today. In Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles, Dr. Mary Healy combines Bible study with Church teaching and pr... [More]

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This leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio Evangelization to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all ten episodes of Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles on five DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content). Order this special kit for leaders and save over 20% on the full Lectio experience!  C... [More]

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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles. Created to help you lead others deeper into Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructio... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Evangelization with this special kit, which includes the DVD set (ten episodes on five DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles, Dr. Mary Healy combines Bible study with Church teaching and practical wisdom to show you how modern Catholics can effectively ... [More]

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The Study Guide for Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles is the key to getting the full Lectio experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you further into the study of Acts and provides you with over ... [More]

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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Engaging and accessible, this Lectio: Mark Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richne... [More]

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Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear with Dr. Tim Gray and provides you with over 200 pages of impactful content.  Engaging and accessible, this 232 page study guide includes:  – the lectio divina approach for each session  – penetrating questions and insights for the fourte... [More]

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Engaging and accessible for everyone from a first-time Bible study participant to a Lectio veteran, the Lectio Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God Study Guide enables you to personalize the study for your own spiritual journey.  This beautiful study guide includes: – Introductions and prayers for each session – An outline summary for each video presentation  – Discussion questions to u... [More]

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Simon Peter: a poor fisherman, an impetuous follower, a bungling disciple, and the cornerstone of Catholicism.Join Dr. Tim Gray—gifted Scripture scholar, internationally acclaimed author, and President of the Augustine Institute—on a biblical voyage unlike any other. In this first installment of Lectio Unveiling Scripture and Tradition, Dr. Gray takes us on an intensive journey into the life o... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  This leader kit includes everything a leader would need to present Lectio Peter to a group, whether in a parish or at home. It includes all ten episodes of Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism on five DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes the Study Guide content... [More]

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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism. Created to help you lead others deeper into Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions, your g... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Peter with this special kit that includes the DVD set (ten episodes on five DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism offers a fascinating, in-depth study series on the life and meaning of St. Peter. Bringing together biblical stories, historical knowledge, solid Chu... [More]

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The Study Guide for Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism is the key to getting the full Lectio experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you deeper into the study of St. Peter and provides you with over 200 pag... [More]

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Towards the end of his life, under arrest and awaiting trial in Rome, Saint Paul writes a short but powerful letter to the Philippians. Paul’s affection for the Christian community at Philippi is apparent from his opening words. The Philippians were not only Paul’s sons and daughters in the Faith but also his partners in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the heart of this letter is Paul... [More]

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 This Leader Kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Philippians to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all six episodes of Philippians: Life in Christ on three DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader’s Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content). Click here for a sample of the 160-page Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the 112-page Study... [More]

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Engaging and accessible, this Philippians: Life in Christ Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition, and history to life. Click here for a sample of the Leader’s Guide. This Leader’s Guide includes... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Philippians with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Philippians: Life in Christ, Dr. Tim Gray combines insight and practical guidance using the lectio divina disciplines. The Scriptures come alive through high quality video prese... [More]

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Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the study of Philippians: Life in Christ with Dr. Tim Gray and provides you with over 100 pages of impactful content. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Engaging and accessible, this workbook includes: • the lectio divina approach for each session • penetrating questions and insights for the six ... [More]

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Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves. Or, worse, we feel like we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the faith be so elusive? Now, the mystery of prayer is made clear through the engaging teaching and cinematic artistry of the Augustine Institute in Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. In six sessions... [More]

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This leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio Prayer to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all six episodes of Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God on three DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content). Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Though ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.75 based on 4 ratings
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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. Created to help you lead others deeper into Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group. Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions, your grou... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Prayer with this special kit, which includes the DVD set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God renowned speaker Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church's tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an... [More]

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The Study Guide for Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God is key to getting the full Lectio experience. The powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you further into the study of prayer and provides you with over 100 pages o... [More]

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Liturgical Year CThe Opening the Word Bible Study is a dynamic and exciting journey into the Sunday readings that will help you more deeply understand the Sunday readings, apply the teachings of the Word of God to your daily life, more deeply encounter Christ, and live your Catholic faith in a more powerful way.

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Liturgical Year CThe Opening the Word Bible Study is a dynamic and exciting journey into the Sunday readings that will help you more deeply understand the Sunday readings, apply the teachings of the Word of God to your daily life, more deeply encounter Christ, and live your Catholic faith in a more powerful way. These journals are the perfect companion for anyone praying with the Sunday readings!

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Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the “source and summit” of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in the life of the Church and its members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of salvation. Cl... [More]

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Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the “source and summit” of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in the life of the Church and its members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of salvation. Cl... [More]

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View Sample This comprehensive guide makes it easy for any faithful Catholic to lead an effective study of Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist, whether at home or in the parish. About Presence Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the “source and summit” of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Chr... [More]

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¿Alguna vez te has sentido como si Dios estuviera lejos? Toda la historia de la salvación es la historia de Dios, que se hace presente a su pueblo —en el Edén, en el desierto, en el Templo, y fi nalmente en la Persona de Jesucristo. Pero la historia no se detiene ahí. Él todavía se encuentra entre nosotros—escondido. Bajo la apariencia de pan y vino, Jesucristo está realmente presente e... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 129.95 Sale Price: 103.96 This Leader Kit contains everything needed for personal study or to run a small group study for Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist. View a sample of the Leader Guide. View a sample of the Study Guide. About Presence Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and win... [More]

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View Sample This Participant Guide for Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist is the key for helping participants apply what they learn about their faith to their daily lives. About Presence Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the “source and summit” of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Jesus Ch... [More]

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¿Alguna vez te has sentido como si Dios estuviera lejos? Toda la historia de la salvación es la historia de Dios, que se hace presente a su pueblo —en el Edén, en el desierto, en el Templo, y finalmente en la Persona de Jesucristo. Pero la historia no se detiene ahí. Él todavía se encuentra entre nosotros—escondido. Bajo la apariencia de pan y vino, Jesucristo está realmente presente en... [More]

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Is Baptism a traditional rite, an important symbol, an excuse to celebrate the arrival of a baby with a family photo op? What if there is a lot more to Baptism than you may realize? What if your child’s spiritual life, happiness, and future hinges on what happens in Baptism?Watch the trailer for Reborn nowReborn: You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism (Home Edition) is a new three-DVD video s... [More]

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More than a traditional rite, an important symbol, or an excuse for a family photo op at church, Baptism is a pivotal spiritual experience that parishioners often take for granted, or simply don’t understand. With Reborn: You, Your Child and the Heart of Baptism, the true meaning of Baptism comes alive for everyone involved in the baptism of a child.Through six DVDs Reborn explores the deeply pe... [More]

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Turn your Baptism Preparation into an opportunity for transformative evangelization with the supplemental materials for Reborn: You, Your Child and the Heart of Baptism, the new six-DVD series from the renowned Augustine Institute. In the pages of this comprehensive leader’s guide, you will find: - Instructions for Using the Videos and Guides - Impactful Discussion Questions - Detailed Teaching,... [More]

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 More than a traditional rite, an important symbol, or an excuse for a family photo op at church, Baptism is a pivotal spiritual experience that parishioners often take for granted, or simply don’t understand. With Reborn: You, Your Child and the Heart of Baptism, the true meaning of Baptism comes alive for everyone involved in the baptism of a child.Through six DVDs Reborn explores the dee... [More]

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The Search is a video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This DVD set includes seven episodes that will help viewers reignite their love for the journey of life and open their hearts to the transcendent."About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions,... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 299.95 Sale Price: 239.96  Este paquete completo incluye todo lo que un líder necesitaría para presentar Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada a un grupo. El paquete completo incluye todos los veinte episodios en diez DVDs (en dos partes), las Guías del Líder para cada sesión y las Guías del Particip... [More]

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 Sobrecarga tu experiencia de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada con este paquete especial que incluye el paquete en caja de DVDs de la Parte I y la Parte II, incluyendo los 20 episodios en 10 DVDs, más las Guías del Participante correspondientes a la Parte I y la Parte II. Click here for a sample of the Part 1 Study Guide. Click here for a sample of the Part 2 Study Guide. Acclaimed... [More]

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In the ten episodes of Part 1 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, we journey through the core teachings of the Catholic Church with the goal of knowing the Faith. Join Dr. Edward Sri and his team of experts as they systematically walk through the story of salvation, traced out by the Catechism. Using the Creed as our guide, we move from creation and the fall, to Christ’s redemptive D... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.24 based on 33 ratings
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Esta Guía inclusiva le ayuda a cualquier católico fiel a que conduzca un estudio eficaz de la Parte I de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada, ya sea en casa o en la parroquia. Llevando paso a paso a los líderes a través de cada sesión de Symbolon, esta guía equipa a los líderes a dar el programa con confianza y claridad. La guía proporciona las oraciones al inicio y al final, las pregunta... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 149.95 Sale Price: 119.96  Este Paquete para Líder incluye todo lo que un líder necesitaría para presentar la Parte I de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada a un grupo. Este paquete incluye los diez episodios de la Parte I en cinco DVDs, una Guía del Líder para cada sesión, y una Guía del Participante. Clic... [More]

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This guide for Part 1 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained is the key for helping participants apply what they learn about their faith to their daily lives.    Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Full-color sacred art draws people into the beauty of the Catholic Faith. Quotes from Scripture, the saints and recent popes deepen their understanding of the Church’s teachin... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.17 based on 6 ratings
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Esta Guía para la Parte I de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada es la herramienta para ayudar a los participantes a que apliquen lo que han aprendido acerca de su fe en sus vidas diarias. El arte sagrado a todo color introduce a las personas hacia la belleza de la fe Católica. Las citas de las Sagradas Escrituras, de los santos y de los Papas recientes profundizan su entendimiento de las ense... [More]

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Sobrecarga tu experiencia de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada con este paquete especial que incluye el paquete en caja de DVDs de la Parte I (10 episodios en 5 DVDs) y la correspondiente Guía del Participante. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Dr. Edward Sri leads over 25 of the nation’s top experts to clearly and comprehensively explai... [More]

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This comprehensive guide makes it easy for any faithful Catholic to lead an effective study of Part 2 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, whether at home or in the parish.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Walking leaders step-by-step through each Symbolon session, this guide equips leaders to facilitate with confidence and clarity. The Leader Guide provides opening and... [More]

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Esta Guía inclusiva le ayuda a cualquier católico fiel a que conduzca un estudio eficaz de la Parte II de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada, ya sea en casa o en la parroquia. Llevando paso a paso a los líderes a través de cada sesión de Symbolon, esta Guía equipa a los líderes a dar el programa con confianza y claridad. La guía proporciona las oraciones al inicio y al final, las pregunt... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 149.95 Sale Price: 119.96 Este Paquete para Líder incluye todo lo que un líder necesitaría para presentar la Parte II de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada a un grupo. Este paquete incluye los diez episodios de la Parte II en cinco DVDs, una Guía del Líder para cada sesión, y una Guía del Participante. Cli... [More]

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Esta guía para la Parte II de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada es la herramienta para ayudar a los participantes a que apliquen lo que han aprendido acerca de su fe en sus vidas diarias. El arte sagrado a todo color introduce a las personas hacia la belleza de la fe Católica. Las citas de las Sagradas Escrituras, de los santos y de los Papas recientes profundizan su entendimiento de las ense... [More]

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 Sobrecarga tu experiencia de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada con este paquete especial que incluye el paquete en caja de DVDs de la Parte II (10 episodios en 5 DVDs) y la correspondiente Guía del Participante. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Dr. Edward Sri leads over 25 of the nation’s top experts to clearly and comprehensively exp... [More]

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This six-episode series explores the lives of Saints Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas More, Francis de Sales, Philip Neri, Charles Borromeo, and Teresa of Avila. As True Reformers introduces you to these great saints, you’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity, as you discover how they spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestan... [More]

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Get the full experience of True Reformers with this Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. In True Reformers, Dr. Christopher Blum explores the lives of six saints who spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. You’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity... [More]

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This engaging and accessible Study Guide for True Reformers with Dr. Christopher Blum helps you better understand the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of the confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. This workbook, which features over 50 pages of powerful content, includes:    • introductions, prayers, and inspirational insights ... [More]

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How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? When we’re bombarded with messages of “Be tolerant!” “Don’t judge!” and “Coexist!” many good people feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore. This 8-part study program gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.13 based on 8 ratings
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How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? This 8-part study program gives us an important key to respond effectively to relativism—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty o... [More]

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How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? This 8-part study program gives us an important key to respond effectively to relativism—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty o... [More]

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How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? This 8-part study program gives us an important key to respond effectively to relativism—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty ... [More]

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 How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? This 8-part study program gives us an important key to respond effectively to relativism—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual povert... [More]

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Discover the Holy Spirit AnewThe Holy Spirit desires a relationship with us that will take us on the greatest adventure imaginable; a journey to the very heart of God. This book is meant to act as a journal for this adventure. In the first section of this journal, you will find a guide for The Wild Goose series. This guide will be a reference for discussion and reflection on the topics covered in ... [More]

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This comprehensive Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. 

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This Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. Please note: The book being studied, The One Thin... [More]

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This Participant Packet for Stage Two of the Hearts Afire Program is the ideal packet for those who would like to join a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study, and do not yet own the book The 'One Thing' Is Three. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into the Catholic Faith and the works of mercy. Click the image to the left to enlarge and ... [More]

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This Participant Packet for Stage Two of the Hearts Afire Program is the ideal packet for those who would like to join a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study, yet already have the book The 'One Thing' Is Three. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into the Catholic faith and the works of mercy.Click the image to the left to enlarge and see ... [More]

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Watch this series weekly as part of your small group study within Stage 2 of the Hearts Afire Program: Wisdom and Works of Mercy. This two-disc set includes ten sessions which accompany the lessons from the Wisdom and Works of Mercy Two-in-One Retreat Companion workbook. - Total run time: Approximately 350 minutes - Each retreat group needs one DVD set - Workbook not included Learn more about... [More]

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This pack includes 20 Confession cards that include the Examination of Conscience based on the 10 Commandments, the 7 Steps to Make a Good Confession based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Act of Contrition prayer. About You Are Forgiven Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time by revealing that God is indeed ... [More]

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This pack includes 20 prayer cards of each saint highlighted throughout the program. Featuring: • Saint Francis of Assisi (Session 1) • Saint Therese of Lisieux (Session 2) • Saint Jose Sanchez de Rio (Session 3) • Pope Saint John Paul II (Session 4) • Saint Teresa of Calcutta (Session 5) • Saint Dominic Savio (Session 6) • Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (Session 7) About You Are F... [More]

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View Sample Each session of this full color Student Activity Book includes sticker pages and engaging, lively activities including family take home pages in English and Spanish, word searches, songs, crossword puzzles, and flash cards. About You Are Forgiven Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time by revealing that God is ... [More]

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View Sample Each session of this full-color Student Guide includes a story from Scripture as well as a story of a saint relevant to the lesson, key word definitions, a fun activity, a story featuring fictional characters children can relate to, and a session recap. About You Are Forgiven Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first ... [More]

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These certificates are part of the series, Signs of Grace.This pack includes Certificates of Completion to personalize for each participant. About You Are Loved Signs of Grace: You Are Loved prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time by revealing the intimate love that God has for us. It is most effective when used with The Augustine Institute’s Presence:... [More]

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This pack includes 20 Mass prayer and response cards that walks through the whole Mass with all of the responses including gestures. About You Are Loved Signs of Grace: You Are Loved prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time by revealing the intimate love that God has for us. It is most effective when used with The Augustine Institute’s Presence: The Myst... [More]

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This pack includes 20 prayer cards of each saint highlighted throughout the program. Featuring: • Saint Catherine of Siena (Session 1) • Saint: Saint Clare of Assisi (Session 2) • Venerable Antonietta Meo (Session 3) • Saint Tarcisius (Session 4) • Saint Anthony of Padua (Session 5) • Saint Dominic Savio (Session 6) • Saint Justin Martyr (Session 7) • Saint Pius X (Sessio... [More]

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View Sample Each session of this full color Student Activity Book includes sticker pages and engaging, lively activities including family take home pages in English and Spanish, word searches, songs, crossword puzzles, and flash cards. About You Are Loved Signs of Grace: You Are Loved prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time by revealing the intimate love ... [More]

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Series SummaryThe new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Previously published titles in this series include what every Catholic should know about Literature, S... [More]

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Series SummaryThe new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Previously published titles in this series include what every Catholic should know about Literature, S... [More]

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If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recog... [More]

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If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recog... [More]

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Learn about everything from the Greek epics to Shakespeare’s plays to Tolkien’s famous trilogy. Visit Dante’s Italy, Cervantes’s Spain, Dostoevsky’s Russia, and Jane Austen’s England along the way. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, this book is an insightful introduction to the world’s rich depository of stories. It directs the reader back to The Story—the Story o... [More]

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Learn about everything from the Greek epics to Shakespeare’s plays to Tolkien’s famous trilogy. Visit Dante’s Italy, Cervantes’s Spain, Dostoevsky’s Russia, and Jane Austen’s England along the way. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, this book is an insightful introduction to the world’s rich depository of stories. It directs the reader back to The Story—the Story o... [More]

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In Mercy: What Every Catholic Should Know, Fr. Daniel Moloney covers a broad range of topics regarding mercy that are prevalent for our society today. Beginning from an unexpected perspective in the first half of the book, Fr. Moloney approaches mercy from a political point of view, explaining how mercy is in fact truly and intimately interwoven with politics and power. Through this lens, he touch... [More]

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In Mercy: What Every Catholic Should Know, Fr. Daniel Moloney covers a broad range of topics regarding mercy that are prevalent for our society today. Beginning from an unexpected perspective in the first half of the book, Fr. Moloney approaches mercy from a political point of view, explaining how mercy is in fact truly and intimately interwoven with politics and power. Through this lens, he touch... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvati... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvati... [More]

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Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture... [More]

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Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture... [More]

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Youth (54)
Talks that are specifically aimed at setting the young hearts of the Church on fire for Jesus Christ!

As a young man, the last thing Fr. Joshua Waltz ever thought he would be was a Catholic priest. But a series of choices—some bad and some good—ultimately led him to enter the seminary. In this talk, Fr. Waltz shares an incredible vocation story that involves heartbreak, robbers, Europe, and several miracles—all showing that there is nothing more exciting than a life lived for Jesus Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.63 based on 27 ratings
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More gripping than the pull of professional sports, the call to the priesthood reveals the great plans God has for those he has called. In this homily, Fr. Burke Masters tells the story of his journey through baseball, to Catholicism and eventually to the priesthood. In a bonus segment, Major League Baseball all-star Mike Sweeney discuss being the perfect teammate with examples from his time in t... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.20 based on 10 ratings
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THIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3.In this talk, given at the 2012 GLORY Conference presented by Mysterium, Jimmy Mitchell shares the transforming effects of Beauty on the human heart. Speaking to college students gathered from across the country, Jimmy reflects upon the innate desire to reach for and be embraced by the Creator of all that is Good, True, and Beautiful. Interested in bringing... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.44 based on 9 ratings
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Eric Mahl grew up in the small town of Monroeville, Ohio where he was a standout athlete. He earned a scholarship to play division one football at Kent State University and, in 2005, was signed by the Cleveland Browns. After leaving the NFL, he spent three years working in the world, where he continued his intensive focus on discerning his vocation. After this period of discernment, he sold or gav... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.35 based on 20 ratings
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Share Your Faith this Advent or Christmas: Easy evangelization and gift-giving to in your parish with this case of 40! Free Shipping! To guarantee Advent delivery, please order by Oct 31, 2020. Buy 3 or more cases and get each book for only $1.50 per copy! View Sample The Perry family's first Advent in Hope Springs is a mix of drama and comedy as Sam competes with her best friend to be in the Chri... [More]

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Share Your Faith this Advent or Christmas: Easy evangelization and gift-giving to in your parish with this case of 40! Free Shipping! To guarantee Advent delivery, please order by Oct 31, 2020. Buy 3 or more cases and get each book for only $1.50 per copy! View Sample The Perry family's first Advent in Hope Springs is a mix of drama and comedy as Sam competes with her best friend to be in the Chri... [More]

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Matt Fradd is a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist who speaks to over fifty thousand teens and young adults a year. Matt is a gifted evangelist whose talks are the perfect balance between intellectual depth presented in an understandable fashion and an entertaining style that keeps audiences engaged throughout. Through his passionate and entertaining story, Matt relays how God's ex... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.71 based on 14 ratings
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Born in 1901 in Turin, Italy into a family of wealth and status, Pier Giorgio enjoyed good friends, hiking and skiing, museums and music, and was involved in political action, He found that deep prayer, service to the poor, and a passion for bringing others to Christ led to a life of purpose, peace, and happiness. Pier Giorgio died at the age of 24 on July 4, 1925. He was beatified on May 20, 1... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 24 ratings
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Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading speakers to young people in the Church today. In this presentation, he explains how Christians truly become sons and daughters of God the Father for all eternity through the sacrament of Baptism.Following the presentation, Lighthouse Catholic Youth has provided a bonus segment from Fr. Mike that explains the topics of "Infant Baptism" and "No Salvation Outsid... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.81 based on 21 ratings
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In this incredible double feature, Mark Hart illuminates what it means seek sanctity in the 21st century. In the first presentation, Mark discusses unleashing the power of the Holy Spirit and becoming who we are meant to be: saints. In the second presentation, Mark talks about the dangers of putting human expectations on our supreme God. These two talks will be sure to jump start your spiritual li... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.54 based on 35 ratings
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Out of stock ETA: to be determined Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. In this presentation, Jason Evert discusses the strategies necessary to win the war and uproot the vice of pornography once and for all. Jason is an internationally known Catholic author and speaker. He has spoken to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen b... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 42 ratings
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“How do I know what God wants?” Knowing the will of God can be an intimidating topic for people of all ages. In this talk, Fr. Larry Richards, the founder of The Reason for Our Hope foundation, delves into the process of discernment. With personal stories, practical steps, and sound advice, Fr. Larry encourages all of us to dedicate ourselves to living the life that God has planned for us. It ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.56 based on 55 ratings
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DOCAT is "revealing the secret" to young people around the world.DOCAT helps young people to know and live Catholic Social Teaching. It's a great, practical follow up to YOUCAT, the hugely popular Youth Catechism, based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Drawing on Scripture, YOUCAT, the Catechism, and the Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching, DOCAT shows young people how to work towa... [More]

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Drama-free relationships...do they even exist? Today's dating scene is more complicated than ever, especially with social media, texting, and endless pressure of the world's expectations. Learn how to navigate through the confusion and discover the freedom that comes from living a virtuous life. Sarah Swafford is the founder of Emotional Virtue Ministries, and speaks to teens and young adults ab... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 10 ratings
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With over 15 years of experience, Ken Yasinski has quickly become one of Canada’s most sought after Catholic speakers. Through clever examples and insightful stories, Ken reveals how each of us can obtain freedom from the burden of our sins through the forgiveness that is readily available in the Sacrament of Confession.

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Average Rating: 3.50 based on 6 ratings
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Father Michael Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today. With compassion, clarity, and humor, he shows that the Church's teachings on contraception and same-sex attraction are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that is shared by all, who are made in the image and likeness of God.

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 77 ratings
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There’s a little bit about Mary in Scripture. We can glean a bit more from the Tradition of the Church. But where can we go to get the complete picture, to find out about the whole Mary? In an engaging style, Chris Padgett does just that as he walks us through what the Bible has to say about the Mother of God. What has she meant to the Church throughout the centuries, what have the saints told u... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.64 based on 11 ratings
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Believe it or not, we are all called to be leaders. In her typical vibrant and energetic style, Noelle Garcia here shows us how leadership is an important component for propagating the New Evangelization. Noelle shares her early experiences of dealing with insecurity, and how she came to better understand what it means to be a Christian leader. She shows that although we are all sinners, God has g... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.86 based on 7 ratings
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THIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. Dr. Scott Hahn addresses a group of young people about the depth and drama of the Church's highest prayer - The Holy Mass. Using rich theology and down-to-earth language, Dr. Hahn illuminates the context of the Last Supper through it's inseparable ties the events on Calvary: If the Crucifixion was more than just a Roman execution, then the Eucharist must... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.71 based on 21 ratings
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Recorded live at two of Life Teen's XLT events, Mark Hart and Matt Smith reveal the depth of God's infinite love for each of us, and challenge us to find out what happens when we abandon everything to Him.

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Average Rating: 4.19 based on 16 ratings
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Connor Flanagan is a musician and youth minister who has been actively involved in ministry for the last five years. Connor has spent the last several years traveling the country leading retreats and speaking at both youth conferences and parish events. In this presentation, Connor uses his own personal testimony to show how each one of us has what he calls a "God-Sized Hole" within our own hearts... [More]

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Average Rating: 2.82 based on 11 ratings
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Most people have only been told what they're not supposed to do while dating. In this powerful presentation, renowned chastity speaker Jason Evert shows us ten strategies for how to practice courtship without compromise. Tested through real-world experience and rooted in God's plan for the human heart, Jason's wise tips are sure to lead you to greater romantic happiness and fulfillment.

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Average Rating: 4.54 based on 39 ratings
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Fr. Michael Schmitz, a renown and beloved speaker and spiritual guide to the Young Church, discusses the all-important topic of God's existence. Armed with his usual repertoire of lively humor and sound philosophy, Fr. Mike reveals the incredible implications of the question which Christ asks all of us: "Who do YOU say that I Am?"

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 56 ratings
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THIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. Have you ever tried to read the Bible but didn’t really know how or where to start? In this talk, Mark Hart beautifully explains how to read, meditate on, and bring to life the Sacred Scriptures through a technique called, "Lectio Divina." Find out how this form of prayer can help you enter into a deeper and more prayerful experience with the Lord.

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Click Here for a PDF of Selections from Letter to the Youth, by Pope John Paul IIPope John Paul II's papacy is marked by the ways he engaged with and was loved by the youth. Scores of young people were drawn to him from around the world by a magnetism that continues even today, in his sainthood. In his letter to the youth of the world, John Paul offers young people his encouragement to respond to... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.67 based on 3 ratings
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Patrick Lencioni is the founder of The Table Group and the author of 10 books which have sold over 4 million copies and been translated into more than 25 languages. Additionally, The Wall Street Journal called him one of the most sought after business speakers in America. In this talk given at the FOCUS National Conference, Patrick provides a hopeful yet cautionary lesson about the dangers of livi... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.23 based on 13 ratings
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With so much technology at our fingertips, it's tough not to get swept away in all the noise and clutter. In our society there's often a tendency to live passively by simply "going with the flow." In this talk given at a FOCUS national conference, Fr. Mike Schmitz explains how we need to live an intentionally Christian life within a technological age. 

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Average Rating: 4.27 based on 11 ratings
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In this presentation, Matthew Leonard focuses on the new idea of love proclaimed by Christ and how it gives meaning to human suffering, penance, and ultimately death. Sounds a bit dark, doesn't it? But it's not! By looking at these issues we'll discover the secret to how we can "Rejoice in the Lord always" just like St. Paul, no matter what happens.

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Average Rating: 4.36 based on 22 ratings
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Scare tactics, guilt trips, and the climbing teen pregnancy rates don't really inspire anyone to love. In this presentation from Jason and Crystalina Evert, you'll discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity.

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 15 ratings
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"Leah Darrow's testimony is a powerful example of God's mercy at work." -Jason Evert, founder of Chastity Project"Leah Darrow has a true gift for sharing a Christ-Centered vision that is relevant, compelling, and engaging." - Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUSLeah Darrow was a fashion model in New York City and a reality TV contestant on America's Next Top Model. She now trav... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.08 based on 24 ratings
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In today's culture we're constantly bombarded with a secular notion of love and intimacy, instead of the kind of love that God intended for his children. In this presentation, Dr. Edward Sri explains how Saint John Paul II teachings of the Theology of the Body can help us prepare for our future marriage, by showing us how to live as selfless, authentic men and women.

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Average Rating: 4.90 based on 10 ratings
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Chris Stefanick discusses chastity beyond the usual fear tactics and "just say no's." Instead we are offered something to say "Yes" to: health, happiness, authentic relationships, and the love we were made for. Everything else is just an imitation.

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Average Rating: 4.74 based on 19 ratings
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A young Catholic who spent his short life caring for the sick and infirm. A handsome and active young man from an influential family in Turin who dedicated his short life to the care of the poor and the sick and working for social and political reforms. Pier Giorgio Frassati’s generosity was legendary. He often gave the clothes he was wearing to poor people he met who were in need. An open anti-... [More]

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In a talk that was given to a group of women at the FOCUS national conference, Lisa Cotter debunks the myths of modern day stereotypical womanhood. Using insights from the late Pope John Paul the second and the heroic example of modern-day saints, Lisa gets to the truth about what it means to be an authentic woman.

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Average Rating: 3.78 based on 9 ratings
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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI considered Moral Relativism to be the most dangerous dictatorship existing in the world today. in this presentation, Chris Stefanick debunks the powerful and epidemic myth of relativism with honesty, relevance, humor, and logical validity, offering a much-needed perspective on the current status quo of morality. "If you only listen to one CD this year, listen to 'Relat... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.45 based on 44 ratings
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When people decide to follow Christ, they often experience conversion. In fact many of the saints refer to continuous conversion throughout their lives. In this talk, Mark Hart tells the story of his conversion and encourages us to be made new in Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.87 based on 15 ratings
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THIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. "And the Word became Flesh, and dwelt among us." At times, we can overlook the real drama of this Truth. In this talk, Brian Kissinger shares the enormous implications of the Incarnation on our lives, and the life we are called to in response to God's most "scandalous" act.

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Pier Giorgio nació en una familia influyente y rica de Turín, Italia en el año 1901. Vivía rodeado de amigos, excursiones, viajes, museos, música y fuertemente involucrado en la política local. Hasta que descubrió que la vida de profunda oración, el servicio a los pobres y el llevar a los demás a una relación con Cristo, le daba a su vida un verdadero sentido, paz y felicidad. Murió a l... [More]

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“El testimonio de Leah Darrow es un poderoso ejemplo de la misericordia de Dios.” -Jason Evert, fundador de Chastity Project “Leah Darrow tiene un verdadero don para compartir una visión del mundo centrada en Cristo que es relevante, convincente y atractiva” -Curtis Martin, fundador de FOCUS Leah Darrow era modelo en Nueva York y concursó en el programa America’s Next Top Model. ... [More]

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Él era un rostro reconocido en el Este de Londres. Su ropa era confeccionada a la medida para que pudiera llevar su machete y sus armas. Sus negocios con las drogas lo hicieron millonario. Sin embargo, algo extraordinario sucedió . . . John Pridmore ha compartido su testimonio de conversión en las Jornadas Mundiales de la Juventud y en EWTN. Su historia sobre el poder transformador de Cristo... [More]

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Chris Stefanick es un reconocido autor y conferencista internacional, dedicado a inspirar a las personas a vivir una fe viva y contagiosa. En esta charla, aborda el tema del Relativismo con honestidad, validez lógica y con el humor que lo caracteriza. Ofreciéndonos con esto una perspectiva del estatus de la moralidad actual. Definitivamente es un tema importante y polémico, incluso el Papa Bene... [More]

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Though St. Philomena lived approximately 1700 years ago and was only discovered in the catacombs of Rome in the early 1800's, her faithful witness as a young virgin who was martyred for her purity and for her fidelity to Christ speaks powerfully to our culture, and especially to young people. Commonly referred to as a "wonder worker", she has the distinction of being the only saint canonized sole... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 41 ratings
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THIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. Fr. Damian Ference, popular Catholic writer, speaker, and professor at Borromeo College Seminary in Cleveland, shares his insights into the mystery of suffering. With moving personal stories and inspiring conviction, Fr. Damian reveals the depth of divine love as shown by his willingness to embrace the very human experience of suffering.

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Average Rating: 4.33 based on 6 ratings
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THIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. Paul George speaks about the radical example of surrender that we find in the Blessed Mother. With deeply moving stories and authentic personal witness, Paul leads the way to a new outpouring of grace in our spiritual lives through a heartfelt devotion to Mary.

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What is the meaning of life? Fr. Larry Richards tackles life's biggest question with straightforward, timeless, and often jolting answers. In this one-of-a-kind, life-affirming reality check, he unlocks the mysteries of our existence and opens our hearts and souls to the meaning of life. The Truth will give you concrete answers on how to live.

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 55 ratings
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Sister Raffaella Cavallin, a consecrated lay-person with the Apostles of the Interior Life, shares her inspiring spiritual journey. At the height of her professional soccer career, while attending a parish mission, she discovered that the ultimate goal in life is to become a saint. Sister Raffaella’s story illustrates how holiness and happiness go hand in hand, and that through prayer, the Sacra... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.95 based on 19 ratings
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THIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. Mary Bielski, a uniquely sincere and relevant witness, shares the truth of our identity grounded in God. With personal testimony and authentic vigor, Mary explains how radically our stories can change when we are introduced to the Person of Jesus Christ.

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Andrew Perry likes history, but he never expected to experience it firsthand. But that’s what happens when he meets the unusual Eve Virtue, a direct descendant of the explorer and entrepreneur Alfred Virtue. Eve has uncovered Alfred Virtue’s greatest secret: the mysterious Radiant Stone. Before Andrew knows it, the two of them are in twelfth-century England, caught up in the adventures of the ... [More]

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It is through the Sacrament of Confirmation that a Catholic is fully initiated into the Church. Why then do so many newly confirmed Catholics never come back? In this talk, Fr. Mike Schmitz addresses this concerning trend in the Catholic Church with honesty, energy, and humor. Focusing on the true nature of Confirmation, Fr. Mike challenges ALL Catholics to see this sacrament not as a "graduation"... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.65 based on 34 ratings
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In this talk delivered to a group of college-aged men at the 2011 FOCUS Conference, nationally sought-after speaker Lisa Cotter addresses an important but often overlooked topic — emotional purity. Using Taylor Swift lyrics to emphasize her point, Lisa proposes that emotional purity is essential for authentic love to flourish in any romantic relationship. This talk is perfect for every young ad... [More]

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The internationally best-selling book, YOUCAT - The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, explained to young people the meaning of their faith in language, style and design that has appealed greatly to them. Now YOUCAT - The Youth Prayer Book, helps them to live their faith and deepen their spiritual lives.Pages: 176Book Dimensions: 5" x 8"

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The newest title in the internationally best-selling "YOUCAT" series for youth and young adults, this outstanding Bible features the creative elements of the best-selling YOUCAT youth catechism and the DOCAT social teaching handbook. It's filled with engaging photos, clever and fun illustrations by YOUCAT's award-winning designer, insightful sidebar quotes from great thinkers, Catholic saints and... [More]

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YOUCAT is short for "Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church," which was launched on World Youth Day, 2011. Developed with the help of young Catholics and written for high-school age people and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. The appealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary, summary definitions of key ... [More]

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Click here to read a sample of the book. Peter Kreeft uses Scripture to provide God’s profound answers to the most common and important questions young people ask about the deeper meaning of life, their own identities, overcoming failure and temptation, the mystery of God’s love, and much more. But these are questions asked not just by the young—they are the same questions adults often... [More]

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